Desires || Steddie

By Zeroo1986

10.2K 203 99

Steve Harrington was every girl's dream guy once upon a time, but with hidden anxiety and self-esteem issues... More

Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14.
Chapter 15.
Chapter 16.

Chapter 8.

594 10 0
By Zeroo1986

Snoring filters through Steve's ears early the next morning and when his eyes open, he feels an immense soreness spread through the entirety of his lower half. He winces a bit and closes his eyes tight in a mock way of trying to make the pain ease away.

He realizes that his limbs are tangled in between Eddie's who is still fast asleep, snoring steadily under his head making it rumble every so often and memories flash through his mind of the night prior, making a smile grow on his face despite the pain and soreness that had developed because of what they'd done.

A feeling of joy washes over Steve as his mind revisits every small detail that took place last night, leaving him to happily think about their first time together while he snuggles his head closer into Eddie's chest.

Somehow his movement stirs the man under him and he shakes awake with a start.

"Good morning." Eddie greets in a deeper voice than normal and it makes Steve's heart melt even more in that moment. He loved Eddie's morning voice because it was several octaves lower than normal, and despite their night it hardens his already rock hard dick even more, that's firmly pressed against Eddie's thigh as Steve was sandwiched to his side, cuddling against him. Eddie places a gentle kiss on the top of Steve's head and leans his head back down onto the pillow, moving his arms from around Steve to put his hands under his head to hold it up so he could look at him.

Steve removes his head from Eddies chest and gives him a displeased look.

"What?" Eddie asks him nonchalantly, not knowing what he'd done to deserve the look Steve was giving him right now.

"Arms." Steve says with a pouty lip and he reaches for Eddie's arms to bring them back around him and Eddie lets out a deep laugh as he lets Steve remove his hands from under his head and wraps them back around him.

"Jesus sweetheart, didn't know I wasn't allowed to not touch you this morning." Eddie let's on through his laughter at Steve's behavior. Steve gives him a dirty look and Eddie raises his hands up in surrender. "Okay, okay sorry" Eddie says still laughing and Steve cuddles his way back into Eddie's side. "Better?" Eddie asks as he wraps his arms back around Steve and he lets out a sound of approval and Eddie laughs once more. "You're ridiculous this morning." Eddie points out and Steve tuts before removing his head from Eddie's chest and looking deep into his eyes.

"I'm sore and the only thing I want right now is to sit here and cuddle, and doing that makes it hard when you won't wrap your arms around me." Steve says pointedly, as if stating the most obvious thing in the world and Eddie raises his eyebrow in surprise at his lovers outburst.

"If your sore babe, let me take care of you." Eddie says and the instincts in his brain to relieve his lovers pain flicks on in seconds, getting ready to remove his hands from around Steve again who quickly places his hand on Eddie's to stop him from going anywhere.

"No. It's not that bad and i'm comfortable." Steve insists and Eddie relaxes back into the mattress. It was Steve's call on what they did because it was his body and he didn't want to do anything unless asked.

After they spend several more hours cuddling and talking about random topics, Eddie convinced Steve to take some Tylenol for the pain and let him run him a warm bath. Despite his protests to be babied, he allowed it because he could see the small flickers of worry flashing in Eddie's eyes every so often and he knew Eddie felt bad for being the reason he was in pain, so he let him do it.

Robin had called asking for Steve and demanded they spend some time together and after added reassurance from Eddie that he could find something to do while Steve hung out with Robin, he agreed happily.

So that's what Steve was doing, getting ready to go hangout with Robin at her house for a few hours.

Over the last few weeks, Steve had brought random articles of clothing over to Eddie's to leave here in case it was needed and vise versa, both men having their own choice of clothing to stay at the others for any occasion. In the moment, Steve was thankful for it because despite loving to wear Eddie's clothes around the trailer, he knew it would be a bit extra to flash himself around town in them, especially in front of Robin who'd surely give him a hard time for it, most likely calling him a dingus and declaring it beyond ridiculous that he was wearing his boyfriends clothes.

Steve loved his best friend but her constant nitpicking wasn't for the weak, and the nicknames she gave him was something he had to come to terms with very quickly because no matter how hard he had tried to get her to stop, it only made her come up with more.

"I'm gonna head out now babe." Steve hollers from the bedroom as he walks down the hallway to the living room where Eddie was supposed to be cleaning but was sitting on the couch, hyper focused on whatever he had playing on the tv, most certainly a movie.

