LOVE On Duty...

By HP0207

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ON HOLD Phoenix Private Eye(PPE)....... A well known Agency for Agents who works under Indian government... More



280 34 18
By HP0207

Avneet: Shit.....

(Shit shit shit.... No no no..... I need to remember all this.... Fuck.... I can't forget all this... God why I had to get drunk today.!!! I need to sober myself..!

She stumbles on her way to kitchen and starts rummaging through the cabinets and fridge to find something that will at least help her sober up a bit.... She has to talk to Siddharth..... she opens the fridge and finds a sandwich... She grabs it and tries to take few bites along with going through the cabinets and finding crackers.... She munches on few crackers along with it.... All she need right now is to sober up a bit... there is no way until 24 hours till she can fully recover from alcohol but she can't wait till then..... She is happy that she met with her best friend Ritu from high school after long time at the bar and finally was able to vent out her frustration as she was the only one who knew about her feelings back then but that eventually got her to get drunk.... She can't believe she got drunk.!! Cz to be honest... Avneet is a heavy drinker and handles her alcohol well... In fact.. Very well... So her getting wasted today was just weird... That's what she thought... She will thank her Ritu later to drop her off as she was in no state of driving...... After about 25-30 minutes she felt a bit less tipsy so she decided to go and talk to Siddharth....She knew what she was going to do might end up in complete disaster but she has to....
She had to clear the misunderstanding.... How can he say that she uploaded any such video.!! When she never did.... Infact when she came to know about that video he was already gone from the school and she got busy with deleting that video from the internet.
She tried to contact him but he never responded. She along with their common best friend tried to talk to him but he distanced himself and didn't respond to any of them.

She went to Siddharth's side and went upstairs towards his room. She knew she was already breaking HIS rules of not coming to his side but right now she could care less about that... She was still tipsy but she had more control on her mind and body than before.... She stood in front of his bedroom door... took a deep breath and knocked on his door.... She didn't get any response just heard some rumblings that means he's awake..... She knocked again and a bit louder..)

Avneet: I... *sigh* I know you are awake.... Open the door.... (Still feeling the effect of alcohol she leaned over the door by placing one hand and sighed looking down)

Sid... Please open the door.... You have to listen to my side of story.....

(Siddharth just replied to her from his room without opening the door)

Siddharth: Just leave me alone Avneet... Just go... (his voice felt hoarse, it was of crying earlier.... Avneet knew she has to convey her message but face to face )

Avneet: Just....... Just open the door Siddharth..... listen to me once....(she tried sounding more convincing)

Siddharth: You are in no state of talking Avneet.... Just go and leave me alone...

(Avneet sighed again.! She really wants to talk to him when she is still up and not asleep because of alcohol.... Once she will be knocked down.. She will not remember anything.! Fuck....she cursed under her breath..! )

Avneet: Listen you idiot.... Open this goddamn door or I will have to break it open.. Stop being childish....

(And now we wait...she smirked....and she started counting....Avneet knew she just pulled his nerve by calling him childish and before she could even count till 3 the door opened and revealed shirtless Siddharth with grey sweatpants on looking clearly pissed off but was looking like a hot meal to Avneet...! She had to use every ounce of her strength to control herself and instead of ogling his body she looked at his eyes and said....)

Avneet: We.......need to talk.....

Siddharth: What.? For fuck's sake Avneet go to sleep and let me sleep as well.....

(She made a cute grumpy face and folded her hands on her chest and Siddharth almost melted on that sight.... She huffed and pushed him aside and barged into his room and sat on his bed. She sighed and looked at Siddharth who was still standing on the doorway.....)

Avneet: Are you just going to stand there.... I came here to talk... will you listen to me once..?

(Saying this she leaned back being tiered cz of obvious reasons... 1. Alcohol, 2. Lack of sleep, 3. Mental exhaustion.
She leaned back taking support of her hands and sighed closing her eyes but that made Siddharth's eyes go wide and he almost choked on his saliva as he finally looked at the outfit that Avneet was wearing...)

A/N: Imagine Avneet wearing this outfit with a black jacket which is almost draping off her shoulders cz of her current state.

Back to story....

Siddharth: Ehem.... Avneet...... *deep breath* You need to leave now.... You are really drunk and ..... *sigh* it's better you leave... for my sanity (he almost whispered the last part which obviously Avneet didn't hear..)

Avneet: Siddhaaaaarth....!!! I just wanna say that I did not upload that video of yours........ (she said it... she finally said..... she sat straight and watched Siddharth who had a confused expression on his face....)

Siddharth: Wh...what.?? You.? You remember what I told you downstairs?

Avneet: That's why I wanna talk to you about it right now.... Cz once I am out.... I won't remember a thing and I wanna get it out of my chest..... I can't believe it.... You thought that I would do something like that..!!!

