The Heart Thief

By forevertoofar

273K 12.7K 1.4K

Millie Jenson is heading to 32 and she is still single. Her life lacks excitement and love. The love she's be... More

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5.8K 330 42
By forevertoofar



           The day of the presentation arrived, which fired up my nerves. I could feel the nerves mingling with excitement as I prepared myself mentally for the challenge ahead. I hadn't seen Alex yet, but I knew he was here. Not seeing him made me wonder what he could be doing, but it didn't matter. I needed to focus my attention on the presentation that I worked my ass off on, and not even Roman knew about the contents. We made a pact that we'd not discuss the competition so I wouldn't feel like I was cheating and he wouldn't act unfairly.

           I was making my way to the conference room to make sure everything was set up when a hand gently touched my arm, pulling me around a corner and away from prying eyes. I was pressed against the wall but was immediately relieved to see Roman.

           His voice, velvety and quiet, broke the silence. "Morning."

           I grinned. "Morning. What are you doing here?"

           "I want to wish you good luck."

           My heart fluttered at his words, and an electric current seemed to surge between us, enveloping the corner in a cloak of intensity. Our eyes remained locked. My gaze involuntarily traced the contours of Roman's lips, the temptation to bridge the distance between us almost unbearable. But the unspoken rule, the invisible barrier that kept our desires at bay, held me captive.

           With a tender smile, Roman inched closer, his hand brushing against my cheek as he tucked a stray strand of hair behind my ear. The simple gesture sent a jolt of electricity down my spine, igniting a cascade of emotions within me.

           "I believe in you, Millie," he whispered, his voice a velvet caress. "Go out there and show them what you're capable of. I'll be rooting for you."

           I nodded, my voice caught in my throat. The electricity between us was palpable, but we both knew that now was not the time nor place for further exploration. With a lingering gaze, I mustered a grateful smile.

           "Thank you."

           Soft lips pressed against my cheek before I realized what was happening. When my breath caught, Roman had already slipped away, leaving me with a hammering heart. I touched where he had kissed me, feeling the print he left there; it tingled, like a brush of a feather across my cheek. Then I touched my lips, imagining what his would feel like against mine. Would it feel like a brush of feathers or a stamp of burning coal? Absently, I turned around and pressed my back against the wall.

           I glanced at my watch, realizing that the presentation would start in just a few short minutes. I took a deep breath, calming my racing heart, and reminded myself of the hours of preparation I had dedicated to my hotel concept. I couldn't let myself down.

           As I made my way to the conference room, I couldn't help but notice the confident aura surrounding Alex. He exuded an air of self-assurance, exchanging last-minute words with our coworkers, his eyes determined. I looked away and continued walking.

           The conference room was filled with anticipation as everyone took their seats at the front. I found my place among the other applicants, each waiting for their turn to showcase their hotel concepts. Roman was the last person to enter the room, but he didn't make eye contact when he settled in his seat. It was understandable. We were not trying to alert everyone of our relationship, and I didn't look at him anymore.

           The first applicant took the stage, delivering a compelling pitch that set the bar high. Three more took turns before it was finally my turn. I took a deep breath, steadied myself, and confidently approached the podium. The room fell silent as all eyes turned to me. I began my presentation, articulating my market research findings, and illustrating the untapped potential in New Orleans' hospitality industry. I delved into my hotel concept, describing its unique features, eco-friendly initiatives, and personalized guest experiences.

           After I concluded my pitch, I felt a sense of satisfaction. Roman secretly gave me a thumbs up and I hid a smile. However, the room erupted with applause as Alex stepped forward with confidence and seized the attention of the room.

           Alex's presentation was a masterclass in persuasion. His commanding presence, combined with his in-depth market analysis and innovative hotel concept, left a lasting impression on everyone in the room. He effortlessly wove together a narrative that resonated with everyone, captivating them with his vision and the potential for unparalleled success. I couldn't even deny that his presentation was better than mine, and it was obvious he had won this round.

           The entire research team gathered around him as we returned to our desks, appearing as though they hadn't been the same who had been talking about him behind his back. A box of donuts landed on my desk, and I glanced at Kyle, who sheepishly smiled at me before hurriedly leaving. Was this his way of offering comfort? I couldn't help but snort at the thought.

           Opening the box, I couldn't help but salivate at the sight of the donuts. I picked one up to devour, but suddenly, something struck me. Leaning toward the desk next to me, where Linda sat, I asked, "Hey, have you seen Gavin this morning? Wasn't he supposed to present his pitch?"

           "You haven't heard? Apparently, he wasn't qualified to participate," she chuckled, briefly glancing away before returning to her work.

           Not qualified? Did Roman have something to do with it? I instinctively reached for my phone to text him, but then stopped myself. Roman and I had explicitly agreed not to discuss the competition, and if he decided to prevent Gavin from participating, I couldn't question him. I put the phone down, sighing, only to be startled by Alex's smiling face hovering above me.