Steve peaks at the tv and sees 'Cujo' playing on the screen and snickers to himself. It was the scene where the dog gets bit by the bat and Steve inwardly cringes as he didn't particularly like the movie, especially involving a dog with rabies.

"Babe, i'm leaving." Steve tells Eddie who finally tears his eyes from the screen for a brief moment to acknowledge him before his eyes inevitably return right back to it.

"Okay." His all he mutters, deeply focused on the movie and Steve laughs again before walking over to Eddie and placing a chast kiss on his cheek.

Determining he wasn't going to get anything else from Eddie he turns on his heel and walks out of the house and heads for his car. He gets in and starts driving to Robins

"Spill now!" Robin demands as she plots herself down on her bed, leaving Steve to sit next to her. They get comfortable on the bed, facing one another as his spastic best friend bounces herself on the bed, wanting to know everything his and Eddie's relationship had turned into recently as said man had stolen Steve away from her, taking any chance of free time he had and spending it all with Eddie.

"Jesus Rob, calm down." Steve says half dramatically, holding his hands out hoping to ease her ridiculous antics of bouncing up and down like a kid with a sugar high. "We've made things official, of course you know that and have been spending a lot of time together, and uhh" Steve trials off, unsure if he wants to tell his friend about the night he'd had with Eddie.

"Steven Harrington, I swear to all that is holy in this world, if you don't tell me what I know you are hiding, i'm going to slap it out of you." Robin threatens, not actually threatening him because she wasn't violent what so ever but her threat was more laced in the use of his full name and Steve knew fully well that she only used it when she either wanted something from him, or she was angry with him which wasn't often.

"Christ Robin, we slept together last night." Steve admits and Robins eyes raise in complete shock.

"Holy shit!" She screams loudly making Steve's ear ring a bit from how loud she had just screamed and he shoves his finger into his ear and wiggles it a bit, making a displeased face in the process as he tries to make his ear stop ringing.

"Dial the excitement down Rob please, I pretty sure I can hear colors now." Steve says as he blinks a few times to make sure his ear was done ringing. She gives him a pointed look for a second.

"This is amazing Steve, I'm so glad your happy." She says more calmly this time, and Steve can't help the smile that grows on his face. "Also, i'm kind of bi-curiously living in fantasy land through your guy's relationship so... sorry." Robin excuses herself with a hit of a shrug and it makes Steve laugh a bit.

"Still no luck with Vicky?" He asks and she frowns a bit at his words .

"No, I can't tell if she's into me or just being nice. And it's not like I can say or do anything because it's too much of a risk. You got lucky Steve, truly." Robin explains to him and he only nods, feeling a familiar sense of sadness wash over him, as only a few months ago, he and Robin were in the same boat. If it wasn't for Eddie's boldness in telling him to compliment him or Steve growing balls to come out and ask him to hangout, he was sure he'd still be stealing his not so hidden glances at Eddie from a far.

He visibly shivers at the thought and focuses back on Robin who looks a bit far away for a moment. She looks at him and gives him a bittersweet smile, not meaning to have lead their conversation in to a sour one at her inability to get into a relationship with the girl she was crushing on.

"Sorry, but anyways, how's Eddie uncle?" Robin asks, remembering the last time they'd truly spoken to one another, Steve mentioned something about Eddie's uncle knowing about their relationship and being okay with it.

"He's great Robin. He treats me like he treats Eddie to be honest, maybe not so harsh but pretty close to it. Makes sure I keep myself in check with work and with mine and Eddie's relationship, making sure we're being respectful to each other and safe." Steve explains and Robin gives him another bittersweet smile as the only people she was out too was Steve, not even having Eddie know or any one from the party as she was still extremely terrified of coming out to anyone.

The only reason she came out to Steve was because he'd started to form 'feelings' for her when they worked at Scoops Ahoy together, most of it being being pushed onto Steve by Dustin who demanded he give Robin a chance, most of it was misdirected feelings and false hope for trying to deny his sexuality, which after a long conversation that lead to both of them admitting their feelings for the same sex, he realized how wrong his made up feelings for her were.

That same conversation molded a lot of their friendship, mostly bonding over a secret they shared for being attracted to the same sex and everything from then on was history.

