A Dragon And A Goddess

By Serenity_Xiao

15.3K 398 78

There was a snarl and she froze as she saw blue eyes glow and she saw green fire. She wandered right into a d... More

The Betrayal
The Dragon
The House
Exes and Dragons
Dragons Are Like Cats
Cock-blocking Fathers
Sex with a Dragon
Hearts Are Breaking
My Goddess
Babies and Baths
The Dragon Egg
Dragon Babies
Sadistic Tendencies

Family, Crystals and Secrets

926 31 2
By Serenity_Xiao

A week later, Kiana noticed a few characteristics about Serenity. The first one is that Serenity didn't really understand privacy. The dragon has a habit of entering rooms without knocking. The second thing ties with the first. When Kiana's in the bathroom, Serenity is at the door, whining. The dragon reminds the white-haired goddess of her childhood cat. That cat would follow her into the bathroom. If Kiana was taking a shower, she had to let Serenity in. The third thing is that the dragon acts more like a lazy cat than a terrifying man-eating beast. Kiana hummed as she walked into the living room. Serenity was sprawled on the floor, her wings and tail out. She was sunbathing, and she looked content. The goddess yelped as the dragon pulled her down. The fourth thing is that Serenity likes to steal blankets to make a nest. Kiana loved the day that she found her clothes in a nest. She couldn't be mad at Serenity for stealing her clothes because she reminded her of a puppy with its favorite toy. Kiana got used to sleeping in the makeshift nest. The last thing was that Serenity had a hoard. Kiana read that most dragons had hoards of treasure. Some dragons had gold, and others had other things. Serenity seemed quite pleased with her room full of books and Xenomorph merchandise. The dragon was currently curled up reading Divergent, and Kiana hummed. She had just gotten out of the shower, and she was in the process of getting dressed. "Kiana." Serenity whispered. Kiana turned around, and her eyes widened at the intricate crystal in Serenity's hand. Luckily, Kiana had bought a book about dragon's courting rituals. The crystal was a sleeping dragon, and it was a dark green that was slightly transparent. Kiana took the crystal, and she could have sworn Serenity purred. She examined and noticed that the horns looked similar to Serenitys. "Do you like it?"

"Yes. I've never seen this crystal?" Kiana hummed as the crystal would slowly fade from black to the same green as Serenity's flames.

"It's called Nightmare Crystal!" Serenity puffed out her chest. "I made the dragon all by myself." Kiana smiled at Serenity, who looked proud of herself. Kiana set the dragon on the desk. Her hair knocked down, and Kiana went to catch the crystal dragon before it shattered. It hit the ground, and Kiana's heart stopped. There was a laugh behind her, and Serenity picked up the dragon, which was perfectly intact. "It's also very hard to break. I think its hardness is similar to a diamond?" Kiana sighed in relief, and she frowned. She made a void crystal, and she found some string. She wrapped it and made a necklace. She put it around Serenity's neck, and Serenity froze. The dragon didn't expect the goddess to return the gift.

"Serenity!?" Kiana yelped as the dragon went down. She could have sworn that it was customary to give a courting dragon something of hers. The white-haired goddess quickly turned Serenity around, and she sighed in relief. She smiled softly at the dragon's red face. "Did I do something wrong?"

"No." Serenity whispered. "It's just that when a female dragon's mate gives something personal, it means they want to have kids in the future." Kiana went scarlet.

"I mean, we can have kids." Kiana stuttered.

"I know." Serenity had known about Kiana's little secret since she found her in the cave.

"How?" Kiana yelped.

"Dragons have an acute sense of smell." Serenity sat up. "Mei has one, too." Kiana yelped as the doorbell rang. "Hmm? Is someone here?"

"Ah! Is it time already!?" Kiana quickly got dressed and wore a blue and white dress. Serenity followed the goddess as she watched her mate trip over nothing. Kiana rushed to the door and opened. A beautiful white-haired woman smiled at the goddess. "Mother!"

"About time you opened the door idiot!" A light purple haired woman pulled Kiana's cheek. "Honestly! Mother and I had to have Aunt Himeko escort us!"

"Sirin." The woman smiled. "Stop fighting with your sister." Himeko came in and saw Serenity. Serenity smelled the alcohol on the woman and dodged the incoming woman.

"Ah. Serenity, you had to dodge." Himeko rubbed her head.

"Kiana, who is this?" Sirin asked.

"I'm Serenity, Kiana's mate." Serenity bowed to the white-haired woman.

"I'm Cecilia Schariac. Kiana's mother and this lady here is Sirin Kaslana. Kiana's older sister. It seems you already met Himeko."

"Of course I know this lovely lady! She's the one who killed that monster and is the owner of this house!"

"What happened to Mei?" Sirin asked. "I thought you guys were together?"

"She cheated on Kiana. I thought I told you?" Himeko scratched her head. Cecilia frowned, and she hugged her daughter, and Sirin casually walked up to Serenity.

"I'll kill you if you hurt my sister."

"Dragons mate for life." Serenity shrugged. Sirin's eyes widened, and they started to sparkle.

"Oh my Herrscher! Are you the Serenity Fujakante!?" Sirin started to squeal.

"Yes." Serenity giggled. It's been a while since she met someone who admired her. Sirin started to freak out as she realized her sister was dating the dragon of Nightmares.

"Siri!" Kiana whined.

"I hope you'll protect my daughter." Cecilia bowed.

"I'll kill whoever hurts her." Serenity had a sinister look on her face, and Sirin started to squeal. Himeko backed away some, and Sirin held Serenity's shoulders.

"We'll kill them together!" Sirin started to ask Serenity a bunch of questions. Kiana decided she'd show her mom the gift Serenity gave her. She fetched the dragon and showed the two older women the dragon.

"I've never seen Nightmare Crystal before." Cecilia looked in awe. "Lady Serenity?" Serenity tensed at the nickname.


"How did you meet my daughter?"

"After Mei cheated on her, I'm assuming she ran and ended up in the forest. It started to rain and she ended up in my cave." Serenity hummed.

"I woke her up." Kiana pouted.

"Your wailing woke me up." Serenity pinched Kiana's cheek.

"Kiana Kaslana!" Cecilia scolded the goddess.

"It's fine." Serenity hummed. "She's the reason I got to kill that monster."

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