The House Of Dragons Must Sta...

By SimiKhan2

27.7K 712 33

A fan of the show finds himself waking up in the body of Aegon the Second. With just one day before King Vise... More

Rude Awakening
New Reality and Dark Sister in Action
A Normal Family Dinner
Promise of a Better Future
To Usurp Or Not To Usurp
The House of Dragons Stands United
Acknowledgment and Future Plans
Queen of the Seven Kingdoms

The GoldTower Rebellion

2.8K 65 4
By SimiKhan2

Note: I had originally planned to make only one epilogue-type chapter, mostly in the form of bullet points highlighting key moments of Rhaenyra's reign. However, the details felt insufficient and here I am with only half of what I had planned for the epilogue. I will have to make another part. Also, there is a moment between Rhaenyra and Aegon in this chapter that had me writing a one-shot about their relationship, making the Dance more heart-aching. AUs about her bonding with her half-siblings always have me emotional. I'm not sure I'll publish that though. Maybe I will on AO3 when I publish this story as well sometime next week. For now, please enjoy this chapter!


Rhaenyra spent her first night as Queen with the orphans and poor of Kings Landing. She called them all to the feast I had asked Alicent to have prepared. It made me extremely glad to see that the food which was going to be made for the lords to celebrate usurping Rhaenyra's crown was instead shared with those far more deserving. The true people of her realm. 

She didn't make the feast about herself. Yes, she had just been made Queen but she gave priority to the fact that the King had just passed away. She called the people to honor her father instead. There was an overarching sense of sadness following the news of the king's death. The people were not much familiar with Viserys as he had preferred seclusion in his final years but he was a good king. The people came to pay their respects and condolences to the late King's family, even Alicent and Aemond were present but stood at a distance, weary of the new Queen and more so of the new King Consort. However, while the sadness loomed, the people could not help but rejoice in the feast. When was the last time that commoners ate the food of nobles? When would the next time possibly be?

Mostly when noblemen or just rich people in general "help the less fortunate" it is a show for people to see or some selfish itch that they need scratched. The same wasn't the case for Rhaenyra. One look and you could tell that she found real joy in seeing the people, her people, happy. The highlight of the night was when two little girls came to Rhaenyra. You could see from afar that they were mustering their courage with each step they took, stopping multiple times and turning back but ultimately continuing on. They both wore a gray wool rag and a wool hat.

Rhaenyra looked down at the girls as they approached her.

"We're sorry for your loss our Queen," their tiny voices called out in unison. "Please accept our condolences."

The Queen dropped to one knee so that she would be at eye level with the little girls and grabbed a hand of each of hers.

"Thank you. It means a lot to me," Rhaenyra told them, her eyes glistening with the tears she held back. Without warning one of the girls threw her arms around Rhaenyra's neck. She was shocked but did not move. The other took it to mean that she could follow suit and gave Rhaenyra a hug of her own. Rhaenyra melted into the hugs as her eyes finally gave way for the tears to finally slide down her cheek. She held them for a few seconds before letting go, wiping away her tears, and encouraging them to go play with the rest of the kids.

"Mayhaps we could make a habit out of this my Queen," I suggested as Rhaenyra stood back up. She looked around the room knowing I meant arranging such events for commoners.

"Mayhaps we can," she agreed. 

"Sister," I barely whispered but caught her attention nonetheless. "I... had a troubled relationship with father... and we never got a chance to be close. I have reasons to doubt if he even loved me... but there was never any doubt that he loved you as you did him. I am sorry for your loss."

Unconsciously I had bridged the gap between me and Rhaenyra while I spoke and so now stood close enough for her to pull me into a hug when I finished. She hid her face in my shoulder as the tears started to pour. I placed a comforting hand on her back and angled her away from the crowd so no one could see the Queen weeping. All they saw was an embrace between siblings. 

"Thank you... Volanqar," Rhaenyra said, finally pulling away. Retaining Aegon's memories meant I retained his knowledge of Valyrian. He knew what the word meant but I felt a bit sad for him too because as I scanned his memories I realized, he had never been called "little brother" before.

