The Diary Keeper ["The Dark L...

Af diaryoftheintrovert

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"I love my new life, I love the way my power makes a bit of variety in ordinary days. I love the way it flows... Mere

Chapter 1: An owner of the mansion
Chapter 2: Behind its walls
Chapter 3: Welcome to the dorm
Chapter 4: Allies and rivals
Chapter 5: Diary entries
Chapter 6: Inside
Chapter 7: Here lies Mia Lancaster
Chapter 8: Dirty Things
Chapter 9: The past does not sleep
Chapter 10: The lies we tell
Author's note
Chapter 11: A little party never killed nobody
Chapter 12: Whispering pages
Chapter 13: Echoes on the paper
Chapter 14: The unnamed grave
Chapter 15: In the hospital wing
Chapter 16: Parsing the last will
Chapter 17: The dark deeds revealed
Chapter 18: The pendant of power
Chapter 19: The price of justice
Chapter 20: Uncharted passages
Chapter 21: Tensions rise
Chapter 22: The dissonance within
Chapter 23: Blood ties
Chapter 24: Farewell untold
Chapter 25: The dead never return
Chapter 26: The phantom's confession
Chapter 27: Strong girls do not give up
Chapter 28: Stranger things
Chapter 29: A dangerous deal
Chapter 30: The perilous path
Chapter 31: Below the ground
Chapter 33: Game of shadows and light
Chapter 34: Between the lines
Chapter 35: Through the camera's eye
Chapter 36: Awakening
Chapter 37: Into the forest
Chapter 38: Unveiling the lost identity
Chapter 39: A ghostly beauty
Chapter 40: A trail gone cold
Chapter 41: It gets dangerous
Chapter 42: In the halls of justice
Chapter 43: Farewell, Dear Diary
Chapter 44: The final task
Chapter 45: Mia's melody
Chapter 46: Hypnotized
Chapter 47: When all dreams die
Chapter 48: Until it hides
Chapter 49: Illusions
Chapter 50: A night of style
Chapter 51: The only thing she wanted
Chapter 52: All about lies
Chapter 53: A story of evil
Chapter 54: Sweet betrayal
Chapter 55: Hues of violet
Chapter 56: Do not turn back
Chapter 57: The midnight heist
Chapter 58: A dangerous game
Chapter 59: Take me back

Chapter 32: Her only friend

144 103 31
Af diaryoftheintrovert

Finally, sweet freedom! The holidays had descended upon us like a glorious tornado, whisking away the dreary halls of boarding school and replacing them with a world of boundless joy and utter silliness. No more teachers, no more books-I could practically taste the delicious freedom in the air.

As I stepped out of those prison-like school gates, I felt a grin spread across my face. It was a grin that screamed, "Hello, world! Brace yourselves for some serious Liandra antics!" Oh, the mischief I would get up to during these blessed days of no studying and no responsibilities.

But wait, who's that I see? It's Kaira, and she's holding a tiny, meowing bundle of fur. Meet Stormy, the cutest and most mischievous kitten in the whole wide world. Kaira, in all her wisdom, had decided to care for Stormy for the holidays, ensuring that our days would be filled with endless laughter and plenty of scratches behind tiny ears.

"Good luck with your new pet!" I exclaimed and she just smiled happily.

We strutted down the streets together, Kaira and I, with Stormy perched precariously on Kaira's shoulder like a pirate's loyal parrot. People couldn't help but stop and admire the adorable chaos we brought with us.

I entered Kaira's house, which was a treasure trove of eccentricity. Stormy, now unleashed from her temporary perch, raced around like a furry hurricane, toppling everything in her path with gleeful abandon. It was a riot of fluffy madness, and I couldn't help but join in.

And as the days grew shorter and the air turned crisper, the holiday spirit began to seep into every corner of our lives. Christmas was just around the corner, with its twinkling lights, festive carols, and the promise of magic hanging in the air like the scent of freshly baked cookies.

Ah, Caroline, the harbinger of drama and perpetual scowls. It seemed that my dear friend Kaira's presence in my life had ignited a spark of jealousy within Caroline's soul. Perhaps she felt threatened by our unbreakable bond or simply couldn't handle the sheer awesomeness that radiated from our friendship. Either way, her angry glares and icy demeanor became a regular feature in our daily encounters. To be honest, I regret about it and hope to change it somehow.

