Winx Club: Bloom's long lost...

De AnimeGirl334

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What if Bloom had a youngest sister who she didn't know about but she was taken to Cloud Tower and became a f... Mai multe

Character bio
The Fate of Bloom and Asia
Revenge of the Trix
The Battle for Magix
The Shadow Phoenix
The Perfect Dress
The Monster's Escape
Stella's Truth
Special: Asia's birthday bash
Andros in Danger
Aisha's Courage
Heroes of the Past
Diaspro's Deception
Breaking the Mark
Taking Over Cloud Tower
Facing the Enemy
A Journey to Lynphea

Valtor's Plan

93 3 0
De AnimeGirl334

"From their prison in the Omega Dimension, the Trix escape with Valtor, spreading terror on Andros. Aisha is worried, and returns home to protect her planet,"said Narrator.


*The sea is rough and a murky yellow color and it is raining. Two mermaids surface, one supporting the other*

"Hang on to me Selena. We can make it! I've gotcha. Ah!,"yelled Mermaid 1.

*A wave washes over them and they go under, but surface again quickly*

"We'll get through this. I think the worst is over,"said Mermaid 1.

*She turns around*

"Or not!,"said Mermaid 1.

*A giant wave is coming towards them, and the mermaids cling on to each other. Suddenly though, a morphix shield appears and the wave doesn't hit them. They smile and we see Aisha in the sky*

"Princess Aisha!,"said Mermaid 1.

*Aisha winks at them and lifts them out of the water on the morphix shield*

*A ship files over head and soldiers come to take the mermaids*

"Soldiers, take care of these mermaids. I need to get to the bottom of this,"said Aisha.

*She flies away*

"There's something dark and terrible stirring up the seas of Andros, and I'm gonna find out what it is!,"said Aisha.

*Oceans of Andros*

*A mermaid monster swims by, and there are three unaffected mermaids trying to protect themselves from the monsters*

"Sisters? What's happening? What's wrong?,"asked Kerallia. "Kerallia, they don't hear us anymore. They're not themselves, something has changed them!,"said Mermaid 2.

*Valtor walks up to them*

"Not something, mermaid, but rather someone has changed them. And that someone is me, Valtor. They wear my mark. It means they are under my control. And now, it's your turn,"said Valtor.

*Valtor brands his mark on the three mermaids, and they are turned into monsters. Valtor laughs*

"Yes,"said Valtor.

*The Trix enter*

"Love their new look. Fangs, claws, discolored's really working for them,"said Icy.

*The four of them begin to walk away*

"You busted out of the Omega Dimension. Conquered Andros! And found the inter-dimensional portal. Ooh, I like it,"said Stormy.

*She falters, looking embarrassed. Icy and Darcy frown at her*

"Did I say I? I meant we like it,"said Stormy. "You're too kind. But I'm just getting warmed up,"said Valtor.

*They reach a portal*

"All those years in the Omega Dimension have weakened me. But not for long. I will get it all back. Once I've regained my power I'll be strong enough to conquer the whole universe. We will reach every dimension through this magic portal. One by one these kingdoms will fall and I will absorb their magic power,"said Valtor.

*He raises his two fingers and an image of all the planets appears around him*

"I'll become the supreme master of all living things. I will spread my mark everywhere and the rein of Valtor will begin!,"said Valtor.

*Valtor laughs as his mark is branded onto the hologram of the planets*

"But Valtor, you're already super powerful,"said Icy. "It's not enough. To regain my full power I need the magic of the kingdom of the sun! And lucky for me, the sun always shines on Solaria,"said Valtor.

*He walks through the portal and moves off through it*

*Outside of Alfea*

*Asia was running around the school very fast and still feel a very sharp pain again*

"What's wrong with me?,"asked Asia.

*She ran inside very fast*

*At Tecna and Musa's Dorm*

*Tecna is on her computer, tapping furiously, but there is a red 'x' on the screen*

"No luck, Bloom. I've called her, I IM'd her, emailed her, but she's off the grid,"said Tecna. "There's got to be someway to contact her Tecna! Please, keep trying,"said Bloom.

