In The Midst Of Serendipity

By Iwrites11

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DO NOT COPY MY WORK Mir's! The name itself screams power. Mir's are the most influential and rich nawab of t... More

Author's Note
Characters and Asthetics
|Chapter 01| Mysterious Hazel Orbs
|Chapter 02| A Bloom In The Garden
|Chapter 03| The Cumbersome Excursion
|Chapter 04| A Horrendous Stratagem
|Chapter 05| The Emergence Of Her Distress
|Chapter 06| Her Dreadful Time Period
|Chapter 07| An Indifferent Redendvzous
|Chapter 08| A Change For The Bright Side
|Chapter 09| A Change For The Worst Side
|Chapter 10| The Uncanny Play of Destiny
|Chapter 11|It's Already Fated
|Chapter 12| Eye To Eye Clash
|Chapter 13| Some Matters Secrets
|Chapter 14|Unpleasant Situations
|Chapter 15| An Abrupt Proposal
|Chapter 16| The Fixation Of Fate
|Chapter 17| The Eve Of Henna
|Chapter 18| The Union Of Two Souls
|Chapter 19| The New Inclusion
|Chapter 20| The Reception Day
|Chapter 21|The Inkling Of Undesirable
|Chapter 22| Those Virtous Orbs
|Chapter 23| The Reminiscence Of The Past
|Chapter 24| The Notion Of Self Doubt
|Chapter 25| Irrelevant Arguments
|Chapter 26 |The Tint of Jealousy
|Chapter 27| An Event Attended Together
|Chapter 28| The First Display Of Care
|Chapter 29| The Change In The Atmosphere
|Chapter 30| Chaoctic Feelings
|Chapter 31| The Unexplainable Tragedy
|Chapter 32| Sniffles In The Dark
|Chapter 33| The Overdue Acceptance
|Chapter 34| The Blooming Relationship
|Chapter 35| The Uneasiness Inside
|Chapter 36|A Farewell To The Deceased
|Chapter 37| The Process Of Healing
|Chapter 38| The Breaking Point
|Chapter 39| Moving On
| Chapter 41| The Audacity Of The Bad
|Chapter 42| Blazing Hazel Eyes
|Chapter 43|Series of Forgiveness
|Chapter 44| Destined Together

|Chapter 40| A New Beginning

3.3K 123 5
By Iwrites11

Hey guys here's another update. I hope you all like it and show your love on it too..

Two Months Later

Shiza's POV (Edited)

I was standing in the kitchen of our new home. Home! I thought I will never be able to call a house, home. But my wish had been fulfilled. Now, I have a house I can call a home and a house that belongs to me. More like, I belonged to that house.

So many things happened in the past two months. Dreadful lies came out shattering the once tranquil setting of the Mir's Haveli. I still felt bad how things ended that day in December.

The eldest grandson decided to leave the house and shifted to his own apartment with his wife. We are still not living very far away from the Haveli. But it's a good one hour drive from here. Shah Zain doesn't want to live so far because deep down inside, he still cares for his family.

After all, blood will never dry. He doesn't show it but I knew he was upset. He had spent his entire childhood in that house and leaving the home you cherished so much beautiful moments is always so heart wrenching. But leaving that particular home on a sad note is even more frustrating and heart breaking.

Home is place where memories took birth. We all collected so many important moments of our lives in our homes. Leaving a home is always difficult. Even more difficult is leaving the people living there.

The day we arrived in this apartment, Shah Zain sincerely apologize for his behavior with me throughout the course of time. I still remembered that night crystal clear...

Flashback to that night...

He stopped the car infront of a tall looking building. The building goes high up in air. As we stepped down, he took hold of our suitcases before motioning me to follow him. I followed him and we both entered inside the lavish looking lobby.

He walked towards the receptionist before asking her for her room keys. The receptionist did some typing before handing him the key. He took the key in his hand before we made our way to the lift.

A silence prevailed between us. As we reached the tenth floor, the lift dinged open. We stepped out before making our way to the long looking hallway.

He stopped at the last room before juggling the keys in the lock and opening the door. As we entered inside, I was gobsmacked. The apartment was not so big not so small. It was a moderate length. The floors were perfectly marbled and followed by a spick and span living room. The living room comes with a L-shaped sofas in one corner while a big tv screen was attached to the wall Infront of it. The windows were not to big. But it gave clear view of the outside.