All in all, I almost forgot about my other part of life which was not so ordinary. But I didn't have to - there were a lot of things to do...

As soon as I walked through the door, my phone buzzed with an incoming call. It was Ethan, his voice laced with a mixture of urgency and nervousness.

"I need to talk to you, Liandra," he said, his words coming out in a rushed manner. "Can I come over to your place in a few minutes?"

I paused for a moment, considering his request.

"Can't we just talk on the phone? What's the problem?"

Ethan hesitated on the other end of the line.

"I think it would be better if we had this conversation face-to-face. It's important."

I let out a sigh, feeling a bit weary from the events of this term.

"Alright, Ethan. Let it be. Come over."

I could sense his disappointment through the phone, his voice losing some of its initial enthusiasm. We said our goodbyes, and I found myself wondering what could be weighing on his mind so heavily.

He entered my room soon, his face expressed some sadness.

"Lia, what's going on with you?" Ethan asked directly, his voice filled with concern.

"What do you mean exactly?" I pretended to look like I didn't understand anything.

"I mean your absence, your constant being unable to go out because you have so-called duties... But, admit it, Lia it seems strange," he said with suspicion.

"Well, I have right for my secrets, for some kind of privacy, you know?"

Ethan fell silent for a moment, his gaze fixed on me as if trying to unravel the mystery.

"I have known you for two months already and we haven't even started dating!"

"We are not obliged to, Ethan. Let's just enjoy each other's company as friends. The outcome will unfold naturally."

Without another word, he just turned and left my house, his frustration evident in his departing footsteps. Sorry, Ethan, but unveiling my magical world to you would only complicate things further. It's better this way, for both of us.

That evening, as I settled into my cozy room, I couldn't help but feel a twinge of curiosity about Mia's diary. It had been quite a while since I last indulged in the secrets and stories hidden within those pages. I glanced at the diary sitting on my desk, its worn cover and faded ink beckoning me.

I always love reading these words flowed across the paper, Mia's handwriting capturing her emotions and adventures in vivid detail.

Let it continue.

December 1, 1968

Dear Diary!
Today was a turning point at this new school. I met someone who has the potential to change my social life. Her name is Emberlynn, and she's a year older than me, but that didn't seem to matter to her at all. It was like she saw beyond the labels and simply wanted to be my friend.

You see, Diary, I've been feeling incredibly lonely since we moved to this new town. Starting at a new school was tough, and I felt like an outsider in a sea of unfamiliar faces.

During our lunch break, Emberlynn asked if I wanted to join her and a few other friends at their table. I hesitated at first, afraid of intruding on their established group dynamics. But Emberlynn insisted, assuring me that her friends were welcoming and that I would fit right in. So, with a flutter of excitement and anticipation, I joined them.

And you know what, Diary? Emberlynn was right. Her friends were kind and inclusive, and they greeted me with warm smiles and genuine curiosity. For the first time since we moved here, I felt like I belonged. It was a beautiful feeling, Diary, one that I will cherish for a long time.

December 11, 1968

Dear Diary!
Today was an extraordinary day filled with surprising revelations and a newfound sense of wonder. I can hardly contain my excitement as I put pen to paper to capture this momentous occasion.

Emberlynn confessed that she had been observing me for some time, sensing a unique energy within me. I was taken aback by her words, unsure of what she meant.

And then, she revealed the truth-I am a sorceress, just like her! I could hardly believe my ears, Diary. It was as if a magical world had suddenly opened up before me, full of endless possibilities and enchantment. Emberlynn explained that we share the same bloodline, connected by an ancient lineage of sorcery.

Emberlynn's keen eyes noticed something I had yet to see - a golden sign on my hand, an emblem of my magical heritage. She assured me that as I develop my magical abilities, the sign will become visible to me as well. It was a tantalizing glimpse into a hidden realm that I had never known existed.

She vowed to teach me the ways of magic, to guide me along this mystical path we now shared. I couldn't help but feel a surge of anticipation, imagining the wonders and secrets that awaited me in this newfound world of sorcery.

I am grateful, Diary, for this unexpected turn of events. Emberlynn's presence in my life feels like a gift from destiny, a guiding light illuminating the path I am meant to walk. I can't help but wonder what lies ahead as I delve deeper into the realm of magic, discovering the extent of my own powers.

Tonight, I go to sleep with a heart brimming with excitement and curiosity. Tomorrow marks the beginning of my journey into the world of sorcery, guided by Emberlynn's expertise and friendship. I am ready to embrace this enchanting destiny that has been revealed to me and to embrace the wonders of magic that await.