*Stella pops her head through the open doorway and Asia walk inside*

"Still no news from Aisha?,"said Stella. "Nope, not yet,"said Bloom. "I bet she's underwater, since that's where all the trouble is. I'm worried,"said Flora. "Yeah, she's probably much too busy to talk on the phone or text,"said Bloom. "You can say that again,"said Asia. "Asia are you okay?,"asked Flora. "I'm fine just in pain but I'm not hurt or anything,"said Asia.

*Stella is putting a hat in a hat box, and Kiko bounces onto the table and stands beside the box*

"Well, if anyone can save Andros, it's Aisha,"said Stella.

*She reaches down to Kiko and turns him around, pushing him away from the hat box*

"Hey, no shedding near my accessories,"said Stella.

*The four pixie pets fly into the room*

"I wanna look perfect for my party,"said Stella. "What party? There's a party? Why didn't you guys tell us?,"asked Bloom and Asia. "Hello, my Princess Ball is tomorrow remember?,"asked Stella.

*Bloom and Asia laughs*

"Oh I get it! You two were kidding!,"said Stella.

*Bloom, Musa, Asia and Flora all laugh, Kiko jumps up and down and Sara licks Asia cheek*

"Maybe you'll think this is funny too,"said Stella.

*She throws two pillows in Bloom's and Asia's faces. Bloom and Asia throws them back at her*

"Not as funny as this,"said Bloom and Asia. "You guys are so hilarious. Ha ha ha, I'm laughing so hard, I might forget to put your names on the guest list,"said Stella.

*Behind her, the Pixie Pets and Kiko burst out of the hat box*

"Hey! Ohhhh...,"said Stella.

*The pets are all lying on the coffee table beside the hat*

"And no furry little party crushers either!,"said Stella.

*She slams her hand down on the table and the pets fly away. She then waves her hand and the hats pile back into the box, which floats into her hand*

"So, are we ready?,"asked Stella. "We'll catch up to you. We still have some last minute shopping to do,"said Musa.

*Stella is piling up her luggage, which she then shrinks and holds in her palm*

"Text me if you want a fashion consuit,"said Stella. "We're ready! Are those your bags?,"asked Bloom and Asia. "Yeah, this time I decided to travel light,"said Stella.

*She takes off her ring, throws it in the air, and it changes into her scepter*

"Buckle up Bloom and Asia. Time to go!,"said Stella.

*She twirls her scepter and slams it on the ground*

"Solaria!,"said Stella.

*Bloom, Asia and Stella and their luggage are taken through a portal, laughing, towards a light*


*Asia, Bloom and Stella arrive outside the place*

"Ah, Solaria,"said Stella. "Princess!,"said Radius.

*Stella turns around to see her father and runs towards him, laughing. She hugs him*

"Oh Daddy!,"said Stella.

*A blonde woman is watching them from the window, and close the closes the curtain on them, walking away. Meanwhile, a servant takes Bloom's and Asia's bags for them*

"Your luggage, your highness?,"asked Servant.

*He holds out his hand to Stella*

"Oh thanks! Don't worry, I really tried to pack light this time,"said Stella.

*Stella throws him her miniaturized luggage, which gets larger as it flies through the air. Eventually, all the cases come out full size and crushes the servant. Bloom and Asia bows to King Radius*

"Your majesty,"said Bloom and Asia. "Oh forget "majesty", just call me "King Radius,"said Radius.

*Bloom and Asia smiles, embarrassed, and Radius laughs*

"Bloom and Asia my dears, you're most welcome here. Stella has told me so much about you two. Please, yourselves at home,"said Radius. "This sure is a lot of home to make ourselves at home in!,"said Bloom. "I agree,"said Asia.

*Solaria Palace*

*Bloom and Asia follows Radius and Stella inside*

"Wow!,"said Bloom. "Incredible!,"said Asia. "We'll give you two a map so you two don't get lost,"said Stella. "Our whole house could fit in this room!,"said Bloom and Asia.

*Stella links arms with Bloom and Asia and pulls them along*

"C'mon, I'll show you two to your suite,"said Stella.

*Bloom and Asia laughs*

"But first, I'll give you two the grand tour,"said Stella.