A small kitchen was to the right of the lounge. A small hallway was first before a series of rooms broke out.

Shah Zain placed the suitcases on the floor before saying

"You can change into something comfortable. I'll take the suitcase in the room."

I nodded my head before following him to the room. First I took out my night wear from suitcase and then entered inside the bathroom to get fresh and probably to take a bath...


After showering, I made my way outside the room. The living area looked silent. When I entered there, I saw Shah Zain quietly sitting on the dining chair. When he heard my footsteps, he looked up.

I passed him a small smile before taking a seat infront of him. A covered plate was placed on the table. When he saw the confusion on my face, he clarified

"I thought you might be hungry. You should eat."

I uncovered the plate to found sandwich there. I looked up before asking him

"Aren't you going to eat?"

He shook his head in negative. I felt bad for him. He had to leave his family because of me. I placed my hand atop his before speaking through my heart

"I'm so sorry. Because of me you had to leave your family."

He immediately looked up at me. My guilt further intensified. Families are a blessing and I hated myself that I was the reason he became far from them. But his next words made a difference

"It's not your fault. They were at wrong."

His voice was free of emotion. It's like he's speaking the universal truth. But still the gnawing feeling didn't leave my heart. I sighed before again speaking

"But they're still your family. Families are blessings, Zain. You're lucky you still have a family. Many people doesn't even have someone waiting for them at home."

My eyes welled up with tears remembering khala. It's so heart breaking how in a moment, our loved ones left us alone in the world. We can't do anything. We can't stop death. It's inevitable.

Shah Zain's voice brought me out of my trance

"No Shiza. Families are also supporting. They don't their son's wife like a maid."

His eyes held the anger probably remembering the commotion. I chose to remain silent. Maybe, it's good if he lets it all out. It will ease his burning emotions. He took a deep breath before I gave his hand a gentle squeeze.

He sighed before continuing

"I felt so bad. I felt self-loathing remembering how I treated you. I accused you. I called you a thief when in reality, you were far from it. You are the innocent and purest human being I've ever saw. Even with my outrageous and unnecessarily stupid behavior with you, you were always talking all smiling with me.

You never once insult me or my family. My family kept taunting you, degrading you and humiliating you and I never took stand for you. Just remembering those stuffs made me want to dig a hole and bury myself.

I did so wrong with you. I shouldn't have done all those things. I'm really sorry Shiza. I don't know how to confess it in words. But I am deeply ashamed for my behavior towards you. You don't deserved such a disgusting, stupid and mannerless husband. You deserved someone who could value you. Who will cherish you and will never let anyone belittle you.

You don't deserve a coward like me. I can't even provide you with a secure environment, how can you be able to live the rest of your life with me? I'm not a good husband. I never once was.."

He didn't once look at me over his whole speech. Maybe, he's trying to avoid eye contact. I still didn't say anything. If we're starting anew than all there should be no barrier between us. We should clear out our feelings, emotions and all the words we never got the chance to speak. I want to start fresh with no past barrier stopping us.

He finally looked up at me before saying

"Please forgive me. Everything I've done, I'm really ashamed and all I'm asking is for forgiveness. I will not mind if you don't want to forgive me. But I'll do anything for you to forgive me. I will understand if you don't want to live with me anymore. Of course, no one would like a disgusting husband like me..."

That was my cue to stop his chanter and spoke

"No, Shah Zain. Stop patrionizing yourself. You are not a disgusting husband. We are humans and we all did mistakes. You didn't know about the truth back before. But now you know and you did what was right. You took stand for me when no one believed me. You aid me when I was hurt. You never left my side when I was grieving. If that's not what good husbands do than I don't know how to describe a good husband."

His low voice reached my ears

"But I've treated you wrong."

I smiled before explaining him

"You didn't know the truth. Anyone in your place would have done the same thing. I actually forgotten about it. It's in the past. We're way more beyond than that. There's goodness in each and every one of us. No one is born bad. There are certain incidents that made us do bad things. Humans are not actually bad people. Sometimes they just chose to do bad things. But that doesn't make every other a bad person."