"I had never planned to hurt you when I became Queen but I feared that I would be pulled into a war. You stopped the war and saved the house of dragons from tearing itself down." Rhaenyra had both of her hands on my shoulders. Her tears had stopped but her eyes still glistened, locked with mine. There was a shine in her lilac orbs, one I recognized instantly but Aegon had never seen before, pride.

"You will make a fine Queen... Mandia. And all of the dragons will stand behind you."

The three months of Rhaenyra's reign went by peacefully. She held a more proper coronation once all the lords of the kingdom came and swore oaths to the new Queen and her crown prince, Jacaerys Targaryen. She gave birth to a beautiful daughter whom she named Visenya, a month later. Luke and Rhaena began living in Driftmark under the guardianship of the Sea Snake so they could be prepared for their eventual roles as Lord and Lady of the High Tide. Lord Corlys found it difficult though without his Lady Wife but she often visited on the Red Queen though her duties as the Queen's Hand found her mostly at Kings Landing. 

Everyone was surprised when Rhaenyra suggested that Rhaenys become her Hand. 

"The realm was robbed of your Queenship and though I cannot give you the throne, I wish to give you the opportunity to show that the lords of the Great Council had made a mistake." 

The Queen's words and an encouraging nod from her husband had Rhaenys accepting her role as the second most influential person in Westeros. Using the ideas that I very faintly remembered from my old life, the Queen and Hand immediately began welfare projects in Kings Landing. An orphanage was constructed in the memory of late Queen Aemma and the foundation was set for a school dedicated to teaching girls the same education and skills as boys in Princess Laena's name. The Lady Hand attributed the weekly food drive to Queen Rhaenyra alone. The Queen vowed to spread the programs to the rest of the kingdoms.

Lord Corlys was made Master of Ships but was allowed to stay mostly at Driftmark for Luke and Rhaena's training. Upon Daemon's suggestion to keep the remaining Valyrian houses close, Lord Bartimos Celtigar was invited to be Master of Coin. Ser Harrold Westerling became the first ever Lord Commander of the Queensguard until his passing just two months later. Ser Steffon Darklyn took his place. Ser Corwyn Corbray and Ser Glendon Goode were chosen to fill the empty positions in Queensguard after Ser Harrold's death and Ser Lorent Marbrand's appointment as Commander of the City Watch. Maester Gerardys was called from Dragonstone to assume the position of Grand Maester. The infamously honorable Lord Cregan Stark was offered the position of Master of Laws but he humbly declined.

"The Wolf of the North can only dwell in the winds of winter, my Queen," he presented as an explanation for declining. 

Daemon instead took the position and held it for a month and a half until the rumors began. Troubling rumors of the Reach and Westerlands secretly joining forces to rebel against the crown reached the Queen. Apparently, they called her punishment of Tyland Lannister and Otto Hightower "tyrannical". Normally it would be a matter to laugh at because it would be stupid to go up against the Dragonriders but there was a complication. When given the option to stay at Kings Landing, Dowager Queen Alicent decided she wished to return to her family home in Oldtown. Prince Aemond opted to follow his mother. Everyone told Rhaenyra that it would be a mistake to let Aemond go when he was the rider of the largest dragon in the realm, especially considering he held a grudge against her family but Rhaenyra did not wish to force her siblings. 

She was also confident that Alicent and Aemond would stay their hands since Helaena and I had decided to stay in Kings Landing and were made advisors to the Queen. Unfortunately, it seemed that it was not enough, and now two of the kingdoms were on the verge of rebellion and posed a serious threat since they had Vhagar and Tessarion. 

The Riverrun was called on by the Lannisters to join them. Lord Grover Tully considered the proposal but his grandson Lord Elmo Tully, who acted as ruling Lord of Riverun in his stead due to his old weak state, swiftly declined the Lannisters. Lord Borros Baratheon was also approached by the rebellious kingdoms to join their coalition but the Lady Hand found out about it before he made a decision. The Queen herself rode to Storm's End. A deal was struck in which Lord Borros replaced Daemon as Master of Laws, who didn't care much for the duties anyway, and Lady Cassandra Baratheon was betrothed to Joffrey Velaryon.

