The Pureblooded Halfblood

By Angelodude

673 11 0

Moiré Calliope Black, daughter of Sirius Black. Her first name sounding like Mors, death. And that's all she'... More

a pureblood halfblood
contents of act one
* an awkward way to get a hogwarts letter *
* welcome to hogwarts *
* mountain troll *
* Quidditch *

* A Yule To Remember *

60 0 0
By Angelodude

After becoming friends with Moiré, Harry started to express himself. Which was hilarious because all he did was curse out Dumbledore and say Voldemorts name. They all met up and began walking, straight behind Hagrid. They figured if they wanted answers Hagrid would be the one to ask. He's the only one that would actually have an idea. Theo and Blaise thought they should lace his drinks with alcohol and get him drunk, but they turned that down to do for a last resort.

They thought their plan was actually really stupid, but they were surprised to learn that Hagrid had a habit of blurting things on his mind. It was today that Draco heard him talk about some Nicholas Flamel, and they began following him through the courtyard. He began muttering about Dumbledore which wasn't a surprise.

"Ughhh, this is boring. My feet hurt, we've been following this bloke around for three hours and still hasn't said anything for a clue of Nicholas Flamel. I can just ask my friends back home. They'll know." Moiré complained.

Blaise sighed in frustration. "Could've told us that before we started following him like some freaks." Blaise facepalmed.

"Well, I suppose I forgot. Woah, Blaise, when did you get your ear pierced?"

"That was really off topic." Harry said.

"Yeah, it was." Moiré agreed.


Moiré, Harry and Neville walked into the great hall, Neville the only one having a trunk. They walk past Hermione who says something about something being barbaric. "Alright show off." Harry muttered. They continued walking.

"So, you're going to quickly message your friends and ask them about Nicholas Flamel?" Neville repeated as they got closer to their friends.

"Yes Neville, you've repeated that like a hundred times." Neville went red in the face.

"Just in case you forgot."

Harry and Moiré looked at each other. "Wanna hear a secret?"

"Go ahead."

"I'm a demigod, my other father is Hades. But don't tell ANYONE."

Harry nodded. "And your mother was a daughter of Psyche. It makes you a legacy of Peyche." Moiré said. They walked to their common room as they whispered.

"That's really weird." He said, they said the password and threw themselves in.

"Lets shadow travel there to see what weird shit they've been doing." Moiré warped them both and they both melted away. Harry adjusted his eyes to see absolute chaos. Some kids were screaming and stood on their roofs which was odd and many campers were screaming at eachother.

"Maybe we should get Chiron?" Moiré suggested, Harry nodded his head and they ran to the big house.

"Chiron! Campers are screaming bloody murder!" Harry said.

"Woah- hold on. Moiré, who is this?" Chiron asked.

"Chiron, this is Harry, he's the legacy of Psyche." Moiré introduced them. Chiron decided to run past them.

"He's a horse.."

"Centaur, don't worry. Not like his crazy family." They ran after the Determined centaur to see him kill the spiders. Just to realise they were fake.

"TRAVIS AND CONNOR STOLL!" He yelled. The two siblings began cackling.

"Oh we got them good!" The whole of the Hermes cabin began laughing. Chiron sighed and returned back to the big house. Annabeth climbed off the roof.

"I am so killing him!" She was about to run off when she was stopped by Moiré.

"Woah! Hold your horses. I need to ask a question!" Moiré pulled back the angered girl.

"Who's Nicholas Flamel?" Harry asked.

"Nicholas Flamel is a French wizard and famed alchemist who was the only known maker of the Philosopher's Stone, a legendary substance with incredible powers. But why do you want to know?"

"At Hogwarts-"

"I thought you went to Durmstrang?"

"Expelled from doing necromancy. Anyways," she told her everything and Annabeth nodded.

"Well, he is still alive. Due to the stone being some sort of Elixir of Life. He and his wife remain alive today. They were known during Grindelwald times." Annabeth said.

"Thanks Annie."

"Now I'm off to kill the Stolls."

"Hey, it was Connors idea! He put it in your bunk." A Hermes girl said.

"Thank you Jazmine." Annabeth smiled.

"You think we should stop her?" Harry asked.

"Probably, let's go." The two ran after Annabeth who flung herself at Connor but the shadows warped around her, catching her and not allowing her to move.

"Calm down Annie." Moiré said.

"Shouldn't you get back to school?"

"No, it's Yule." Moiré shrugged.

"Oh yeah, hey. I heard the Apollo kids are leading a camp fire!" Annabeth said.