*At the Fountains*

"Whaddya think?,"asked Stella. "Whoa!,"said Bloom. "Cool!,"said Asia.

*The girls was standing on the balcony and they saw a huge forest and a town*

"Nice view,"said Bloom. "It's so very beautiful,"said Asia.

*Corridor in the Palace*

*Bloom, Asia and Stella was walking along the corridor, and they reach a wooded door with a sun and moon in the middle. Stella pushes the centre of the sun and the door opens*

"And I saved the best for last,"said Stella.

*In the next room, there is a huge model of the sun and the different galaxies orbiting it*

"This is the Hall of the Universe. All the galleries of the Magic Dimension are in here! It's always been my favorite room in the whole castle,"said Stella. "What an amazing place! You're so lucky to be celebrating with your family, on your home planet Stella,"said Bloom and Asia.

*Bloom and Asia touches a planet with their fingertips, and their hands goes straight through the planet. They pulls it back, and we goes into a flashback of Domino being destroyed by the witches. Bloom's and Asia's eyes fill with tears*

"Our home planet, Domino, used to be out there too. Until it was destroyed and our people scattered. By the evil Ancestral witches. We have no idea who our birth parents are. But I know they're out there somewhere... And we know somehow, someday... We'll find them again,"said Bloom and Asia.

*They begins to cry*

"Huh?,"asked Stella.

*Stella wipes away Bloom's and Asia's tears*

"Of course you two will Bloom and Asia. And all your friends will help you two,"said Stella.

*Bloom and Asia sniffs*

"Thanks Stella. No more tears,"They said.

*They leave the Hall of the Universe, Stella with her arms around Bloom and Asia*

"Right, no worries about anything. Let's go get ready for my party, okay? We're gonna have a blast, and no one can stop us!,"said Stella.

*Outside of the Castle*

*A bush explodes and Valtor is teleported into Solaria. He walks through a window and into a corridor, going through a curtain and looking down the hall*

"Wow Stella! Are all these presents just for you?,"asked Bloom. "Do you more presents than this?,"asked Asia.

*Valtor smiles and walk in the direction of the voice*

"Yep, and there's four other rooms just like this one,"said Stella.

*Valtor is watching Chimera, who is spying on the girls. She turns around, but Valtor has gone and is hiding behind the curtain*

"Even if you added all of my birthdays together, I've never gotten this many presents!,"said Bloom. "Same here with my birthday,"said Asia. "Well you know, most of them are re-gifts anyway, old family jewels, antique tiaras...,"said Stella. "Ugh, what a spoiled brat!,"said Chimera.

*She continues to spy on them, and we see Bloom, Asia and Stella standing in a room full of presents*

"Oh, I don't even have a clue what to do with most of this stuff!,"said Stella.

*The blonde woman who was watching Radius and Stella earlier comes up behind Chimera*

"What are you doing here?,"asked Cassandra.

*Chimera pushes herself against the wall*

"A young woman of noble birth does not lurk about in hallways!,"said Cassandra.

*Cassandra looks into the room too*

"Though you have more nobility in your little finger than that pampered Princess Stella!,"said Cassandra.

*Valtor is watching them closely, smiling*

"But you, you would have made a much better Princess of the Sun and the Moon,"said Cassandra. "But I'll be Stella's poor little stepsister forever! King Radius will always prefer her to me,"said Chimera. "A father's love for his daughter is hard to overcome. Unless, it's by a mother's love for her daughter. Now watch me, and learn,"said Cassandra.

*Cassandra laughs and Valtor smiles. Then Cassandra enters the room*

"Ah, dearest Stella!,"said Cassandra. "That's Countess Cassandra, she's a lady in waiting in the Royal Court,"said Stella.

*Stella and Cassandra bow to each other*

"Countess,"said Stella.

*Bloom and Asia waves at to her*

"Er...hi!,"said Bloom. "Hello,"said Asia.

*Cassandra goes and looks at the presents, picking up a small purple box*

"Oh, here's the present I got for you! I hope you like it,"said Cassandra.

*She opens the box and a bright shines from it. Bloom and Asia squint at it but Stella just smiles*

"Wow, shiny! I'll have to buy new sunglasses to go with it!,"said Stella.

