My Reincarnation in Classroom...

By lavenmoon

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What defines a human? Some people are fortunate to get a happy life while some people are not. When you are n... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1 - Prologue
Chapter 2 - The little boy
Chapter 3 - Inside the bus
Chapter 4 - Class Introduction
Chapter 5 - Hidden Agenda
Chapter 6 - The Cafeteria
Cast - QnA with our MCs 1
Chapter 7 - Give Me Love
Chapter 8 - The Swimming Class
Chapter 9 - Uncertainty
Chapter 10 - Date?!
Chapter 12 - Excited Yuri
Chapter 13 - In the Sunset, You and I
Chapter 14 - The Match
Chapter 15 - Embarassing Moments :')

Chapter 11 - Distorted Reality

2.6K 149 42
By lavenmoon

It's the end of the month. Without I realize it's already a month after the school ceremony. The students in the class have mingled forming their own group.

The one who I hang out with the most without a doubt is Kikyo, rather than sticking to one group we mingle with every group in the class. Although I limit my interaction with Ike's group as less as possible besides Kiyo of course.

Hirata and Kei's relationship has also sailed. There is quite an uproar when the news is out. Many girls in class D get their hearts broken. But, since the girl in question is Kei, the girls can only give up. 

Ike and Yamadead have the biggest reaction,  they didn't hide their enviousness of Hirata at all, making Hirata feels awkward sometimes. Hirata being Hirata always want harmonious student life and somewhat manages to bear with them.

Last week Chabasira Sensei gave us a short test. The test has 20 questions, the first 17 questions are easy at the middle school level while the last three questions are at the university level. Of course, I answer it perfectly. Although it might raise the average bar for Sudou.

Yesterday Kikyo kindly invite Ike Yamauchi and Kiyo to the mall together with Kei, Hirata, Mori, and Matsushita. During the time Ike asked a few questions like whether Kei and Hirata really going out, whether Kikyo and I have boyfriends etc.

Kiyo didn't talk much during the trip, He even walked further behind everyone, since I also didn't have the mood to talk with anyone, I walked beside Kiyo. We are quiet without making conversation during the walk. Even so, I didn't feel uncomfortable at all. 

Today is the first day of May and as expected I didn't see any of my points increasing.  Regardless, it is not something I am worried about. Points are not my point of concern. Class D students also realize this but they just brush it off, waiting for the class to begin.

Chabasira Sensei entered the classroom with a very serious expression. 

"Sensei~, are you in menopause?" Ike considerately asks her.

"Alright, morning homeroom is starting. Are there any questions before we start? If there's something on your mind, feel free to speak up"

"Um, I checked my point balance this morning, and no points were deposited. Weren't they supposed to be provided on the first day of the month, every month? I was impatient because I couldn't buy the juice I wanted."

"Hondou, I explained it before, didn't I? Points are wired to students' accounts on the first day of the month, every month. They were wired without any problems this month as well"

"Uh, but... I didn't get any points."

"... Are you guys really that stupid?"

"Stupid? What?"

"Sit, Hondou. I'll explain it again."

"S-sae-chan sensei?"

"Points were deposited. Without fail. The likelihood that this class was left out is very low. Do you understand?"

"No, even if I say I do understand, we haven't received our points..."

"Hahaha, I see, it was like that, teacher. I've understood this riddle now." Koenji-chan put his feet on the table with his usual smug face. "We didn't receive any points because we're in class D."

"Hah? What's that supposed to mean? They said we'd get 100,000 points every month..."

"I don't remember hearing that. Right?"

"Your attitude has some problems, but what Koenji is saying is on the right track. Not many people seem to have noticed my hint. How sad."

Even if we are in this condition Koenji can still smile while I am still calm. We are expecting this situation ever since we enrolled.

If you think Koenji will enroll in this school without investigating anything you are wrong. We have bought points from third-year students who are graduating before the semester begins.

