PS: Your Son

By vegetasblondehairdye

87 1 11

Touya knew that the reveal of his true identity broke his father. The thoughts of Endeavor suffering in a lon... More

PS: Your Son

87 1 11
By vegetasblondehairdye

A/N:  ⚠️ This story will contain mature non consensual content between family members. It will get graphic and could be uncomfortable for some readers. It will also contain strong mentions of incestuous behavior. So if anything like that is triggering please do not read any further. I wrote this story because the last fic I posted "A Wish" was highlighting Touya's hurting, soft side so in order to keep the balance I wrote this to accentuate his violent, monstrous behavior. Also it was inspired by a Twitter post saying Touya would physically harm his own mother if it meant getting a reaction out of his father. So here we are. If you choose to continue, please like and comment. ⚠️

Touya laid back lazily on a ripped up couch that was in the basement of the leagues hideout. He draped his arm over his eyes and thought back to how his father's face was frozen in shock and fear at the realization that his greatest failure came back to haunt him.  Touya drawled out a low chuckle, "I can't wait to see his pathetic face. After so long. I get to finally watch him break."

The beating in his chest began to increase with the adrenaline coursing through his veins. Endeavor's world was starting to crumble all because of him. Looking into his fathers stunned eyes, as well as his precious creations. The golden boy. They had looked like they had seen a ghost. The reaping corpse of their past coming back to wave from an opened grave. It was a sight to never be forgotten. That thought alone brought Touya much excitement.

He breathed out heavy as he ran a callused hand down his stitched torso. His fingers slowly pushed past the fabric of his already unbuttoned pants and traced them over his hardening cock.  Touya slowly stroked himself, still imagining his fathers eyes. From all the way on top of Machia's back, he could hear the anxiety filled panting let out of Endeavor's mouth. Those quick, heavy breaths.

Touya imagined everything happening all overs again. He matched the rhythm of his fathers panting to each strong stroke of his dick. Endeavor's breath in his head and breathing escaping his lips finally became in sync. He leaned his head back, allowing salacious heat to run over his steaming body.

His eyes fluttered open to admire his flames- Endeavor's flames, burning a bright blue in the fire place. Touya's lips parted, tongue falling out to the side like a thirsty mutt while his brother and fathers faces flashed through out his mind while he pleasured himself.

Touya took his free hand and slid it down his wet tongue, using the coating to lubricate the tip of his cock as his other hand continued to stroke viciously. "I wish it was your tears, Enji." His teeth gritted between pumps causing him to moan.

He swirled a wet hand around his dick and stroked faster with the other as he panted, "Shouto... Enji... Shouto... Enji... Shouto... Enji!"

Knock Knock Knock

Touya paused, cracking one eye open and dragging his gaze over to the door across the room. "What?" he answered, voice laced with a rasp.

"It's me." A male responded.

With the heavy presence of an orgasm having Touya on the edge, he continued to jerk himself off slowly. "Gimme a minute!" He pushed himself up off the couch, still with his cock in hand and walked over to the fireplace. "How poetic..." he whispered to himself. Touya swirled his hand around his pierced shaft until he felt it stiffen up completely before shooting a hot load into the dwindling flames. "That's how I feel about your fire."

Knock Knock Knock

"If you knock one more time!" Touya quickly buttoned his pants up and swung the door open. Standing there was a PLF member who managed to escape the wrangling of ReDestro's army.  They were wearing a baggy black hoodie and concealed something within the pockets. "Is that it?"

The man nodded and handed over the item that he was tasked with retrieving. "As for the intel I gathered. I'd say 10 o clock tonight is your best shot."

Touya gave an unsettling smile that could spook the reaper himself. The staples on his jaw pulled apart and exposed the raw, reddish muscle underneath. A smile any wider and one of the stitchings was bound to pop off. "Excellent." He stared down at his gift with dilated, carnal eyes. "If anybody asks where I've gone... Tell 'em I went to pay my mother a visit."

Rei closed her eyes and tried to relax while the warm water from the shower rolled down her back. She had finally been discharged from the hospital her husband had checked her into. It was safe to say she wasn't in the best mental state and it was only made worse after the son who she believed to be dead all these years, came back to seek revenge.

