Shaded Soldiers || Gay MxM ||...

By ShadedSin

169K 9.6K 2.8K

Riley Steele, an omega soldier, is ready to do whatever it takes to get accepted into a special unit in the a... More

1. Warm Welcome
2. Bitch Lace
3. Check Up [R]
5. The Headquarters
6. Partners
7. House Rules
8. Long Day
9. Fall of True Order
10. Pheromones
11. Warming Up
12. First Mission
13. Silenced
14. Watched Over
15. Awaking the Wasps
16. Lost Tracks
17. Friday Night Carnage
18. In the Past
19. Comfort and Secrets
20. Nothing to Endure
21. Glimmer of Hope
22. Gifts Fit For Elites
23. Restless Night
24. The Pictures
25. To Train the Assassin
26. Friends in the Making
27. Elite Games
28. His Promise
29. Still Good
30. Small Situation
31. Large Situation
32. Guard Duty
33. Runaway Partner
34. Ruined Lives
35. Unspoken Name
36. His Words Heard
37. So It Begins
38. A Busy Week
39. Preparing for Battle

4. Hope

4.3K 232 57
By ShadedSin

I didn't die that night. My body healed. Nothing was broken, apart from my spirits. Even the Lace was fine. And after everything the commander did to me, I waited for his call like a good soldier. I waited for my transfer. I think, at that point, it was the only thing keeping me together.

But part of me didn't actually believe Stoll. As the days went by, and I was still stuck with my old unit, I couldn't shake the feeling that the commander never was going to let me into his unit, that he'd only wanted to have a little bit of fun with me in his boredom. I felt ghosted. Used, humiliated, broken, and ghosted.

It was hard to believe he was keeping his word. So, again, when I was finally led into a big meeting room on a Friday afternoon two weeks later, and I faced Commander Stoll and nine of his twelve captains sitting around a long table, I thought it wasn't real. That I was dreaming. I had to be dreaming, but I knew I was not when two of the alpha captains laughed at the sight of me, shaking their heads like I was a joke.

Yes, I was there, but this was the end of the line for me. These alphas would never accept me. Everything I had done to get here was all for nothing, I understood that now.

"Omega," one said, glancing at the commander. "Your fine new recruit is an omega?"

"Since when have you even considered their kind?" another asked.

"Come on, seriously? Is this why we're here?"

My omega hated being there. It was scared out of its mind, but I held my pose, my chin up, my posture straight, trying to look bigger and taller than I really was. I needed to... I just needed to impress one of them. I just needed to get into one of the teams and maybe...

Just maybe... my hell would finally end...

But I couldn't impress any of them. It was written all over their faces as they watched me in disbelief.

"You all read his file, no?" the commander asked them, but his eyes were on me. He was amused. He enjoyed watching me get humiliated and belittled by his captains. That was the only reason he'd invited me here.

"I did, but it said nothing about omegas."

"Oh. My mistake. I must've left that info out by accident," the commander said with a mean look in his eyes.

So fucking frustrating... All nine of them had read my file. All nine of them had been impressed enough to come see me in person. And none of them couldn't get over the fact that I was an omega, no matter how impressive the rest of my resume was.

"Sorry, but it's a no from me. I'm not taking an omega into my team. That's just not going to work."

"Yeah I'm not taking any chances."

"I'm out, too. Omega just messes things up."

It fucking hurt... I'd let the commander break me... for nothing... I fucking let him rape me just so I could stand here in this room and be turned down.

I couldn't do this...

Three of them walked straight out the door. Silence fell while the remaining six tried to decide if they should follow them.

I almost couldn't breathe...

"You've never accepted an omega before," one of them said, peering at me with mild curiosity in his eyes. "Why this one?"

"He's good at... convincing," Commander Stoll said, flashing a mean grin at me. "I have my doubts, I'll admit that much, but maybe it's time to see how it'll go with an omega."

"So this is a... test?"

"Yes. A test. We'll give it a go in case it'll work out. If he fails, well, then I can say I told you so."

A few of the captains laughed. I tried to keep my emotions hidden. Too good to be true, after all. The commander wasn't even trying to get me recruited. He was only using this opportunity to humiliate me, to shove me deeper into the ground like he'd promised.

"Sorry, Commander, but I'm not taking part in your experiments. This could ruin my group."

Six became five, and after a moment of hesitation, it turned into four.

"So! Do you have any questions?" Commander Stoll asked the remaining men after the door was closed again.

"I mean... He's surprisingly big for an omega. Looks strong. His achievements are pretty impressive... But his heats...?"

"Doesn't really affect alphas," the commander said. "I've personally made sure of that. And he's got double layered birth control. I mean, just in case, of course."

I wanted to gag at the memory his words brought up... I'd gone through that operation for nothing...

"Obviously," the man said, then turned his attention to me. "I could use one more pair of hands, but... I don't think my men are eager to take an omega into the group."