I invest quite a bit of money into this, It is regretful that the amount of points we can buy from graduating third year is not that much. 3,456,000 points. That's what I have right now in my saving.

I also have a separate phone number and points wallet. I bought it the day before the semester starts. Fortunately, director Sakayanagi let me bought it, even if it cost me 500,000 points. But I think It is necessary as I didn't want to do the same mistake as Ichinose, accidentally getting her points looked at by Kiyo or any other students.

So the points allocated on my main account are 56,000 points while the rest are on my second account. In other words, a month hanging out with classmates cost me 44,000 which is an overspend when I know I won't get any points this month.

"... Sensei, can I ask a question? Please tell me why we didn't get any points. If that's not possible, we can never understand."

"98 total absences and tardies. 391 incidences of talking or using cell phones in class. I counted every infraction. In this school, your class performance is reflected in the amount points received. As a result of your behavior, the 100,000 points you could've gotten went down the drain. That's all that happened I explained this all on the day of the entrance ceremony. That this school measures the abilities of its students. This time around, you guys were valued to be worth 0. There's nothing more than that."

The students are rioting opposing this sudden rule. Few students are in denial while students like Hirata have really serious faces. The one who didn't have any points right now is deemed to eat vegetables for a month. Chabasira Sensei won't tell how the points are reduced even if Hirata asked.

"She also shows the points of each class.  Class D with 0. Class C with 490. Class B with 650. And class A had the highest number with 940."

"H-how do the other classes have any points left? That's strange..."

"I'll tell you, but it's not like this is some kind of fraud. For this past month, all the classes were judged by the same rules. Nevertheless, they didn't lose as many points as you guys did. That's a fact."

"How... how is there so much difference in points between the classes?"

"In this school, all the students are divided into classes by merit. The best students are put in class A. The worst in class D. Well, it's a system that's found in major cram schools. In other words, class D is the collection of leftovers. That also means that you are the worst students, the defective products of this school. This is really an outcome worthy of defective students."

How are defective students determined? Even I am puzzled. Actually, if we consider Hirata, Koenji, Matsushita, and Me, I don't think we are in defective category. I mean even if Hirata has his old classmate's problem it's not as if Hirata is really responsible as all of his old classmates are involved in his case. So even if we consider academic, physical, or social, you can categorize him as full points. 

Even Matsushita is the same as Hirata. Although Koenji is a narcissist he's actually socially adept outside. It is just he doesn't consider first-year students as people necessary to socialize. So he actually may be better in those three points than most class A students. I also didn't expect to be assigned to class D because I did the test wholeheartedly even if I want to be in the same class as Kiyo. So till this day, I don't know the reason why I am in class D.

"However, this class D is the first one to lose all their points in the first month. On the contrary, I applaud you for living so lavishly until now. How praiseworthy."

Chabashira-sensei's unnatural applause reverberated in the classroom.

"After hitting zero points, does that mean we will always stay at zero points forever?"

"Yea. Your points will stay at 0 until graduation. However, be at ease, since you can still use your dorms, and there are free meals in the cafeteria. You won't die."

"... Will we be made fun of by the other classes now?"

Sudou kicked his desk with a bang. After having learned that the classes are divided by merit, everyone will probably make fun of class D as the group of idiots. It's not unreasonable to be despairing.

"What, you're still holding onto your pride, Sudou? Then do your best and try to make the worst class the best class."


"These class points aren't just linked to the amount of money you get each month. It's also indicative of the class rank. All right, I have one more piece of bad news I have to tell you guys."

She put one more piece of paper onto the blackboard. The names of all the classmates were listed. Next to everyone's name was a number.

"From looking at these numbers, I came to understand that there are a lot of idiots in this class." She glanced at the students as her heels clacked against the floor "These are the scores from the test a few days back. Sensei was glad after seeing your wonderful performance. Seriously, what the hell did you guys study in middle school?"

