[MTL, BL] Love NPCs in Nightm...

By elliebeaaar

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Love NPCs in Nightmare Games 恋爱NPC在噩梦游戏 Author: 浪里淘浪 Status: 146 Chapters (Completed) Description: Zhouzhou i... More

1.1 Love Academy
2.1 Nightmare City
3.1 Villa Ghost
4.1 Nightmare City
5.1 A Doll's House
6.1 Nightmare City
7.1 The Thing of the Deep Sea
8.1 Nightmare City
9.1 The World in the Mirror
10.1 Nightmare City
11.1 Castle Night
12.1 The Real World
13.1 Nightmare City
14.1 Cozy Cabin
15.1 The Real World
16.1 New Love Academy
17.1 The Shadow of the Ancient Temple
18.1 Freshmen
Chapter 146 End of Text


457 21 4
By elliebeaaar

Keli even suspected that he was wrong, so he opened his eyes wide and looked towards the cat's eyes again.

However, the man outside who looked at him with a smile was really exactly the same as him, even the details of his clothes were exactly the same. If it weren't for the position of the other party at this time and the different movements from him, he would even think that he was looking in the mirror.

Feeling weird, Keli stared at the man outside in horror.

"Who is that outside?" Shirley noticed that her brother's whole body was stiff, and seemed to see something unbelievable.

"Boom, boom, boom." The

knock on the door was close at hand, and the slow and powerful knock seemed to hit Keli's heart, making his heart feel tight.

There seemed to be something stuck in his throat, and Keli said vaguely: "The people outside look exactly like me..."

Before he had time to say anything, the mission panel issued another notification.

[Main task 2: Don't let the sudden visitors catch you. 】

The slightly playful words made the two of them immediately realize that the person outside the door was the visitor mentioned in the mission panel.

"Boom, boom, boom."

The door was knocked three more times, but after the knocking ended, the person outside did not stop as before, but started to turn the doorknob.

The doorknob in the room was also shaken.

They had tried it before, and the doorknob on this door could not be turned at all, and there was no lock hole, but at this time, it could be heard from the movement outside that this door could obviously be opened from the outside.

The two were suddenly startled, they must not be caught by each other!

Before he could react in time, the door was suddenly opened with a gap, the sunlight in the room passed through the gap, and a clear trace of light appeared on the face of the man standing outside, the light and shadow split the man's face in two, looking It looks very weird.

"Keli" tilted his head, locked his eyes on the terrified two people in the room, and said with a smile, "I'm coming in." "

Fuck, run!" Keli didn't expect the other party to move so fast. At this time, it is unrealistic to close the door to prevent the other party from entering.

Originally, they thought that the small house was very convenient for them to find the keys, but at this time, the unobstructed room gave them nowhere to escape.

Shirley dragged Keli into the study, and the two of them leaned against the door. This was the only place that could temporarily prevent the other from entering.


There was a loud sound from the study door. Unlike the polite knock on the door before, the other party was extremely violent at this time, as if he was about to break into the door the next moment.

"What to do, we can't go on like this, we don't have time to find the key at all." Ke Li realized the point, they can't be caught by the other party, but running away like this is not an option, after all, the dungeon is only given for twelve hours, if the other party keeps If you keep chasing after me, where will you find the time to find the key?

"Fight with him? But we don't have any weapons." Shirley felt a tremor coming from her back, and the study door couldn't last long. Most of the points they accumulated were converted into interstellar coins, and there were not many decent props at all.

"The two of us, the other alone, one against two can hold on for a while. I have a way to delay it for a while." Ke Li said to Shirley.

"Bang! Bang!"

The visitor outside the study was kicking extremely hard, and the door of the study trembled as if it would fall down in the next second. Finally, the wooden door was still unable to withstand such a violent way of breaking the door. Not only was it kicked There were several cracks, and the two metal hinges on the door were constantly falling off.

With the last knock, the overwhelmed door finally fell down.

"Ke Li" strolled into the study room. From his point of view, the players inside had nowhere to escape, and it only took a few minutes to catch them.

It's just that the two players didn't resist at the door, nor did they scream in panic when the door was broken open.

When he looked at the two people in the room, suddenly a strong light came, and it was daytime, this white strong light still pierced people who couldn't look directly at him, just when he was illuminated by the strong light and turned his head to avoid it. When I opened, my legs ached sharply.

"Quick, quick! Hit him!" Shirley yelled, holding the lighting tool.

