The Different Worlds

By TacticalNarrator9000

13K 325 325

In the year 2026, our world will never be the same again. A mysterious portal was opened on the coast of Mani... More

New Discovery
First Contact
Pearl of the Orient
First Step
Poor State
The Coming Age
Not A Hiatus
I'm Back
Forging Pacts
The Musangs

Man's Ambitions

1K 21 48
By TacticalNarrator9000

Remember that politics, colonialism, imperialism, and war also originate in the human brain.

-Vilayanur S. Ramachandran

Rodenius Sea

BRP Gabriela Silang

March 9, 2026/1639

The sea waves splashed on the aluminum alloy hull of the Philippine vessel. As it sails to a destination for a diplomatic mission.

It's not alone, the ship was escorted by two armed corvette escort ships and one Arleigh Burke-class destroyer. On the far horizon away from the seeing eye, is the US Carrier Strike Group 9, a fleet that consists of one Ticonderoga class guided-missile cruiser, two Arleigh Burke-class destroyers, and the aircraft carrier of the USS Abraham Lincoln.

The ship's destination is going to the Capital of the Kingdom on Jin-Hark. The Philippine and United State government decided to have open diplomatic talks with the Lourian for an unknown reason.

The Seventh Fleet is on standby on the other side of the Ring for a QRF in case the situation is getting out of hand.

Ambassador Abueva is wearing a black formal suit and is standing on the bridge of the ship watching the blue deep seas. His expression is troubled by the state of affairs that brought him to the destination.

Ambassador Greenfield as he also wearing the outfit as he came up to him and asked him. "Hey, are you alright? You looked a little bit stressed out."

Abueva looked at him directly and responded. "I'm ok." He answered bluntly. "It's just that we are going to unknown territory and this could be a trap that could get us killed in the process."

"Hey looked at the bright side," Greenfield answered in a positive tone. "If they decided to throw us to a fantasy dungeon or go full-on Sparta to us. They will feel the might of the US Navy on their Capital."

"Being dead isn't good news to me at all." Abueva flatly replied. "Nor beating the crap of us to a pulp."

"Well, at least we gave them a big middle finger for being an asshole." Greenfield quickly responded.

"How come this lead to this," Abueva muttered as he tried to remember how this situation occurred.


Qua-Toyne Principality, Qua-Toyne

March 7, 2026/1639

Philippine Embassy

After the UN delegation between the Quatoyne and Qualian representatives on the discussion on the diplomatic affairs between the Philippines and the United States on how they carried out. It was adequate results that came to a warning to the Philippines government on the potential of colonialism and exploitation of the natural resources of the other world natives.

On the next day, a security breach was detected by the security team, when an unknown package arrived at the embassy gates. The perpetrator that left the package was caught seen in the security camera as the person wearing a cloak that covers the suspect identity.  He left the scene after he delivered the unknown package at the entrance.

When the embassy security guards seized the package and relocated that to a secured holding room of the embassy.

A security team was sent to investigate the contents of the package. They wore protective bomb suits to protect them from explosives or hazardous contents if the package is considered a threat. Cameras are documenting the scene with the two ambassadors watching at a safe distance.

"What do you think is inside the package?" Abueva questioned.

"There are two possibilities that could happen. One is a magically enchanted pipebomb ready to blow at a moment's notice. Or secondly that it's a Thanksgiving gift from Santa Claus for our good deeds." Greenfield sarcastically replied.

Abueva looked at him weirdly and responded. "I hope it's the latter."

"This is Jenkins, I'm going to proceed on opening the package to examine its contents." The bomb disposal trooper carefully opened the package to not activate a possible dangerous device that may endanger the security team.

As the trooper opened the wooden box, it revealed a crystal orb that is glowing aquamarine. The trooper stands back as the crystal orb begins to glow brighter as he though it's gonna explode.

But it didn't explode.