The mother shivered as she stepped out the bath and wrapped a white towel around her body and a second one around her hair. She found herself wandering into the kitchen to make herself some tea. Rei paused as she took the kettle out of the cabinet, rethinking her choice of drink. She shook her head and put it back, opting out for a canned espresso instead.

Being here in her husbands house brought back so many unfortunate memories. Even with him recovering elsewhere in a hospital bed, she still didn't feel safe in this home. After spending all those years in a hospital herself, Rei couldn't bare staying the night in one again. But somehow she convinced herself that being in this empty place was better than that mental prison she was forced to live in. At least now she was somewhat free and able to walk around without the shadow of her husband looming over her.

Fuyumi decided to stay at the hospital overnight to keep her brother and father company. That, and also because no matter what she'd try, wether it be a bottle of wine or sleeping pills, maybe a combination of both, she knew she wouldn't be able to find rest in the comforts of her own bed knowing Touya was still alive.

The last image of him that she had was Touya in his white track suit and hurrying to find his shoes so he could go to Sekoto Peak. She recalled her older brother telling her that he had learned a new move and that he was certain their father would be proud of him. Fuyumi smiled back and said she knows Endeavor would be proud. But that was a lie. She told herself that she just didn't have the heart to say how she overheard her father tell their mom that he wasn't going. That he wouldn't give into Touya. That Touya needed to give up and move on. She regretted keeping that to herself from that day forward.

Natsuo chose to go back to his apartment to be with his girlfriend. Hospitals gave him the creeps. He remembered how Touya would always come home with fresh burns. Sometimes they'd be dried up and scabbing while others were still raw and bloody. Since they were close, Natsuo took it upon himself to patch up his big brothers wounds. The thought of Touya being burnt in a hospital bed, alone and scared terrified young Natsuo. He'd rather nurse his brother to health himself before letting anybody else do it. Especially a doctor who just didn't understand Touya at all.

Memories of his crying eldest brother flooded Natsuo's head as he laid in the lap of his girlfriend. He cried thinking back to when Touya used to ball his eyes out to him when they were young. The last time Natsuo saw Touya he told him to go bother their sister instead if all he was going to do was cry more about the same thing. He wished he could take that all back and hold his brother again and tell him that their father wasn't worth a single tear.

Rei sighed as she plopped onto the couch. She unwrapped her towel to air dry and allowed her eyes to finally rest under the dim lights of the home. The tv played in the background as a form of white noise for her. Complete silence gave Rei anxiety considering that's all she had in the mental institution. The lowered voices of the characters on the show began to lull the woman to much needed sleep.

Everything was fading to black and soon things became silent. Rei's heart began to race as she slept. Her breathing picked up and soon her eyes shot open. The tv was off as well as the lights. She looked over to the clock that was in the entertainment center and noticed it wasn't on either. Rei looked around and listened for a reason why everything had went out. "It's storming." She said, hearing the heavy rain falling onto the roof. "Must have knocked out the power."

She yawned knowing it must have been late and stretched out her arms before getting up from the couch and rewrapping herself in the towel. Rei's feet memorially guided her towards the stairs that would lead to her husbands bedroom. As she walked, there seemed to be a dark shadow looming off to the side of the doorway. She froze as her eyes slowly slid towards the heavy presence. The lightning flashed onto the object and revealed it to only be a coatrack.

Rei exhaled and held her chest. "Calm down, Rei. You're just paranoid."

She pushed open the parted door to Enji's room. The bed was unmade just as how she remembered it always being. She'd nag her husband constantly about it back then but he wouldn't listen. He never did.

The sheets were bunched up to one side, leaving "her side" completely empty. She dropped her towel to the floor and climbed into bed. She breathed out the last bit of her anxieties and pulled the bunched up covers over herself.

Lightening flashed through the windows again, this time revealing the body of a grinning man laying right beside Rei. She felt an abnormal shift in the bed and before she could react, a heavy hand slapped over her mouth before she could scream.