Keli was holding a wooden stick in his hand at this time, and when the opponent's line of sight was blocked, he slammed down on the opponent's legs. The unsuspecting visitor knelt on one knee. Obviously, the blow was not small.

Immediately after that, Keli beat his legs and arms severely several times.

Although the wooden stick can't defeat the opponent, as long as the opponent's movement can be restricted, it will be convenient for them to escape later, so Keli only attacks at the joints of the hands and feet.

With the next blow, the stick was gripped by a veiny hand, and the visibly attacked visitor was furious.

He turned his head to look at Keli, his familiar eyes gradually turned red, looking very frightening.

Ke Li pulled out the wooden stick several times without pulling it out. Looking at the angry look on the face exactly like him at this time, he felt a little fear for no reason.

Realizing that their battle had failed, Shirley saw that her brother was still "looking at each other affectionately" with each other, bit the bullet and ran forward quickly, pulling Keli and ran outside: "Why are you in a daze!" The visitor's

location It happened that the study door was exposed, and the two quickly ran out from the door.

"Go outside!" The room is too small, there is no place to hide in the living room, and there are many severed hands in the bedroom, so it is not a place to hide. Shirley found that the door was not closed when the visitors came in. Maybe they can go outside to hide.

But just as he ran to the door, the door that opened outward seemed to have a consciousness of its own, and it closed with a snap.

The whole room became a closed space, and their range of activities was only here.

The visitors in the study also came out.

In his current appearance, he looked very different from Keli.

The peaceful face was extremely ferocious at this time, his eyes were full of blood red, and his heavily injured limbs moved forward unnaturally, and even under the stunned eyes of the two players, the visitor found that his limping legs slowed down his movement speed They actually landed on all fours, their joints twisted abnormally, and both of them even heard the teeth-stinging creaking sound when the other party bent his limbs.

The originally handsome "Keli" turned into a strange shape. He stared at Shirley and Keli standing at the door, as if a giant spider was staring at its prey, and pounced on it the next moment.

high speed!

Both of them were about to cry in fright, and at the same time as the other rushed over, Shirley gave Keli a hard push, allowing them to separate and run in different directions.

Shirley ran to the kitchen to one side, and Koli to the living room.

The alien with twisted limbs stared at Keli closely, chasing after him without hesitation, apparently holding grudges for what happened before.

"Help! He's chasing me!" Keli yelled in panic, running around the dining table to avoid the opponent's capture.

After Shirley entered the kitchen, before she had time to close the door, she found that the monster didn't pay attention to her at all, and only chased Ke Li.

Although there is no danger for the time being, one cannot just sit back and watch Keli being chased. She ran into the kitchen and hurriedly opened the drawers, only to find the weapon in the drawer.

a kitchen knife. Shirley picked up the kitchen knife and ran to the door of the kitchen, shouting to Ke Li who was still

circling around the table: "Run here!"

After going around a few times, I lost my patience and jumped on the table to try to intercept him. If he hadn't run fast, he would have been caught long ago.

Hearing his sister's voice, Ke Li immediately ran to the kitchen, and the moment he entered the kitchen, the other party followed closely.

Shirley's heart was beating wildly. Holding the kitchen knife in both hands, she took a step forward the moment Keli ran into the kitchen, and then slashed at the alien who was following him.

At that moment, Ke Li, who was guarded behind him, was very moved when he saw his sister's heroic figure.


There was a crisp sound when the metal hit, Shirley and Keli watched the scene in front of them in silence.

None of the imagined scenes of blood flying and blood splashing, or the scene of the npc disappearing immediately after hitting the npc, didn't happen.

The opponent caught the kitchen knife with one hand, holding the blade firmly with the palm facing up.

Looking at the dumbfounded two people, the alien smiled coldly: "The knife is not sharpened."

Shirley's lips trembled slightly: "It's over."

Keli looked at each other in despair: "Please forgive me."

Not long after, the room was completely silent. .

The alien disappeared. If it weren't for the dilapidated study door lying pitifully on the ground, there wouldn't even be a trace of his presence.

The two players also disappeared.

The only thing left was two fish lying on the kitchen floor.

The two fish were about the same size, lying flat on the ground, with the same hopelessness in their eyes.

Who would have thought that being caught by a visitor would not be eliminated directly, but turned into a salted fish.

It's too bullying!