Rhaenyra hoped that the Reach and Westerlands would lose morale after facing rejection from the Riverlands (especially now that she officially replaced Grover with Elmo) and since she had secured the Stormlands to her side. However, this proved to be wishful thinking because, in the third month of her reign, Rhaenyra got the news that the Lannister army was spotted marching towards Riverrun. The Queen immediately sent Jace to Lord Cregan and Luke to Lady Jeyne Arryn instructing both to march to Riverun's aid. After giving the messages, Jace and Luke were both to ride their dragons to Riverrun immediately to dissuade the Lannisters from getting too close. She was assured by Daemon that it would be safe to send her boys because both of the Hightower dragons were still in the Reach and if either headed to the Riverlands, they would be able to intercept them before they could reach the Riverlands. 

A day later the Queen heard reports that a blue dragon had rained fire and blood on five castles in the Reach. Despite all my efforts, the dragons would still dance. Perhaps it wouldn't be that bad this time though. Helaena and I ensured Rhaenyra that Sunfyre and Dreamfyre would be at her disposal. The Stormlands were on Rhaenyra's side this time and she already held the Crownlands. The Lannister army could be barbequed by any one of the seven, ready to fight, dragons that she had. Helaena and I could go to Oldtown and convince Alicent and her sons to stop the foolish endeavor. 

Still, messages were sent throughout the realm to come to the crown's defense. The Lannister army slowed their pace when Jace and Luke arrived at Riverrun and instead diverted to Pinkmaiden which was taken fairly easily since House Piper, the rulers of Pinkmaiden, abandoned their castle and retreated to Acorn Hill. The army stayed there but Lannister scouts were spotted near Acorn Hill. A week later Tessarion was spotted near the Grassy Vale. 

Daemon suggested he fly to both the Westerlands and the Reach. We could call them the Wastelands after I'm done he joked. Rhaenyra did not find it funny though since she had sworn to protect both kingdoms, not burn them down. I asked Rhaenyra to allow me to fly to Oldtown, tell them to stand down but the Queen declined. She claimed she feared for my safety because Aemond and Vhagar could be unpredictable. I could tell though that some part of her also feared I would switch sides, taking another dragon with me. 

A week later, troubling news came from the small Targaryen host at Summerhall.  A large army of the Reach was supposedly gathering at Ashford as per Lord Thaddeus Rowan who had fled when Daeron burned his castle. Moreover, Prince Daeron had now taken multiple laps around Summerhall and Black Haven. Daemon was anxious to put the young prince in his place. He would take Caraxes and show everyone that no large army meant anything against the might of a dragon. Ser Corwyn however pointed out that they hadn't heard anything about Vhagar since the beginning of the war. It only meant that they had been keeping her to use as a secret weapon for when we made a mistake just like the one Daemon suggested. Daemon remained unfazed claiming he could take on the one-eyed bastard and his dragon. It was only a direct command by his Queen that stopped him from getting atop Caraxes. 

Further troubling news came from the Riverlands. The Lannister army had defeated the combined forces of House Smallwood, House Piper, and House Vance to take Acorn Hill. Lord Jason Lannister had been killed during the battle but a knight had taken command of the Lannister army. Though terrible, Acorn Hill was not the troubling news. When word reached Riverrun about the Lannister attack, Luke, the only dragon rider in the castle, decided to go to their aid. He arrived too late, seeing injured soldiers scurrying towards Riverrun on his way. In Acorn Hill, the Lannisters had already raised their banners. Luke took a few laps of the castle, determining whether he wanted to engage or not when a bolt flew by his head. It took him a few seconds to realize where it came from and saw a ballista that was being loaded by another bolt. It looked very similar to the drawing he had seen of the bolt that had killed Meraxes. He quickly dodged the second bolt that had been fired at him before hurrying back to Riverrun.