"Wanna come Harry?"

"Fuck yeah!"

They sat around the camp fire.
(" for the Apollo kids, ' for the rest. "' for all of them.)

"This is a repeat after me song."
'This is a repeat after me song.'

"I said a boom chicka boom."
'I said a boom chicka boom.'
"I said a boom chicka boom."
'I said a boom chicka boom.'
"I said a boom chicka rocka chicka rocka chicka boom."
'I said a boom chicka rocka chicka rocka chicka boom.'
"Oh yeah!"
'Oh yeah!'
"One more time."
'One more time.'

And they did loads of versions. Like mouse style.

"'Kumbaya my Lord, kumbaya
Kumbaya my Lord, kumbaya
Kumbaya my Lord, kumbaya
Oh Lord, kumbaya
Someone's singing Lord, kumbaya
Someone's singing Lord, kumbaya
Someone's singing Lord, kumbaya
Oh Lord, kumbayah
Someone's crying Lord, kumbaya
Someone's crying Lord, kumbaya
Someone's crying Lord, kumbaya
Oh Lord, kumbaya
Someone's praying Lord, kumbaya
Someone's praying Lord, kumbaya
Someone's praying Lord, kumbaya
Oh Lord, kumbaya
Oh Lord, kumbaya
Oh Lord, kumbaya
Oh Lord, kumbaya
Oh Lord, kumbaya'"

The night ended with chuckles and cheers, to the gods. Everybody began scraping food into the fire.

"Oh, things couldn't be worse
When your parents run the universe." Luke Castellan began.
"'Oh, things couldn't be worse
When your folks run the universe!"' Everybody joined in.
"My dad is Hermes, he messengers things
You'll know his sign by his shoes with those wings
I wait by the phone, but, the phone never rings!" Luke sang.
"'Oh, no...'"
"When your dad's a god, life can be tough
I met the guy once
And once was enough (oh, I hear that)
Annabeth!" Luke finished and the spotlight turned to Annabeth.
"Well, my mom's Athena, she's smart and she's wise
She swore off gluten and she swore off guys
But if she came to came, it'd be a surprise
Oh, no..." she sang.
"'Oh, no...'"everybody joined in.
"Oh, and my stepmom, she hates me and my dad works all day
So I left Virginia
And I ran away!"
"Wait, is that true?" Harry asked Moiré.
"Everybody..." Luke interrupted.
"'Oh, things couldn't be worse
When your parents run the universe
Oh, things couldn't be worse
When your folks run the universe'"
"Alright, who's next?" Moiré called.
"Oh, let me see, um
My mom's Demeter, goddess of grains
She gets excited when it's starts to rain
But planting and planting and planting's a pain!
Oh, no..." Katie Gardner from the Demeter kid Cabin sang.
"'Oh, no...'"
For their 16th birthday, my friends got a car!
I got a fern in some dumb mason jar!" She sounded frustrated.
"Ooh, ooh, my turn!
I'm the child of Pan, god of the wild
For those who love nature they're often beguiled
He's not really my dad, but I'm sort of his child
Oh, no..." Grover, a satyr much to Harry's surprise, began to sing.
"'Oh, no...'"
"He went for a hike, to explore new frontiers
And no one has seen him
For thousands of years!"
Grover began crying and sat down, Annabeth comforted him.
"'Oh, things couldn't be worse
When your parents run the universe
Oh, things couldn't be worse
When your folks run the universe!'"
"Chiron! Who's your dad?" Harry asked.
"Oh, well...
My father is Kronos
Remember my lecture? He ate his children." Chiron replied.
"Chiron wins! (Yeah, his dad's definitely the worst)
How about you, Silena?" Luke asked.
"The goddess of love, my mom's Aphrodite
She tried to be cool, but mainly she's flighty
I'll bring home a boy, and she's there in her nighty!
Oh, no!
It's so embarrassing, guys!
I try to seek help, from even the fates
'Cause she steals my mascara
And all of my dates." Silena cried.
"Oh, things couldn't be worse
When your parents run the universe
Oh, things couldn't be worse!" Everybody sang, Moiré took out her guitar and began strumming.
"But I don't care where our parents may be
As long as you are here with me!" She said.
"'We don't care where our parents may be
As long as you are here with me
As long as you are here with me!'"

The campfire ended and Harry turned to Moiré, "Woah! Now that's a Yule to remember."

Moiré chuckled. "It indeed is."

They returned back to Hogwarts as if it was nothing and they were there the whole time.

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