           "Aren't you going to congratulate me?" he asked.

           I huffed. "The results haven't been announced yet."

           "But anyone could tell I won this round," he grinned, reaching down to grab my donut. Taking a large bite, he winked at me before disappearing to his own desk.

           During lunchtime, I slipped away to meet Roman at the rooftop, but he was nowhere to be found. I considered the possibility of him being late, but as time passed without any sign of him or a text message, I grew increasingly concerned. It was highly unusual for him, and my mind couldn't help but wonder. Shortly after, I received an email. Kirby's scream confirmed what I feared: Alex had won this round.

           The clock rolled around to five. Without wasting a moment, I bolted out of the office, rushing to the elevator that would take me down to the basement parking lot where Roman usually parked his car. Thankfully, as I arrived there, I spotted his car still in its place, with the engine running. Through the window, I could see him talking on his phone. Seizing the opportunity, I swiftly opened the car door and slipped inside before anyone had a chance to spot me.

           Inside the car, Roman glanced at me in surprise as I settled into the passenger seat. His eyebrows furrowed as he quickly wrapped up his phone call.

           "Hey," he greeted.

           I went straight to the point. "I've been looking for you," I replied, my voice rushed and filled with urgency. "You didn't show up at the rooftop, and I got worried when you didn't text. What happened?"

           Roman let out a heavy sigh, his grip on the steering wheel tightening. "I'm sorry. Something unexpected came up, and I couldn't make it. I should have called or texted, but it slipped my mind."

           It seemed impossible to believe that it had slipped his mind. "Okay, I'm glad nothing happened to you," I murmured, my voice tinged with skepticism.

           He glanced at me with an amused expression, briefly shifting his gaze to the window. "Aren't you worried that someone might see you getting into my car?" He adjusted himself in his seat and turned towards me. "Aren't you afraid of everyone finding out about our relationship?"

           I shrugged, trying to maintain a sense of nonchalance. "We've been taking risks like this countless times, and so far, no one has discovered our secret." Just as I finished speaking, voices reached my ears, and I instinctively turned my head to see four people approaching us. I gasped and immediately slid down in my seat, trying to make myself as inconspicuous as possible.

           Roman observed me with amusement. "What are you doing? Get up," he urged.

           I shook my head, my hand gesturing for him to stop. "No," I whispered softly, my fear palpable. "Are they coming this way? Start driving."

           "I can't," he replied calmly. "I'm waiting for Hope to retrieve something for me from my office."

           My eyes widened in disbelief. "What?" I whispered, the intensity in my voice rising. "Why didn't you tell me sooner?" I kicked myself internally for not being more cautious. If I had known that Hope would be back, I would never have gotten into the car. Frustration made me emit a stifled sound as I strained to stretch my neck to see if the coast was clear, but the four people from the office had stopped walking close to where the car was parked, making it impossible for me to leave unnoticed.

           When I saw someone drawing closer to the car, panic surged through me, and I instinctively lowered my head, gripping Roman's arm tightly. My face pressed against his arm. I could feel tremors reverberating through his body. His arm wrapped around my back, providing a comforting shield, and his touch sent waves of warmth that penetrated through my clothes, reaching deep into my skin.

           I felt Roman's arm encircle my back, drawing me closer, the air between us became charged with tension. Our bodies were intimately pressed together, and I could sense his breath mingling with mine, causing a flutter in my chest. It was as if the proximity had amplified the intensity, making it impossible to ignore the need that simmered beneath the surface.

           We remained in like that, silently acknowledging the gravity of our situation. The voices of the approaching people grew louder, their footsteps echoing in the parking lot. I held my breath, hoping that they would pass by without noticing us.

           With my forehead still pressed against his arm, I slowly lifted my head, my gaze meeting his. In that fleeting moment, our faces were mere inches apart. My heart raced, and my breath caught in my throat. I could feel the electricity pulsating between us, a pull that defied reason and restraint. A myriad of emotions flickered across Roman's face — desire, longing, and a hint of uncertainty. His hand that cupped my cheek trembled ever so slightly, mirroring the tremors coursing through my own body.

           I took a shaky breath, my lips parting involuntarily as if to speak, but no words came out. Our faces remained tantalizingly close. But then, with reluctance and resolve, I slowly leaned back, breaking the spell. The tension in the car lingered, its presence palpable. A soft, disappointed sigh escaped Roman's lips.

           I cleared my throat awkwardly. "Is it....even safe to go out now?"

           "Probably not," he answered, his voice a little different as if he was speaking for the first time in years. "Maybe stay a little longer."

           "Long enough for Hope to catch me?"

           He chuckled. "She won't say anything. I trust her."

