In The Midst Of Serendipity

By Iwrites11

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DO NOT COPY MY WORK Mir's! The name itself screams power. Mir's are the most influential and rich nawab of t... More

Author's Note
Characters and Asthetics
|Chapter 01| Mysterious Hazel Orbs
|Chapter 02| A Bloom In The Garden
|Chapter 03| The Cumbersome Excursion
|Chapter 04| A Horrendous Stratagem
|Chapter 05| The Emergence Of Her Distress
|Chapter 06| Her Dreadful Time Period
|Chapter 07| An Indifferent Redendvzous
|Chapter 08| A Change For The Bright Side
|Chapter 09| A Change For The Worst Side
|Chapter 10| The Uncanny Play of Destiny
|Chapter 11|It's Already Fated
|Chapter 12| Eye To Eye Clash
|Chapter 13| Some Matters Secrets
|Chapter 14|Unpleasant Situations
|Chapter 15| An Abrupt Proposal
|Chapter 16| The Fixation Of Fate
|Chapter 17| The Eve Of Henna
|Chapter 18| The Union Of Two Souls
|Chapter 19| The New Inclusion
|Chapter 20| The Reception Day
|Chapter 21|The Inkling Of Undesirable
|Chapter 22| Those Virtous Orbs
|Chapter 23| The Reminiscence Of The Past
|Chapter 24| The Notion Of Self Doubt
|Chapter 25| Irrelevant Arguments
|Chapter 26 |The Tint of Jealousy
|Chapter 27| An Event Attended Together
|Chapter 28| The First Display Of Care
|Chapter 29| The Change In The Atmosphere
|Chapter 30| Chaoctic Feelings
|Chapter 31| The Unexplainable Tragedy
|Chapter 32| Sniffles In The Dark
|Chapter 33| The Overdue Acceptance
|Chapter 34| The Blooming Relationship
|Chapter 35| The Uneasiness Inside
|Chapter 36|A Farewell To The Deceased
|Chapter 37| The Process Of Healing
|Chapter 38| The Breaking Point
|Chapter 40| A New Beginning
| Chapter 41| The Audacity Of The Bad
|Chapter 42| Blazing Hazel Eyes
|Chapter 43|Series of Forgiveness
|Chapter 44| Destined Together

|Chapter 39| Moving On

3.4K 129 10
By Iwrites11

Hey, guys, how's all of you? Enjoy the update..

Shah Zain's POV (Edited)

My work in the office finished way earlier than I had expected. So, instead of staying late for no reason, I decided to call it a day. I grabbed my jacket from the hanger before exiting out of my office room.

The employees were still working but it would be not late since they would also leave. Aaban and Salar had already gone to visit a construction site on behalf of our office.

I killed the engine when I reached the parking lot of the house. I parked the car and made my way towards the main door. As I approached nearer to the gate, I could hear a commotion.

My eyebrows furrowed in confusion. What is happening? I juggled the keys in the lock before entering inside. I could hear faint shouting and yelling sounds. I couldn't recognize the voices though. But I stood just at the end of the living room, I heard something that shook the earth beneath my feet

"They believe me then when I told them that you stole my necklace when in reality, I took it back. They believed me then and now they'll also believe me."

That voice...

Numbness enveloped my body. My body went stiff. Did I hear right? Was it all a lie back from the beginning? I couldn't shake the words out of my mind. How's that possible? How can mama stoop so low?

Before I could stop myself, the word spoke out from my mouth

"Is that true, mama?"

Cold icy air enveloped the whole living area. I could practically saw mama's getting stiff. Her muscles taut and her posture alarmed. She slowly turned back before looking at me.

Her eyes were wide and mouth opened in shock. She didn't expect me to come home this early. But I'm so glad that I came early. Otherwise, I would still be living in a house full of lies. From my peripheral vision, I could see Shiza standing behind mama.

I figured out that they were fighting. My eyes again set on mama before she spoke stuttering to form sentence

"Sha...Shah Zain."

I raised an eyebrow before asking

"Tell me mama, did I hear right? Was that true?"

She gulped. She had done a major slip of tongue. She didn't say anything and it made me clench my fists. I again asked keeping my voice calm

"Mama, answer me."

