Part of Your World

By FutureDiaryAyano

16.7K 594 186

Male! Ariel [1989] Book 12 " I've never seen a human this close before. " Once he sees a girl on a ship, Ariu... More

Mysterious Fathoms
Children of Triton
Under the Sea
Poor Unfortunate Souls
Les Poisson
Kiss Him, Girl
Poor Thing

That World

1.4K 60 36
By FutureDiaryAyano

"I just don't know what we're going to do with you, young man."

"Dad, I'm sorry. I just forgot."

Y/n and Flounder glanced at each other, then back at Arius getting chewed out.

"As a result of your careless behavior -"

Sebastian poked out from behind King Triton's crown. "Careless and reckless behavior!"

"The entire concert was, er..."

"Well, it was ruined! 'Dat's all! Come-pletely dee-st-roa-yed" the crab cried, coming out of the king's beard and swimming in front of Arius. " 'Dis was to be 'de pee-nni-cle of my di-stin-guished career...NOW T'ANKS TO YOU I AM 'DE LAUGHING STOCK OF 'DE ENTIRE KINGDOM!"

Y/n swan in front of his face, yelling, "Hey, cool it, Mr. Krabs, it wasn't his fault!" Seeing Triton looking at her, she realized she now had to explain. "Okay, okay, hear me out. It was my fault. Okay. I asked him to go out. Chasing sharks, hanging out in sunken ships, chit-chatin' with a seagull..."

"Seagull? What?" Triton asked, alarmed, rising from his throne.

"I...oh, damn..."

Arius pulled her arm back, trying to get between them in case he got angry at the mermaid.

"Oh! You went up to the surface again, didn't you?! Didn't you?!"

Not wanting to lie, he said slowly, "Nothing...happened."

He put his hand to his forehead, getting flashbacks.


"Athena!" Younger Triton cried, reaching out to his wife as she swam upward to retrieve her gifted music box from pirates while their daughters and son swan quickly back to the palace.

She grabbed it, but looked up, horrified, when she realized the ship was about to crush her, puahing her into a large pile of rocks, crushing her.



Under the bright, blue endless sky...


"Oh, Arius, how many times must we go through this? You could've been seen by one of those barbarians; by one of those...humans!"

"Dad, they're not barbarians!" he argued, not noticing Y/n giving him the stink-eye.

"They're dangerous!" He cupped his chin, lifting his face up. "Do you think I want to see my only son snared by some fish-eater's hook?!"

Arius backed out of his father's grasp, shaking his head. "I'm sixteen years old! I'm not a child!"

"Don't you take that tone of voice with me, young man!" Triton yelled, pointing accusingly at him, Y/n backing up.

"Well -"

"As long as you live under my ocean, you'll obey my rules!"

Groaning, he shouted, "If you would just listen -!"

But Triton turned around, too angry to let him speak. "Not another word! And I am never, never to hear of you going to the surface again! Is that CLEAR?!"

Arius opened his mouth to yell back again, but closed it. Lips quivering, he exhaled shapely and swam away, Y/n swimming after him with Flounder close behind.

Triton sighed grumpily, sitting back on his throne with his cheek resting in his hand. Sebastian, next to him, let out a hmm noise. "Teenagas. 'Dey t'ink 'dey know everyt'ing. You give 'dem an inch, 'dey swim all over 'de place."

Triton looked up at him, more guilty now that the sudden anger had passed. "Do you, uh, think I was too hard on him?"

"Definitely not! Why, if A-rius was my son, I'd show him who is boss! None of 'dis 'flitting to 'de surface' -" He swam up and let himself float for a moment. "- and other such nonsense. No, sir, I'd keep him under tight control."

Rubbing his chin, Triton got an idea. "You're absolutely right, Sebastian."

"Of. Course."

"Arius needs constant supervision."


"Someone to watch over him, to keep him out of trouble."

"All 'de time."

"And you -" Triton poked him in the stomach. "- are just the crab to do it!"

His eyes went wide, but he silently sulked away, regretting what he had said. He mumbled to himself as he crawled through the palace's halls. "How do I get myself into 'dees situations? I should be writing symphonies. Not tagging along after some headstrong teenaga."

He followed Arius, staying out of his sight, who was sneaking off with Y/n and Flounder.

"Hmm? What is 'dat boy up to?"

He rushed to keep up with them, only stopping to rest when Arius seemed to hesitate. Panting, he kept his eye on him as he moved a rock, looked around to check, and swam behind it. Sebastian swan after him, getting his foot stuck in it. He pulled himself though, tumbling down, knocking into an hourglass. He rubbed his head and gasped when he looked around at all the things in this grotto, Arius in the middle of it, the dinglehopper in his hand and him looking sadly at it. Y/n was practically lying on him, trying to hug him from behind.