"That's what I'm thinking, too," another one said. "It just gets messy, and I'd rather not waste my energy on that."

"Yeah, I think we'll manage until you get us alpha recruits."

"Sorry, commander. It just won't work out with my men. You understand?"

"Yes, of course," Commander Stoll said, raising his eyebrows at me. "You may leave."

"Thank you, sir. And I wish we could help, but there's so much at stake here, and I'm not comfortable risking the health and safety of my men for this experiment."

"It's fine, it's fine," the commander said dismissively.

I did my best to keep my composure when four turned into one. Only one captain still remained. He'd sat in his seat in silence, not saying a word, his eyes studying me. He was my only hope, and it crushed me.

"Tom?" the commander spoke, and the last captain shifted a little. "Why are you still here? You've not taken new men in... two years, is it?"

"I'm thinking," the man said softly.

"Are you considering it?"


"I am," he said, shifting a little again.

"So you'd be willing to take an omega into your team?" the commander asked.

The captain was silent for a moment, then pulled my file closer. "Your heat doesn't affect alphas, correct?" he spoke directly to me.

"No, sir. I don't have enough pheromones for them to detect," I answered, making eye contact with him.

He nodded slowly, leafing through my papers. "Unlike my comrades, I do see use for someone with a smaller build. Especially for someone with close combat skills. I read through your captain's letter of recommendation, and he's praising your skills with knives. You've killed several high-profile targets with only a knife, correct?"

"Yes, sir. I was mostly used on stealth missions, which is why my training was focused on close combat," I said, my hope rising a little.

"An assassin..." the captain muttered. "I could use one of those. But why do you want this? This isn't an easy place for an omega, as you may have noticed already."

"I'm good at what I do, sir. I'm a fighter, but my skills are currently going to waste," I told him, faking my confidence. "I'm bored out of my mind in my current unit, really."

The captain didn't say anything. He only watched me closely. Thinking. I couldn't tell if my reply was good enough, but at least he was considering me. My hope rose a little more, but I didn't believe he would actually take me.

"I do like the look in your eyes. I can already tell you're quite a piece of work," he finally said.

The commander laughed loudly. "That he is."

I glared at him, but quickly turned away when I remembered the captain was still watching me. His stare made me nervous. It was the interest in his eyes that made me nervous. If he now said no, I'd have to live with the fact that he actually wanted me, but refused just because I was an omega. That detail about me was the only thing always standing in my way. No matter what I did. How hard I worked... Just like Stoll said, none of it mattered because I was an omega.

After everything I'd let happen to me...

"I'll take you."

I stopped to stare at the captain, who put my file away. He glanced at me. He must've seen the shock on my face since he snorted in amusement.

"You heard me right," he said, standing up. "You'll be joining my group."

"Yes, sir," I hurried to say, a mad relief washing over me. "Thank you, sir."

"You're fine with this, commander?" he turned to Stoll, and my heart dropped.

He wasn't going to ruin this for me now...?

"Sure, sure," the commander said, but I didn't believe the sincerity in his voice.

"Thank you. Is he free to come with me right now? I'm going to be busy next week so I'd like to get him settled during the weekend."

I nearly sighed in relief at the captain's words. I didn't want to spend another second alone with Stoll. He was angry that I got accepted into one of the teams. He did his best not to show it, but I knew he was pissed. I feared he wouldn't let me go just yet. I assumed he would find an excuse to keep me with him for days so he could try to crush me and my will again. He wanted to punish me, and he'd be thorough with it.

He'd break me for good.

"Sure. Why not?" he finally said, crossing arms over his chest, faking a smile.

"Great. I'm assuming we're free to go?" the captain asked.

"Certainly," Stoll said, standing up, shooting a freezing glance at me. "Congratulations, Steele. You're the first omega to get into my unit in years. Don't disappoint me now."

"I won't, sir," I said, faking politeness.

I didn't trust any of it. A sudden thought occurred to me. What if I was walking away from a dangerous wolf, only to end up with a savage lion? I peered at my brand-new captain. He looked like a buffed soccer dad. Mustache and beard, short hair, brown eyes. Six foot three or four. Around late forties or early fifties. Could he be just like Stoll, or worse?

I'd not forgotten Stoll's words. That I'd be used as a sex toy in this base. I shivered at the thought, the little joy I'd felt just now already fading.

At least this captain looked at me like I was another human being, not dirt under his boots or a hole to breed in boredom. Even the omega in me was carefully studying him and his body language. He reminded us both of Captain Fernard, the man who had treated us with kindness.

This new captain noticed me watching him, and gave me a friendly smile.

"Let's go grab your stuff, so we can get you settled right away," he said. "I'm assuming you don't mind coming with me?"

"Not at all, sir," I replied – I was much rather taking my chances with him than staying with Stoll a second longer.