A message in the words from the Common Language that originated in this other world begins to play out. The trooper couldn't understand the message but the two ambassadors barely understand the message as they try to learn this world language without the assistance of the magical translators.

"Is that the language from this world?" Greenfield asked for answers.

The bits of message from the crystal orb played out a repeated statement to call out to them.

Greetings, ##### of the Republik of the Philippins, we are ###### #### the Kingdom of Louria and our #### #### have ######## your country ############ for open diplomatic talks ### both countries

"Did you hear that?" Abueva asked Greenfield in the message.

"Barely," Greenfield replies. "But where the hell is our magical translators!"

"We left it in our offices, the magical power from the necklace is almost running out. We need to get new necklaces cause the old ones are almost dead."

"Crap!" He then looked at his subordinate and ordered. "Go fetch our necklace."

"Yes sir." His subordinates hurry to bring their magical necklaces to the two ambassadors.

As the message repeated. Abueva gets a better understanding of the message.

"I think it's declaring openly that the package is from the Kingdom of Louria and something about open talks between our countries."

"Really?" Greenfield was surprised by the response. "Are the Quatoynes and the Lourians have disagreements with each other?"

Before Abueva responded to the question. Their subordinate came back with their magical translator on hand.

"Sirs!" The worker announced himself. "Here's your necklaces."

As he handed over the necklaces to the ambassadors and wore the magical translators. They finally understand the message clearly and it was confirmed in Abueva's statement.

"Greetings, people of the Republik of the Philippins, we are hailed from the Kingdom of Louria and our great kin have summoned your country representative for open diplomatic talks for both countries." The crystal orb message was clearly understood and this shocked the two ambassadors from the message.

"Did you hear that?"

"Of course, then my suspicion is right. Abueva confirmed his theory. "And the Lourians have sneaked inside the country and spied on our activities in the country. But why would they want to talk with us."

"I think our answers will be answered by personally asking that question to the person."

"I need to inform the President of this situation," Aburva asked as he ready his cell phone.

"I will call the POTUS to also know this news." Greenfield grabbed his cell phone and called his government on the current situation.

But ambassadors called their respective governments on the offer of having diplomatic talks with the Kingdom of Louria.

Few Hours Past

The two ambassadors are in the conference hall with a laptop on the table that is showing a video call.

The screen shows to faces of the ambassador's head of state. On the right side of the screen is the President of the Philippines, and Emmanuel Sanchez side of the screen is the President of the United States of America, Ronald Aiden. They were both notified of the findings and must be decided on whether to accept the offer.

"Hello, mister presidents" Both of the ambassadors greeted their leaders on the laptop.

"So about the package you found at the embassy. Is it verified that Lourians are the ones that sent that package?" President Sanchez asked in skepticism on the
package origin.

"Yes," Abueva confirmed him. "There was more than the magical crystal orb that was contained in the box."

Greenfield revealed a brownish paper letter on his hand and showed it to the video call.

"This here is a letter of invitation from the Louria head of state, by King Hark Louria the 34th. The letter was authenticated that resulted to be genuine from the Royal stamp and the signature of the King based on our information that was gathered." Greenfield claimed the authenticity of the package.

This makes the two presidents and the advisors figure out the motives of the Lourians in doing this action.

"Why did the Lourians send us a message through a package and then send a diplomatic envoy personally?" President Aiden raised a question on the decision.

"Sir, the presence of Lourian that is recognized by the Quatoynes or Quilians will be rejected to encounter us to prevent having formal diplomatic relations with them." The US Secretary of Defence suggested the rationale.

"It could be that they could be denied the Lourians to have some contact with our representatives." The Filipino Secretary of Foreign Affairs agreed on the possibility.

"So what's our next action?" President Sanchez asked what their choices were.

"Maybe we should accept the invitation." Greenfield proposed that gave a surprised response to the meeting.

"Wait," Abueva replied. "You're suggesting meeting up the Lourians in person at their turf.?"