"Shush shush shush." He hummed, "No need to scream." He climbed on top of Rei to keep her from moving. The blankets over her made it even harder to do so as she struggled to lift an arm. "It's not like a stranger is in your bed." The man hovered his face over Rei, the flashing of the storm accentuating his glowing, teal eyes. "Just your dear old son."

Next thing Rei knew, she had quirk suppressing cuffs on and a busted lip from being slapped by her son that temporarily left her unconscious. Her dizzy head dropped to the side as she tried to keep her eyes open. She realized she was sitting up in bed now and was still completely naked. Rei turned to try and grab at the blankets but they were laying sloppily in the corner of the room.

Touya was no where to be seen in the shadows. He must have blended so well into them that it was easy to slip into the house completely undetected.

A light from the bathroom shined underneath the door and the water from the shower was also running. She could hear her son humming a song. The tune sounded so familiar. A tad ghostly as well because of how deep Touya's voice was.

Then it hit her. It was a song she'd sing to him when he was little. Touya used to always be so hyper before bed. He'd constantly talk about what he and his father did during training. Ramble on about what moves he's going to use when he became a hero. So in order to put him to sleep, Rei would sing him a lullaby. "Sleeping Forest..." she whispered to herself.

A tear slipped down Rei's face. After all these years he still remembered. He loved that lullaby. Now Touya was using it to make her remember about the day she stopped singing it to him.

The door slowly creaked open as Touya stepped out, being surrounded by steam and a towel around his waist. Rei curled her arms up to cover her bare chest and crossed her legs to hide herself. Touya tilted his head to the side and studied his mother. She looked so different. Her eyes were sunken and she had a few more wrinkles than he remembered, and it looked like she may have gained a few pounds through out the years. But she still looked angelic in her own way.

Touya stalked his way over, curling a finger that stroked Rei's cheek as she tried to lean away from his touch. He pulled back, "Even now you want nothing to do with me."

Rei sniffled, "Why are you doing this, Touya?" She trembled.

He scoffed in amusement, "Is that really a question?" Touya pointed across the bed to a large vanity. "Look at us. Stripped down to nothing but our skin." He discarded the towel around his waist and tossed it to the corner with the bedsheets. Touya slowly climbed into bed, hearing his mother gulp as he laid his head onto her unclothed lap. She stiffened up and tried to scoot away but Touya harshly grasped onto her thigh, restricting her of any movement. "We're both vulnerable now. There's nothing between us that we can hide behind. Our lies and truths will be as clear as day." He spoke lazily, now staring at his and Rei's reflections.

Rei kept her shackled hands hovered over Touya's naked body, not wanting to touch any part of him. He could hear the clanking of the chains above his ear and sank his head deeper onto his mother's stomach. "T-Touya..." his mother began, "Please... I'm so sorry for everything."

He breathed out slowly, "Everything, huh?" Touya draped an arm over Rei's legs and tucked another one underneath the crook of her knees. Locking her in place. "What is everything? The neglect? Telling me to give up on what I was created to do? Leaving me with no purpose in life?"

Rei swallowed the lump in her throat. She didn't know how to respond without angering her son. Thinking back on it, Rei thought that she was trying to protect him. To let him know that he's more than his quirk. That he didn't need to try so hard to please his father. She didn't realize that in doing so, she was adding fuel to the flames that killed him in the end. "Touya I-"

"You know I heard it." He cut her off.

"Heard what?" Rei began to nervously fidget with her fingers.

"My room was right next door to yours." Touya reminded, "After you and dad told me to give up on training, I heard the two of you trying to replace me almost every night." Touya shifted his position to where he was laying on his back and staring straight up at his mother who brought her arms up to cover her chest once again. "Do I smell like him?"

Rei squeezed her eyes shut. She didn't know what her son was getting at. The fumes of her husbands soaps trailed up into her nose as she breathed in. Peppery. Smoky. Earthy. All of the warmth with a spicy twist. Rei replied with a stiff nod. "Mhm. You do." Her voice cracked as she locked eyes with her son. She lowered her arms and placed a hand over his forehead. He was warm. "Similar heat too."

"It scares you, doesn't it?"

"Yes..." she whispered. "Very much."

