Another Love {Complete}

By rainbowkiller0

174K 6.1K 244

Upon the death of her Lord Husband, Enora Hightower returned to the Red Keep. The eldest daughter of the Hand... More

Part One
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Part Two
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Part Three
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Part Four
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four

Chapter Thirteen

5.9K 226 8
By rainbowkiller0

The next day, Enora had followed her husband into the Small Council's meeting chambers. Her father had looked hopeful at seeing her there, thinking Enora had listened to him and convinced the King to name Aegon heir. The Queen took pleasure in watching her father's face fall as Viserys announced his intent to send aid to the Stepstones. The King did not allow any discussion on the matter and quickly ended the meeting.

Otto had lingered in the room as long as he could, wanting to speak to his daughter. But she made no move to leave the King's side and Viserys had ordered him to leave. On his way out Otto had passed the Princess, watching as the doors swung closed behind her.

"Make haste to Dwarfstone, Ser Addam." Viserys ordered the knight, handing him a small roll of parchment. "Hand deliver this to Prince Daemon yourself."

"At once, Your Grace." Ser Addam bowed.

"We shall pray to the Seven for your safe journey." Enora smiled at the knight.

"Thank you, Your Grace." The man nodded as he turned to exit the room, the rest of his small squadron following after him.

"Dwarfstone?" Rhaenyra asked as she joined her father and stepmother at the head of the table.

"I'm sending word to Daemon. Aid is sailing to the Stepstones."

"Did he make call for help?"

"He would sooner die." Viserys smiled at his daughter. "But his king does not mean to allow that."

The room was silent for a moment as Rhaenyra took a seat in the Hand's chair. Enora could almost picture how angry her father would be if he knew.

"Do you not think my decision correct?" Viserys asked at his daughter's continued silence.

"It is no consequence to what I think as I'm often reminded." Rhaenyra sassed. The Princess wondered why her step mother was in the Small Council's room and why her father had asked her here. The only answer she could come up with was that her father had decided to replace her.

"Daemon is thorn enough in my flesh. Will you insist on taking after him? Must everything be a battle?" Enora placed a hand on Viserys' shoulder hoping to calm the man down.

"If you refer to your attempt to marry me off to Casterly Rock."

"Your father has since agreed that would not be a wise match." Enora smiled, trying to ease the tension building in the room.

"I am sorry, Rhaenyra. I was trying to help you. Will you not be helped?"

"Viserys." Enora whispered trying to avoid another argument between father and daughter.

"Why must every effort on your behalf be resisted as if to the death?" Viserys continued, ignoring his wife.

"Because you mean to replace me!" Rhaenyra spat. "With Enora's son, the boy you always wanted."

"Rhaenyra." Enora felt her heart break for the young girl. Tears welled in her eyes as she rounded the table and pulled her stepdaughter as close as possible with her swollen stomach in the way.

"You have him in hands now. You have no further use for me." Rhaenyra allowed Enora to hold her, she had missed the warmth of a mother's embrace. "You might as well peddle me for what you can. A mountain stronghold or a fleet of ships."

"That shall not happen, Rhaenyra. You have misjudged your father's intentions." Enora spoke, stepping away slightly so she could see Rhaenyra better. Though the Queen held onto the Princess's hand.

"All know it. Jason Lannister knows it."

"I do not seek to replace you, child." Viserys promised. "You've been much alone these last few years. Alone and angry. I will not live forever. I wish to see you contented, happy even."

"You think a man will do it?"

"A family."

"I had a family."

"What would you have me do?!" Viserys roared.

"If it was for advantage, you would have wed Laena Vaelaryon!" Rhaenyra yelled, shooting up from her seat.

Enora took a step back at the quick movement, dropping Rhaenyra's hand. She turned to look at her husband when he did not immediately answer.

"That is true enough. You must marry, strengthen your own claim, shore up your succession, multiply. As to your match," Viserys stopped beside his wife, placing a hand on her lower back. "Make it yourself. Search him out. Find one that pleases you, as I did." Viserys pulled Enora into his side, holding her close as Enora placed a hand on his chest.

Rhaenyra smiled up at her father and stepmother, thanking them as she began to leave.

"Rhaenyra," Enora called, causing the princess to stop in her tracks and turn towards her stepmother. The Queen left her husband's side and met her stepdaughter at the other end of the table. "Do not settle. You deserve a kind man, who will love you and you will love in return."


The Great hall had filled quickly when word of a dragon being spotted over King's Landing had spread. Soon everyone knew of Prince Daemon's return. Enora stood at her place below the Iron Throne, one hand on her deflated belly. The King and Queen had welcomed a beautiful little girl named Helaena in the past moon.