"Well they want to have a chat with our nations, and there's no benefit in rejecting their offer as we have known now their reason for being aggressive with the other species on the continent." Greenfield justified his claim by having diplomacy with an aggressive country.

"Mister Presidents, the choice is yours to decide." Abueva clarified the options that will be carried out.

The two Presidents looked away at the camera and have a quick discussion with their secretary and advisors on the best decision they should proceed. After a few minutes of debating on deciding whether to accept the offer or not, the two Presidents have finally reached an agreement.

"My conclusion on wherever to accept the offer is." President Sanchez pause for a second then went back on his answer. "Approved, but a QRF fleet must be stationed for a rescue operation and a show of force, to make show them not to mess with us."

"Great!" President Aiden agreed. "I will send a Carrier Strike Group to make sure they're not trying some funny business."

"Agreed." Ambassador Abueva approved. "But first, we should inform the Quatoynes of our actions."

"Yeah, we should not let them think we're switching sides." Ambassador Greenfield interjected. "But, if they rejected our actions, we should continue our plan."

The gathering came to terms that the meeting would proceed with or without the consent of the Quatoynes or Quilian government.

After the video call meeting, the ambassadors went to the Quatoyne government on their plans to have diplomatic talks with the Kingdom of Louria.

At first reaction, they disapproved of the initiative. But, with some reasoning talks and a possibility that the nations can cooperate exists peacefully, they have no choice but to approve the meeting.


Rodenius Sea

BRP Gabriela Silang

March 9, 2026/1639

The Ambassador then saw a fleet of wooden ships moving toward them. Their movements are shown to encircle the representative's ships to obstruct their escape routes.

"Sir!" A sailor came up to them. "The Lourian Navy is hailing our ship for identification."

"It's showtime," Greenfield stated as they entered the ship's bridge.

The captain and the first mate are navigating the ship, as they looked at the ambassador entering the ship's bridge.

"Captain." Abueva greeted him."What seems the problem?"

"The Lourian are trying to establish communication with our fleet." The captain answered as the communication officer tinkered with the Manacom.

As the communication officer dialing the frequency of the Manacom. A transmission came to the machine.

"This is the Lourian Navy, to the unknown vessel, you are approaching waters that belong to the Kingdom of Louria, please respond." The Lourian vessel replied to the Philippine ship.

The captain grabbed the microphone and answered back. "Lourian Navy, this is the captain of the BRP Gabriela Silang."

There was some pause, till the message came through.

"BRP Gabriela Silang, state your purpose and affiliation for entering this waters." The Lourian naval vessel asked about them.

"We are the Republic of the Philippines with the envoys of the United States of America and our purpose is that we have a diplomatic meeting with your government."

The Lourian answered the captain. "Stand by for confirmation."

As it seems to be a minute has passed since the last transmission from the Lourian Navy.

"What's taking them so long." Abueva groaned as he is impatient with the long wait.

"Hold on," Greenfield replied. "They are probably shocked that we accepted the offer."

"I hoped they are not staging a trap for us waiting there." Abueva worried about the possibility of being captured in a different world. Much worst than a country that has no human rights laws that have existed.

"BRP Gabriela Silang, you are to be escorted on the Northern Port of the Capital."

"Seems like we are going to enter unknown territory," Greenfield commented on their situation.

"Affirmative, following your order."

Jin-Hark, Kingdom of Louria, 

February 1, 2026/1639

Northern Port of the Capital

Admiral Sharkun was delighted at the sight of his navy fleet. The formation of sailed wooden ships that docked at the port to show their citizens the might of their navy. The fleet consisted of nearly 5,000 military sailed ships with an array of ballistic for ranged attacks. Being crewed of nearly 100,000 sailors to sail into war.

"This must be the largest naval force in the history of the Rodenius continent, maybe in the Third Civilized Region! I dare say we might even be able to challenge the Parpaldian Empire itself!" He boastfully thought of himself from the navy under his command.

