Another Love {Complete}

By rainbowkiller0

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Upon the death of her Lord Husband, Enora Hightower returned to the Red Keep. The eldest daughter of the Hand... More

Part One
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Part Two
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Part Three
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Part Four
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four

Chapter Twelve

5.9K 233 9
By rainbowkiller0

The next day, when Viserys had left the tent early that morning he had still been worrying over the matter of succession. Upon his return the King had gathered his wife into his arms and whispered how relieved he was when the hart had been brown instead of white.

Now everyone was enjoying a midday meal before they left camp and returned to their castles. Servants bustled around packing up tents and serving food. Enora sat at the table with her husband and father watching as Alicent sat on a blanket spread out in front of the table playing with Ilaria and Aegon.

All of the sudden the crowd grew quiet as Princess Rhaenyra rode in on her horse drenched in blood and dragging a boar behind her. A small number of nobles gathered around her horse as Rhaenyra dismounted, wishing to welcome the Princess back or question her on her adventure. But Rhaenyra just walked right past them, heading towards the tent she had been meant to share with her family.

Enora was relieved to see Rhaenyra return, but she couldn't help but worry about the amount of blood on her. Before she could think Enora had stood from her seat and rounded the table, pulling Rhaenyra into her embrace as the Princess tried to walk past.

"I was so worried." Enora whispered as she held her stepdaughter tight. Rhaenyra slowly accepted the hold, wrapping her arms around her stepmother in return. Enora pulled away slightly, looking Rhaenyra up and down for any sign of injuries. "Are you injured at all?"

"I am fine, Enora." Rhaenyra couldn't help but smile as the Queen began fussing over her.

"Then who's blood is this?"

"I killed a boar." Rhaenyra grinned.

"You killed a boar?" Enora gasped. "That is amazing, you must tell me all about it."

Rhaenyra launched into her tale as Enora led her to the tent, the stepmother avidly listening. Viserys smiled as his wife and daughter disappeared into the tent. He was happy to see the two getting along.


A hot bath had been quickly prepared for the Princess, some of Enora's personal oils had been poured in to help Rhaenyra relax. The young girl scrubbed at her body with a cloth while Enora washed the blood from her hair.

"I wish my time had been as exciting as yours, the closest thing I saw was when Lady Redwyne ate her cake too fast and began to choke." Enora complained, using a comb to attempt to pick out the dried blood. "Your father killed the hart though, so I suppose the hunt was a success. Although it wasn't white like the royal huntsman had thought."

"It wasn't?"

"No, though your father was relieved. With the way the men talked about the white hart and what it meant, it would've been terrible to have seen while celebrating Aegon's name day."

"I saw it." Rhaenyra whispered.

"What?" Enora stopped what she was doing so Rhaenyra could turn around.

"I saw it." The girl beamed.

"See, even the gods know you are meant to be Queen of the Realm." Enora smiled, turning the girl back around so she could continue washing her hair. "What did it look like?"

"It was majestic. It was pure white and at least fifteen hands tall." Rhaenyra waved her hands as she spoke, emphasizing her point. "We stared at each other for what felt like hours before it ran away."


Upon returning back to the Red Keep, the members of the royal family had all gone their separate ways. Both Rhaenyra and Viserys had went to their own chambers, Unwin had gone to the library to search for a book on the legends of the land, and Enora had went to the nursery, wishing to put Ilaria and Aegon to sleep.

Ilaria, who had already been fast asleep, was easily laid down to rest, while Aegon, the fussier of the two, refused to sleep. Enora bounced with each step, humming a lullaby under her breath. And just as Aegon's eyes began to shut, the door to the nursery swung open and the Hand of the King entered.

"Did you enjoy the hunt, Your Grace?"

"Well enough." Enora replied as she finally laid Aegon down in his bassinet, the boy had finally fallen asleep.

"How fared my grandson?" Ser Otto asked, taking a seat at a nearby table.

"The ladies Lannister and Redwyne were quite taken with him." Enora turned from her sleeping son

"As they should be. He's the future of the realm. Well, you yourself witnessed the scale of the celebration, how it's united the men. When you bore the King a son, you ended 15 years of uncertainty and doubt. Aegon, like his namesake, was born to rule the Seven Kingdoms. If Viserys were to name him heir, the realm would fete him for it. Does this not please you? Do you not want your son to be King?"

"What mother wouldn't?" Enora rolled her eyes at her father's speech.

"You mustn't ignore the certain truth that if Rhaenyra were to step over Aegon to ascend the throne, the realm would tear itself apart."

"They all swore obeisance to her, our house included."

"That was before Aegon."

"Rhaenyra will be a good queen."

"It wouldn't matter if she was Jaehaerys himself born again. Rhaenyra is a woman.."

"What of my son? Would you have me raise a man to steal his own sister's birthright?"

"It is Aegon that is being robbed. He is the firstborn son of the King. To deny that he is heir to the throne is to assail the laws of gods and men. The road ahead is uncertain but the end is clear. Aegon will be king. You must guide Viserys toward reason."

"I will do no such thing, Father. If Viserys wishes for Aegon to be king, so be it, but I will not steal from a girl who has already lost so much."


The doors to the King's apartments opened, surprising the maesters as they jumped to bow for the Queen. Though Enora paid them no mind as she stormed into the room, anger coursing through her veins. Anger at her father for trying to hurt an innocent girl, and resentment for her father who only spoke to her when he wanted something.

"What is wrong, my love?" Viserys asked from his seat before the fire, catching her hand and pulling her close as she passed by.

Enora allowed herself to be pulled down onto her husband's lap. "I-I grow tired of people wanting me to push Aegon onto the throne. They expect me to cast Rhaenyra aside in favor of my non-existent ambitions, as if her being a woman makes her less suited for the role."

"Who has spoken such things to you?"

Enora wanted to name her father, to point him out as the traitor he was. And yet she couldn't, her tongue refused to form the words. "No one really, it is only whispers and looks. Enough about me, how are you feeling, husband?"

"The gods have punished me for my indulgences."

"At least the wine was good." Enora smiled down at the man she loved.

"Too Good." Viserys pressed his hand against Enora's swollen belly. "I do not think Rhaenyra enjoyed Lord Jason's company. She is still cross with me."

"That is what happens when a man does not listen to his wife. I told you she did not wish to marry."

"Rhaenyra has come of age. She needs to marry a high lord who will honor her, defend her, and server her as king consort. Her wishes in the matter are irrelevant."

"I do believe that Rhaenyra will marry, Viserys. But she must believe it is her choice to do so." Enora leaned forward, reaching for the kettle and an empty tea cup so she might pour herself a cup. An unfurled roll of parchment caught her eye. "What is this?"

"A letter from Vaemond Velaryon. He is asking for support and aid in his fight in the Stepstones."

"Then why not send it?" At her question Enora looked pointedly at the King as she sipped her tea.

"Because it is a war started by two malcontents, unhappy with decisions I made. If I now provide Daemon and Corlys succor, what will that say of their king?"

"Perhaps, that he is a good man who loves his brother. Who cares more for the wellbeing of his kingdom than his pride."

"Well if you truly believe that, my dear, then you possess a generous spirit."

"What do you believe, Viserys?"

"That I am forever doomed to anger one person in the pleasing of another."

"Then answer me this. Is it better for the realm if the Crabfeeder thrives or is vanquished?"

Viserys was silent for a moment as he thought over his wife's words. Maybe Enora was right, maybe he had been too proud. The King grabbed his wife's free hand and lifted it to his lips, pressing a kiss to the soft skin on the back of her hand.

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