She looked up before nodding so slightly that if I hadn't been paying attention, I would surely miss it. She looked down in embarrassment, maybe shame. I don't know. I just know one thing. She lied....


"Beta, it's not what you think..."

I couldn't help but cut her in between

"What do you mean, mama? Are you saying that I heard incorrectly? Or is it one of your other lies?"

A look of horror passed through her face. My mother straight down lied to me the whole time. Her lie made me hate the innocent person ever.

I felt so self-loathed as I thought about those harsh, hurtful words I threw towards Shiza. I called her a thief when the reality was much different than that. I felt so sickengly weird that how I could judge someone?

How I can accuse someone of something I didn't even have proof of? I felt like a total idiot. My mother played with my mind and I let her.

Mama's desperate voice again reached me

"Beta, try to listen to me. It's not what you think it is?"

But before she could say, I stated

"I don't need to hear anymore lies, mama. My life had already been filled with lies. Also, you won't juts say that you took that necklace back from the shop even if you haven't done that in reality."

She was tongue tied. She knew she had messed up. Her hung her head low before I asked her

"Tell me why did do it?"

My voice was desperate. I need to know the answers nows. It's too late that the truth came out but now that it had come out, I need the whole truth.

She gulped before stating

"I need to get rid of her."

She pointed in the direction of Shiza. She was still standing there but unexpectedly not even a trace of tear was on her face. Infact, a look of relief was pasted on her face. Like she was happy that the truth came out.

Trust me, darling, I'm as much as happy as you.

But a sickening feeling bubbled inside my stomach making me churn inside. How could mama stoop so low? Why did she hate Shiza so much?

I need answers of these so I again asked her

"Why did you hate her so much, mama? Tell me, what she's done wrong?"

Mama was quiet. She was not saying anything. What can she even say now? She hated Shiza for no particular reason. She just hated the thought of a middle class sharing the same roof as hers. All humans are equal.

There's no such thing as richer and poorer. We all made it by ourselves. I took a deep breath before making myself clear

"Mama, do you know your one lie destroy the life of Shiza? Do you not know how much difficult it is in this era to find a job? Yet you still accused her and fired her. Why did you do that? Tell me!"

She looked up finally before bursting out in anger

"Because she is a poor middle class girl. She has no right to live under the same roof as ours. She is a gold digger. She wants the luxuries."

Her tone contain so much venom that I almost didn't recognize her. I could hear Shiza gasping in the back. I am sure she didn't also expect so much hatred towards herself. Mama was taking deep breaths.

I couldn't recognize the person standing infront of me. She is not my mother. My mother would never belittle anyone. She would never treat anyone unfairly.

But the woman standing infront of me was the complete opposite. Her eyes shone with hatred and rage towards Shiza. She seemed to be in a trance.

I sighed before saying

"Mama, she is my wife. You have no right to say such bad words for her. Atleast respect your son's wife."

She just scoffed in response before muttering

"I will never respect her. She isn't worthy of it."

"You have no right to judge her worth. You got no right to devalue her, mama."

My voice rose at the end. I just couldn't control it. It's getting too much out of hand.

Mama looked at me in disbelief before saying

"Are you taking her side? Are you choosing her over your own mother?"

I scoffed before answering

"I'm just doing the right thing, mama. She is not a gold digger. She is the purest human I've ever met. She was always looking after everyone. She never once talk back to you even when you used to insult her infront of everyone. She is not what you think she is."

I could feel Shiza's eyes on me but I chose not to look at her. I'm too guilty to meet her eyes. Mama cast a hard glare towards Shiza before jerking her off. She nearly stumbled if I hadn't been standing there to balance her.

I immediately held her before turning to mama

"What are you doing, mama?"

She just clicked her tongue before speaking

"She will not live here anymore, Shah Zain. She needs to leave this house. I'm not going to tolerate her here anymore."

She once again started dragging Shiza out but I grabbed her arm and pulled her back. She collided with my chest before straightening herself.

I clarified

"She is not going anywhere. She is my wife and she has the whole right to live here. No one will be able to drag her out."

Mama looked almost shocked before she shouted out in distress

"What has gotten into you, Zain? This girl is a facade. She doesn't care for you. She only thrives for money. She will ruin you, beta."