The many years of preparations and training of men to have the power to take over the continent has come to fruition in his career.

He received a message from his leadership that an incoming diplomatic envoy will arrive at the port. He was tasked to show the entire mighty fleet on display for the diplomats to be taken awed by their accomplishment.

"Hey, look at that!" A sailor pointed out a strange object on the far horizon.

The object has alarmed his men to notice on the horizon. Sharkun analyzed the object in the distance, making a confused face as he attempted to make sense of it. He then grabbed his telescope and looked at the object.

It was a white ship that has no sails and moving much closer to the port. Then there are three more ships came to view, they have a gray-colored hull design and they had no sails to move the ship. The two gray ships are nearly the size of his large navy ship, but the third one is at least two or three times the size of the ships on his fleet.

"So they must be from the first civilizations." A man slightly slender, looking like an aristocratic figure with a long goatee.

Vice Admiral Hoyle was by his side as he looked through his telescope. He observed the incoming ships that were attempting to dock at the port.

"They must in shocked to see the size of our navy," Hoyle mentioned the strength of their fleet when the arriving ships are witnessing.

"But, the representatives that I heard are assumed to be from the first civilization," Sharkun commented. "But, the flags are not from the records that I know of."

The flag has a horizon blue and red colored banner. There is a white triangle on the left side of the flag with a yellow sun and three yellow small stars on the edges of the triangle.

"Really?" Hoyle replied and looked at the ship's flags and he don't know the flag that is known in their world. "There's is another flag on the big gray ship."

Sharkun positions his telescope on the third gray ship which is bigger than the other three. Its flag is different from the three other ships from the supposed mast of the ship. Its flag has red and white stripes on its body while a blue box is on the topmost left of the flag. Inside are white stars that are many to count in the far distance.

"They must be a new country, but they possess a magical device on par with the second or first civilization." Hoyle theorized the possibility of a hidden country that has developed powerful magical technology on there own.

"From what I heard from the command, they discussed that it's a faction from the other civilization that tries to aid the Quatoyne or Quilia nations against our conquest of the unification of the continent," Sharon informed in a serious tone.

Above the sky of the port, is a few squadrons of Wyvern Knight on a V-formation that was forming a flyby on the incoming diplomat's ships to display a show of force.

"Well here comes the Wyvern knights"

The ship docked at the port with the three other ships on standby to guard the envoy ship, if the country tried anything funny on the representatives or the ship itself.

Jin-Hark, Kingdom of Louria

Northern Port of the Capital

BRP Gabriela Silang

March 9, 2026/1639

"Well look at that fleet size," Greenfield commented on the rows of wooden ships docked near the port.

"It looks like they are preparing an invasion force for near pear war," Abueva added to the statement.

"It seems like to be number on the thousands and it must take a lot of manpower to manned that many ships," Greenfield remarked on the Lourian navy power in their time period.

Even though the Lourian fleet is considerably large than most fleets in ancient times. However, their modern warships and aircraft can surpass the entire Lourian fleet on a large power difference and they could annihilate the entire fleet without coming closer than a few kilometers away.

They are concerned about the massive
a growing military force that could overwhelm the combined Quatoyne and Quillan forces in a near-peer war.

"Let's hope they won't have to force on an all-out war. I worried about the potential wasted death of their men." Abueva pitied the Lourians if they decided to start a war  
between the two native countries.

"Hey look above!" A sailor warns them as they looked above them. They saw a large formation of wyvern making a display above the ship.

"That's a lot of wyverns for a mere flyby. It looks like they want to show their air power and their naval power to say not to underestimate them." Greenfield suggests the huge military buildup that is present on their insertion.

"Yeah, I hope they will not suddenly attack us at a close range. It would be devastating even with our naval escort against this sheer size of the naval fleet, even with the use of modern weaponry." Abeuve commented that an all-out attack at close quarters and the number of threats possible existed that can endanger their vessel.

