
By Regal97

8 1 0

Soule, Agabye, Aphine, Eltrim, Altron, Water-Lily, Crest, and Wardom the eight gates of Chrithion produced i... More

Chapter One

6 1 0
By Regal97

Soule - Time of the 2nd sunset

The early morning was perfect for a crime. Dark hours between two and three is the plan, in and out within fifteen minutes. Thunder and lightning roared and winds breezed heavily in the mountains; a particular mountain where the prize was kept.  It was his hardest assignment, yet the burden of its challenge had not brought him into resolve. It was five till 0200 hours, and the student shall now turn in his homework.

You would think that a supposed criminal would be draped in black, but this particular person engulfed himself in a navy uniform as if he served as a captain on a cruise ship and clasped across his eyes was a tight grey velvet masquerade mask, it complimented his silver hair that hung loose in the breeze. Elegant and with an air of 14 years, he called himself nothing but Souledos, and so did his superiors. He had no weapons of any kind to aid his mission, yet the flawlessness of his parkour gave him a silent advantage to climb up the edge of the cliff of the mountain and upward the building that guarded the precious target.

As a cat to its prey, stealth was on his side. The boy crept up undetected and slipped into an unguarded window. The building felt cold as castle concrete and echoed as a drum’s hollow. Souledos walked down the empty hallway and admired the paintings. It was beautiful, expensive curtains hung and draped in beige highlights, hallway carpeted in red and gold linings, as well as priceless paintings and statues placed across the halls. These artifacts and luxurious decorations were nothing compared to what he was here for. Without hesitation, he whistled down the red carpet with his hands behind his back as if he lived in those walls.
“I’m coming mon chéri.” Souledos smiled and knocked lightly on the door at the end of the hallway.


Aphine - 2

Red and blue lights flashed across the small town, sirens sounded, local authorities and first responders rushed about the streets. It was a bloodbath, the worst our town has ever seen. A war between the world’s dangerous crime rings. No one knew they were all gathering out here of all places, and we were caught in the middle, dying mothers, fathers, and children.
Several doctors and nurses ran past me, too busy to notice a child with a broken arm. Especially in a clinic where patients and medics ran rampant throughout the halls. It seemed as if nightmares had come to life. No peaceful sleep will ever reign in this town’s generation ever again.

“Qualcuno auiti! Help!” A refined voice sounded down the left hallway, I turned to see a teenage boy in a white suit drenched in blood holding someone in his arms. The body he held lay lifeless and unresponsive. A doctor came running towards him and took the body from his arms, then disappeared down another hallway. In rage, the teenage boy kicked the wall and silently cursed himself. As if feeling my stare, he jolted his cold eyes towards me and turned around to leave; he disappeared around the corner, and that’s the last I saw of him.

“I’m sorry, my leibling.” A tall well-dressed man kissed a little girl’s forehead and placed her on an empty bed. He was accompanied by five other men. As if in a rush, he caught me staring and motioned me to come over, “Child, come here, beeil dich!” the man said, and his men made way for me. I hesitated but showed no fear and marched up to him.

“Sofort! I have to leave my leibling here. Go fetch the doctor and ask for Nato once we are gone!” The man grabbed just above the area of my bruised arm, and with his deep accent, instructed me. I nodded, and he let my arm go.

Just before I walked away, I glanced at the small figure on the bed. My eyes softened at the sight of her, then I quickly frowned as one of the men grabbed my arm again to lead me away from them. It did not take long until they decided to leave her there, but just before the man and his friends turned the corner, a shot rang down the hallway, and screams echoed.

“Brat (Brother in Russian)!” A voice yelled, and I saw the man and his friends stop in their tracks.
“Gehen!” The man instructed his friends, and they all disappeared on the opposite hallway to the right. That was the last of these men that I’ve seen.

Waking up with a throbbing pain at her side and in her head, the little girl struggled to move. The anesthesia wore off, and she felt every inch of the pain she was meant to feel. Her eyes were weak and trying to remain open as the lights above blinded her. She struggled with the heaviness until panic struck her frail body.

"Papa!" She sat up in fear and looked right at me, "Gide Ya?! Papa!" She started yelling in tears and I knew she was looking for the man who had dropped her off.

"He left, there was a shot in the hallway" The boy explained moving to her bedside to comfort her.

"My papa...okay?" She did not seem to know much English, but she tried with what she knew.

"Yes, he is okay."

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