*In the box is a silver necklace with purple jewels. Cassandra closes the box*

"My daughter chose it, she's in the Advanced Sorcery Program at Beta Academy. Have you met Chimera?,"asked Cassandra.

*Chimera walks in and Bloom, Asia and Stella gasp in horror. Chimera is smiling sweetly*

"You!,"yelled Stella.

*Cassandra gasps*

"You're the one who stole my dress!,"said Stella.

*Chimera continues smiling*

"It's a small world, isn't it your highness?,"asked Chimera. "What's going on? I-I don't understand!,"said Cassandra. "Let's just say the two of them already met on Magix and they has the same taste in clothes!,"said Bloom. "Mhm, oh yeah,"said Asia. "I didn't realize how much you wanted it!,"said Chimera.

*Stella makes a lunge for Chimera, but she dodges out of the way*

"But of course the Royal Princess of Solaria should have any dress she wishes especially on her big day. It's yours!,"said Chimera.

*Stella is fuming and smoke comes out of her ears*

"You keep it! I don't wear hand me downs, especially yours!,"yelled Stella.

*Chimera stops smiling, and growls back at Stella, then she storms out of the room. Stella also leaves, and they go opposite ways down the corridor*

"It might not look like it now, but this could very well be the beginning of a lasting and beautiful friendship,"said Bloom. "Hmph, that would never ever happen,"said Asia.

*Corridor in the Castle*

*Chimera pushes past a guard carrying an empty silver plate coming in the opposite direction*

"Out of my way!,"yelled Chimera.

*The guard falls to the floor, and the plate lands on top of his head*

"You're royal alright, Stella. A royal pain! But I'll get you, I swear I will!,"said Chimera.

*Bloom's and Asia's suite*

*Stella bursts into the room and Bloom and Asia are still in bed*

"Bloom, Asia get up, we overslept!,"said Stella. "But it's dawn,"said Bloom and Asia. "Exactly! We've only got ten hours until my party, and we've got a ton of stuff to do!,"said Stella.

*Stella levitates the two beds and tips Bloom and Asia onto the floor, pulling off the blanket and laying it back on top of the bed. Bloom and Asia groans and curls on the floor*

"Bloom, Asia, I've got my hair and make up appointments and a mani-pedi, not to mention shopping for my after party dress and my after after party dress!,"said Stella.

*Bloom and Asia yawns*

"What does all this have to do with us?,"They asked. "I need somebody to tell me great I look, and you two are my best friends,"said Stella.

*Stella's Room*

*The clothes in Stella's wardrobe float out and line up in front of Stella. Bloom and Asia walks by yawning, still in their pajamas. Stella begins looking through dresses, throwing them away behind her*

"Nope, nope, nope...,"said Stella.

*The dress she brought in Magix gets to her. She points at it and smiles*

"Yeah!,"said Stella.

*She looks at Bloom and Asia, who has fallen asleep on the pile of dresses behind Stella*

"Huh?,"asked Stella.

*Bloom and Asia, still with their eyes closed, gives Stella a thumbs up*

*at Stella's salon*

*Stella is having her hair and nails done, and Chimera peers around the door and smirks. Bloom and Asia was sitting next to each other by the opposite to Stella and when Stella's hair is finished, she makes two mirrors appear in front of Bloom and Asia's face*

"Huh?,"They asked.

*They takes the mirrors over to Stella so she can see herself. Chimera, still in the doorway behind them laughs and a green sphere appears over to her little finger. Stella looks over her shoulder and smiles, and Bloom and Asia walks behind Stella's chair, holding the mirrors up. Chimera's attack bounces off the mirrors and hits her. Her hair becomes snakes and she runs down the corridor screaming, crashing into a servant carrying a cake and landing on the floor covered in cake. Then her hair stops moving and falls to her side. Back in the salon, Bloom, Asia and the nail artist are standing over Stella, who is relaxing with a face mask on and cucumber over her eyes*

*Cassandra's room*

*Chimera is still wailing and covered in cake*

"Chimera! By the light of Solaria, what happened to you?,"asked Cassandra. "What do you think? It's all Stella fault! She's got everything I don't, she's got a crown, clothes, plus she's a natural blonde! I'd give anything to be like her!,"said Chimera. "Anything?,"asked Valtor.