Siddharth: I didn't at first Avneet.... But when I saw you with them discussing about the video what you expect me to do....

Avneet: Confrontation you idiot.... You could have confronted me.... Why would you just assume something.....

Siddharth: Really.? So it was my fault.? (He said in rather disbelief tone)
Then tell me one thing.... Why out of all people you were with them.? My bullies.?? And chatting with them as they were your buddy or something....

Avneet: *sigh* Cz we were in same group for a project Siddharth.... You were not there and Ritu went to her cousin to make the project with as a group so I was left alone. And out of the blue teacher told me to be with them as they all were failing. She told me to be with them as their project partner and help them out.
That was the only reason I was with them.!!

Siddharth: But I heard them.... Them thanking you to upload the video.... And you even said you did it cz I was not around...

Avneet: Siddharth it was the video of the project that we had to upload on the website of our school. That's what they meant.... And about me saying you not around it was because if you would be around I wouldn't be with them as their project partner.!!

*sighs* I came to know later about that video of yours and you returning back as well so I started looking for you but you were not there. I and ritu both tried to contact you but you didn't reply. I first went after the main issue and deleted the video of yours with the help of my elder brother and after that.... I tried to contact you again but you just distanced yourself...

I had to leave after few days as mom and dad had to move to different state. I kept on calling you to tell you that. Ritu knew about all of this but she got no luck as well to contact you. So I just informed her to tell you and went as we had to move hoping once you get to know the truth you will contact me.... *sigh* But you never did....

On the way to our new home in different state... we were attacked.... We all got into a brutal accident..... I believe mom and dad were declared dead at the scene and for me... I have no clue how I survived...

(Siddharth was shocked and confused as this is a complete different story than what he knew.... And Ritu knew about it.??? How come.? And why she didn't tell him? Why would she tell him different story or was Avneet not telling him the truth.... But she is drunk. In no state to make up such a lie.... His head is full of confusion)

Siddharth: You..... you are telling me that it was not you.! Then why Ritika told me it was you.??

(Avneet was surprised to hear that but she shook her head in disbelief.... She was broken... both her best friends betrayed her... it hurts the most when your best friend betrays you. It is rightly said.!!)

Avneet: She...... She said it was me.??? (Hurt was all Sid could feel in her voice and expressions... he went towards her and she stood up still being tipsy so was a bit wobbly but she held him by his shoulders ...)

You believed her.... Instead of confronting me... You believed her.... *scoff* unbelievable..... both my best friends betrayed me... You chose her over me..... (she said with teary eyes still holding his shoulder)

I was your best friend Siddharth.... I was the first friend you made... Because of me you came to know Ritu and you telling me that you believed what she said instead of confronting me.?? (She said getting a bit angry)

I can't believe Ritu either.! Why would she do that.?? She knew everything... Even the things that you didn't know... We both were best friends before you came...... Wow.!!! The two way slap that I have received.!!!!

I am glad we had this conversation..... I can finally move on....

(Siddharth looked at her questionably)

Siddharth: Move on.? What do you mean?

Avneet: You moved on.... Got a fucking girlfriend.... But I am stuck in my past..... Now I know it's not worth it.... You know Khan was right... there are lot of fish in the sea..... So it's decided.... I am moving on....

(She said distancing herself from him..... She moved past him but he grabbed her by her wrist and pulled her towards him but as Avneet was still tipsy she tripped because of his sudden action and they fell on bed with Avneet on top of Siddharth.... Faces mere inches away. Avneet's alcohol filled breath was mingling with Siddharth's minty breath.. They had eye contact and none of them both dared to look away first... but Avneet was the first to break the eye contact cursing under her breath and trying to get up...)

Avneet: Fuck you Siddharth Nigam..! I wish puberty didn't hit to this hard and made you look like a fucking full coarse meal.... But I will move on.... I will.. I know myself.....

(she said getting up but was pulled back the very next second by Siddharth and this time one of his hand on the back of her neck and one holding her waist..... the air around them suddenly became thick and tense and Siddharth said....)

Siddharth: Move on.?? From me..!! *scoff* I dare you Ms. Kaur....

(the next thing Avneet knew was that Siddharth's lips were on hers as he pulled her in rough but rather passionate kiss.... Even though she was tipsy she didn't kiss him back making him groan in frustration in the kiss and he squeezed her waist making her gasp and that is when he took the chance and deepened the kiss by making his tongue explore her mouth and taste her carven making her feel butterflies and The feelings she wanted to die down resurfaced and she kissed him back which made Siddharth smile in between the kiss but soon Avneet pulled his hair making him break the kiss and both looked intensely at each other breathing heavily.....)