Except for the top students in the class, almost everyone got below 60. Sudou get 14 points, the next lowest was Ike's score of 24. The average score was about 68. I got 90 which increases 3 points average score compared to Canon. This means anyone who got points below 34 is under threat. There are seven people who got score below 34.

"As the teacher said, there seem to be a lot of fools here." While polishing his nails with his feet on the desk, Koenji had a smug smirk on his face.

"What's that, Koenji!? Your marks are in the red too!"

"Fu. Where are your eyes looking at, boy? Look carefully."

"H-huh? Hey, Koenji's name is... huh?"

Koenji also got ninety points which are unsurprising, although it may be quite a shock for students in the class. Just as the class still under panic, Chabasira Sensei told the truth about high percentage of alumni going to higher education and a high employment rate.

"T-that's... that's something I never heard about! This is absurd!"

Yukimura stood up. He also got 90.

"How shameful. There's nothing as pitiful as boys making a commotion and panicking."

As if he felt something from Yukimura's words, Koenji let out a sigh.

"... Koenji, do you not feel any resentment from being in class D?"

"Resentment? Why would I feel any resentment? I don't understand."

"Because we've been told that our class is the collection of leftovers and that our chances of getting into higher education or getting a job are slim!"

"Fu. That's nonsense. I can't even respond to that sheer stupidity."

Koenji didn't stop polishing his nails. He didn't even face Yukimura as he talked.

"This school just hasn't seen my full potential yet. I value, respect, and regard myself greatly, more than any other person. Even if the school puts me in class D, it means nothing to me. If, for example, I have to drop out of school, it's completely fine. After all, it's the school that will come crawling back for me. However, I'm not looking to go to college or find a job somewhere after I graduate. It's been decided that I will lead the Koenji Conglomerate in the future. It doesn't matter whether I'm in class A or class D." He is right but I don't think his pride will be happy graduating from class D when he sees himself with high regard.

"Looks like your happy mood has been dampened. If you guys understood the harsh environment you were put in from the start, we wouldn't have needed this long homeroom. The midterm is in three weeks, so please avoid getting kicked out of school. I'm sure everyone here can survive without getting any red marks. If possible, please challenge your situation with behavior appropriate for a capable person."

Closing the door for emphasis, Chabashira-sensei walked out of the classroom.

After Chabasira Sensei leave the classroom, the atmosphere is getting heated. Especially so for Yukimura, he can't accept the school's decision to put him in class D. When Hirata tried to defuse the situation, Yukimura grabbed Hirata's collar. 

Fortunately, Kikyo spoke up, preventing the fight. In the end, Hirata advises class D students to fix this problem, by refraining from being late, talking in class, and playing our phones.

Sudou is dissatisfied, pointing doing any of that won't increase any points. 

Hirata told the classmate to gather after school to discuss how to increase our points. Although I think Horikita will refuse which by default will make Kiyo refuse too.

After the last bell of the day rang, Hirata is preparing for the discussion. I was packing my bag when Kei talk to me. "Um, Yuri-chan?"


"To be honest, I am very short of points. I've already gotten some help from the other girls in the class, but I also thought to ask Yuri-chan. I need about 3000 points."

"Can't be helped. That's why I talked about the points last time. You can tell me your number."

"Thanks~ You are a very good friend. This is my number~"

Not long after, she goes to another girl to ask for points.

"Ayanokouji and Chitose from class D. Chabasira sensei are calling for you. Please come to the staff room." It is a voice from loudspeaker.

The instance I can think of where Chabasira sensei calls Kiyo is when Horikita asks her about her placement in class D. But why did she also call for me? Interesting.

I walked to Kiyo's seat. "Ayanokouji-kun Let's walk together."


We exited the classroom and walked to the staff room.

"Chitose why do you think Chabasira sensei call for us? I don't think I ever do anything that would get me called."

"That's what I would like to know too. But I don't think it is a big deal."

"Yeah.. I hope so."