*Valtor steps into the room through the wall*

"Really?,"He asked. "Who are you? What are you doing in our room?,"asked Cassandra.

*Valtor bows to them*

"I never ignore a damsel in distress,"said Valtor.

*He waves his hand and Chimera's dress is cleaned up and she is wearing a pink, swirly crown on her head*

"But allow me to introduce myself. I am Valtor, and I can give you both the power to make all of your dreams come true. Magical power. Unlimited power,"said Valtor. "Are you buying this, mother?,"asked Chimera. "Quiet! And what do you want in return, Valtor?,"asked Cassandra. "Just a ray of sun m'lady. I simply want to bathe for a moment in the magical light that illuminates Solaria. With the power I offer you, you will be able to rule over King Radius, and you could be the next princess of Solaria,"said Valtor.

*Chimera gasps*

"Countess, just lead me to the spire of the sun, and all of this will be yours. Forever,"said Valtor.

*Valtor holds out his hand to Cassandra, who looks at it for a moment, hesitating*

"Very well. Follow me,"said Cassandra.

*She leaves the room, followed by Chimera and then Valtor. They walk through a corridor and up a staircase, which Bloom and Asia are running down. They gasps when they sees them and smiles at them. Cassandra gasps at Bloom and Asia too*

"Countess! I guess we got lost. We was looking for our room,"said Bloom. "Yeah this palace is like a maze,"said Asia.

*Cassandra ignores them and continues walking. Chimera points down the stairs*

"Ugh, some people just don't belong in a palace,"said Chimera.

*Bloom and Asia goes to walk down the stairs, passing Valtor who stares at them intently*

"Huh?,"asked Bloom and Asia.

*Valtor frowns*

"Hmmm.,"said Valtor.

*Bloom and Asia runs down the stairs and along the corridor. Valtor still watching them*

"Hmmm,"said Valtor.

*The Spire of the Sun*

*Two guards are guarding the entrance. Cassandra signals for Valtor to stay back, and he sighs, disappearing around the corner*

"Soldiers, leave us alone for a moment,"said Cassandra.

*The soldiers bow and leave. As they round the corner and walk away. Valtor appears from the wall and joins Cassandra and Chimera. Cassandra opens the door with a magic ray that comes from her ring. They enter the room*

"Alright, Valtor,"said Cassandra.

*She points at a sphere of light hovering above a pillar*

"Here is the sun of Solaria,"said Cassandra.

*Valtor walks over to it and puts his hands around the sun*

*The source of life for this world. I feel the heat, the light, the energy,"said Valtor.

*The sun shines brighter, and Valtor rises off the ground, engulfed by the light*

"Restoring my power!,"said Valtor*

*Chimera shields her eyes*

"Ah!,"She yelled.

*Valtor floats in the light*

"Hah!,"said Valtor. "Ah!,"yelled Chimera.

*Valtor lands on the ground, purple energy forming around him*

"And now I am...,"said Valtor.

*He shoots electric purple energy up into the sky*

"...Valtor once again!,"said Valtor.

*Valtor laughs, and the energy shoots through the spire's rook and into the sky, forming spiraling clouds*

"And now, my dear ladies, it's time for me to keep my promise,"said Valtor.

*Two orbs of blue energy go into Chimera and Cassandra's chests, who both gasp as they are lifted off the floor, a bright blue light surrounding them. When the light clears, they land back down, and Valtor's mark appears on their necks. Chimera touches Cassandra's mark, but burns her hand on it*

"The party! And the guests are arriving!,"said Cassandra. "Then I'll leave you to your festivities. I must also depart,"said Valtor.

*He walks into a bright light, but stops just when he's about to go completely through the portal, turning back to Cassandra and Chimera*

"But, I'm sure we'll see each other again, very soon,"said Valtor.