Time passed by, and the two fish were lying on the floor, jumping up and down from time to time, trying to leave the kitchen to find the key, but found it too difficult, so they could only continue to lie down obediently.

The sun slanted to the west, the light in the house gradually dimmed, and the house was as quiet as if there were no living things at all.

After an unknown amount of time, the two fish on the kitchen floor turned back into human shapes.

Keli stood up cursing, looked at the time, and found that two hours had passed, and there was not much time left.

But when he turned his head and was about to greet Shirley to continue searching for the key, he found that Shirley, who had turned back into a human form, was lying peacefully on the ground with her hands flat on her abdomen and her eyes closed.

Ke Li didn't understand: "What are you doing?"

Shirley continued to close her eyes: "I'm thinking."

? ? ?

"This must not be the dungeon designed by Zhou Zhou, we must have gone wrong."

Ke Li replied silently, the names of the dungeons will not collide, Shirley is deceiving herself.

"No matter who designed it, let's go through the customs first. You may have found the second key while you were lying here."

Shirley opened her eyes and got up from the ground. She didn't say anything, but went to find the key silently. .

The night was about to fall. Although the light in the room was dim, they had super bright lighting tools that could blind people's eyes, and their sight was basically not hindered.

On the surface, they searched the entire room, and then the two started with the details, no matter whether it was the floor or the wall, they didn't miss a single suspicious place.

Shirley checked the few books placed in the study room, and stared at the bookcase and desk carefully, rubbing and knocking, and found that the sound of knocking on a certain place on the desk was different from other places.

She moved closer to the desk and knocked a few more times, but the sound was not as crisp as other places, with a bit of dullness.

"Ke Li, come and have a look, I might have found it!"

Shirley greeted Ke Li who was lying on the wall and knocked left and right. The two studied the table together, and they couldn't see any problems from the luster of the color.

Ke Li brought over the unsharp kitchen knife from the kitchen. Although this kitchen knife can't even cut a carrot, it's still a piece of cake to destroy the table.

Scratched the paint on the tabletop, and the problematic places were indeed filled with wood chips.

The two looked happy, and it seemed that the key was indeed right.

Before they could remove the sawdust underneath, there was another knock on the door.

The two froze for a moment, recalling the fear of becoming a salted fish.

Why are you here again?

Keli suddenly realized that the task panel said "Visitors", which meant that there was more than one visitor.

"Quick, quick! Don't worry about the people outside, get the key." Shirley urged, anyway, no matter what they do, the other party can come in, the most important thing is to get the key first.

Keli quickened his hand movements, and finally emptied out all the sawdust stuffed in, but there was no key underneath, but a piece of paper.

[The second key is in the visitor's body, please come on! ]

Shirley: "..."

Ke Li: "..."

Ke Li's hand holding the small note trembled slightly, he crumpled the small note into a ball, took a deep breath, gritted his teeth and said, "Go get the key." "

Shirley was also very speechless, but she had a question: "What does it mean to be in a visitor's body?"

When the door opened, Shirley's question was answered, and standing outside the door was a 20-centimeter-tall The light yellow doll bear, with its naive appearance and furry appearance, made the two of them let down a little bit of vigilance.

So the key is in the body of the teddy bear?

The two looked at each other, and felt that the visitor this time didn't look scary, and getting the key should be a breeze.

It's just that when they saw the silver-white table knife in Little Bear's hand, their expressions cracked a bit.

Under the strong lighting tools, the bear's eyes reflected two red lights like rays. I saw it lift up the small knife on its chubby short paws, and said in a low voice: "Everyone touched by the knife will turn into various objects." The silver knife was shining brightly against the light

, dazzling, but Shirley Looking at the small table knife, He Keli couldn't laugh at all.

Three minutes later.

Shirley sat on the ground panting heavily, clutching the hard-won key tightly in her hand.

The little bear looks chubby, but moves very flexibly, even chasing the two to run more often.

But the two worked together, and even after sacrificing Koli, they finally kicked the knife away, grabbed the bear, and pulled the key out of the zipper on its back.

The instant he kicked the knife away, Koli turned into a chair.

The little bear whose key was taken away disappeared in place, and the table knife also disappeared together.

Shirley, who survived the catastrophe, sat on the floor, looking at the chair next to her with complicated eyes.

The brown bamboo and rattan chair stood there quietly, in harmony with the tone of the whole room, as if it had been standing there all along, without any trace of people at all.

Shirley sniffled and felt like crying again, now that she was alone.