The next words I spoke were too hard for me to speak

"Mama, right now the only one who is trying to ruin me is you."

At my answer, the whole living area went quiet. Everyone was pin drop silence. No one said anything for a while before mama spoke

"Beta, what did you say?"

Her voice held so much pain that it made me crumble. But the damage had been done. I need to make things clear

"Mama, I'm trying to explain you. Shiza is not a gold digger. She is far from it. I have expected her as my wife after so long. I'm happy with her. She makes me feel satisfied and content in life. Don't ruin it because of some ego problem."

I hope she understand. But her next words made me upset

"You won't understand, beta. She is not what she looks like."

I rubbed my forehead. A headache was already forming. Light fingers grazed my shoulder and I found them to be Shiza's. She was caressing my arm. She merely shook her head asking me to stop it.

But this had to stop now. If Shiza keep living here than these argument will continue. It will only affect the atmosphere of the house. I don't want the neighborhood to think bad of our family.

Our family had a good reputation throughout the neighborhood. I don't want these unnecessary arguments to ruin it. Shiza will not be safe here too. There's no physical threat but mentally, they will break her.

I can't see her fighting for her character and dignity when she hadn't done anything wrong. I never once did anything right for her. But I think now is the time that I should think about my wife first before anyone else.

So, I tightly grasped her hand in mine. I could see Zarnish's eyes narrowing onto our clasped hands but I paid no attention to it. I took a deep breath before bringing the words out of my mouth shocking everyone

"Shiza and I will move out of the house...."


"You're leaving the house."

It was Zarnish who said that. I turned to look at her. She had shock pasted on her face. I nodded my head before tightening my hold on Shiza's hand and speaking with finality

"I can't tolerate you all insulting and humiliating my wife everyday. I'm her husband and it's my responsibility to take care of her dignity and her respect. I can clearly say that no one here is ready to show her respect. That's why, I'll move on from this house for betterment of my wife's mental stability."

My words were final and intact. I won't change my for anything now. It's now or never. Mama was quite. She must've didn't expect me taking such a big decision.

Dado then asked me

"Beta, are you sure? You shouldn't leave the house. It's your house too and no one can make you leave."

I almost chuckled dryly but I told to dado the reality

"Dado, it's sickening how my own family members are not respecting my wife. I really can't bear it anymore. I need peace and security for my wife. If I can't provide her a secure atmosphere than what husband would I be?"

With that said, I took Shiza's hand and went upstairs to pack for our very farewell..


I placed the suitcase on the floor. Everyone was standing there. Baba came forward before asking

"Beta, why are you leaving? It's your house."

His voice was strained and it was like it was paining him internally saying those words. I shook my head before answering

"No dad. No one is ready to treat my wife fairly here. It will be good for all of us if I quietly leave this place with my wife."

He sighed heavily before standing on a corner. He stared at mama for some time. I held Shiza's hand and she tried to say something but one look from me and she became quiet once again.

I know what she would say. But I don't want her to be selfless. She needs to be selfish sometimes for her own happiness. Aaban and Salar looked at me before they asked sadly

"Bhai, is this your final decision?"

I nodded my head before Aaban engulfed me in a hug. I patted his back before he mumbled lowly

"I wish you the best, bhai. Shiza bhabhi deserves that."

I nodded my head before pulling away. Mama still hadn't said anything.

I took a deep breath and lastly hugged dado. She was crying and it broke my heart to see her like that. She wiped her tears before blessing me and Shiza

"It's hurts to see that you're leaving this house but I pray for your happiness. May God keep you both in His protection."

We both muttered a small ameen under our breath before I took a brief look at the house. How easily the time changes! I spent my childhood in this house and leaving it on a sad note is making me emotional.

But I reminded myself that I was doing it for Shiza. She deserves happiness and peace in her life. I promised that I will be a good husband to her and would do anything to make my past mistakes redeemed.

I may not be a perfect husband but I intended to be a better version of a husband that she deserves. With this last thought, I grabbed her hand and exited the house for good....


That was little emotional to right. But it was the right choice. They deserve some time away from arguments. Do share your thoughts in comments. Also do vote and share it with your friends.
I'll see you soon
Allah Hafiz

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