           "I know you do, but I'm not comfortable." I cautiously glanced out of the car window once more. There was no one around. Without hesitating, I seized the moment while saying, "Bye!" I swiftly opened the door, my movements quick. The cool air kissed my face as I stepped out onto the pavement, my eyes darting around to ensure that we were truly alone. I closed the car door quietly, careful not to draw any attention.

           With a sense of urgency, I started walking briskly towards the exit, the sound of my own footsteps echoing in the space. I couldn't help but steal a glance back at the car, where Roman sat, watching me intently. Our eyes met for a few seconds. I offered him a small smile. Then, without looking back, I head back inside.


           I received an email for the next round of the competition, which was the problem-solving challenge. Now, I was really good at this. I was on the research team, so this was typically our area of expertise. For the next round, Alex and I were the only two people who qualified for this round, and we each had different problems to solve.

           For the first project, I was given a blueprint and a set of challenging specifications for a construction project. I had to analyze the requirements, budget constraints, and time frame, and come up with the most efficient and cost-effective plan. The second project, however, was a hypothetical situation where a high-end hotel I was managing encounters a major service disruption, such as a power outage or a security breach. I have to devise a contingency plan, ensuring the safety and comfort of the guests while minimizing financial losses and reputational damage.

           Alex was tasked with designing an innovative feature and improvement for the company's line of automobiles. He needed to identify a market need, conduct market research, analyze consumer trends, and propose a compelling and feasible solution. His next task was a farming operation that was facing various challenges such as unpredictable weather patterns, supply chain disruptions, and increasing production costs. His task was to devise strategies to optimize the farming process, maximize yield, reduce environmental impact, and ensure sustainable practices.

           We only had one week, so I didn't have time for anything or anyone. I practically buried myself with work, barely able to sleep for more than three hours and I was always early at work and the last to leave. Though Roman and I hadn't spoken in these days, we were still close enough to remember each other. He always manage to slip a note of encouragement on my desk, which baffled me because I had no idea how he does it. Sometimes, he'd send me a drink or lunch and the card would be empty, so everyone assumed I had a secret admirer. And sometimes, I'd accidentally forget to go home and sleep on my desk, and I'd wake up with a warm blanket and breakfast. Before the week ends, I was practically a zombie.

           Roman was absent for the next round of the presentation, and when I spoke with Hope afterward, she informed me that he hadn't come to work that day. She claimed he was out of town, but I knew Roman wouldn't leave without telling me first. Reluctantly, I returned to my desk, where Alex was waiting patiently, dressed in his Brioni suit and sporting an obnoxious smile.

           "Who died?" he asked as soon as he caught sight of my expression.

           Choosing to ignore him, I pulled my chair back and sank into it. Alex leaned over, practically thrusting his face into mine, maintaining eye contact. His cologne smelled pleasant, although I would rather face a lion than admit it to him.

           "Don't you have work to do?"

           "I do, but something tells me you don't like me."

           "And because you're chronically addicted to making people like you that it bothers you I don't?"

           "I like having a good reputation, Millie. Not liking me makes me feel like I have a problem, but I don't, so the problem is you. I've noticed you're not close with anyone or attempt to make nice with your coworkers. You're always in your little corner."

           "This is a workplace. We come here to work, not play around with people."

           "Really? If you hadn't told me, I wouldn't have known." He rolled his eyes, playing with his fingers.

           "What's wrong with you?" I demanded, attempting to nudge him away from my desk, but he remained unfazed.

           "It's my cat. I have to take her to the vet," he whispered, leaning closer once more. "I could use some support. Care to join me?"

           "Why would I do that? We're not friends."

           "We are friends, regardless of what you believe," he asserted, finally stepping away from the desk and straightening up, standing behind my chair. A moment later, I felt his breath graze my neck and ear, causing me to freeze. "Tomorrow? Shall I pick you up?"

           Just as I turned around to retort, "You don't even know where I live," he vanished. I sighed, watching him return to his desk before shaking my head and looking away. I wasn't going to waste my time on him.

           On my way to the printing room, Kirby stopped me. Her eyebrows were drawn together in annoyance and her bold, red lipstick was too bright to stay focused on her baby face. "What were you and Alex whispering about?" she demanded, twirling her two braids.

           "How does that concern you?" I threw back.

           "Alex's business is my business."

           I arched a brow. "Does he know that?"

           Kirby's face flushed with anger and surprise at my response. She seemed momentarily taken aback by my question, searching for a suitable comeback. Eventually, she composed herself and retorted, "Of course, he knows!"

           A smirk played at the corner of my lips as I observed her reaction. "Is that so?" I remarked. "Because from what I've seen, it seems like he doesn't share your feelings." With a dismissive wave of my hand, I continued on my way, leaving Kirby behind to ponder on that.

           After printing the papers that I needed, I returned to my desk and found Kirby throwing daggers at me from her desk, clutching her pen in hand as if she was going to break it. It was funny to watch.