"Arius, are you okay?" Flounder asked while Sebastian tried not to scream.

"I just don't see things the way he does. I just don't see how a world that makes such wonderful things...could be bad." He sat up, Y/n sliding off of him.

Look at this stuff
Isn't it neat?
Wouldn't you think my collection's complete?

He put the dinglehopper in the middle of a candleholder with a spoon and a knife already on it.

Wouldn't you think I'm the boy,
The boy who has everything?

Look at this trove
Treasures untold
How many wonders can one cavern hold?
Lookin' around here, you think,

" 'Sure.' "

'He's got everything'

He swam up to his trinkets dangling from a higher rock.

I've got gadgets and gizmos a-plenty
I've got whozits and whatzits galore

Sebastian watched him through a pair of glasses, his eyes enlarging, as he brought over a box of knickknacks to Flounder and Y/n. "You want thingamabobs? I've got twenty."

He sighed as he closed the box, putting it off to the side and lying down.

But who cares?
No big deal
I want more...

I wanna be where the people are
I wanna see, wanna see 'em dancin'

He twirled two people on a music box.

Walkin' around on those...

"Whaddya call 'em? Oh. Feet." He grabbed each corner of Flounder's tailfin, tickling him. Y/n smiled, biting back what she had wanted to tell him for so long.

Flippin' your fins, you don't get too far
Legs are required for jumpin', dancin'

He took Y/n's hands and swam around with her. Still gripping her hand, they swam straight ahead.

Strollin' along down a...

"What's that word again?"


He let go and swam up his grotto.

Up where they walk
Up where they run
Up where they stay all day in the sun

He slowly spun around, his bangs floating along with him.

Wanderin' free
Wish I could be
Part of that world

What would I give
If I could live out of these waters?

Sebastian continued to look around crossly. He turned to an object that reflected, making his face look giant. Screeching, he fell back into a small pot.

Arius let himself float onto the sand next to Y/n, where Flounder dug himself a spot underneath. Y/n put a hand on between his shoulder and breast.

What would I pay
To spend a day warm on the sand?

He sat up on his side, his head in his hand.

Betcha on land
They understand
Bet they don't
Reprimanded their offspring,
Men or women
Sick of swimmin'
Ready to stand!

He twirled backward, swimming back up to a book that he had, looking through it while Sebastian rolled down in the pot, still in shock.

I'm ready to know what the people know
Ask 'em my questions and get some answers

He swam over to a painting, touching it slightly.

What's a fire and why does it -
What's the word?
- burn?

Higher he swam, reaching for the small hole at the top of his grotto.

When's it my turn?
Wouldn't I love,
Love to explore that shore up above?

At the last moment, he took his hand away and swam back down.

Out of the sea...
Wish I...could be...

Flounder and Y/n looked at each other sadly, then back at the merman.

Part of

Sitting on his rock, Arius looked up at where he could reach the surface, Y/n also looking up with one of her hands on his shoulder.

Startled, she jumped at the sound of a crash, finding a small sea crab tumbling over a jack-in-the-box. He grabbed for a tablecloth, dragging it and other bits of treasures with it. "Sebastian!"

Frightened, Flounder hid in a knight's helmet.

He spat out a pipe. "A-rius! What are you, mad? How could you - ah!" He kicked off things, still covered in beads. "What is all 'dis?!"

"It's, uh...just my...collection," he tried to explain, trying not to show his fear that he would tell his father.

"Oh. I see. Your collection, hmm..." Sebastian replied calmly, holding up a fishhook. "IF YOUR FA'DER KNEW ABOUT 'DIS PLACE -" he screamed, ripping the rest of the stuff off.

Flounder touched their noses together, demanding, "You're not gonna tell him, are you?!"

Y/n glared at him. "Who's up for crab cakes tonight?"

Arius, though, took a more innocent approach, begging, "Oh, please, Sebastian. He would never understand."

Calmly, he gently spoke, "A-rius. You're under a lot of pressure down here. Come with me, I'll take you home and get you something warm to... "

He tried to lead him away, but when he glanced up, he noticed something covering the hole above. "What do you suppose...?" he trailed off, swimming up.

"A-rius? A-rius!"

"Arius?" Y/n swam up after him, her head bobbing above the surface. Are saw a large ship ahead, setting off fireworks. "Oh, no..." she mumbled to herself, gently pressing her head against her forehead. Erica's birthday.

