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By The-Unforgiv3n

1.3K 28 50

Sadie's mother ships her off to summer camp, Sadie thought it would be a miserableοΏΌ 3 months. But when she me... More

Fucking Summer Camp?
First Day of This Fucking Hell
He Told People What!
Lars Ulrich Is A No Good Fucker!
Who The Fuck Is Stalking Me!
Holy Shit I Think I love Kirk Hammett!
Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Hammett!
Sadie's My Wingman!
Lars Ulrich Is An Asshole!
Kirk Confesses!
Her Mom Did What!
Where Could She Have Gone?
Kirk's A Hero!
I Need To Apologize..
No Life 'Till Leather!
I'll Kill Her!
He'll Be Fine!
I Got A Letter!
Luna Ulrich?
A/N πŸ’ž

You Did What To Him!

50 1 0
By The-Unforgiv3n

POV: Sadie

I wake up to find Kirk passed out in one of the chairs next to the huge medical cabinet the nurse has in the room, and the boys passed out on the floor.. well I should say James and Lars, Cause Cliff was smart and fell asleep on the other bed.. James and Lars are in fact cuddling on the floor which is adorable and I will never let them live it down

I'm immediately pulled out of my thoughts when I hear the door open, I look up to see that Jason walked in

"Sadie thank god your okay!" He says letting out a huge sigh

"Jason.. why are you here..?" I ask

"I heard what happened and I wanted to check on you.. make sure your okay.." he continues

"Well thanks to your friend she's not." Says a voice startling us, we both look over to see Kirk wide awake

"Morning Kirk.." I say giving him a small smile

He returns it and gets up walking over to me, making sure to step over the two idiots on the floor

"Look.. Jason was it? I have nothing against you.. I actually find it thoughtful your checking up on my girlfriend, but your friend.. twisted her ankle and broke her rib.. on top of that held a knife to her throat." Kirk says with a stone cold look

"I heard about it, and I'm so fucking sorry.. I have no clue why he would do that.. and anyways we're not friends anymore..." Jason says

"It's okay Jason.. you're not the one who did it.. I'll be just fine!" I say giving him a reassuring smile

"Well I just wanted to check on you, make sure you were okay.. but um I gotta get back, they're still looking for Dave so.. I'll see y'all around" He says turning around and walking out the door

"That was nice" I say to no one in particular

"Mhm.. hey so I talked to my mom yesterday.. before I found out about the whole you missing.. and your stuff is in my room" Kirk tells me while moving to sit on the bed (the one I'm in.. not the one Cliff is in)

"Oh thank god!"

"I also told her why they're at the house and she would be more than happy if you came and lived with us"

"Really?" I ask with a smile

"Really" he says smiling back

I put my hand on his looking up at him, "thank you for everything.. I know everything must be crazy"

"Your very welcome..-" he starts but stops when he hears movement

"Oh your up.. man the floor is not the best sleeping space" Lars says

"You have a cuddle buddy why didn't you use him as a pillow?" I ask smirking

Kirk laughs and looks over at a confused Lars

"What do you mean?" He asks

"She means you were all cuddly with Mr. Green Giant over there" Kirk says with a smirk

"I have no idea what you're talking about.."

"y'all should be a couple it would be so cute!"

"Shut up!" Lars exclaims and we all laugh

Which woke up James and Cliff

"Oh morning Sid!" Cliff says smiling

"Morning Cliff"

"How are you feeling?" James asks

"Eh I guess better?"

"Well on the plus side they left you off of activities for 2 weeks.." James says

"You should be able to leave later today.." Cliff reassured me

"Good I miss my bunk man"

They all laugh and fall into a comfortable silence

"So uh.. what are we going to do about Dave?" Lars asks in a sort of mumble

I tense up a bit but relax immediately after, I thought Dave was my friend.. but then he tried to kill me i just can't get past it at all

"We're gonna find him. And make him pay." James said

"The entire time he held the knife to my throat he kept saying.. 'I want him to apologize! That's all I want..' I have no clue what he means.. who does he want to apologize and why does it involve me?"

The boys all look at each other and back at me

"James.. we need to tell her.." Lars says

"So Sadie.. you know how Kirk is our guitarist correct?" James says

"Yes I know that"

"It wasn't always like that babe.. I had my own band with another friend of mine called exodus.." Kirk says continuing the story

"Well Dave was actually our original guitarist.." James says


"And he had a huge alcohol problem.. like he would get in huge fights with us.. one day he got in a fight with James and just charged at him, it was bad Sid..." Lars says

I nod my head shocked about how Dave was acting

"So one day.. it was I wanna say not long after we replaced our other bassist with Cliff that we decided we needed to do the same with Dave.." James adds in

"They called me on April Fools Day.. I thought it was a fucking joke, but it wasn't.. they wanted me to audition and so I accepted.." Kirk adds in

"One morning around what.. like 7 o'clock, we all went to the living room of Lars's house and woke him up.. he had a pretty bad hangover, but anyways he was asleep on the couch and we woke him up.. told him he was out of the band.. and gave him a bus ticket to get home, we we're honestly tired of him.." Cliff said

I looked at them shocked

"So basically he had an addiction and you kicked him to the curb.." I asked them

"Well I mean when u put it like that.." James sort of mumbles

"No it is like that.. what kinda people are you to just kick someone on the curb when they're already at rock bottom.. I mean what if I was what a coke addict and I needed help! You wouldn't help me would you!?" I asked all of the slowly starting to raise my voice.. I mean what is wrong with them.. poor fucking Dave man..

"That's different Sid.." Lars says softly

"How is that any different then what Dave went through! Dave was an alcoholic yes but he needed you guys.. he needed to go to AA or a fucking rehab! Not woken up to a bad hangover and his 3 friends kicking him out of a band he so desperately wanted to be in! I mean who the fuck does that!" I explain to all of them not very nicely

They all look down at the floor not saying a word

"Ya know.. I would expect it from the others but I wouldn't expect it from you Cliff.. your always responsible.. I'm so fucking disappointed with you dude.. I just..-" I start before taking a deep breath

"Get out. All of you. I don't want to speak or even look at y'all right now.. y'all fucking disgust me at this very moment." I say turning my head away from them and looking at the wall

"Babe please don't-" Kirk starts before I cut him off

"I said get out. Because of you I got attacked and almost fucking died! Get out!" I yell at him

He looks at me shocked as tears start to flood his eye

My heart instantly breaks "wait.. I'm sorry Kirk.. it's not your fault, I just.. I wanna be alone right now.. please just.. just go.."

They all nod and walk up to the door opening the door and leaving, letting it shut behind them.

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