"I want to start afresh with you. I have left go of my past. You've realized your mistakes and apologized. I don't want to hold anymore unnecessary grudges. Our lives are very small. We should live it to the fullest. I sincerely forgive you and your mother. I don't hold any bad will towards her. She is our elder and I don't mind if she scold me sometimes. Like you understand me, she will also understand one day."

He blinked his eyes before hugging me. I was a little taken aback but nonetheless wrapped my arms around him and hugged him tight. It feels right wrapped in his arms. He pulled away after sometime before holding my hands and saying

"There's one more thing, I want to tell you..."


"Zarnish and I liked each other before hand."

I wasn't shock. I was expecting this. I'm not a fool to not able to put two and two together. The secret glances, the unnecessary longer eye contacts and the hushed conversation between them were the clear signs and I'm not a fool not to understand what it was.

I really had no problem if he liked someone else before our marriage. What I'm afraid of is that if ever try to think about her in anyway other than a cousin. So, my next question was

"Did you ever between our marriage...ummm....try to develop some sort of relationship?"

I don't know how to put it into words. I'm afraid my words might offend him in anyway. But I need to ask to put my heart at ease. He kept looking at me with for sometime.

He remained quiet not saying anything for atleast a minute or two. I was fidgeting with my fingers. My insides churned with nervousness and anxiety. I am afraid of his approval to my next question. I don't know why but the mere idea of him thinking Zarnish anywhere near like a wife was making me sick. Does he ever think off having her as his wife other than me in the course of our marriage?

Did they ever meet secretly silently cursing me for coming in between them? I kept praying that what I was thinking was wrong and just my imagination.

After a little while, his voice started to reach my ears

"I won't say that I didn't think off her as having my wife other than you. That was in the initial stages only. But as the time passed by, I started to engage more with you, I started to drift away from her. I don't know but my heart started to be at unease when she was in my close proximity. And even before I realized, I started to maintain my distance with her. I started focusing more and more on you and our liking towards each other became a fading background in our beginning story."

"It was like she became a part of my past. Like a piece of fragment, so small faded that I can't seem to remember even if I wanted to. All my thoughts were clouded by you and only you. I promised I was never disloyal to you. I will always be to loyal to you. It's the least I could for you."

At the end of his speech, I had tears in my eyes and a big smile on my face. His words created a havoc inside my heart. He looked so sincere, so open and it's like there's no barrier between us now. It's just me and him now. No one can come between us again. Its me and him against everyone now.

I took a deep breath before saying happily

"I'm so glad you were honest with me. I promised to be a good wife that you can be proud off. I promised I'll stand by your side even in the lowest moments. I'm so glad to have you as my husband."

His lips broke into a beautiful smile before placed a tender kiss on my forehead and hugged me. It feels good to be in his arms....

Flashback Ends...


I was still grinning ear to ear when strong arms wrapped around me from behind. Earthy scent and cologne wafted info my sense blocking every other thought. I chuckled when he placed a small kiss on my cheek before greeting me

"Asalamualikum, wifey."

I smiled before turning to look at him. His arms caged me from both sides. I chuckled before replying

"Walailkum asalam, husband."

He laughed before asking teasingly

"Why were you smiling ear to ear just then?"

I decided to tease him a little. So, I pretended to think before muttering teasingly

"Hmm...maybe about someone."

His eyes narrowed before he questioned in his velvety voice

"And who might that be?"

I again pretended to think before finally putting him out of his misery

"No one. I was just thinking about my own husband."

He hummed in response before nuzzling his face in the crook of my mind. I giggled due to the tingling sensation before pulling away. He groaned in resistance but I placed my palms on his shoulders before saying

"Go and take a shower. I'll set the table till then."

He nodded heavily before placing yet another kiss on my cheek and made his way to the room.

I smiled watching him. Our relationship is finally on the track. I'm never more than happy than I am right now. Ya Allah! Let these happiness last long and help us in building our relationship more strong..

That was their chapter. I hope everyone now like the relationship between them. Do vote comment and share. Also check out my sister's account wittypenart. She's writing an amazing story. Also check out "my wish my downfall". A cute reader of mine is writing it.
I'll see you soon
Allah Hafiz

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