*He disappears*

*Outside of the Palace*

*The guards are playing trumpets and people are gathering outside the doors. Bloom and Asia are among them, dressed up ready for the princess ball. The red rountain ship lands, and Sky, Scott, Brandon, Flora and Musa step out. Musa and Flora are all dressed up for the princess ball too*

"Let's get this party started,"said Musa.

*Tecna also steps out, ready for the ball. Bloom runs towards them*

"You made it! Yay!,"said Bloom.

*She runs to Sky, who picks her up and twirls her around. They are both laughing*

"Bloom you look amazing!,"said Sky. "You look pretty good yourself. What about Aisha? She's not coming?,"asked Bloom. "We couldn't reach her. We think she's still on Andros,"said Tecna. "Has anyone seen Stella?,"asked Brandon. "You'll see her soon!,"said Bloom. "Hey where is Asia?,"asked Scott.

*Asia walks towards them with a beautiful dress*

"Did someone call me?,"asked Asia.

*Scott run towards Asia and twirls her around. Asia giggles*

"Asia you look beautiful!,"said Scott. "You look very handsome yourself, Scott,"said Asia.

*Palace's Ballroom*

*The gang walk into the room*

"Ohhh, totally cool!,"said Musa. "Wow, they really went all out for Stella's party,"said Flora. "Wait 'till you see the princess,"said Bloom.

*A waiter offers Sky, Brandon and Scott drinks, whilst the guards play the trumpets*

"Up there! Look!,"said Asia.

*She points to the top of a staircase where a curtain is being raised. King Radius walks out*

"Welcome my friends! And thank you all for coming. Today, my heart is filled with joy and happiness, because my Stella is back here among us!,"said Radius.

*Stella walks out in her ball gown. Whispers of amazement fill the room. Brandon's jaw drops open*

"Wow!,"said Brandon.

*Sky pushes his mouth closed. Stella and Radius are walking down the stairs*

"Stella, today is your day, but I've got one more surprise,"said Radius. "A surprise for me?,"asked Stella. "Well, more or less. It's a surprise for the whole family! For all of Solaria actually,"said Radius.

*As they reach the bottom of the stairs, citizens turn around and bow to the King and Princess*

"My dearest friends, I have another announcement to make. Sorry to distract you from our royal buffet...,"said Radius.

*Everyone laughs*

"But I'd like you all to know that this kingdom will soon have a queen again,"said Radius.

*Stella gasps*

"Cassandra my dear,"said Radius.

*Cassandra walks forward to the King. Stella's hand slips from her father's, and Cassandra looks at Stella who gasps in surprise again*

"Ladies and gentlemen, in a month's time Countess Cassandra will become my wife!,"said Radius.

*Stella looks at her father in horror. The citizens of Solaria clap, but the Winx, Sky, Scott and Brandon all gasp*

"Stella, I'm so happy I'll be your new mother,"said Cassandra.

*Stella turns her head away*

"Why didn't you tell me about this before?,"asked Stella.

*Radius looks shocked*

"Well I- I wanted it to be a surprise,"said Radius.

*Stella turns and walks away*

"We'll get along fine, you'll see. It's difficult for her but I'm sure Chimera will help her though it,"said Cassandra.

*Stella walks past Chimera, who smirks at her. Stella joins the Winx*

"My father ruined my party! Can you believe it?! Cassandra and her dress thief daughter are going to be my new family!,"said Stella. "Hey, look on the bright side!,"said Musa. "What bright side?,"Stella asked. "Well, you have a whole month until the wedding,"Musa said. "This is really bad. I was hoping my parents were going to get back together. But this? This is the worst thing my father could have done to me!,"said Stella.

*Stella walks away. When she goes past the boys. Sky punches Brandon in the arm Scott push Brandon points after her. Brandon goes after her*

"Um, Stella, I brought you a little present,"said Brandon.

*He holds out a small box. Stella takes it, smiling*

"Thanks. I'll open it later,"said Stella.

*She hands it to a servant*

"Put it with the others,"said Stella.

*She carries on walking. Brandon snatches the present back up, starting the servant*

"Whoa, hold on! I'll give it to her later,"said Brandon.

*He stands and watches her walk away*

"Aw, don't be mad Brandon. Stella's just feeling really upset right now,"said Flora.