           "Watch out for that one."

           I jumped, finding Kyle behind me with a mug wrapped around his fingers as he watched Kirby's glares.

           God, why does everyone keep showing up in front of me like this?

            "That one," he added. "bites."

           I looked back at Kirby, who was still watching me angrily. She hasn't looked away in five minutes and I was starting to get uncomfortable. Clearing my throat, I tried to ignore her and went back to my computer.

            Roman was still unreachable after I got off work. I had texted Isaac and he said he was going to call back, but I was still waiting. I walked to my car, scrolling through my phone in case Roman had texted. My notification was on, but it still didn't assure me I'd get his text.

           I reached the car and unlocked my doors, but before I could even settle into the driver's seat, the passenger door swung open, startling me. To my surprise, it was Alex who had barged into my car without a moment's hesitation.

           My initial shock transformed into annoyance and curiosity. "What the hell are you doing?" I exclaimed, struggling to find the right words.

           Alex flashed his trademark mischievous grin as he settled into the passenger seat. "Surprised to see me?" he quipped, clearly enjoying the bewildered expression on my face.

           I let out an exasperated sigh, trying to make sense of the situation. "How did you even know where my car was parked or which one was mine?"

           He shrugged casually, his eyes gleaming with amusement. "I have my ways," he replied cryptically, refusing to divulge any information.

           Although part of me wanted to be irritated by his intrusion, another part couldn't help but be intrigued by his audacity. Buckling up, I glanced at him and said, "Well, if you're going to invade my car, you better have a good reason for it."

           He leaned back in his seat, his grin widening. "It's a noble thing to give your fellow coworker a ride home."

           I raised an eyebrow, trying to regain my composure. "Oh, so now you need my help?" I replied. "I thought you were the one who had everything under control. Besides, don't you have a car?"

           "I didn't bring my car today. It broke down," he admitted, leaning back comfortably in the passenger seat.

           I couldn't help but let out an incredulous laugh. "You expect me to believe that? Why didn't you ask the others? I know Kirby would be happy to give you a ride home."

           "I'm terrified to be confined in a small space with her alone."

           I snorted. Crossing my arms, I regarded him suspiciously. "And where exactly am I supposed to be taking you?"

           "I will give you directions."

           "Fine," I relented, starting the car's engine as I pulled onto the road. "Where are we headed?" I asked, stealing a quick sideways glance at him.

           Alex settled back into his seat, his gaze fixated on the road ahead. "Do you have any idea why Roman has been MIA these past few days?" he casually asked, his tone tinged with curiosity.

           The question almost sent me to hit the brakes. I shot him a look, raising an eyebrow in response. "Am I supposed to have insider knowledge of the CEO's whereabouts? I'm not his personal assistant, you know," I replied, a hint of sarcasm creeping into my voice.

           He chuckled. "Oh, it wasn't a serious question. I didn't expect you to have all the juicy details. Just thought you might have some insider scoop," he retorted playfully. "It's odd, though. I hope he doesn't miss the next round."


           "Because I think he doubts my ability. I accepted Blake Harley's job offer on the spot because I knew I had the talent. I've turned down countless offers from other companies before, but there was something about Harley that intrigued me."

           "If you had so many offers, why did you accept to work at Harley?"

           He paused, his expression thoughtful. "I don't know, I had a feeling I'd like the people," he said, his gaze shifting to meet mine with a hint of a smile. "But little did I know that Blake would be replaced by his brother and that I'd have to fight for the position I was already promised."

           "You could have quit."

           He let out a hearty laugh. "That would mean accepting defeat and that's not my style. Besides, I want to prove to Roman that I'm better than he thinks I am."

           "I think quitting would've been easier. You wouldn't have to deal with a strong opponent."

           Alex chuckled, shaking his head. "Easier, maybe, but where's the fun in that?" he retorted, his voice laced with determination. "I thrive on challenges, and Roman's skepticism only fuels my motivation to prove him wrong."

           "I've always believed that actions speak louder than words," he continued, his eyes fixed on the road ahead. "I want to show Roman that I have what it takes to excel in this position."

           "That is if you can beat me," I finally said, breaking the silence. "I'm not going to make it easy for you."

           "Ah, Millie. I didn't think you would. I never underestimated you."

           After dropping off Alex, I tried calling Roman but his number didn't go through. I couldn't wait for Isaac to call me, so I called him. He picked up the moment it rang and his voice sound frustrated when he picked up.

           "Hey, I was about to call you."

           "What happened? Where's Roman?"

           "He's home. I think you should come."

           My heart sank to my stomach. I was already driving there. "Isaac, what's wrong? Where is he? Let me talk to him."

           He was quiet for a few seconds. "I think you should come. I'll wait for you." He dropped the call before I could say anything.

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