Shirley looked at the bamboo and rattan chair with tears in her eyes. Keli has become like this now, can he recover, or has he been eliminated?

Becoming a salted fish was at least a living thing before, but now it is not even a living thing.

Shirley sniffled and moved to the side of the bamboo and rattan chair. She wanted to check whether Keli was still alive.

When she was more than a dozen centimeters away from the bamboo and rattan chair, two eyes suddenly appeared on the bamboo and rattan chair that had been quiet for years.

The two eyes on the back of the chair blinked in confusion, and then met Shirley's eyes.

Shirley:! ! !

"Ahhhhhhhhhh! Ghost!"

A pair of eyes grew on the bamboo and rattan chair very close, which brought a great visual impact. If Shirley hadn't remembered that this was Keli's chair, it would have been a long time ago. Kicked over.

Hiding far away by the window, Shirley really cried looking at those vivid eyes.

After all, she and Keli are brothers and sisters. After the first visual panic, she quickly recognized the eyes as Keli's.

It's just that after turning into a chair, why only the eyes are restored, it looks so scary, even if it's her brother, it's really scary.

"Cole?" Shirley asked tentatively.

The pair of eyes on the bamboo and rattan chair blinked excitedly, and Keli was still conscious. Although only his eyes could move, it also meant that he was not eliminated.

Shirley took a step back silently. She might have to slow down a little before she could accept Keli's current appearance.

This is just a game. The person in front of me is my own brother. We need to help each other and break through the level together... After thinking about it for a long time and doing enough psychological construction for myself, Shirley approached the bamboo and rattan chair with human eyes again.

In addition to the great visual impact, after watching it, probably, you may get used to it.

Xue Li slowly let go of her heart, just looking at her brother's current appearance, she didn't know how long it would take to recover. If it can't be recovered, then in the remaining time, she must find the last key alone, and then take Ke Bamboo and Rattan Chair Li to go out from the escape exit, so it should be considered that both of them have successfully cleared the level.

Xueli made up her mind and began to look for the key everywhere. Before long, she heard Keli's voice from the bamboo and rattan chair.

"I can talk now, haha, I can finally talk."

Shirley looked back, and found that there was a mouth under the eyes of the bamboo and rattan chair, and she was talking one by one.

Shirley closed her eyes: ...it looks even scarier.

Keli didn't know what his sister was thinking, and it was too uncomfortable to be confined in the chair and unable to move.

But now he can feel that he is slowly recovering, and according to this speed, he should be able to return to his human form soon.

Shirley continued to look for the key everywhere, Ke Li, who couldn't move, could only help out.

"Look there, and there, behind you, behind you, don't go, you haven't found it yet."

Shirley took a deep breath, lay down on the ground and looked under the sofa.

"It's too dark down there, lift up the sofa and have a look at the side, why don't you take the sofa apart and have a look, maybe the key is hidden inside, and... Hey, what are you doing!" Moving the bamboo and rattan chair

into In the study, Shirley felt that the whole world was clean.

"Squeak... cheep..." There was a strange friction sound in the study.

After a while, the bamboo and rattan chair came out by itself. Ke Li was indeed recovering, and the four legs of the chair could move. He slowly moved himself out, facing the expressionless Xue Li, wanting to have a big brother education.

As a result, Shirley moved into the study again, this time closing the door.

As he gradually recovers, Koli loudly lectures his sister who has been so cruel to him.

Shirley continued to search for the key under the background sound of chanting.

One key is in the bedroom, the other is a clue found in the study, brought in by the visitor, and the last key is likely to be in the living room or the kitchen. These two places are the key points.

Two hours later, Keli finally recovered his human form, and before he could be happy, the door was knocked again...

"Boom, boom, boom."

The shock on the faces of the two of them was fully revealed. ?

[Cozy Cabin] The first batch of players in the dungeon, the clearance rate is less than one-tenth, which is very tragic.

Both Keli and Shirley failed to pass the timeout.

Sitting on a bench by the street in Xinshou Village, the two similar faces were four parts frightened, three parts suspicious, and three parts blank.

The two looked up at the sky without saying a word.

I don't know how long it took, Shirley finally said: "I think I may not be suitable for playing this game."

Ke Li: "I feel the same."

Shirley: "This dungeon is too difficult, I feel like participating in a game. A horror suspense decryption adventure battle battle royale game."

Ke Li added: "There is also role-playing." Changing salted fish into chairs into teacups and so on.