*Stella is standing alone looking out of one of the windows when Radius comes up behind her*

"Stella, duty calls. Now, shall we open the ball?,"asked Radius.

*Stella and Radius take on the floor and all of the citizens gather round to watch*

"Enjoy your little father daughter bonding moment sis, 'cause this is your last dance,"said Chimera.

*The crowds partner up and join the dance. Sky comes and takes Bloom hand. Musa pushes Bloom forward and the couple join the dance. Scott walks towards Asia and take her hand. Flora gently pushed Asia and the couple also join the dance. Bloom and Asia looks over to Stella, who is dancing with a sad look on her face, and sighs. Cassandra looks over to Chimera, who nods and moves over to the side of the room, summoning her powers and glowing with a green light*

"Hope you had fun being Daddy's little princess, cuz that's all about to change,"said Chimera.

*A green ball of energy forms in her hand, and she fires it at Stella*

"And I really mean change!,"said Chimera.

*The attack hits Stella and she falls to the ground, groaning in pain. Sky, Bloom, Scott and Asia look at her worried. Radius kneels beside her as everyone gathers round*

"Sweetheart, what's wrong?,"asked Radius.

*Stella writhes on the floor, sweat pouring down her face. Her hand turns green and her fingers become webbed. Then the rest of her skin turns green, and her dress tears around her middle*

"Stella! Darling!,"yelled Radius.

*Stella uncovers her face, and we see that she has been turned into a monster. Radius and the Winx and Specialists gasp along with the crowd. Cassandra comes up behind Radius and whispers in his ear*

"Radius, this monster is not your daughter, listen and obey. This monster is not your daughter...,"said Cassandra.

*She channels a ball of purple energy into him*

"Do as I say,"said Cassandra. "Guards! Take this monstrous creature away!,"said Radius.

*The guards surround Stella*

"This is NOT my daughter!,"said Radius. "No! Daddy, Daddy, it's me!,"yelled Stella.

"Nice one mother,"said Chimera. "Oh, you too darling. And we're only just getting started,"said Cassandra.

*The guests run away from the ballroom, as the guards close in around Stella*

"Girls, help me!,"yelled Stella.

*A guard runs at Stella. Bloom summons her powers*

"Stop!,"yelled Bloom.

*Some of the guards have their weapons pulled from their hands by Bloom's magic. The guests continue to run. The sky clouds over, and it starts to rain. The people stop confused*

"It's raining?,"asked Citizen 1. "That's impossible!,"said Citizen 2. "It's never rained on Solaria before!,"said Citizen 3.

*Back inside, the Winx, Sky, Scott and Brandon have formed a circle around Stella, and face the oncoming guards*

"I don't get it. What happened?,"asked Stella. "Don't worry Stella, we're going to protect you,"said Asia. "And who's going to protect you?,"asked Chimera.

*Sky and Brandon draw their weapons. Scott's eyes turn red and his teeth become fangs and roar at the guards*

"They're with the monster! Guards, get them! Alive, or not,"said Chimera. "Alright girls, Magic Winx!,"said Bloom.

*The girls transform. Once they have, they all gasp, looking at Stella, who is still a monster*

"My powers, they're gone!,"yelled Stella.

*Stella approaches Cassandra and her father*

"Soldiers, take the king to a safe place, that monster is trying to attack him!,"said Cassandra.

*The guards close in on Stella as Cassandra and Chimera walk away. Stella breaks through them and runs away up the stairs. The guards point their weapons, and shoot, but Tecna comes in between*

"Electro cage!,"said Tecna.

*The defense spell blocks the guards' attack, and it bounces back at them*

"Tecna c'mon, let's get upstairs with Stella, we have to keep her safe, let's go!,"said Flora.

*Tecna and Flora fly upstairs, and Musa faces the guards*

"Hey, if this is a dance party, we need a disco ball!,"said Musa.

*She fires an attack at the guards*

"There they are!,"said Guard 1.

*Musa's attack hits them, cutting them off whilst Sky battles another one*

"Bloom, we got you covered!,"yelled Sky.

