The Pureblooded Halfblood

By Angelodude

673 11 0

Moiré Calliope Black, daughter of Sirius Black. Her first name sounding like Mors, death. And that's all she'... More

a pureblood halfblood
contents of act one
* an awkward way to get a hogwarts letter *
* welcome to hogwarts *
* Quidditch *
* A Yule To Remember *

* mountain troll *

83 1 0
By Angelodude

The night of Halloween was around, Moiré began to feel tired of Hermione. Always butting into business, she made friends with Slytherins and ended hers with Hermione.

That night of Halloween, the great hall had floating jack o lanterns in the place of candles. Moiré noticed an empty space on the bench. "Where's Granger disappeared off to?" Moiré a asked.

"Parvati Patil said that she was in the girls bathroom and didn't come out, she was crying." Neville told Moiré.

She sat down. She raised an eyebrow and shrugged. She deserved it, all she ever did was butt into peoples businesses. Suddenly, Professor Quirell came running into the Great Hall in a panic.

"TROLL! IN THE DUNGEON! T-TROOOLLL IN THE DUNGEON!" Dumbledore rised from his seat in concern. Everyone looked at Quirell and he stops and there is utter silence. "Thought you ought to know." He passed out.

"And this is the lunatic trying to teach us to defend ourselves?" Moiré whispered under her breath. A smile crept onto Neville's lips. The room is silent for a few seconds, and then the majority of students begin freaking out and screaming, running around. Moiré looked at them concerned.

"I would rather go back to Durmstrang." Moiré whispered.

"Fair enough." Neville replied.

"SILEEEENCCCEEEE!" Everyone stopped panicking and calmed down. "Everyone will please, not panic. Now, prefects will lead their houses back to the dormitories. Teachers will follow me to the dungeons."

Snape looks aghast, and he walked out through a doorway. Moiré looked at him before laughing really hard. Neville covered her mouth and Potter got up and began yelling. Flitwick decided to go with the teachers and told the Prefects to make sure not to let anybody leave the hall.

Neville and Moiré walked to slytherin table, with their new found friends. "Is it just me or is this just really suspicious?" Daphne Greengrass asked.

Susan Bones looked at her. "What do you mean Daph?" She asked.

"Well, is it not too coincidental that when we're all in the hall expect from Quirell that a troll mysteriously made its way into the dungeons. I mean, out of all places. I'm not being funny but we would've heard it walk past the doors." Daphne replied.

"I mean, you're right. Trolls sound like giants." Moiré said. Daphne nodded her head, all the others were dumbfounded, both of them were right. They turned to see where Quirell had fainted, he was gone.

A look of realisation washed onto Moiré's face. "What is wrong with this school? He was trying to create a distraction, he distracted them all but one." Moiré said.

"Who? There's no other teachers here, they're all gone?" Asked Theodore Nott.

Moiré turned to Theodore before responding, "It was Snape, he didn't fool Snape. Snape left before the rest of the teachers, and I'm assuming it isn't to look for a troll."

Neville looked confused. "But then what would he leave for?"

"DOGGG?" Theo blurted out as loud as the voices of the Great Hall. It scared most people around him.

"Christ Theo, why did you just scream 'Dog'?" Pansy asked.

Theo sheepishly smiled before explaining, "the three headed dog we saw. Remember? Moiré your said it must be guarding something. It was on top of a trap door. I'm guessing that's why Quirrel needed the distraction. He wanted what's guarded and Snape, he may be an arsehole but he isn't stupid. I'm guessing Snape would've went to the third floor to check if it's still being guarded."

They were all silent, processing the new information. And then they were shocked and impressed. "Huh, I didn't know you were smart. Why did you tell us?" Blaise asked.

Theo looked offended and punched Blaise in the jaw, making Blaise squeak 'ouch'. The rest of the group ignored them and thought of what Theo said.

"It would make sense." Draco noted.

"It adds up so far. But there's one thing we still don't know." Daphne said, earning a nod from the rest.

Blaise, who had gotten off the floor,rubbed his head while saying. "What don't we know?"

Moiré turned to him, with a look of determination in her eyes making them slightly apprehensive. "We don't know what the Dogs guarding."

"Yet, we don't know yet." Blaise replied.

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