𝙏𝙝𝙚 đ˜Ŋ𝙖𝙧𝙧𝙞𝙚𝙧 đ˜Ŋ𝙚𝙩īŋŊ...

By MyGoofball

45.9K 984 234

Y/n L/n a 17 years old a lead guitarist of a band while being Spider-Man of earth 647, invited by Miguel O'ha... More

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new work out now!

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3.2K 79 16
By MyGoofball

Playing: Annihilate by Metro Boomin ft. Swae Lee and Offset

Y/n and Gwen were swinging around the city trying to find the a certain place.

"Love, you alright?" Gwen asked earning Y/n's attention.

"Yeah, I just- I feel bad..." Y/n said putting on his hood. "We shouldn't have come here..."

"I know, but we have to." Gwen said she kissed his cheek as they landed on a wall. "Calm down for a bit."

"Thanks, princess." Y/n then took the spider camera that he stick on the wall turning it into a hologram coming back to tha watch.

"Shoot." Gwen said as the police invistigate the building.

Y/n sent a web inside the police car making it move by it self, the cops took the distraction making the duo swing in the destroyed room.

Miles saw them and turned invisible to follow the duo.

"Aw, shoot." Gwen said as they looked around the messed up place. "Oh, shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot..."

"Show me what happend." Y/n said tapping on the watch.

"Replay commencing." The watch started to make a holgrams replaying the incident, it was the Spot.

"Shoot!" The duo muttered.

The Spot made a mini collider putting black spot on him as the energy goes through his body.

"Replay complete."

"Fuck! No! Why, why, why, why?! Ugh!" Y/n yelled kicking the desk losing his calm, Miles watch as Gwen calm him down.

"Gwen! Y/n! Hi lovebirds!" A hologram of Jessica popped out. "What'chu two doing?"

"Nothing Jess!." Y/n said trying to deny something. "Uh... Good! All good! Yeah we are having fun, and everything's good. Um yeah."

"Where's the... The bad guy you two were supposed to monitor?" Jess asked as the two walked away.

"Oh, he just uh stepped out of the moment." Gwen said patting Y/n's back..

"Dude!" Jessica said.

"Look, he's just some villain of the week." Y/n said trying to act calm.

"Lyla." Jessica said as the A.I scanned the room.

"Oh wee don't need to do that!" Gwen said trying to stop Spider-Woman.

Tracking... Oh wait I got him. Oh no. Hold on-- oh! Slippery guy." Lyla said.

"Did you guys go to see your little friend?" Jessica asked.

"No... What?! Miles?" Y/n said trying to deny. "I mean..."

"Are you kidding me right now?" Jessica said. "

"Only briefly." Gwen said walking back slowly. "From afar."

"How far?"

"Like this?" Y/n said making a gap.

"You two! Ugh!"

"Look I just want to know how he was! And we had to you know." Y/n said looking around.

"I know he'll understand-"

"Yes he did I guess? But still I wanted to know how he was doing alright?" Y/n said making Jessica laugh.

"I can't-- I honestly can't with you two." Jessica said.

"Look I know we messed up, okay?!" Gwen said.

"He can't be part of this." Jessica said.

"I... I know." Y/n said with a sigh. "Will never see him again...alright?"

"Hey, guys? Guys? He's making his owm portals." Lyla said earning the trio's attention along with Miles'. "He can jump wherever he wants. He could be a total canon killer."

"You two said his a villain of the week!" Jessica yelled. "Do you know how bad this is for you two?!"

"Every dimension he stops at has an Alchemax." Lyla said.

"What's he up to, Gwen? Y/n?" Jessica asked the two.

"I don't know..." Y/n said..

"Amazing! My star pupils, everyone." Jessica said.

"Will get him. Okay?" Gwen and Y/n said in unison. "I can get backup."

"If Miguel finds out I let you two go-"

"Don't tell Miguel please-" Y/n said as his and Gwen's hologram were on Jessica's watch. "He'll kick us out and... What if he sends me home?"

"I got him, Earth-50101. Whaddya wanna do?" Lyla said.

"You never made a mistake?" Gwen said looking at Jessica's hologram.

"I did." Jessica said. "But I got over it. Alert the local spider tell him Gwen and Y/n will meet him there."

"I'm on it." Lyla said.

"Oh, thanks you, thank you so much." Y/n said breathing in relief.

"Yeah. Okay."

"I promise we will not let you down again." Y/n said along with Gwen.

"You're welcome, shut up." Jessica said. "You two got an hour to fix this. Or I can't help you two."

Jessica's hologram disappeared as the couple tried to process everything that has been happening.