When we arrived at staff room, Chabasira sensei is out. So we wait in the hallway. Not long after Hoshinomiya sensei walked out of the room.

"I'm Hoshinomiya Chie, responsible for class B. I've been best friends with Sae since high school. We're close enough to call each other Sae-chan and Chie-chan~."

"Ne, why did Sae-chan call you here? Ne ne, why?"

Hoshinomiya sensei ask us a barrage of questions. She also molested Kiyo's cheeks which made me tad a bit jealous because I never touched his cheeks.

Chabasira sensei arrived and hit Hoshinomiya sensei's hand with a clipboard. After that, we follow her to the guidance room. Hoshinomiya sensei is very pushy and also tried to follow us which tempt my hand to hit her, Fortunately, Ichinose arrive and take her away

When we arrived at guidance room Kiyo ask her. "Then... what was the reason you called me?"

"Umu, about that... before I talk about that, come over here. Don't do anything extra. Enter quietly. Until I say it's ok to come back out, stand here quietly. If you don't, you'll be expelled."

"Ha? What do you mean—"

Without giving us an explanation, she closed the office kitchen door.

"Here, come in. Well then, what do you have to say to me? Horikita."

"I will ask you frankly. Why was I put into class D?"

"Are you really asking frankly?"

"Today, sensei said that the classes were divided by superiority. And that class D was the lowest collection of leftovers."

"I did indeed say that. It looks like you consider yourself as a 'superior' person."

"I believe that I solved nearly all the problems on the entrance exam, and had no big mistakes during the interview. At the very least, I don't think I should be in class D."

"Solved nearly all the problems on the entrance exam, is it. Usually, we can't show the results of the entrance exam, but I'll give you a special exception. I have your answer sheet here by chance"

"You are thoroughly prepared, I see. ...Looks like you also knew I would come here to protest my placement."

"I'm a teacher. I understand the students to some degree at the very least. Horikita Suzune. As you thought, on the entrance examination, you were in 4th place among the incoming first-years. Your scores were behind first and second by only a small margin. You did very well. There were no particular problems that we observed during the interview either. Rather, you were highly rated."

"Thank you very much. Then—why?"

"Before that, why are you dissatisfied with class D?"

"There is no one that would be happy when they are not correctly evaluated. Also, the differences between classes also greatly affect future prospects. It's only natural that I'm unhappy."

"Correctly evaluated? Hey hey, your evaluation of yourself is too high." Chabashira-sensei openly laughed at Horikita.

"I recognize that your academic ability is high. You are definitely smart. However, who decided that smart people were the ones who got into the superior classes? We never said that."

"That's—that's just common sense."

"Common sense? Didn't that 'common sense' create the broken Japan we live in now? Indeed, we used to separate the inferior from the superior using the test scores. As a result, incompetent people tried to make up the difference in desperation to defeat the truly superior people. In the end, it led to a heredity system"

Hearing this, Kiyo let out a low groan. It is unfortunate I can't do anything to console him.

"Certainly, you have the ability to study. I won't deny that. However, this school's goal is to produce excellent people. It is a big mistake to think that you can be assigned to a superior class by only studying. That was the very first thing we explained, at the entrance ceremony. Besides, think about it calmly. Do you think someone like Sudou would make it if we determined acceptance only by intelligence?"


"Also, it's rash to say that there is no one that would be happy when they are incorrectly evaluated. Class A, for example, receives a lot of pressure from the school and a lot of envy from the lower classes. Competing under heavy pressure is harder than you think. There are students that are fine with being evaluated lower than they actually are."

"That's a joke, right? I can't understand those kinds of people."

"Really? I think there are a few in class D. Oddball students that would stay in a low-level class with pleasure."

"You still haven't explained clearly. Is my placement in class D the truth, and was there no mistake in my evaluation? Please double-check."

"It's too bad, but your placement in class D was not a mistake. You're definitely in class D. You are a student only at that level."