For the next several hours, they catch up on anything they might have missed out in their routine near daily hangouts that had changed once Steve got into his blooming relationship with Eddie. Thankful his best friend was understanding of him wanting to be with his partner and didn't judge him or give him grief for it either, because if the roles were switched, he'd be just as gracious with her and her relationship.

They stay off touchy topics and mostly talk about work and making plans to hangout again with Eddie next time so Robin could get to know her best friends boyfriend better. They joke about random shit and also bring up memories of experiences they'd shared at work or bringing up random people they both knew of.

All in all Steve felt like nothing had changed in their friendship despite not really seeing or talking for a good chunk of time and it warmed his heart that no matter how long they spent away from each other, he'd always have her around to shit here and bullshit with and have good conversation with when he otherwise felt his time was spent with most if not all his focus being on Eddie.

"Thank you Robin." Steve thanks her randomly and she cuts her brows at him in both confusion and wonder at why he was randomly thanking her out of the blue. "For being such a good friend, you know how I was before me and Nance and all that and how judgmental I was and just, you know, being such a good friend despite us not really talking much anymore." Steve sits there rambling the first thing that comes to mind and Robin laughs.

"Steve, Steve, hey!" Robin interrupts his spell of ranting and rambling dead in its tracks. "You might be a dingus on your best days but you're a good guy Steve, you don't give yourself enough credit." She tells him and before he can overanalyze the statement she continues "Besides, i don't think Dustin could handle you alone, someone had to step up and look out for you and your sometimes ridiculous decision making" Robin jokes and it makes a smile crack on both of their faces before they both start to laugh hysterically.

All of their differences aside and the rather odd way their friendship had started, they made quite the pair and if you had to ask either of them to pick another best friend, they'd both instantly deny it. When they became so close was hard to pinpoint but for Steve, he was thankful the short haired girl with a spunky and chaotic attitude had come into his life when she had, and no matter how much she'd pick at him with remarks or nicknames he truly loved her because she was an amazing friend to Steve, no matter how unlikely it seemed for their bond to form, it had and he counted himself one hell of a lucky man to have Robin.

After their laughter died down, they bid each other a goodbye as Steve was itching to get back to Eddie, but not before cementing a time for them to hangout again and after some more shared jokes, they separated and Steve made his way back to Eddie's trailer, content with the way his day had gone, beyond happy he'd agreed to spend the day with his best friend.

When he made it back to the trailer, Wayne was home and as Steve walked into the home, he saw his boyfriend and the man he looked at as a father figure sitting on the couch watching some tv show.

"Steve! How was Robins?" Wayne questions as Steve removes his shoes and makes his way over to the couch to join the pair on it.

"Good, she was happy to see me. By the way, I made plans with her next weekend to hangout, all three of us." Steve says looking at Eddie and the curly haired male turns to him with a smile in his face as he wraps his arm over the top of the couch, around Steve's shoulders.

"Sounds like a plan." Eddie agrees as he turns his attention back to the tv screen, playing some random show someone had put on.

"You boys staying for dinner?" Wayne asks the two younger males and they tell him they would be and then they fall back into a comfortable silence.

After dinner and a movie, Steve and Eddie make their way to Eddie's room after Wayne unwillingly fell asleep sitting up during their movie and when they shut the door and strip down to boxers, and lay in a tangled mess of limbs does Eddie ask Steve about his day.

"Was it good seeing Robin?" He asks as Steve rests his head into the crook of Eddie's shoulder and he nods happily.

"Yeah, she was really happy to see me and catch up on things." Steve tells him with a smile on his face.

"That's good." Eddie says as he draws random patterns on Steve's bare back. Steve nods and let's our an approving sound at Eddie's hand movements. "You excited about next weekend?" Eddie asks him and he nods again, excited to see how well his best friend and boyfriend were going to get along.

They'd been in band together but hadn't ever really gotten to know one another well, only really on a first name basis and knowing the minor details they'd both gathered about the other through Steve over time.

"Yeah, I just hope she isn't too annoying when we do see her though." Steve tells Eddie and this makes him laugh.

"I'm sure I can handle her." Eddie reassures him "if we can handle Henderson and his incessant shit i'm sure i can handle the women you call your best friend" Eddie adds in quickly after and Steve laughs.

"Fair point." He says before his eyes close and he falls asleep against Eddie's chest, being lulled to sleep by his fingers drawing patterns on his back.

"Goodnight handsome."

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