Villains || TCFSV!Wilbur x Re...

Par NkeiMagos

16.5K 352 760

Tommy and Y/N were childhood friends while growing up, even with their age differences. The two met Tubbo and... Plus

Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14.
Chapter 15.
Chapter 16. Final

Chapter 3.

1.5K 29 54
Par NkeiMagos

"Siren?" Y/N mumbled

""And now they're awake." Siren rolled his eyes

Zephyrus took Siren's blindfold out of Siren's hands and walked out the room. Y/N sat up.

"Where am I?" Y/N asked

"At my house." Siren said without turning around

"Why won't you turn around?" Y/N asked

Siren took a deep breath in before turning around to face them. Y/N's eyes scanned over his features. He had beautiful hazel brown eyes that his fluffy brown hair fell over perfectly. Y/N found themselves blushing.

"You've gone red." Siren pointed out

They quickly covered their face with their hands. Siren chuckled and sat down next to them. He took Y/N's hands off their face.

"Why did you take your blindfold off?" They asked, "I can find out who you are now."

"You won't tell anyone, will you?" Siren asked

"What would you do if I did?" Y/N looked up at him

"You'll find out if you tell some one." He stood up

They lowered their head as Siren walked out the room. Zephyrus walked in.

"Be grateful you're not dead." Zephyrus stood in the doorway, "He cares for you, so we can't hurt you."

"Why would a villain care for me?" Y/N looked up at the villain

"Either you're powerful, he likes you, or something else." Zephyrus shrugged, "Maybe both."

"The first one, maybe." Y/N replied

"You're powerful?" He sat down next to them, "Do you have a power then?"

Y/N nodded. Zephyrus because interested by this.

"I can go invisible." Y/N explained, "I can also make anything I touch go invisible with me, but I can't make multiple things go invisible with me."

"Can you show?" Zephyrus asked

They touched Zephyrus' arm and closed their eyes. Y/N opened their eyes shortly later.

"Nothing happened."

"Watch." Y/N faced the door

The Blade walked in.

"Phil!" The Blade called out

"I told you I have powers." Y/N made the two visible again

"What the hell?!" The Blade stumbled back

"Y/N has powers. That's why Wil brought them here." Zephyrus explained

"How long do I have to stay here?" Y/N asked, "I have two jobs and friends who will be worried."

"That's Wilbur's choice." The Blade shrugged

"Who?" Y/N tilted their head to the side

"I'm Phil. That's Techno. And Siren is Wilbur." Zephyrus explained

Y/N made an 'o' shape with their mouth to show their understanding. Siren, or Wilbur, walked into the room.

"You never said that they had powers, Wil." Zephyrus, or Phil, said

"You never asked." Siren shrugged

"So you just fail to leave out that they are powerful?" The Blade, or Techno, found it hard to believe

He thought for a minute before nodding.

"Right, I need to go out and get food. Does anyone want you join me?" Zephyrus asked as he looked at both of the boys

"I'll come with you, Phil." The Blade smiled at him

Zephyrus and The Blade got changed and headed out. They looked so different when they were in casual wear. Now, it was just Siren and Y/N in the building.

"When can I leave?" Y/N asked Siren, "I have two jobs and friends, who will be worried about me."

"When do you next have work?" He sat down

Y/N thought for a moment before answering, "Tomorrow, around midday."

"You can go to work but need to come back." Siren compromised

Y/N accepted it. Zephyrus and The Blade arrived back with food. The Blade took the bags into the kitchen while Zephyrus gave some F/S to Y/N.

"Thanks, Zephyrus." Y/N smiled and took the F/S

"Call me Phil. The Blade, Techno. And Siren, Wil. If you're going to be here for a while, you might as well call us by our real names." Zephyrus smiled back

"Thanks, Phil." Y/N said

Phil walked out the room. It was now Y/N and Siren once again.

"So. Can I call you Wil?" Y/N asked him

"It's Wilbur. Wil is just a nickname." Siren replied, "But yes, you can."

The Blade walked into the room.

"What's the date? As in day of the week." The Blade, or Technoblade, asked as he looked at the calendar or the door

"Wednesday." Wilbur said

"Movie night." Technoblade tapped the calendar

Phil walked in with two bowls of popcorn, one I'm each hand.

"Who's choice is it for the movie?" Phil asked

"Wilbur's." Technoblade sat down on the sofa

"Umm." Wilbur picked up the remote, "what about Fear street1978?"

"Sure." Everyone said

Wilbur turned the tv on to see the news.

"Ender and Nuke?" Phil sat down

"Skip!" Technoblade wined

They all sat in silence as Wilbur put on the movie. The seating was Phil, Technoblade, Wilbur and then Y/N on the end. Phil handed Wilbur a bowl of popcorn for him and Y/N while Phil and Technoblade shared one.

It started off with a lady going through her strange nightly routine until there was a knock at the door. There was a quick jump-scare causing Y/N to jump slightly.

"Are you ok with horror movies?" Wilbur whispered to them

"I'm fine. I just haven't watched this is no long." Y/N sat up properly

The movie continued as it was.

"Why would you leave someone, who is possessed, in a trunk?" Technoblade said, sounding annoyed

"I was about to ask if you would prefer them to go on a murder rampage but I think I know the answer." Phil ate some popcorn

They continued until about half way through the movie. Another jump-scare. This time, Phil and Y/N jumped. Y/N hid their face into Wilbur's chest to not see what happened, however Phil didn't do anything.

"Use your brain!" Technoblade yelled at the screen, "You can't climb out with a bucket! One of you is injured!"

One of the characters proved Technoblade wrong by climbing out.

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