"... Is that so. I will hear from the school at another time."

"You'll get the same result if you try to talk to anyone in a higher position. There's no need to be that disappointed. As I said this morning, classes can overtake and surpass one another. Remember that there is the possibility of rising up to class A before graduation."

"It does not seem like a very easy path. How will the immature class D ever get more points than class A? No matter how I look at it, it is impossible."

"I wouldn't know. It's your own choice whether or not to head down that reckless path. By any chance, do you have a special reason as to why you need to be in class A?"

"That is... I will excuse myself for today. However, please remember that I still do not understand."

"All right, I'll remember that."

"Oh, right. I called another person to the guidance room. It's a person that's also relevant to you."

"Relevant to me...? No way... Niisa—"

"Come out, Ayanokouji, Chitose."

"If you don't come out, you both will be expelled."

"How long will you make me wait?"

Kiyo sighed as we exited the office kitchen to guidance room. Horikita looked surprised.

"Were you... listening to us?" Horikita looked really uncomfortable.

"Listening? I know you guys were talking about something, but I didn't hear anything. The walls are pretty thick." Kiyo tried to bullshit.

"That's not true. You can hear everything clearly from that kitchen." Chabasira won't let Kiyo make excuses.

"... Sensei, why would you do that?" Horikita looks really angry.

"Because I decided it was necessary. Well, then I'll tell you both the reason I called you."

Chiyabashira-sensei shot down Horikita's question and turned her attention to us.

"Excuse me then..."

"Wait Horikita. It is better for you to listen to the end. This'll be a hint for how you can get up to class A."

Horikita stopped in her tracks and sat back down in her chair.

"Please keep it short."

Looking down at her clipboard, Chabashira-sensei laughed.

"You're an interesting student, Ayanokouji."

"I'm not interesting at all, not as interesting as someone like Chabashira who has a strange surname."

"Do you want to prostrate yourself in front of all the Chabashira-san's in the country? Hmm?"

"After your entrance examination results, I was thinking about potential individual teaching methods, but after seeing your test results, my interest was piqued. I was surprised at first."

She put Kiyo's answer sheet from the entrance exam on the clipboard.

"50 points in Japanese, 50 points in math, 50 points in english, 50 points in history, 50 points in science... and the result of the most recent test was also 50 points. Do you know what this means?"

In surprise, Horikita looked over the test form then shifted her gaze to Kiyo.

"What a frightening coincidence."

"Hou? You're going to claim that your results are a coincidence to the very end? It's clearly intentional."

"It's a coincidence. You have no proof. Anyway, what benefit would I get from manipulating my own results? If I had a brain that could get high marks, I would aim for perfect scores in al all subjects."

Watching me feign innocence, she let out a sigh with a look of amazement.

"Honestly, you're a really weird student. Are you sure? Math problem #5 was only solved by 3% of all students this year. Additionally, you included a complex formula and used it flawlessly. On the other hand, the correct answer rate of #10 was 76%. Did you make a mistake? Or is that 'normal'?"

"I don't know what's normal in this world. It's a coincidence, a coincidence."

"Good grief. I admire your attitude, but it'll cause problems for you in the future."

"I'll think about that when I have to."

"As for Chitose, You get second on the entrance exam. Which is higher than Horikita by a small margin. You also did very well. There were no particular problems that we observed during the interview either."

At this evaluation, Horikita looked at me with disbelief. Is it really hard to picture me with a good score? Or did she judge I have a small brain considering the girls I hang out with? I don't know.

"So if we rated, Chitose has a higher value than Horikita. So Horikita, are you going to say she is also incorrectly evaluated?"

"If she did, then yes. The school is mistaken."

"As you can see Chitose is rather content with the valuation. So why don't you like Horikita, complaint on this placement?"

They are taking this all too seriously. The only class worth taking in this school is the only class with Kiyo in it.

