Legend of Zelda, The Kingdom'...

By GothicMoonlight

861 24 5

A few years after the battle with the Calamity, Hyrule continues its restoration with the aid of the survivin... More

Evil Awakening
Hyrule in Shambles
The Blizzard of Rito Village
Tulin, The Sage of Wind
The Village, Restored
Gerudo Town, Abandoned?!
The Gibdos Attack
Riju, The Sage of Lightning
The Town, Restored
Zora's Domain, Covered in Mud?
The Riddle, Solved
Sidon, The Sage of Water
Crowning a New King
Trouble in Goron City
Into the Depths
Yunobo, The Sage of Fire
The Master Swords
Hyrule Castle
Mineru, The Sage of Spirit
The Final Battle
Mineru's Farewell

The Path to the Stormwind Ark

36 1 1
By GothicMoonlight

"What do you mean you saw Zelda", Link asked, the two trailing behind to talk to each other.

"I don't think you'd believe me if I told you", Kate stated.

"Think I wouldn't believe a new recruit who joined the guard to get out of the castle", Link asked as Kate let out a small laugh, that memory coming back to her.

(Years Ago, Hyrule Field)

All the soldiers were outside the castle, getting a bit of training in, soldier against soldier, everyone clashed swords as the Captain of the Guard watched everyone closely; after awhile, the soldiers were instructed to take a small break, Kate, disguised as a soldier, gazed up at the castle.

"I owe you big time, Zelda", Kate mumbled with a smile.

"Soldiers, back to training", the Captain shouted as the soldiers either got up off the ground or moved back towards where they were practicing before; moving in front of a soldier, she found herself face-to-face with Link.

"Ready", Link asked.

"Ready", Kate said in a low tone, mimicking a boys voice; the other soldiers stopped what they were doing, everyone, even the captains head turning towards the two, ready to watch the events unfold; Link charged forward as Kate held her sword up to dodge before taking a swing at him, he quickly rolled out of the way and swiped at her feet, forcing her to jump; metal clashed against metal before both swords met in the middle, both attempting to push either one to the ground, the swords pushed towards her, no matter how hard she attempted to push back, the swords wouldn't move.

"Curse my lack of strength", Kate thought to herself as she was pushed to the ground, a tip of Link's sword near her face; pulling the sword away a few seconds later, he held his hand out which she took and pulled her up; the soldiers cheering after the fight as the Captain walked towards the two.

"Well done again, Link, I thought you'd be bested this time, but once again, you surprise me", the Captain said as Link nodded his head, "and you, don't take this loss to heart, not everyone can keep up with him as you did, keep practicing and one day, you'll both be in the Royal Guard",

"Yes, sir", Kate said as the captain turned towards the other soldiers.

"I think that's enough training for today, head back inside the castle", the Captain ordered, walking towards the castle with the soldiers behind him, Link and Kate trailing behind.

"Nice job out there... Kate", Link said with a small smile.

"How'd you know it was me", Kate asked, dropping the facade.

"Out of all the times we've fought, all the time's I've trained you... I can tell", Link explained, "how did you even get out of the castle, and out here unnoticed",

"Zelda's covering for me as I used the secret passageways to get to the guard's quarters", Kate replied, "only thing I don't like about all this is this helmet, it weights a ton",

"I'd keep it on till we get back inside", Link stated, "I thought you'd wait for me to teach you",

"I was... but I also wanted to try this out", Kate said, "I know I can't keep doing this forever, but I'd at least like to learn to fight and help out the best way I can",

"Well, you heard the captain, keep this up and we'll be in the Royal Guard soon", Link complimented as the two walked back inside the castle.

(Memory End)

"You almost believed it", Kate said.

"No... I knew it was you the whole time", Link stated, "But back to where we were... where did you see Zelda",

"From what I saw... I saw a field", Kate explained, "Zelda appeared, the stone we found under the castle was in her hand; two other people were there, the spirit we met, Rauru, and a woman... Sonia... they said they were the First King and Queen of Hyrule",

"Wait a minute, you're saying that you saw Zelda with the first rulers of Hyrule... in the past", Link asked, confusion on his face.

"Told you, you wouldn't believe me", Kate mumbled.

"I do believe you... but it's too crazy to believe at the same time", Link stated.

"I know, I know", Kate said, "but what if these visions are telling me something, like where to find Zelda, or what's going on",

"Whatever they are, we'll figure it out down the road", Link reassured, "right now, let's get rid of the blizzard and save Rito Village",

"Yeah", Kate said as they caught up with Tulin and Sheik, climbing up the mountain and soon, floating pillars of rock, where not long after, they came across a floating boat.