Y/n took off his mask and looked back before entering the portal.

"I'm sorry Miles...."

As the duo left Miles looked back and decided to follow them enetering the dimensional portal..

Miles glitch as he falls down on every building screaming as he slide down through the dimension city.

Earth- 50101 Mumbattan

Miles looked around the city and saw Gwen and Y/n swing around trying to chase the Spot.

"I have my eye on the anomaly!" Y/n said as his watch start to show a hologram if Jess.

"Pardon me locals! Wow. Four on there, wow. That's very dangerous." Spot said as he appeared on a black hole. "That looks so good! Which way to Alchemax? Oh!"

The Spot continued to travel on holes until a web trapped his face.

"Hey, cow bitch!" Y/n yeller as he swing rush towards the villain of the week. "Move over!"

"Y/n! I'm here to help!"

"MILES?!" Y/n then got kicked by the Spot making him hit Gwen and landed on her chest.

"You weren't expecting that were you lovebirds?" The Spot said as the two grunt. "Neither am I, I'm in the zone!"

"Oh no, whoo!" Miles said as he catch Gwen's who's falling while Y/n was laying on a roof.

"Did you follow us?!" Gwen said.

"No! I just saw where you went, and... Went there without you two knowing." Miles said as he swing holding the duo on a web.

"You're not supposed to be here!" Gwen yelled.

"What do you mean-" Miles then started to glitch as he stutter like a broken radio.

The two fall down but catched by a two figure, Y/n caught Gwen on his arm while Miles got dragged by a uniqe looking web.

"We shouldn't have come to ever see you." Gwen said with regret in her voice.

"Love, don't- just let him for now." Y/n then pat Gwen's back.

"Dang." Miles said.

A spider figure then swing his way and hit the Spot with a web with golden armpiece.

"Hey, who's the new guy?"

"Hey, Pav. Someone here followed us even though he isn't invited." Y/n said looking at Miles a bit pissed. "He's Miles."

"Oooh, you weren't invited, and you came anyway?" Pav said standing on top of the tower.

"Right?" Gwen said.

"Hey, new guy must be in love with Gwen." Pav said earning a look from Y/n. "Oh I meant he's in love with me- whaaa- oh wait you- okay, okay, he's in love with no one!"

"Okay, whoa."

"No! No! I'm not alright?" Miles said earning a look too from Y/n. "I was just uh following them yeah!"

"Anyways! Pav change subject!" Y/n said stopping Miles from stuttering.

"Who are you?" Miles asked.

"I'm glad you asked new guy!" Pav said striking a pose.

"I'm not a new guy." Miles said.

"My name is Pravitr Prabhakar. And, for the past 6 months,"

"Six? And he even got a watch?

"Yeah uh..."

"Being Spider-Man is so easy." Pav said earning a sigh from Y/n. "I wake up, skip the workout, because I'm naturally buff, and I don't wanna get too big, you know? Do almost nothing with my hair."

"You don't use any product at all?"

"Just coconut oil, prayer, some genetics... Then I swing by school, I don't really have to try, but I do anyway, fight a few bad guys, feed a few street dogs, quick break for a cup of chai with my Maya auntie-"

"I love chai tea!"

"What did you just say... "CHAI TEA"? "Chai" means tea, bro!"


"You're saying "tea tea!"

"Oh, umm... Uh..."

"Would I ask your for a "coffee coffee"? Hmm? Or "cream cream"?"

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry! I'm so sorry."

Then, I hang out with my girlfriend, Gayatari. She's an extremely classy teenanger.

As Pravitr was talking to Gayatari a man behind walks towards them.

"Hey, girl. Tonight, I was thinking... Ah, hello, police inspector Singh! This is your daughter, I do not know her."

"And on to top it off, I live in the best possible Spider-Man city, Mumbattan. Quick tour." Pav said as he swing. "This where the traffic is, this is where that traffic is, this is also where the traffic is, there's traffic here, too! And this is where the British stole all of our stuff!"

The Spot then sent a black hole to the quartret but they dodge it and swing away chasing the villain of the week.

"Ahh. Hello Spider-Man."

"Hi." Pav said.

"Hey." Gwen said.

"Sup pal." Y/n greeted.

"Not you."

"Who are you talking to? Me? Or him or her?" The quartret said as they get confused.

"I think he means me." Miles said.

"Yeah." The Spot then sent black portal disk trying to hit Miles.

Miles dodge it and tried kicking the villain but his legs goes through the Spot's body.

"Wow! How are you?" Spot then sent Miles on a wall making him grunt.

As Miles got up, Spot ran away as the Web-head quartret chased him through the city of Mumbattan...

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