Alicent stood beside her sister, and Queen, a bright smile on her face as she gazed across the Great Hall. Since Rhaenyra's departure, Ser Harwin Strong and Alicent had begun courting. The two had met at Aegon's nameday celebration and had quickly become friends. Enora couldn't have hoped for a better match for her dear sister, the Knight was kind and gentle with Alicent.

The sound of the doors opening pierced the tension filling the room as its occupants stood with baited breath. Elnora looked at her husband, wishing nothing more than to be able to offer him comfort in this moment. The sound of footsteps filled the hall as Prince Daemon entered. The Prince had cut his long white hair short and wore a crown made of white wood upon his head. As the Rogue prince neared the throne the Kings' Guards drew their swords, pointing them towards the Prince.

Prince Daemon finally came to a stop when the tip of a sword pointed into his chest. He looked down at the blade and then back up to the knight wielding it, before pointing the hammer he held in his right hand at his brother, the King.

"Add it to the chair," he said, dropping the weapon to the ground.

Whispers filled the room as people waited to see how the King would react. The Lord Commander of the King's Guard sheathed his sword and knelt to pick up the weapon.

"You wear a crown. Do you also call yourself king?" Viserys asked.

"Once we smashed the triarchy they named me King of the Narrow Sea." The crowd further broke out into whispers believing the Rogue Prince had come to declare himself king of his own kingdom. "But I know that there is only one true king, Your Grace."

Prince Daemon dropped to his knee, kneeling before his elder brother. The King turned to look at his Hand, seeking advice of some sort but Otto could give none at this moment. Viserys turned to look at his wife, at her nod he turned back to where his brother kneeled. Forgiveness filling his heart.

"My crown and the Stepstones," The prince removed the crown from his head and looked up to his brother. "are yours."

King Viserys smiled at his brother's words, before looking into the crowd, searching for a particular face. "Well, Where is Lord Corlys?"

"He sailed home to Driftmark."

"Who holds the Stepstones?"

"The tides, the crabs, and two thousand dead Triarchy corsairs staked to the sand to warn those who might follow." At his brother's words, the King walked forward. The sound of metal hitting stone filled the room as the King used his sword as a cane. Viserys took the wooden crown from his brother's hand, inspecting the item. Prince Daemon looked to where Otto stood in front of his daughter, a silent conversation passed between the two as the King handed the wooden crown to his guard. The crowd looked on, with baited breath as they awaited their King's judgment.


The crowd erupted into applause as the two brothers embraced. The Targaryen brothers now stood as a united front once again.


A small celebration was quickly put together and thrown in the Godswood. Enora, and Prince Daemon listened to the King as he spoke of his and his brother's childhood, pride filling his voice. Enora was happy for her husband, glee radiated off of him as he finally had his brother back.

"No no no no. I will not revisit this debate." the King argued with his brother. "You were always mother's favorite. Our mother, she had no regard for custom or tradition, rules. And I sadly, was no great warrior." Viserys spoke as Rhaenyra and Alicent approached.

"Congratulations on your victory." The Princess spoke, gaining her father's attention, who was displeased with her early return from her tour.

"Thank you, Princess," Prince Daemon smiled at his niece.

An awkward silence passed between the group, as Viserys glared at his daughter. Enora stepped closer to her stepdaughter, taking her by the arm. "I have missed you Rhaenyra, you must tell me all about your tour."

The Princess allowed her stepmother to lead her away from her father and uncle. The three woman sat down at a nearby settee. When Rhaenyra made no move to talk, Enora decided to be the first.

"I Surmise the tour did not go well."

"I endured it for as long as I could." Rhaenyra groaned.

"To have every young knight and lord in the Seven Kingdoms fawning over you. What misery." Alicent teased her friend.

"Those men and boys don't fawn over me. They only want my name and my Valyrian blood for their offspring."

"I think it's rather romantic." Alicent sighed, a faraway look in her eyes.

"How romantic it must be to get imprisoned in a castle and made to squeeze out heirs." Rhaenyra rolled her eyes.

"It is not always like that, Rhaenyra." Enora took her stepdaughter's hand. "When there is love and friendship, it can be easy. I did not consider myself imprisoned by my first husband, and that is because friendship sprouted. I do not feel imprisoned now, because your father and I love each other."

At the mention of her father, Rhaenyra's face fell. "How angry is he?"

"He went through a great effort to arrange your tour. He is merely frustrated that it was a waste. But we have missed you greatly, and I am glad of your return."

"I missed you too." Rhaenyra smiled at her stepmother, squeezing her hand.

AN: This is low key healing my child-of-divorce heart.


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