"It's a boat", Tulin said, amazed at how a boat was floating in the sky as a voice caught their attention once again...

"Come... Come... to me...",

"Whose voice was that, was it coming from somewhere up there", Tulin asked, looking up as thunder crashed from the clouds above, a shadow of a giant boat appearing through the cloud, "whoaaa... do you see that thing inside the cloud, is that another boat, but it's huge; there's ton's of those little flying boats too, you know what it reminds me of... "a line of ships soaring, built as a passage skyward, the god ascends to heaven, leaving behind an ark", the whole thing is just like the Song of the Stormwind Ark... was the children's song true after all; you all heard that strange voice too, right, I'm sure I heard it say "come to me", it's calling us up there... but I don't see anything around here that would lead us to Princess Zelda... maybe she went over to that ship",

"But why go to that ship", Kate thought to herself, her left hand glowing once again, "...what are you trying to show me...",

(The Past)

Zelda stood on an overlook on what looked to be the Great Plateau, overlooking all of Hyrule, the castle wasn't where it should've been, but familiar landmarks were seen, standing behind her were Rauru and Sonia and the old Hyrule Castle that wouldn't be there in the present day.

"As I thought... this is not the world I know", Zelda stated, "a time so far back in the past, it's become legend... like the stories of the heroes my sister would read about; so, it's true, this is really the era of Hyrule's founding",

"Your presence here is just as strange to us, Zelda", Rauru said, "but if you, like Sonia, have a secret stone and are able to manipulate time, then your story makes sense",

Zelda looked at the stone in her hand, studying the marking on it.

"Oh, I believed her right away, you needed the secret stone as proof, Rauru", Sonia stated, a smile on her face, "I can feel your light power within her, as well as my time power; additionally, I sense that we share a blood connection",

"Ah, I see", Rauru said, "in any case, Zelda, you had said that you needed to return to your era as soon as you possibly could...",

"Yes... in my time, something terrible is happening...", Zelda explained, "I can feel, deep down, that my sister and her husband are on their way to fix it... but I need to get back there to help them, but how do I do that, I don't even know how I got here in the first place",

Rauru seemed lost in thought until Sonia bumped her arm into him, snapping him out of it as she then walked towards her.

"Now, Zelda, dear...", Sonia said, "you don't need to solve your problems all at once, why not come back with us to the castle".

"No... I...", Zelda began as Sonia grabbed her hands.

"We'll tell everyone that you're... a distant relative of ours", Sonia reassured, "it is true, after all, we'll get you fresh clothes too... I'm sure an answer will come to you, wisdom takes time",

"...I don't know what to say", Zelda said, her eyes trailing towards her Triforce mark on the back of her right hand.

"Hm, I wonder... Mineru... she may have some idea of how to get you back to your era", Rauru stated.

"Mineru, you said", Zelda asked.

"Yes... she knows far more than anyone about our people", Rauru explained, "and like us, my older sister has a secret stone, we'll call on her",

(Present Day)

"Kate... Kate... snap out of it", Link called out, shaking her shoulders as she blinked her eyes, due to the cold air and the snow, they were burning.

"Let me guess...", Kate began.

"You were out of it... again", Link explained, "we were heading up and you weren't there, I sent them forward as I came back searching for you... I'm starting to worry about you",

"I'm fine, honest", Kate said, "...I just saw another vision",

"Was Zelda there", Link asked as she nodded her head, "what did you see",

"She was on the Great Plateau... I think", Kate explained, "the castle we know wasn't in its spot, nor up in the air as it is now, but rather on the plateau itself; the stone she had had a marking on it, I'd draw it if I could but it'll have to wait; but she was looking for way home, back to our era",

"Our era", Link asked in confusion as Kate let out a sigh.

"I think Zelda's trapped in the past, with the first King and Queen of Hyrule", Kate stated, "I'm not sure how, but from what I saw, they are helping her find a way back",

"With the sightings of Zelda that we're getting here, they must've found a way back for her", Link explained.

"I don't know... if it is Zelda, she would've said something to us", Kate said, "warned us... or told us something, not run away when we both need to find her", her eyes trailed towards her left hand, "whatever Zelda gave me back at the Sky Temple of Time, it's letting me see visions of the past... Rauru and Sonia said she had powers of both Light and Time... I think these visions are telling me something about what's happening, and where Zelda is", her eyes trailed upwards towards the giant sky boat, "and currently, my gut tells me that we're chasing after a fake Zelda",

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