Touya didn't blink. He was fixated on his mothers face. It was frozen just like his fathers. Just like Shouto's. He loved it. "Do I remind you of him?"

Rei remembered the phone call that she had with her mother. How she cried telling her that all she saw in her children was her husband. That everything about them reminded her of Enji. "You- you have his eyes."

"I'm also a monster." Touya warned, "Just like him."

Rei's head fell into her hands as she started to cry, "What are you going to do?"

"Whatever I want. Just like how he did." Touya's voice was stern and cold. "And just like with dad, you won't be telling me no." Touya sat up away from his mother and breathed out slowly. He felt the mattress shift behind him and shot a hand out towards Rei, "If you run... I'll catch you." His voice deepened with a growl.

Rei trembled and slowly brought her leg back onto the bed and stayed put. Touya stood up at the foot of the mattress and grabbed Rei by her ankles and pulled her towards him with one rough tug. She gasped as she fell completely flat on her back and having her legs forced open. "Touya..." she shook her head. Horror and tears filled her sunken eyes. "Please... I'm your mother..."

"As far as I'm concerned, you're nothing more than an object to this family. Bought just to be abused like some animal." Touya grabbed Rei's leg and flipped her over onto her stomach. "Now turn around to face me." He held out his hand and covered it in blue flames. Rei clenched her chattering teeth and did what she was told. She slowly pushed herself up and laid face down in front of Touya. "You were fine with being used back then. And now you'll have no choice but to obey me like you did with Endeavor." Touya stalked his way around the bed and climbed on top of his trembling mother. He pulled Rei's head up by her hair and forced her to look in the mirror.

Rei shrieked at the sight of those familiar eyes. Teal orbs that glowered at her with hatred and resentment. "Please, Touya no! I said I was sorry!" She tried squirming out from underneath him to no such luck.

"I know." He whispered into her neck, "And tell dad that I'm sorry too. I'm sorry that he's going to miss what I'm about to do to you." Touya raised his hips and plunged himself deep into his mothers core. She screamed out in pain as she felt her sons cock driving viciously into her.

Touya wrapped his arm around Rei's throat as he continued to force himself into her dry cunt. He wondered if this was how it was with his father. Did Rei's body react the same way? Or was she a drooling, soaked whore whenever Endeavor tried to replace him.

Rei's cuffed hands gripped onto the edge of the bed. To much of her displeasure she was at eye level with the vanity. She had no choice but to see herself get fucked brutally by her son. This was exactly how things were with Enji. This is what Touya wanted her to feel. Used. Powerless. Pathetic.

After having Fuyumi, this was all Rei felt. Forced to be filled with cum time and time again until she was left a shivering mess. A hard cock invading her cunt and obligated to take in each excruciating inch no matter how many times she begged for it to stop.

It was all happening again. Only this time it was worse. Much much worse. Her own son. The precious life she pushed out into this world was now deep inside her once again. Taking after his father and filling her tight hole despite the loud protests. And she just laid there. Just like back then. She did nothing to stop it. The way she didn't stop her husband in the bedroom was exactly how she went about things between him and their children. She froze and watched like a doll with no objections to seeing her home and belongings get destroyed.

Rei Todoroki was melting under her sons touch just like she did with his father. No matter how much time passes, some things truly never change. That's what Touya wanted to let her know. He also wanted her to feel the pain he did after he was long forgotten by his so called family. Some of these things just stay with you even after moving on.

But Touya didn't move on. He didn't forget. And now he was going to make sure his mother didn't either.

Rei's body became hot and her head fell dizzy. Everything about this was so familiar. The heat of her husband. The smell of his soap. The anger in his careless thrusts. Touya was acting out the very thing that made him cry every night. Rei being fucked while he listened and was forced to accept his inevitable replacement.

She didn't care. He thought. She ignored his feelings. She ignored his cries. She ignored his pain. His own mother... she too chose "the masterpiece" over him. And for that, she'd pay.