The Lannisters now had bolts. It was safe to assume that the Reachmen did as well. Dragons were now killable. It also meant that Dorne was probably in an alliance with the rebelling kingdoms because no one else had managed to figure out how to create such a bolt. It would also explain why the Lannisters and the Reach did not deter from rebellion despite failing to get the Riverlands and Stormlands on their side. They also had motive since Daemon had crushed them during his war in the Stepstones.

"Mayhaps we should keep the dragons on the ground," Lord Bartimos suggested. "The North, Riverlands, and Vale can defeat the Lannisters while the Crownlands and Stormlands can push back the army of the Reach."

Rhaenyra wasn't listening to the ramblings of her Master of Coin. Nor did she hear her husband yelling curses at him for telling the Dragonlords to keep their dragons idle. Or Lord Borros yelling that they had already lost multiple battles and still had no plans. She was the Queen of dragons and the dragons would retaliate.

"Daemon and Caraxes will travel to Riverrun and clear out the Lannisters!" The Queen ordered in a loud voice to be heard over the arguing. The other voices immediately died down. Rhaenyra returned to her regular voice. "My siblings, the Lady Hand, and myself will meet the Army of the Reach with our dragons." 

Daemon immediately protested that anyone else could be sent against the Lannisters and that they would need a battle-hardened Caraxes against Vhagar. Rhaenyra was hearing none of it telling him that a battle-hardened Caraxes was exactly what was required in Riverrun because only one dragon would be going against the Lannisters. Arrax and Vermax were too small and their riders were too inexperienced to go up against the bolts so they were not to engage in the battle. On the other hand, she, her companions, and all of their dragons were already adults. They would be able to overwhelm Vhagar and dodge the bolts. Besides, she didn't trust Daemon to keep his head screwed on right against Vhagar.

"Little Daeron would be upset that they left him out of their battle plans," Helaena whispered to me followed by a quiet little laugh. It took me a few seconds to realize she had meant it as a tease to her younger brother.

Lord Corlys suggested that the Queen gather the armies of the Crown and Stormlands in Summerhall to attack the Reachmen from the ground and air. His suggestion had been accepted and the plan was set. 

Daemon immediately left promising he would bring three dragons to help before they faced Vhagar. His eagerness to go up against the she-dragon clearly visible. Considering the suggestion of Ser Darklyn, Rhaenyra decided to travel alongside her marching army and kept Helaena and me close. She became even more adamant when I had trouble with Sunfyre. I may have had everyone fooled but the dragon was immediately able to tell that I wasn't the rider he had bonded with even if I wore his face. Rhaenyra became suspicious but Helaena quickly told her that Sunfyre was just being moody because I hadn't given him time in the previous months. I hadn't considered this when offering up my dragon-riding services. 

It took all day in the dragon pit, dodging his tail whips and fire bursts, to convince Sunfyre to calm down. I knew that dragons were intelligent creatures and understood their riders so I used Aegon's knowledge of Valyrian to talk to the dragon, telling him the truth that Aegon was gone now but it was not my fault, telling him whatever little I remembered about my true self, telling him that I had saved him, and the rest of the dragons, and the Targaryens from a deadly fate. Sunfyre didn't seem to care about any of that because he couldn't feel Aegon. It was only Dreamfyre constantly blocking him that kept him in check. Finally, Sunfyre realized that his bond and bonded were now gone. He retreated to his lair with a saddened look. Hesitantly, I followed him and sympathized with him. I began pouring my heart out talking to him and as I spoke felt an unexplainable heat rise in my chest. At first, he had ignored me but as the heat in me rose, so did his head and he brought his snout right next to my face. He sniffed twice and then huffed out a puff of smoke sending me a few steps back. I quickly regained my steps and slowly raised my hand. Sunfyre eyed me suspiciously but didn't move. I rubbed my hands on his snout and he allowed me, a new bond had been formed. 

It took ten days for us to reach Summerhall. The beginning of the ride was uncomfortable as Sunfyre and I got used to each other but once we did, it was the most surreal experience of my life. Princess Rhaenys had been allowed to make a quick scouting trip over Ashford before telling the Stormlands to gather at Summerhall. There Rhaenys told us that quite a number had gathered near Ashford and they had three ballistas. Daeron had tried to chase after her but the Blue Queen was no match for the Red Queen's speed. There was still no sign of Aemond or Vhagar. 