As the BRP Gabriela Silang docked on the port and set down a boarding plank on the dock. The two ambassadors with their diplomatic security escorts followed them as they are greeted by an assortment of servants and Royal guards that was centered on a placed red carpet to make an introduction of their arrival.

A wealthy-looking noble walked on the red carpet and approach them to introduce himself. "Hello there visitors, I'm Duke Junfila your today's guide to the mightiest kingdom of the Rodenuis Continent and possibly the entire Outside Civilization."

Their guide who is named Duke Junfila is flaunting his nobility and his country's status despite being on the Outside Civilization.

"I'm Ambassador Abueva, and I'm a representative of the Republic of the Philippines." He introduces himself and his country.

The Duke then looked at the other ambassador with attention. "Who is this man?"

"I'm Ambassador Greenfield and I'm the representative of the United States of America. We are an ally with the Philippines and ititseople." Greenfield calmly introduced himself at the Lourian noble.

Junfila was confused with the other man. He was supposed to meet only the Philippine representative, but not an additional country representative at the meeting. He then remembered the higher-ups telling him that they are suggesting that the people are probably the Mu's or the Holy Mishilials Empire trying to assist their enemy against their rise of power.

It's probably that these two are the Mu's and Mishilials that are hiding in a masquerade of an unknown recent country that comes from another world through a Ring that transported them into their world. The thought of that idea is more ludicrous than being summoned of an entire country.

"I see." He cast a tone of suspicion from the other ambassador claimed on himself. "Then why is your country participating in this diplomatic mission, it's supposed to be the Philippine representatives that were invited to the king?"

Greenfield cleared his throat and explained his presence. "The United States and the Philippines have a deep relationship between the two nations. Our country is involved to assist the Philippines with any trouble for their diplomatic affairs."

Junfila have some doubts about the man's words, yet he didn't care as long they are not Quatoyne or Quilian representatives that joined the diplomatic talks. If they did, that would spell disaster in the situation they brought over to them.

They then traveled to the Capital on foot to sightseeing the city in person. The two ambassadors observed the city to be nearly the same design as the Quatoynes and slightly similar to the Quilians in terms of technology. They then noticed something that is lacking in the city that differs from the rest of the cities they traveled on this world.

They noticed the lacking presence of Demihumans or other humanoid species in the populace.

"Excuse me?" Duke Junfila disturbed the silence. "What do you think about our city?"

The two ambassadors think of a way not to offend their prominence. "

"I think it's wonderful," Abueva commented on the city landscape.

"The city has majestic architecture I do agree," Greenfield added to the statement.

"Excellent!" Duke Junfila is delighted with the two ambassador's remarks on the city.

"The city was built by our Royal Family of Louria. It used to be a small town that was later expanded to a mighty kingdom that is now what you are standing on." Duke Junfila explained the city's history to the ambassadors.

"You know what's the greatest thing that is only exclusive in our country." He give a dramatic pause for the ambassadors gave him an answer.

"Then what is it?" Abueva asked as he felt something unnatural that the man answer on the city.

"The absent of the vile demi-humans in this city." He declared in a tainted voice as he preached more on the demi-humans.

"This city is pure from any defiled demi-humans that are wandering in a world that rightful belonged to the human races." He added with a prideful tone and hint of anger.

The two ambassadors are shocked by the man's words as he was smiling with hatred due to the country's theology. They knew that the Lourians hated the demi-humans and who aren't considered humans, but his bloodlust at them is similar to the Nazi's reaction to the presence of the Jewish people on their territory.

Duke Junfila glanced at the ambassadors as they looked concerned with his statement and realized his bad manners. "I'm sorry for startling you. I'm just pent up for those worthless subspecies. Let's go to the Royal Castle."

The man went back to his duties of guiding the ambassadors to the Royal Palace. After he shows his true color by suggesting genocide and racial discrimination.