Sebastian came up next. "A-rius, what - what are you..." He literally jumped when he saw the fireworks, exclaiming, "Jumpin' jellyfish!"

Giggling, Arius leaped after it.

"A-rius! Wait! Come back!" Sebastian called.

Y/n went back under and swam after him, following the lights. When she got there, Arius was already sitting up there, watching the crew dance. Y/n began to pull herself up, keeping her fins in the water.

A dog danced with the crew until he suddenly began sniffing the ground, coming closer to Arius. He tried to hide, but when he glanced back, the sheepdog was grinning at him and licked the side of his face. Seeing Y/n, he barked happily, Y/n putting a finger to her lips.

A whistle came, followed by, "Max! Come here, boy!"

The dog ran away, Arius, touching where he had licked, watching after as he jumped at a girl's feet. "Hey, c'mon, Whatcha doing, huh, Max? Good boy. Good boy." She smiled down at her dog, her eyes shining a pretty light blue, dimples appearing in her cheeks. Arius felt his mouth drop when he saw her...and her legs.

"I can't see, what's happening?" Y/n asked. But Arius was still leaning in, watching the human girl. "Arius?"

Before he could answer, Scuttle came flapping over, calling, "Hey, there, buddy! Quite a show, eh?"

Arius swatted at him. "Scuttle, be quite. They'll hear you."

"Oh, I gotcha, I gotcha." He hid under the deck with him. "We're being intrepidatious...WE'RE OUT TO DISCOVER!"

Arius put his hands over his beak. Looking back over at the girl, now playing a flute for her dog, he whispered, "I've never seen a human this close before. Oh, she's very pretty, isn't she?"

"Who?" Y/n asked, trying to look.

Scuttle looked over at Max, confused. "I dunno, she looks kinda hairy and slobbery to me."

"Not that one," he chuckled, sighing again when he saw her. "The one playing the snarfblat."

The butler onboard held out his hands, calling, "Silence, silence! It is now my honor and privilege to present our esteemed Princess Erica with a very special - very expensive - very large birthday present." He gestured at something covered under a statue.

"Ah, Grimsby." She slapped him on the back, smirking. "Y'old beanpole, you shouldn't have."

Deadpanned, he said, "I know. Happy birthday, Erica."

The cover was removed, revealing a large, gaudy statue of Erica with a sword pointed outward, Y/n with her arms around her waist like some damsel.

Erica cocked an eyebrow. Ignoring Max's growl, she tried, "Gee, Grim. It's,'s,'s really somethin'."

"Yes, I commissioned it myself." Looking her down, he added, "Of course, I had hoped it would be a wedding present, but..."

"Oh, come on, Grim, don't start." She took a telescope from him, climbing to the deck of the ship. "Look, you're not still sore I didn't fall for the Prince of Glauerhaven, are you?" She looked through the telescope, as it looking for something or someone, then threw it back at noon, Grimsby fumbling for it.

"Oh, Erica, it isn't me alone. The entire kingdom wants to see you and Y/n happily settled down with the right men."

Y/n almost choked, but noticed Arius had not noticed. Instead, he was sitting right underneath her foster sister, looking up at her, lovestruck. She felt her heart drop, but it hurt less than if he fell for some random girl.

"Oh, he's out there somewhere, Grim. I just...I just haven't found him yet..."

Arius smiled to himself, still looking up at Erica.

"Who knows. Maybe that's where Y/n ran off to..." Her smile fell as she looked out. "I just...kinda wish she did this on another day..."

Great. Now the feeling of heartbreak was mixed with guilt.

"Well, perhaps neither of you have been looking hard enough," Grimsby mumbled.

Regaining her usual determination, Erica announced, "Believe me, Grim. When I find him, I'll know, without a doubt. It'll just - bam! hit thunder."

Speaking of...

Thunder boomed as it began to pour, soaking the deck.

"Hurricane a-comin'! Stand fast! Secure the rigging!"

Erica ran to help the rest of the crew with the ropes.

Out of sight still, Scuttle held onto a rope, fighting against the wind. "Whoa! The wind's all of a sudden on the move here. Oh!" The wind literally carried him off. "Arius! Y/n!"

"Arius, help me up, quick!" she urged.

He looked at her, confused, then shook his head. "No," he said, diving back into the water.

"No, I - I need..." She looked up, searching for Erica. "Arius, I'm so sorry, but I have to." She grabbed onto the side, Arius grabbing her waist by instinct, trying to pull her back in. He jerked her in, both of them falling under the water. As they rose back up, a fire broke onto the ship.

Erica looked up from the ropes and cried, "Look out!"