"I hate you." Touya growled into her ear. He roughly pulled the hair out of Rei's face, and held her up to stare in the mirror. "Look at yourself." His teeth gritted, as he squeezed her cheeks together and forced her mouth to pucker. "Are those tears?" He chuckled, rubbing a rough hand over her eyes. "There you go, my sweet mother. All better. So how easy it is?" Touya turned Rei's neck around and planted a wet kiss onto her lips. He opened his mouth and licked up the side of her face to taste the saltiness of the streaming tears.

Rei grimaced and tried her best to move away but just like back then, her actions were useless. Touya kept her pinned down just like his father used to. He'd seen it happening once when their door wasn't completely shut. How Enji had total control of everything. He remembered how his mothers hands squeezed at the bed sheets exactly how they were right now. Fingers curled and body stiff with an arch in her back. His father would snake an arm underneath her so she'd be on her hands and knees like an animal. They'd be panting and covered in a layer of sweat, faces flushed and pink, filled with what Touya saw as lust. They loved the act. They couldn't wait to replace him. His own mother begged to be filled up with cum. "Some things never change, mom."

Touya pulled Rei up from her planked position so she'd be in that same doggy pose that she must have enjoyed so much. He placed his hands on the side of her hips just like Enji did. Only this time he heated his palms with those blue flames that he grew to be so proud of.

Rei screamed as her skin began to burn. She bellowed out apologies and pleads hoping her son would find it in his charred heart to stop. Instead, he simply roamed his scorching hands over every inch of her body, leaving behind a trail of minor burns. The echoing screams stiffened his cock and filled Touya with even more excitement. He pounded into his mom, using the thick saliva dripping from her mouth to coat his hand and rub it onto his chest. "Touya stop it! Please no more!"

"Oh I'll stop!" He panted, his tongue falling out to the side of his mouth. "I'll stop once you're filled up!"

Rei's eyes widened in shock as everything around her seemed to have paused. He couldn't be thinking about it? She asked herself. There's no way he'd do that as a final act of defilement.

As she was lost in her own mind, Rei heard her son grunting in manic pleasure behind her as his cum spewed out into her. He left his cock inside for a few moments longer so his mother could process and accept what had just happened. Touya wanted her to remember this for the rest of her life. He wanted her to live through the embarrassment of having to say that her own son committed such a vile act and how she was rendered powerless against him.

Touya pulled out and watched how his oozing cum dripped out slowly from Rei's aching cunt. He smirked as she lost all strength in her limbs and dropped flat onto the bed. "So." Touya slicked his sweat soaked hair back, "Did I do it just like dad?"

Rei trembled, turning pale in the face not knowing if she forgot how to breathe or if her soul left her body and she was now dead. Her breath and will to live was now stolen. Nobody could fix this. It was all her fault that this was happening, she thought. Touya implemented into her head that because of the past living on through him, that it manifested this unforgettable, hellish future.

Touya tilted his head, not being amused by the absence of reaction in his mothers face. He crouched down to explore for anything but a blank expression. Was she broken? Good. Touya flipped Rei onto her back and dragged her up to the head board. He snuggled up beside his mother and rested his head against her chest.

Rei's cuffed hands wandered upwards and fell stiffly into her sons hair as she stared up at the ceiling. She was lost with nowhere else to go. Living in the past was hell and moving on to the future was a noose waiting to get knotted. All she had was now. And the only thing she needed to do this time around was listen.

Touya wasn't looking for an apology or tears. That moment was long gone and burned to ash. All he wanted was his families attention. The only thing he needed in his life was for them to notice him and care. For them to be a reason why he had purpose in his life. Their abandonment and neglect took that all away from him. Now, Touya simply wanted to watch them all crumble away like he's been doing all these years. With each piece of themselves falling and hurting to where all that was left was their naked soul awaiting to be consumed by hells fire. Then they'll finally see him in a place where they could all be together. The least they could do then is wave.

"You were never a good mother." Touya spoke. "I cried and it didn't mean anything to you. I tried to prove my worth and you both told me I wasn't good enough. Neither of you even asked how I felt or tried to make me feel better." Rei felt sticky droplets falling onto her skin but she didn't dare to move.

Tears? No. Touya couldn't properly cry due to his burned tear ducts. The only thing that could express his pain was blood. Red droplets painted Rei's skin and dribbled down her sides to stain the white bedsheets. A calming pure color now being tainted with one of hatred and violence.

