Another Love {Complete}

By rainbowkiller0

219K 7.5K 293

Upon the death of her Lord Husband, Enora Hightower returned to the Red Keep. The eldest daughter of the Hand... More

Part One
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Part Two
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Part Three
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Part Four
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four

Chapter Sixteen

7K 239 5
By rainbowkiller0

The Great Hall was in a golden light, every noble of the realm had donned their best finery and filled the room. Enora sat beside Viserys as the entrance of the Noble Houses of the Seven Kingdoms was announced. Music played as everyone but the Royal Family mingled. Rhaenyra sat on the other side of the King, sneaking glances towards where Alicent sat beside her sister. As both the Queen's sister and a wad of the crown, Viserys had allowed the young girl to sit with the royal family.

"House Lannister with their Lord, Jason Lannister. Lord Paramount of the west and Master of Casterly Rock" Ser Harrold announced, as a group dressed all in red and gold entered the Great hall and bowed before the Royal family. Jason Lannister stepped up to the table as the rest of his family went to find their seats.

"Congratulations, Your Grace. You have made a fine match for the Princess." Lord Jason spoke, only addressing the King, as if Rhaenyra and Enora weren't sitting in front of him.

"Thank you, Lord Jason." Rhaenyra thanked the arrogant man. "I could think of no better man than Ser Laenor."

"Well," Lord Jason looked around the room. "If this is only the welcome feast, I admit , I cannot imagine what you might have planned for the wedding."

"Well my daughter is the future Queen. I wanted this to be a wedding for the histories."

Upon hearing the word Queen, Lord Jason turned his attention to Enora, eyeing the neckline of her gown. "You look lovely this evening, Your Grace."

"Thank you, Lord Jason." Enora smiled, turning to her husband and laying a hand on his bicep. "My husband picked out this dress. He just adores me in red."

Visery glared at the man before him. Rhaenyra, feeling sick at the way he looked at her stepmother, decided to dismiss him. "Your presence is always such a pleasure, Lord Jason."

"Princess, Your Graces." Thankfully the man go the hint and quickly walked away.

"Your Graces, Princess Rhaenyra, congratulations are in order." Lord Royce spoke, rudely stepping in front of the Hightowers.

"We are very honored to have you as a guest, Ser Gerold." Viserys replied. "I must say, I was most distressed to hear of the Lady Rhea's tragic passing. I'm very sorry for your loss."

"Lady Rhea was a unique character. Her kind is not soon to be seen again." The man spoke, pain clear in his voice.

"If there is anything the Crown might do to aid House Royce in this tragic time, do not hesitate to ask." Enora smiled at the man, she knew the pain of losing a loved one well. She would no doubt feel the pain again soon, she thought as she glanced at her husband.

"Thank you, Your Grace. There was something I wished to ask-" The sound of drumming interrupted Ser Gerrold as everyone scrambled to find their seats.

"Lord Corlys of House Velaryon." Ser Harrold the doors opened and in walked the members of House Velaryon. "Lord of the Tides, Master of Driftmark. And his lady wife, Princess Rhaenys Targaryen. And their son and heir Ser Laenor Velaryon, the future King Consort."

The room erupted into applause as House Velaryon walked towards the table the Royal Family sat at. The group parted to make way for Ser Laenor, who bowed upon reaching the table. Rhaenyra smiled at her betrothed and stepped away from the table, meeting the Heir to Driftmark in front of the table. To the crowd of Nobles, the two looked to be madly in love as Ser Laenor kissed Rhaenyra's hand in greeting.

The House Velaryon had just sat down when Prince Daemon entered the Hall and walked up to the Royal table. At the sight of his brother, Viserys looked to his wife for guidance.

Enora leaned over to her husband, whispering. "Let him join us, Viserys. It is a celebration."

At his wife's response, Viserys stood up, waving for a servant to bring another chair to the table.

"Be welcome, as we join together in celebration. Tonight is only its beginning. We honor the crown's oldest and fiercest ally, House Velaryon. Reaching back to the days of Old Valyria and the Age of Dragons. With House Targaryen and House Velaryon united, I hope to Herald in a second Age of Dragons in Westeros." The crowd broke out into cheers at their King's words. "And after tonight's small affair, seven days of tournament and feasting. At the end of it all, a royal wedding between my daughter, my heir, your future Queen and Ser Laenor Velaryon, the heir to Driftmark."

After the King's speech, the young couple stepped down from the table to begin their dance in between the tables. The drums beat as Rhaenyra and Ser Laenor circled each other. Applause filled the room at the end of the dance and couples flooded onto the dance floor as a new dance began.

"Would you care to dance, my love?" Viserys leaned towards his wife, never tasking his eyes off his daughter.

"Perhaps after the meal, my dear. Caring for children all day causes one to build up quite an appetite." Enora smiled as her eyes met Viserys'. How she adored this man.

"Your Grace," A deep voice spoke, interrupting the moment between husband and wife. "I was wondering if I might have Lady Alicent's hand for this dance."

"I have no qualms over a dance, Ser Harwin." Enora smiled at the knight her sister had fallen for. "But perhaps you might wish to ask my sister, it is her, after all, you wish to dance with."

Ser Harwin's face tinted red as he turned to the young lady sitting between the Queen and his father. "Lady Alicent, would you care to dance?"

"I would love too, Ser Harwin." Alicent beamed as she left the table and joined the rest of the couples with Ser Harwin by her side.