Avneet: Don't start something that you can't finish Mr. Nigam....(she again tried to get up unwillingly as her emotions were taking over her)

Siddharth: *scoff* You think I can't...... (within a second Avneet's jacket was off her body and their positions were flipped with Siddharth hovering above Avneet.....) You have no fucking idea Ms. Kaur.... How you make me go crazy since the day I first saw you at your agency.... (He said in husky voice)

Avneet: Then give me the idea Mr. Nigam.... Show me what effect I have on you.... (She said seductively and got the exact response she expected..... her hands were pinned above her head with rather more force and Avneet loved it and a moan escaped her mouth when Siddharth whispered in her ear..)

Siddharth: With pleasure (and licked her earlobe)

(He attached their lips once again but this time Avneet was responding with the same passion making him feel proud..... both lost their senses.... Avneet forgot that she decided to move on from him where as Siddharth forgot he has a girlfriend.... Their heart and feelings took over their mental restraints and they went with it......

He left her lips and started to trail her jawline leaving wet kisses. He then kissed a spot right behind her ear and Avneet moaned pulling his hair...... Siddharth smirked and said..)

Siddharth: Gotcha... (He sucked at the same spot with more force and licked it making Avneet moan again.... He then went to start leaving kisses by her neck, then to her shoulder and collarbone and grabbing her dress strap from the shoulder with his teeth he slid it down and went again to kiss her but then....

He didn't feel Avneet responding to him like before and her hands fell down on the bed that were gripping his hair and that snapped him out of the trance......

What the fuck was I doing..???? What was I thinking?? I.... I took advantage of her when she was drunk.... Fuck fuck fuck....

He looked at Avneet.... Swollen and red lips... got a hickey on her neck and dishelved hair with her dress strap slid down....

Fuck..... he cursed..!! She was looking mess.... HOT MESS.!!! But this was wrong..... All wrong..... He had so many things to figure out.... But main thing got clear..... He loves Avneet... Avneet never betrayed him and He will never let her go....

He looked around the room and grabbed her jacket that he threw previously. He then went towards Avneet and picked her up in bridal style and took her in her room and made her lay down carefully and covered her carefully with the duvet and left the room not before giving her a forehead kiss...
Yup.! I love her!

He closed her room, came to his room took a quick cold shower and went downstairs wearing simple tracksuit and slump down on the couch and ruffled his hair in frustration..

Why did Ritika lied to him?
How will he face Avneet?
Why out of all days he lost his mind today?
How can he do such thing?
What should he do now?

For his last question he sighed and called the person who he thought is perfect person to call...)


Siddharth: H..Hello.?
: It's 5:30 AM .! What do you want.? (The other person yelled)
Siddharth: Come at our villa ASAP..
(The urgency in his voice made that person sit up in concern)
: What happened?
Siddharth: Just come here I will explain everything..

OTP ends

(Within 15 minutes he heard a car pull up and he opened the door but to his surprise the she didn't come alone..... she came with her boyfriend.... Oh Shit.!!!
They walked passed him and sat on the couch where as Khan's eyes were roaming around...)

Siddharth: She..... She's sleeping...(he said nervously and that made both of them look at him suspiciously..)

Shivangi: What's wrong?

Khan: Why you acting as if you are caught red handed from doing something you shouldn't be doing.?

(Siddharth's eyes widened and he looked at him with shocked expression..... How did he figured out?)

Khan: What the fuck did you do Nigam.?

(He sighed and told them everything..... EVERYTHING.!!! Except for the details of their little steamy session.... Shivangi was shocked and Khan was fuming.... Before Shivangi can hold him he charged towards Siddharth and punched him square in the face catching him off guard making the corner of his mouth bleed confirming the cut he got because of it but he managed to grab Khan's hand and lock him in his position when he tried to punch him again...)

Khan: You son of a bitch.... You have any idea what you did.? How could you do that.? I trusted you... Leave me.... One punch is not enough.... (He said trying to get out of his grip..)

Siddharth: Listen..... Whatever happened in between us.... Nothing was forced... Yes it happened in heat of the moment but I didn't force myself on her.... (He said finally releasing him but kept his stance of protecting himself....)

Khan: You have a fucking girlfriend....

Siddharth: But I don't love her.... I never touched her.... Forget that I never even said "I love you" to her in these past 2 years.!

Shivangi & Khan: WHAT.? Then how come she is still with you.? And Why.?

Siddharth: Now that...... After talking with Neet today..... I think that is the next mystery I will be solving..... But I need your favor before that....
Especially yours Shivangi...::

Shivangi: What.?

Finally the new chapter is here.....
God the amount of times I rewrote this chapter...!!
Specifically the small "steamy" session between them as I was starting to introduce that content in this story...

Lemme remind you...
This story is already marked as MATURE.!
So if by any chance you are not comfortable please do not read this story...

I will try and give a heads up in the beginning of the chapter...

Anyway Lemme know how you feel about this story so far...

What do think is about to happen.?
Who's the villain?
What will be Avneet's reaction?
What Will Siddharth do next?

Until next time...
Aadios Amigos

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