The side of the ship rammed into a pile of rocks, throwing everyone off, including the statue.

"Hang on, Grim!" Erica picked him up and pulled him onto the lifeboat.

Y/n was content with Erica being safe and easy to swim away, until she heard barking. Looking onto the ship, she saw her dog, panicking.

"Max!" she heard Erica cry. She jumped back into the water and swam for the boat. She was quickly dried by the flames as she ran for the sheep dog, most of the burning ship almost landing on her.

Finding him, she held out her arms. "Jump, Max! Come on, boy, jump! You can do it, Max!"

He jumped over the flames into Erica's arms, who ran across the deck. Her foot caught in a plank as it broke from her sudden weight and Max went flying from her arms into the ocean. He swam to the lifeboat, where Grimsby helped him in. But, the dog being safe, he turned his attention back to the ship. "Erica!"

The flames hit a barrel of gunpowder, exploding, setting more flames to the ship and knocking Erica out cold.

Y/n swam to the ship, Arius following her, yelling at her to come back. She looked around, finding Erica on a plank that had fallen in. She slipped off and fell under, Y/n not far behind. She grabbed onto her waist, trying to pull him up. She felt as if there was a pull on Erica, making it easier for her to bring her foster sister up. Long up, she raised it was Arius, who had grabbed her shoulders and pulled her up to the surface.

The princess now safe, Y/n led them to where she knew the palace would be, swimming around the lifeboat.


Y/n sat beside Y/n, who was hovered over Erica, her tail now legs. He stared at them, figuring it was best to ask after they were sure she was okay.

"Is she...dead?" she asked thickly to Scuttle.

"It's hard to say," he responded sadly. He grabbed her foot to her ear and, shaking his head, put it down. "Oh, I...I can't make out a heartbeat..."

Arius bent over, relief washing over him. "No, look! She's breathing! She's so...beautiful...and..." He looked at Y/n, gently touching her thigh. "So are you."

What would I give you live where you are?

He grabbed her hand, bittersweetness in his eyes at this new realization.

What would I pay to stay here beside you?
What would I do to see you smiling at me?

Sebastian, out of breath, climbed into a rock from the ocean, exhausted.

Arius rubbed his thumb over the top of Y/n's hand.

Where would we walk?

Seeing Y/n with legs, his mouth dropped open.

Where would we run?

Scuttle picked up his jaw for him, smiling knowingly at Arius and Y/n.

If we could stay all day in the sun

The sun broke through the clouds and Erica began to open her eyes, hearing the voice. Noticing, Y/n put her hand on her cheek.

You, her, and me
And I could be

He looked down at Erica, checking out her recovery when he saw Y/n looking at her.

Part of your world

Hearing Max bark, Arius looked over, understanding that there would be a human, as well.

"See you later," Y/n said, giving him a little push towards the water.

He jumped in just as Erica sat up, Max running over to lick her face and then tackle Y/n in relief. Seeing Grimsby come over and seeing she was only wearing a bikini, she covered herself up more.

"Erica! Oh, Erica. You really delight in the sadistic strains on my blood pressure, don't you? Oh, Y/n!" He went from helping Erica to grabbing the other princess with a free hand. "Thank heavens, we were all so worried you were still on that ship!"

"A boy..." Erica suddenly said, standing. "...rescued me."

"Sis, sit down." Y/n tried to grab her, but she pulled away.

"He was...singing." Looking up longingly, she added, "He had the most beautiful voice."

Grimsby helped support one of her arms and Y/n the other. "Now, Erica, I think you swallowed a bit too much seawater. Off we go."

"Come on, Max," Y/n called over her shoulder. She glanced up as the dog came barking over at her feet, seeing Arius behind a rock. She gave him one more smile, then turned around again.


Sebastian, meanwhile, was still panicking to Flounder. "We just gotta fo'get 'dis whole t'ing ever happened. 'De Sea King will never know. You won't tell him -" He flopped over to look at Flounder. "- I won't tell him. I will stay. In one. Piece."


Arius had found his way onto the rock, the wind blowing his hair around.

I don't know when...
I don't know how...
But I know something starting right now
Watch and you'll see
Someday I'll be
Part of your world!

He pushed up on the rock, a giant wave splashing behind him.


Arius still watched Y/n go as the sea witch watched. "Oh, no, no, no! It's too easy!" she cackled. "The child is in love with a human! And not just any human. A half-breed princess! Oh, Daddy will love that."

Controlling herself, she continued, "King Triton's headstrong, lovesick son would make a charming addition to my little garden..."

As she let out an evil laugh, shriveled up creatures trembled in fear.

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