Rei laid still, the only thing moving being her slowly rising chest and fingers scratching gently at her sons scalp as she listened to him speak. Her eyes wandered down at Touya's white hair. It looked just like hers.

She used to love scratching Touya's head and singing to him when he was a child so that he'd sleep. When did it stop? Why did she stop? She asked herself.

"I didn't matter anymore. You told me I was more than my quirk but that was a lie." Touya's eyes closed, now picturing the day Shouto was born. That was when everything in his world was truly turned upside down. "You had Shouto. He was the only one you chose to protect."

Rei's dull eyes started to sting with tears. I remember.... The voice in her head whispered.

"I cried to Natsu every night, you know. Dad didn't look at me anymore but you... You noticed. And you did nothing." Touya brought up a burned hand and wiped his eyes dry. Blood staining his skin. "Why was that? Was I not worth caring for anymore?"

Those early mornings played back in the mothers head. She'd be busy following the strict meal plan her husband had made for Shouto and did her best to prepare it perfectly to avoid being scolded. Touya would walk into the kitchen, red eyed and puffy faced from hours of crying the night before. She'd notice him from her peripheral but chose to stay focused on the task at hand, leaving Touya feeling unloved and hungry before school.

"Answer me. And don't start off with an apology or an excuse."

Rei snapped back into her body, preparing herself to speak. She no longer shook at her sons warmth that continued to heat as he spoke. She may have been made of ice but she could also be stone. Pushing away her feelings to rid herself of more tears and just exist while being unbothered by the erosion around her.

"Your father was hurting Shouto everyday." Rei spoke, voice broken with a bit of rasp on each word. She allowed the truth to spill out of her cracked lips despite how cold it sounded saying everything out loud. Touya broke the walls in her head and every buried feeling and thought was out on display. It didn't need to come down to this but alas, the past never dies even with dirt burying it deep into the ground. "I'd ice his bruises and clean his wounds only for the cycle to reset."

Touya's eyes gazed up to meet hers. He didn't dare look away and neither did she. Rei was finally seeing him and admitting to everything that she contributed to.

"I saw Shouto's tears and dried them and told him everything would be okay. That he could be a hero better than his father one day. Maybe better than All Might if that's what he wanted." As Rei continued, she truly began to see the error in her ways. She told the masterpiece that the failed experiments purpose in life now belonged to him. And she never tried to fill that void in her first borns heart, leaving him empty only for Touya to suffuse that negative space with hatred and revenge.

Touya clenched his jaw. He wanted to scream. His heart pounded in his chest. He could kill his mother right now but he restrained himself. Before he went on, he needed to hear the meaning behind everything that went wrong.

"I overlooked your suffering, Touya. I thought your father ignoring you was for the best." Rei watched her hand slide down Touya's face to wipe away blood that fell from his eyes. She hadn't dried his tears since he was a small child. Under different circumstances this would have been something she would have been proud of. Being there for her son and comforting him when he needed her.

Touya didn't let it show but that small, simple action surprised him. He felt like how he used to before everything in his life went to shit. He felt seen.

"I couldn't understand why you wanted his acceptance. But now I do. I should have seen it sooner. You needed m- you needed us. And we let you fall through the cracks."

"I broke."

The tips of Rei's fingers trailed across the staples lining her sons face. His burns were rough and the sutures felt loose. Touya was barely being held together but he managed to push himself to accomplish his goals to tear their family apart like it rightfully deserved to be.

"I know, son. I prayed every night that you'd give up. Your father hated seeing your burns too and we still chose to not patch you ourselves. We left you alone to fix the broken pieces that we chiseled away at." She explained in a monotone manner.

Touya broke eye contact and stared down at the bed. He didn't want to give Rei any satisfaction of seeing hurt in his eyes and feeling like a mother if she comforted him now after all these years. Regardless of the pain in his chest, and anger festering within, he let Rei continue.

"You were just a child who wanted his parents love and support, the simplest thing a mother and father could give... and we failed you." She paused and swallowed the dry lump in her throat. "We shouldn't have pushed you to the side. I shouldn't have treated Shouto's pain like it was more important than yours. And it hurts me to admit that I stopped caring for you like a mother should after Shouto was born."