"Although Koenji sounds conceited. I need to admit he's right. It doesn't matter if the school can't see my value as it is the school that will beg me. Also, I already have a successful career. 100% acceptance rate didn't have as high value in my eyes. Don't you think it is best to just enjoy your peaceful life no matter which class it is?"

"So I take it you won't make any complaint no matter which class you are in?"


"See? Don't these two oddballs? There are more if we add Koenji. What do you think? Chitose and Ayanokouji might be more intelligent than you are, Horikita."

With that Horikita didn't have any answer and Chabasira sensei left the room.

"Anyway... shall we go back?" Kiyo asks then began to walk out. I also follow him. When Horikita suddenly called. "Wait."

"While I don't understand why Chitose accepts all of this easily. Ayanokouji-kun, Is your score... really a coincidence?"

"I already said it was. Or do you have any evidence that I'm doing it on purpose?"

"I don't have any evidence, but... Ayanokouji-kun, I don't understand. You avoid troublesome things, and you don't have any interest in class A."

I didn't pay attention to what Kiyo and Horikita talked about. But I am uncomfortable with this situation where I don't know why I am placed in class D. Considering what I know there is no reason for my placement in class D. Is it my interview?

Suddenly Horikita asks me, getting me to pay attention to her words "I want to ask for Ayanokouji-kun and Chitose's cooperation." 

"I refuse."

"I believed that Ayanokouji-kun would agree to cooperate from the start. I give you my gratitude."

"I didn't say that! I completely refused!"

"No, I heard the voice in your mind. You said that you would help."

"I also refuse. Before you do what you just did to Ayanokouji-kun I will tell you clearly. There is no merit in me doing any of this. I also don't want to waste any of my time on this meritless action. Rather than us, you should ask all classmate's cooperation including Sudou. Because no matter how much we help it doesn't matter if any of them do the opposite."

"It's nothing to worry about. As long as you can help me do something once in a while it is alright."

I sighed "Don't hope too much."

"I'm sure you have some kind of plan, but you can rely on people other than me. If you make friends, you can ask them to help" Kiyo tried to convince Horikita.

"It's too bad, but there is no one else in class D other than you both that is remotely competent."

"No no, there are a lot of people. For example, Hirata. A classmate like him has a lot of influence in the class and is smart—he's perfect. Moreover, he is worried that you don't have any friends."

"He's no good. Even if he has talent and ability, I can't accept him. If I make a comparison, I need a chess piece. What I want now is not gold nor silver, but rather a pawn."

I raised one of my eyebrows. A pawn? You don't know, girl. 

"Sorry, but I can't help you. I'm not suited for this."

"Well, you can contact me once you collect your thoughts. I will look forward to then." Horikita then walks away leaving both of us.

Since we don't have anything to do at school anymore we decide to go back to the dorm.

"Chitose, Are you really alright placed in class D? Horikita and Yukimura seem to really hate this situation.

"Nope... On contrary I'm excited."


"My childhood friend is in the class. What the school calls defective students looks more sociable in my eyes. Can you imagine class A students? Very serious... There is no excitement in life. Also, I can become friends with everyone in class D. So yes I don't see anything to be dissatisfied with in class D."

"I see. You might be true. There is no rivalry or competition, The students hang out with one another having fun. It is what I pictured how my school life will be."

"Right? Although you may need to prepare yourself in the day to come from Horikita. She doesn't have any intention to let you go." I sympathetically say to him.

Kiyo sighed. "Believe it when I said I refuse."

"You can tell me if you have any problem. I will try my best to help."

"Thanks... Although I hope it didn't happen."


Chabasira Sae's POV

This year's class D students are very interesting. Many oddballs are placed in my assigned class. I was looking for students with potential when I found a fascinating discovery. It is surprising to see. Ayanokouji Kiyotaka. He gets 50 points in all subjects on the entrance test.

No matter which angle you see. It is very clear he deliberately manipulated his points. I don't know why he did this but the fact he did is intriguing.