December 12, 1968

Dear Diary!
Emberlynn, my newfound mentor and guide, unveiled a remarkable gift today-a beautiful necklace adorned with a shimmering blue gem. The moment I laid eyes on it, I was mesmerized by its elegance and ethereal glow. Emberlynn explained that the necklace held a special purpose-to protect me from harm and ward off dangers that may come my way. It felt like a precious talisman, a symbol of the magical path I now tread.

Then she delved into the essence of sorcery, enlightening me about the true nature of magical powers. She explained that a sorcerer possesses the ability to harness these powers with the mind through focused intention and unwavering concentration. The key elements, she emphasized, are desire and concentration-having a strong will and the ability to channel one's thoughts into a singular purpose.

Contrary to popular belief, she explained that spells and curses are not to be taken lightly. They are not mere tools to be used carelessly, but rather powerful forces that must be respected and utilized only in exceptional cases. Emberlynn stressed that their usage should be governed by wisdom and a deep understanding of the consequences they may bring.

Magic is meant to be a source of harmony and healing, an instrument to bring light and joy into the lives of others. It is a gift that must be used wisely, with careful consideration of the impact it may have on others and the world around us.

Also, Emberlynn revealed that she possesses a unique artifact as well - a beautiful blue ring. This ring, much like my necklace, holds a special power, acting as a protective ward against potential dangers.

It gets much and much more interesting...

December 16, 1968

Dear Diary!
It all started when my father found out about my friendship with Emberlynn. His discovery felt like an unraveling of the delicate threads that bound my world together, leaving me exposed and vulnerable.

You know what? His reaction was one of anger and sternness. He forbid me from even uttering a word to Emberlynn.

There was no explanation, no reasoning offered, just a strict order to sever ties with the one person who had offered me companionship in this new and unfamiliar world.

I've been lonely, I've felt sadness since my mother died and I moved to Ravenwood until the day I met Emberlynn. She is my only friend, the only person I can trust.

I made a silent promise to myself. I would not let his order shatter the bond I had forged with Emberlynn. I would find a way to communicate, to defy the confines imposed upon me. I cannot simply obey my father's command.

December 22, 1968

Dear Diary!
My magical abilities have taken a significant leap forward, and I owe it all to the guidance and wisdom of my dear friend, Emberlynn.

In our secret training sessions, she unveiled the art of conjuring fire with the power of my mind. Can you imagine, dear Diary? Flames dancing and flickering at my command, rising and subsiding with each thought I willed into existence.

But the revelations did not end there, Diary. Emberlynn confided in me a secret that unveiled the true nature of the enchanting blue ring and necklace she bestowed upon me. They hold the power to convince others, but only when the intention is to safeguard and protect.

Being able to use this power to persuade others for the greater good... To sway the course of events with words that resonate with the essence of compassion and preservation... It is a responsibility I carry with utmost care, for the delicate balance between persuasion and manipulation must never be compromised.

Let the fires of courage and compassion burn brightly within us all.

December 30, 1968

Dear Diary!
I can't believe what Emberlynn just told me today! It was like a scene from a fantastical story, but I could see the truth in her eyes. It turns out that her surname is Everglen, and her family used to possess Di Flores Manor, the very same mansion my father took illegally.

Emberlynn explained that Di Flores Manor wasn't just an ordinary house. It was the secret headquarters for sorcerers, a place where magical power accumulated over generations. I couldn't help but gasp in astonishment. How could something so extraordinary be kept hidden from the world?

Now, everything made sense. I finally understood why my father forbade me from talking to Emberlynn. It was clear that he had taken the mansion unlawfully.

I felt a mix of emotions: shock, anger, and even a hint of fear. What other secrets had my family been keeping from me? How could they have been involved in something so extraordinary and yet so dark?

Emberlynn and I sat in the dimly lit room, absorbing the gravity of the situation. The walls seemed to whisper tales of ancient spells and enchanted artifacts. It was almost as if the very air held a sense of magic, a power that had been disturbed by my father's actions.

But what can it mean for me?..

I remembered the bridge in the forest, broken and shattered at first but repaired anyhow instantly. My necklace and Kaira's ring saved us and helped to get out.

I closed the diary, being tired of all the information. Well, the same question whirled in my head: "What can it mean for me?.."

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