"Perhaps there shall be another wedding soon, Lord Lyonel." Enora laughed as she turned to the Hand of the King.

"We can only hope for such a strong match, Your Grace. Though they do seem quite enamored with each other." Lord Lyonel smiled at the Queen, nodding his agreement.

Though originally he had counseled the King to wed Lady Laena, he couldn't disagree that Enora Hightower was a wonderful Queen, a loyal wife, and a caring mother. She had breathed new life into not only the Red Keep and King's Landing, but also the King. Viserys was more devoted to his subjects and the small folk he ruled over than ever.

"In the Vale, men are made to answer for their crimes. Even Targaryens." A voice came from the end of the table causing Viserys, Enora and Lyonel to all look.

"Who are you?" Prince Daemon replied, leaning forward in his chair.

"Ser Gerrold Royce of Runestone"


Ser Gerrold stepped closer to where Daemon sat at the end of the table. "I am cousin to your late lady wife."

"Ah yes. Terrible thing. I'm positively bereft. Such a tragic accident."

"You know better than anyone, it was no accident. "

"Are you confessing some guilt, Ser Gerrold?"

"I am making an accusation."

"You know in King's Landing men are made to answer for their slanders." Daemon spoke looking at his older brother. "Even old bronze cunts like you. The truth is, I'm glad you've come. I wish to speak to you about my inheritance."

"What inheritance?"

"Lady Rhea and I had no heirs. As her husband, whatever she was due now passes to me. She stood to inherit all of Runestone did she not? After my niece's wedding, I plan to fly to the Eyrie and petition Lady Jeyne myself. Perhaps I'll see you there, Ser Gerrold." With that Ser Gerrold walked back to his seat and the tense moment was over.

The celebrations continued as dinner was served and the dance floor remained crowded. Rhaenyra stayed on the dancefloor, happily dancing with her subjects when Prince Daemon swept her away. Enora and Viserys watched as the two spoke, standing too close to be proper. When all of a sudden a woman screamed from the crowd as a fight broke out. Enora jumped up from her seat, trying to see where Rhaenyra or Alicent was in the crowd but to no avail.

"What in the seven hells is going on?" Viserys asked as he stood up, rounding the table.

Enora watched as the large form of Harwin Strong appeared at the edge of the crowd, Alicent draped over his shoulder. The Queen breathed a sigh of relief at seeing her sister safe from harm, but worry still coursed through her being when Rhaenyra still did not appear. She rounded the table just as Ser Harwin placed Alicent down, the strongest knight in the realm worriedly searched over Alicent, making sure she was alright.

"Alicent!" Enora cried as she finally reached her sister, pulling the young girl into her arms. "Thank you, Ser Harwin, thank you for keeping her safe."

"It was no worry, Your Grace. I am glad Lady Alicent is safe and unharmed."

"The Princess, she is still lost. Would you please look for her, I worry she might be injured or worse."

Ser Harwin nodded at his Queen's request and rejoined the fray, fighting anyone in his way. With her sister safe and the strongest knight in the realm looking for her stepdaughter, Enora turned her attention to her husband, noticing the handkerchief in his hand dotted red.

"Viserys?" Enora questioned, worry flooding her being as she rounded the table to stand beside her husband. Viserys looked up to his wife, wiping the blood from his face, he tucked the handkerchief away.

"I am alright." He assured her, turning to his god sister. "Are you okay, Alicent?'

"Yes, Your Grace." Alicent responded, though she was shaking in Enora's arms.

Looking back to the scene before them, they saw the room had emptied. The Noble houses had either fled the Great Hall or pressed close to the walls. In the middle of the room lay a beaten body. Ser Laenor knelt beside the man's body, clutching him to his chest and wailing.

"Oh dear gods" Enora gasped, holding a hand to her mouth. She tore her gaze away from the body as a white head of hair flashed before her, and a body crashed into her and Alicent.

The three women held each other tight, both girls pressed to Enora's chest while their tears stained her dress.

"It's alright, it's alright." Enora whispered, pressing a kiss to her stepdaughter's forehead.


The celebration had been ruined by Ser Criston's actions and Ser Joffrey's death. With no idea how to proceed, Lord Lyonel had recommended holding the wedding that very night. After the crowd had been cleared from the Great Hall, many leaving that very night to return back to their homes and castles, and the dead man's body had been removed, the High Septon had been called.

"The love of the Seven is holy and eternal. The source of life and love." The High Septon spoke. Only Viserys, Enora and Alicent stood on Rhaenyra's side, mirrored by the three members of Laenor's immediate family in attendance. "We stand here tonight in thanks and praise to join two souls as one. Father, Mother, Warrior, Smith, Maiden, Crone, Stranger. Hear now their vows."

"I am yours and you are mine." Ser Laenor spoke, his voice thick with tears. "Whatever may come."

"I am yours and you are mine. Whatever may come." Rhaenrya's voice was stronger than that of her now husbands. The Princess stepped forward and pressed a kiss to Ser Laenor's cheek.

"Here, in the presence of gods and men, I proclaim Laenor of House Velaryon and Rhaenyra of House Targaryen to be man and wife. One flesh, one heart, one soul now and forever."

Enora had felt her husband begin rocking, before slipping from her grasp and falling to the floor. The King landed in a heap at his wife's feet. Everyone except Laenor and the High Septon rushed to the King's side.

Like a repeat of his return from Driftmark, Enora watched as members of the King's Guard placed Viserys onto a stretcher and carried away.

AN: And part two is over!!


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