"Is this really a dungeon designed by Zhou Zhou?"

"Looks like it is."

"Why did we make this dungeon?" Just after getting out of the dungeon, Shirley felt her mind was in a mess and reacted. They are quite dull, and it takes a long time to remember everything.

Keli didn't know either, he thought back to what happened before he entered the dungeon.

"It seems to be to cheer Zhou Zhou up."

Shirley: "..."

Ke Li: "..."


Neither of them wanted to recall what happened in the dungeon.

Leaving aside the disgusting thing of turning into salted fish and all kinds of furniture, the visitors in the back are really powerless to complain about.

The third visitor was a puppy. When Shirley saw the puppy for the first time, she even fell in love with its watery eyes and big ears.

However, when the dog came in from the door, they realized that the cute appearance was just a superficial appearance. This cute little dog, who was only about 20 centimeters taller than the little bear, was more than one meter long, and his body proportions were seriously uncoordinated.

When the door was closed, this long-looking puppy actually grew three heads, and each mouth was full of fangs.

This is clearly a hellhound! Senran's fangs and sharp claws, neither of the two escaped this time. They were swallowed by the hellhound and turned into two teacups.

The Hellhound left after completing the task, leaving only two teacups, one red and one white, quietly waiting for the time to pass on the ground.

Two hours later, he regained his human form again.

The successive blows have not made the two lose their fighting spirit. Although time is running out, the two still tenaciously found the last key.

When they plucked up their courage and prepared to go to the bedroom to retrieve the first key, they found that the key was not inserted in the lock cylinder at all.

Thinking that the severed hands took the keys away, the two overcame their fear, stomped their feet and collapsed and screamed, and picked out the severed hands one by one to find the keys, but they couldn't find them after searching all over the bedroom.

At the last moment, they saw the key hanging from the bedroom light fixture.

It's a pity that it's too late, the twelve-hour time limit has come, and they watched the fruits of victory slip away before their eyes, and they were teleported out.

Might as well be eliminated from the start.

Obviously this dungeon is the shortest time among all the dungeons they have experienced, but the two of them are extremely tired, both physically and mentally, have been completely exhausted.

It was exhausting physically and mentally.

After the two were resurrected, they sat on the bench in silence. There was enough time left to make another dungeon, but neither of them moved.

The breeze blew, and the two remained motionless, like two human-shaped stones placed on a bench. Passing players looked back from time to time, guessing what the two players were doing.

After an unknown amount of time, the mission panels of the two kept ringing.

Originally, they were not going to respond, and wanted to think about life here, but the message reminder set above is the highest priority, and this is only a reminder from a few friends with the best relationship.

Ke Li slowly opened the task panel and found that it was Zhou Zhou's news.

He saw that Shirley and Keli also entered the copy he designed in the background, so he wanted to ask them to ask about their experience.

The two read the message in silence, looking at the "oh" at the end of the sentence in silence. Usually, such a word appears, and they might think it is cute, but now, thinking of the content of the prompt in the copy, and thinking of the small note, this word It became extremely hateful.

Shirley took a deep breath, and asked Keli sincerely: "Can we beat Zhou Zhou now?"

Keli said without hesitation, "I think so.

" Send to the given address.

After Zhou Zhou sent the message, he said to Alvia who was sitting on the sofa: "I called Keli and Shirley over, and the suggestions you gave are completely useless. I want to listen to their suggestions.

" During the test, Sylvia gave only one suggestion, don't let others know that you are Zhou Zhou, or you will be beaten easily.

This is not a suggestion at all, Zhou Zhou has no way to adopt it, obviously both the resentment woman and Locke said that his dungeon design is very good.

But coincidentally, Ke Li and Xue Li were the first batch of players to participate. Zhou Zhou really wanted to know their thoughts on the dungeon.

When Zhou Zhou opened the door to welcome them, the two men who had been aggressive at first gasped after seeing the inside of the house, and took a few steps back abruptly.

The two moved in unison, as if they had seen something incredible.

Zhou Zhou looked into the room following their line of sight in doubt, and there seemed to be nothing surprising except that there was an Alvia sitting on the sofa.

Shirley and Keli looked at the familiar structure and decoration of the room, thinking that they hadn't come out of the dungeon yet.

Why is this exactly the same as the copy scene, are they hallucinating?

Zhou Zhou who directly used his own home as a copy template for convenience:? ? ?

The author has something to say:

← → New book recommendation:

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