*Stella reaches the top of the stairs, and carries on running, whilst Sky, Scott and Brandon continue to fight*

"No, you're outnumbered! Go back to the ship and get ready to lift off!,"said Bloom.

*Sky, Brandon and Scott are surrounded, and they smile and wink at each other, running and jumping through the window. The Winx continue to run after Stella, piling up the furniture behind the door to keep it shut*

"I have a feeling we won't be invited to the next party,"said Musa. "Fine by me, I wasn't crazy about the DJ anyway,"said Asia.

*They round a bend and see Stella*

"Girls! No, please don't look at me. I'm too ugly,"said Stella. "Oh Stella, I don't care what you look like,"said Flora.

*Stella starts crying, and Flora hugs her*

"Someone cast a spell on you. Any idea who's responsible?,"asked Tecna. "We'll figure that out later, let's just go!,"said Bloom.

*Someone is pushing on the door, slowly opening it. Asia's eyes turn red and starts to growl*

"My father. I have to see my father! He has to know I'm not a monster!,"said Stella. "Your father was just scared Stella, that's why he said what he did!,"said Bloom.

*The girls began to run as the guards burst through the door*

"There's a ton of them! Grabbing ivy!,"said Flora.

*Some plants reach out and hold the guards, whilst the Winx carry on running*

"Fire sphere!,"said Asia.

*She summons a sphere of fire to blast the guards weapons away*

"Girls, we've got wings, I say let's use them!,"said Asia.

*They take off, Flora and Tecna carrying Stella*

"Where to Stella?,"asked Musa. "Let's go into the Aviary tower!,"said Stella.

*The Winx continue on their way. They reach the door and Bloom blasts the doors open*

"Hmmm....If we get to the they won't be able to reach us. Let's go!,"said Bloom.

*They start flying up to the top, and Flora and Tecna are carrying Stella*

"How far to the top?,"asked Flora. "It's a long way up!,"said Stella.

*The guards see them*

"This time they're trapped,"said Guard. "But they don't know it yet. I'll start up the speed stairway. We'll have no problem beating them to the top,"said Guard 2.

*The guard pushes buttons on a contraption and a flying platform appears. They climb on and it starts flying upwards*

"Er, girls? Better speed it up a bit!,"said Stella. "This isn't fast enough for you?,"asked Musa. "Not anymore! That thing down there is moving faster than we are!,"said Stella.

*The girls look down to see the guards coming towards them on the speed stairway*

"Keep going girls, I'll stop them with a fire wall!,"said Bloom.

*Bloom stops as the others fly on ahead. She creates a wall of fire between them and the guards*

*Outside of the Palace*

*Sky, Brandon and Scott are running through the rain towards the ship*

"Any sign of the girls? Do you two really they'll make it past the guards and out of the palace?,"asked Brandon. "Of course! The only question is 'when?' and 'how much of the palace will be left?,"asked Sky. "3 2 1,"said Scott by counting down.

*They all jump when behind them, the aviary tower explodes in flames*

*Inside the Aviary Tower*

*The guards approach Bloom's fire wall*

"Prepare for impact!,"said Guard 1.

*The shields unfold from the guards' gloves and they pass through the fire wall*

"Hurry up! Those soldiers are catching with up with us, fast!,"yelled Bloom.

*They reach the top of the tower and Musa blasts the door open. They all land in the glass room at the top. The guards follow them in*

"This ends right here!,"said Guard 1. "I don't think so! We're outta here!,"yelled Asia. "Get the monster now, it'll tell us what they did with Princess Stella!,"said Guard 1.

*They begin firing at Stella, who backs up and smashes through the glass wall, screaming as she falls down. Flora gasps as Musa looks through the hole in the glass*

"Oh no!,"yelled Musa.

*Tecna puts up a shield against the outcoming attack from the guards. Bloom and Asia runs towards the hole in the glass, as Flora fires an attack at the guards*

"Take that!,"yelled Flora.

*Bloom and Asia flies through the hole after Stella*

"Stella!,"yelled Bloom and Asia. 

*Stella is still screaming as she falls towards the ground*


"Countess Cassandra and her wicked daughter Chimera are turning Stella's life into a nightmare, and only the Winx can wake her from it,"said Narrator.

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