the opposite twins (In Editin...

By Loversbooks233

314K 4.8K 1.1K

one girl taken one girl left one was loved one was hated Hailey de Luca taken trained to be a deadly assassi... More

tattoos and piercings
I'm done
see her again
found again
welcome home
whos cuttier
The next morning
eye contact
nice you I guess
I just wanna sleep
my tiktok
whats gotten into you
Just me and you
truth unfold
Just like that she's gone
The love
The day

let's talk

10.8K 181 118
By Loversbooks233

I wanna die they just showed me my room and OH MY FUCKEN GOD

it's pink

I sat there with wide eyes

James must have noticed my reaction because he said

"We can change we thought you'd be more like your twin but clearly your not" he said

I slowly nodded my head not taking my eyes off the pink.......the pink.......beast

"You know what uou go down stairs me and the maids will re do it" He said

"I don't wanna be a pain I'll just........burn it down" I said

He laughed "yeah I hate the clour pink to" I walked down stairs

"Oh hey I can put him in my room if you want" James said to me

I nodded my head and let him take a sleeping sebastion to his room

There I saw my egg and sperm doner at the island talking

"Hey princess where's sebastion"

"Asleep" I said looking back down at my phone

"Come over here" My egg doner said

I walked over there still looking at my phone and sat down

"So what was your life like before coming here" My egg doner said

This caught my attention

"Yeah it was good" I said we all just sat there

We kinda just sat there in a awkward silence

Alex Dante and Sam came down yelling at each other about something

But when they saw all off us sitting there they quite down and now where all sitting here in a awkward silence

Andrew James and Theo then came down and they saw us and now er are all sitting there in a awkward silence

Until Theo sat there and yelled "I saw a talking dog" we all looked at him and started laughing

"What's every one laughing about" anyless asked coming down but that's not what caught my eye what caught my eye was the fact that she was holding seb and he was screaming and crying


"I don't know who the fuck you think you are but you stay away from my son" I said taking him from her arms

She rolled her eyes

"putain de salope" I said in French

(Fucken bitch)

"Hailey we have a guest coming over tonight so dress nicely" my egg doner said

"Ok who's the guest" I asked


anyless screamed

"You have a fiance" I said
"And you married her off"

"No no no no no it's not like that it's a long story" my dad said

"Oh OK " I said then going back up to my room

Oh yeah this is more like it

I decided to get dressed for this guy coming over

I heard a knock on my door I opened my door to see my sperm doner standing there

"You look beautiful sweetheart" he said

"Thanks" I said can I hold seb he said
I nodded my head and passed him over

(Imagine him as a baby)

I saw anyless sitting there in a pink dress for fucks sakes

I then heard the door opened "I'll get it" anyless said

"Hey babyyyyyyyyyyy" I heard anyless say

God can she get any more annoying

"Hey" wait a famn minute I know that voice I got up and walked to wards the door as soon as we made eye contact I was ready to kill my self

"For fuck sakes" we said at the same time

"Oh do you guys know each other" my egg doner said

"His my ex boyfriens"
"She's my ex girlfriend"

We said at the same time

"You fucked my fiance you slut" anyless said

"Ok bitch rewind I knew him way before you"

"Oh yeah I've known him for two years how about you" she said

" like I don't know fated hik for five years knew him a year before that so like a while" I said

"You bitch"

Nah I'm done I just walked into the kitchen and sat down

"так как жизнь была" he asked me

(So how's life been)

"черт, спасибо тебе
chert, spasibo tebe"

(Shit thanks to you)

I said eating

Meet my ex voyfriend Xander yep this is the father of my child

Yay hint the Sarcasm

"ты знаешь, что трахать свою сестру это здорово, но, черт возьми, ты лучше"

(You know fucking four sister is great but fucking you was better)

"Excuse me" I said before picking up sebastion and leaving the room

I placed seb on the bed when I bumped into a hard chest

"Who the fuck are you" I heard the guy say

When I looked up I smirked

He must be friends with one of my brothers

"I'm Hailey" I said

"Wholy shit your that modle and singer"
He said and i nodded my head

"And you are?" I asked even though I already knew who he was

"Shit right sorry my names...."


I know i know please don't kill me for the cliff hanger

Who do you think the guy is

Sorry for the shit chapter

Please vote and comment

See you in the next chapter bitches

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