"Good," he said, turned to tell Commander Stoll goodbye, then pushed me out of the door.

Once the door was closed, and we'd made our way halfway down the hallway, he suddenly stopped me.

"I completely forgot. I'm Tom Hale," he said, offering his hand.

"Riley Steele, sir. But... you already knew that," I said, suddenly feeling awkward. I never felt awkward. "You don't understand how grateful I am you're giving me this chance, sir."

"If you're even half as impressive as your file wants me to believe, I'll be the grateful one," he said, gesturing for me to keep walking. "So. Five years in the army?"

"Yes, sir."

He asked a few more questions about me and my training while we headed out, but once we stepped outside, he changed the subject.

"I'm fairly certain my men will not act like little shits about having an omega on the team, but I'll sort them out if they do. They know better than that," he told me.

"It's fine, sir. I'm..."

"...used to it?"

I glanced at him. "It's fine, sir," I repeated.

He nodded. "You've been staying with your old unit?"

"Yes, sir."

"All right. My car is around the corner," he said, gesturing for me to follow him.

Before I did, I glanced over my shoulder, feeling Commander Stoll's eyes on me, even though I couldn't see him. I couldn't believe I'd slipped away from him that easily. If this captain hadn't taken me with him, I'd be drilled on the meeting table at that very moment. Drilled and humiliated and broken.

"Do you prefer Steele or Riley?" the captain asked, gaining my attention back.

"Both are fine, sir. I was also called Rook back in my old unit."

"Rook, like in chess?"

"Like the bird, sir."

"Rook is a valuable pawn on the board. Did you know that?" he asked as we sat in his jeep.

"I don't play chess, sir," I said, getting a little uncomfortable being left alone with him in the car.

But better this than with Stoll.

"Hmm. Bird it is then. I'm curious to know why," he said, starting the car.

"My stealth armor has a cloak. Apparently I look like a black bird with it," I explained. "Not an interesting story."

"You have stealth armor?" he asked, glancing at me. "That's quite expensive."

"Courtesy of my previous captain," I said.

Captain Hale was silent for a moment, giving me curious looks as he drove. I stole a few glimpses of him as well, trying to read him. My omega was... surprisingly curious about this man. And I had to admit, so was I. I still wasn't getting any bad vibes from him.

Maybe I could...?

No... I had to be careful.

We reached the barracks of my old unit, and he pulled up at the main entrance.

"Your stuff is here, right?"

"Yes, sir."

The captain stayed seated, however. Again, he glanced at me.

"It's been a while since I had an omega on my team, but I know your captain, and if he says you're worth it, I trust him," he told me, then flashed a smile at me. "And I can already tell you're a crazy son of a bitch out there in the battlefield, and it so happens that I collect crazy sons of bitches. You'll fit right in."

I was never going to fit in, but hearing him say that was encouraging. He exited the car while I stared after him. He seemed so friendly... Just like my old captain. After everything I'd been through, after the abuse, and especially after what Stoll had done to me...

Was I already so broken that a few kind words were enough to win me over?

But who could blame me? I trusted my old captain. I knew I could trust him. He was one of the few things that had kept me sane in the army. This man reminded me so much of him. Besides, I'd lived with alphas long enough to tell the absolute shitheads apart from the decent ones. And on top of that, my omega seemed calm around him, and it was the one with better instincts.

I hurried to follow Captain Hale to the main entrance and showed him the rest of the way to where my bunk was. The room was thankfully empty, so I went to grab my already packed bag from under my bed, then emptied my locker into another one. Captain Hale watched me by the door, and for a brief moment, the thought of us alone in an empty room at the back of the barracks where no one would come to my rescue... But Hale seemed mostly curious about my belongings. I assumed he was trying to spot my stealth armor.

"I'm ready," I told him, returning to him.

He took the heavier bag from me, nudging his head so I'd follow him. "You're not going to miss sharing the room with nine other guys, are you?"

"No, sir," I agreed.

"You're still going to have a roommate or two at our little headquarters, but it's still better, right? We have ten guys, but there's only five rooms, you see. Well, I guess there's now eleven of us."

"It's still better than this," I agreed.

He glanced at me, clearly thinking about something.

"Sir? Is there a problem?"

He chuckled lightly. "Sharp eyes, huh? Better keep that in mind. But no, no problems. Though I should probably warn you I'm planning on putting you with one of my guys who doesn't have a partner yet. He's... not going to like it. Lone wolves..."

"That sounds like a problem in my ears," I said quietly.

"He's a good guy. One of the best. But... Well, he's not had a partner in a few years now. He's refused to work with anyone, but that's not really how this works," he explained. "Everyone needs a partner in this line of work."

I only nodded at his words. But I had a bad fucking feeling about this...

[Psst, Ream Subscribers can read this chapter also in Captain Hale's point of view]

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