Touya sniffled. He blinked away any more blood that tried to escape his sore eyes. "I just wanted him to see me. I wanted you to be there too. Why did I have to be the one that died alone up there?" Rei didn't have an answer. There was no answer because her son burning up in Sekoto Peak should have never happened.

"We should have payed attention." Rei's voice cracked like the stone she enclosed herself in. Tears poured from her eyes as she sobbed. "I was a terrible mother, Touya! I know I was! And I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!"

"I know... But it's too late for that. I'll never forgive you. I'll never forgive any of you." Touya sat up and stared at his bloody tears now smeared onto his mother's abdomen. He reached for the cuffs around her wrists and took them off. She still cried. She laid there and cried and apologized for every little thing. For ignoring Touya. For not cleaning his wounds. For not wiping his tears. For not singing him to sleep. Everything. Touya watched her break and he made sure she wouldn't recover again. He wanted his father to know he was capable of doing the same thing. Being so horrible to this woman until she was melted into a puddle of despair. "I bet when dad hears about what happened he'll break even more too. I'm looking to turn all the broken pieces of our family into ash. I'll save dad for last. That way he can see me hurt each of you one last time and blame himself for everything. I'm going to love seeing his pathetic expression while I melt the flesh off your blackened bones." He tilted his head back and smiled, "Then him and I will have a dance in hell together. Surrounded by his cursed flames."

Touya walked over and picked his clothes up from the floor. He could hear his mother still mumbling confessions to herself as she quivered. He wondered if this was how she was in the mental hospital. A blabbering mess. A sense of pride took over Touya knowing that he was able to break her back down to that deteriorating mental state.

"I burned alone. I died alone." Touya stood in the doorway and stared over his shoulder with his hand held firmly on the doorknob, "This time, you'll all burn with me. And you'll all die with me." His jaw clenched as he thought about his siblings and scum bag of a father. He needed each and every one of them to feel his wrath. Now, his flames were finally spreading with the winds of vengeance so they could all endure what he did up on Sekoto Peak on that dry, winter night.
-Next Morning-

"I told you to call and check up on her." Fuyumi scolded Natsuo who followed behind her with his hands buried in his pockets.

"It's just rain." He sighed, "It's not going to hurt her."

They both made it to the front porch of their fathers house. Fuyumi fumbled in her bag for the keys while Natsuo took notice of the door being slightly opened. He nudged it with his foot and the siblings shared a stunned expression. "Mom!" They both shouted, racing up the stairs to their fathers room.

Natsuo flung the door open. He and Fuyumi froze at the sight of their mother. She was curled in fetal position with minor burn marks all over her body. There was blood on the bed sheets, blood on her body and some dried up on her inner thighs. "Oh my god, mom!" Fuyumi ran over, picking up a discarded towel and tossing it over Rei.

"What happened? Who did this?" Natsuo rushed over to his mother and looked closer at her wounds. The burns emulated the look of finger and hand prints. Rei's inaudible mumbles continued. The two tried figuring out what she was saying. "Huh? Mom speak up, please! We need to find who did this!"

They both dipped their heads down to hear their mothers broken mutters. "I'm sorry...." Her voice trembled like the rest of her body. "Should have... been there... didn't... protect... just ignored... we didn't... mean to... didn't... deserve you... T...T-t...Touya..."

Natsuo shared a look of horror with his sister. Of course it was him. He brought the past crashing down onto each of their heads and needed them to remember him. See in their minds images of him crying. How he begged to be looked at. That all he wanted was to be cared for. Touya wanted them to see their precious mother as a casualty of everything they didn't do back then.

They were all paying attention now. And this time, they'd never forget.


A/N: It's been a while since I've posted a grim fic such as this. I have others fics with some similar themes written in the drafts but I don't know if I should post those considering they're just as graphic as this. Not sure if that's what people want to read. Personally, I like stories/movies that just make my skin crawl because of how vile they can be. Nothing wrong with dark fiction every now and then. Thanks for reading 💋

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