Horikita Suzune. Horikita Manabu's little sister. Get 4th place on the exam. She did well on the exam. Unfortunately, she's very weak at social interaction which without doubt shows how she will operate in society. It is her quality that this school finds she's lacking and not suitable for greatness. Which also means she has low EQ or she deliberately lowered her own EQ.

The discussion we had today has also proven how dissatisfied she is. How she can't see why she is a defect.

Koenji Rokusuke is well, Koenji. He is the oddball between oddballs. How he did everything as he pleased. How overconfident he is and how he doesn't want to cooperate with anyone. Making him the most uncontrollable student ever. He is intelligent, Unfortunately, he won't use it for class benefit. 

Hirata Yousuke is one of the students with well-rounded abilities. He is charismatic and can calm other students. He has good leadership ability. Although he is not suitable for manipulation or situation beyond his control. Which makes him less desirable option if class D wants to aim for class A.

The last is Chitose Yuri. Under normal circumstances, she will definitely place in class A. She is intelligent, can interact well with other people, and is able to handle anything in any situation. During the interview, she was impeccable. However, her medical history shows the opposite. There is part of her frontal lobes in her brain underdeveloped. It means she may have orbitofrontal syndrome.

This syndrome usually makes one to have antisocial behavior, emotional lability, and lack of moral and ethical conscience. But the fact is she didn't show any sign of it. This made our best psychologist, which our school usually calls once a year for students examination make a conclusion. She can't feel the emotion but she can imitate other people due to her high sympathy which lead her to feel fake emotion that she thinks is real emotion. She may unconsciously know whenever another person feels happy or sad even if she never feels it and take that knowledge to create feelings.

With our investigations, we found out she is indirectly involved with 20 students getting into hospital during her time in middle school. If this school is not backed by the government, we won't ever find out about this. 

This also shows how she can be when she's provoked. How she won't care about the impact on another person as long as she thinks she's right. 

If our psychologist is true then she's dangerous. That's why she's in class D. But it is only a hypothesis, Our psychologist may be wrong even if he is the best in the country. 

Because she's too perfect. The action she takes may be contradicting but effective, earning her the reputation she had right now in the world. It doesn't make sense how someone like her with perfect intelligence and social ability may be a hidden psychopath. In other words, she's very mysterious.

It is as if this world itself is her playground and this is not her reality. Our discussion today shows how outgoing she is, even when Ayanokouji frowned and sighed, she only smiled as if she expect our conversation to happen. She's not mad or sad about being called defective and accepts it wholeheartedly.

It doesn't matter as long as she doesn't make any trouble, I also think our psychologist thinking too much. He may be going crazy after all considering his career we don't know how many crazy people he meets.

What important is... These students might be my chance. The chance to fulfill my failed ambitions. It is the most promising batch in the few years I worked. I will do anything to support even if I need to threaten or manipulate any of them.

Yes. Even if it may take me down.

A.N: I finally finished my exam. Which means we are back to regular updates. This chapter might be the most boring chapter I ever write. I mainly copied it from the LN with a few added sentences from Yuri's POV. It is quite a torturing chapter in my opinion, mainly because I've read it so many times from LN, manga, anime, and other fanfic. But since I think it is necessary for progress and people who never read the LN, I put it in any way. Anyway wishing you guys a great day!

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In a distant corner of the world, young Azaina Aazi resides in opulence, yet her heart aches from neglect by her mother, who shields her from the tru...
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๐—ฆ๐—ต๐—ฒ ๐—œ๐˜€ ๐—ง๐—ผ๐—ผ ๐——๐—ฒ๐—น๐—ถ๐—ฐ๐—ฎ๐˜๐—ฒ ๐—™๐—ผ๐—ฟ His ๐——๐—ฒ๐˜€๐—ถ๐—ฟ๐—ฒ "Fuck, whenever you're in my arms, I feel like I might crush you. You're so delicate," he...