A day after settling at Summer Hall, Daemon arrived with both Jace and Luke bringing the news of their victory in the Riverlands. Lord Cregan Stark and Lord Elmo Tully had gathered their forces at High Heart when Daemon had reached them. The Lannister army was greater in number but the threat of Vermax and Arrax kept them inside Acorn Hill while the fear of ballista kept the young dragons at High Heart. Daemon grew restless a few days later and came up with a plan. The Lannister forces would be shown both dragons leave towards Kings Landing. Seeing that, the now-in-command Ser Adrian Tarbeck marched towards High Heart confident that his superior numbers meant he could defeat the Stark and Tully hosts. Unfortunately, they didn't know that the Blood Wyrm was also at High Heart. Daemon began a surprise incineration of the Lannisters halfway between the castles. Vermax and Arrax also returned and attacked from the other side, and together the three dragons destroyed nearly half the Lannister army. The land forces then attacked chasing whatever few of the enemies remained to the ends of the Riverlands. When Daemon left, the Northmen who called themselves Winter Wolves, were chasing the Lannister army near Golden Tooth. 

Daemon suggested they follow a similar strategy here. They should march on Ashford instead of waiting for the enemy to attack them. They would attack with their dragons on all fronts, and burn down the gates of the castle allowing their land armies to invade as well. The Greens had been keeping Vhagar at a distance so they had to take down Tessarion and the ballistas before she arrived. Then all the dragons would overwhelm her. That evening, Rhaenyra sent a messenger to Ashford telling the armies to surrender or face the might of the dragons. The messenger did not return. Early the next morning, the attack was launched. Daemon circled the castle with Jace and Luke, readying to attack from the South. Rhaenyra took the West side while Helaena and I took the East. Rhaenys attacked from the North and she was in charge of burning down the gate. 

Shrieks of dragons were followed by screams of men as soldiers on the outskirts tried to run for the castle but only their ashes carried by the wind made it in. Arrax was the first to burn down a ballista that was taking aim at Vermax. Dreamfyre dodged the bolt that came flying toward her and then burned the ballista from which it was released. Meleys burned her ballista and the gate in one fell swoop allowing Lords Corlys and Borros to overwhelm the castle with their ground troops. Tessarion crushed several of the invading troops as she began to take flight, sights fixed on the Queen. I urged Sunfyre to go forward to stop Tessarion and Syrax before they clashed. Unbeknownst to us, there was a fourth ballista that made itself known when Syrax let out a shriek of pain. The Queen's dragon had been hit and was finding it difficult to keep herself balanced. Daeron, seeing his opportunity, headed straight for Rhaenyra. Meleys was the first to reach and immediately took out the ballista. Daeron came to a sudden halt when Sunfyre's shrill caught his attention. He stopped Tessarion and looked at me with a look of great astonishment. We locked eyes for a few seconds as I tried to get to him as soon as possible but Daemon got to him first. Caraxes bit right into Tessarion's neck and began moving his head violently while hurling her and Daeron quickly to the ground. I looked on in horror, everything had escalated too fast. I looked towards Syrax who despite having a bolt in her chest had somehow managed to stabilize herself and was slowly descending. I looked back at Daeron who had managed to unbuckle himself and was now freefalling in the air only to be caught by Dreamfyre shortly before hitting the ground. Caraxes had crashed Tessarion just outside the castle mere seconds before. I looked into the castle. The Greens had been overwhelmed and it was clear our forces would come out victorious.

Shortly after, the castle had been conquered. Rhaenyra was now safely landed on the ground with Jace and Luke right next to her as they examined the bolt in Syrax's chest. Helaena had landed with Daeron, a careful distance away from both Daemon and Rhaenyra. Caraxes raised his head a little after crashing. The Blue Queen never moved again. By then I was the only person still in the air when the realization hit me. I began frantically looking around for the only thing that could turn this victory into defeat but Vhagar never showed. 

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