As they walked to the Royal Castle, Abueva bumped into Greenfield's hip to notice him. Greenfield looked at Abueva and saw him turning off his translator necklaces, he then turned his necklace as Abueva talked about his mentions.

"Hey, Greenfield!" Abueva notified him in a whispered voice. He tried not to give notice to their guide as he was on their front guiding them.

"What?" Greenfield replied.

"Did you notice the comments on the other species and their superiority complex?" Abueva is concerned about the Duke's statement.

"Yeah, I noticed that the Quatoynes and Quilian are telling the truth about this Lourian personality with their racial superiority."

"But, why would the Lourian are undermining the other species?" Abueva complained. "Do they have a bad history with the other species that they want to commit a mass genocide?"

"I don't know?" Greenfield answered back. "But, I bet that their head of state will explain this country's hatred on how it started."

They walked toward the capital palace to meet the country's head of state to have open diplomatic talks between the Philippines and the United States to the Kingdom of Louria.

But the talks in the palace wouldn't have the results that the otherworlders do expect to be.

Jin-Hark, Kingdom of Louria

February 1, 2026/1639

Jin Haag, Hark Castle

As the other world ambassador arrived at the castle, it was reminiscent of a medieval castle that have multiple buildings and spire towers across the area. As they entered that castle, it was similar to a European medieval design that feels grandiose in the setting.

Finally, they approached a set of large doors. Duke Junfila stopped and faced the Earth ambassadors to advise them.

"This is here on how far I go." He sternly replied. "The throne room is hosted by his majesty and his top advisers. Also when you are in there, be respectful to his majesty."

The Earth ambassadors can only enter but not the Duke as he leaves them for their meeting. Two men dressed in armor pulled the door open, revealing a large room. High-ranking nobles and generals dressed in medieval clothes crowded the sides of the room around ornate pillars. More men dressed in armor were positioned throughout the room.

An individual in front of a large ornate throne at the end of the room he sat on. The individual was a man in his 30s that have blonde hair and a fine build. He wore a white robe with golden silk on his shoulders. A golden leaf crown on his head symbolizes him as the leader of the King.

"Welcome Ambassador, to the great kingdom of Louria!" The man stood on his throne and introduces the ambassadors. "I am Hark Louria XXXIV and welcome to my kingdom."

There was a round of applause by the Lourian nobles.

The Earth ambassador faced the Lourian king and introduced themselves.

Abueva cleared his throat. Grabbing the King's attention. "I'm Ambassador Abueva from the country that is named the Philippines."

As Abueva finished his greeting with a slight bow. The American ambassador followed with his introduction.

"And I'm Ambassador Greenfield and I represent the country of the United States of America," Greenfield added to his identity and affiliation. He didn't bow down like his colleague.

There were some murmurs and confusion within the crowd after the two ambassadors introduced themselves.

"Why are there two representatives from   this diplomatic meeting?" The King questioned the extra ambassador. He called out the supposed nation called the Philippines for a discussion with their continent.

"I'm sorry for the late notice, but the US has arranged the diplomatic meeting at the last minute," Greenfield explained the collaborative diplomacy mission of the United States.

"I see." The King said in suspicion. "But I request the country of the Philippines to be invited for these open diplomatic talks?"

"The Philippines and the US are mutual partners on the establishment of diplomatic relations with the other world."

"The other world?"

"What the heck is he saying?"

"So the reports on them claiming to be from another world are correct."

The nobles are whispered to each other as some of the talks are clearly understood by the Earth ambassadors.

"Ahem..." The king cleared his throat as he went back to the subject. "I heard from hearsays and rumors that your country has come from a magical Ring that allows your nation to travel your world to ours. Is that true?"

"Yes, everything is true and our worlds are connected by this Ring."

The King didn't believe the ambassadors as they are probably from the other superpowers in disguise trying to manipulate their conflict with Quatoyne and Quilia from hiding in the background. He speculated that the disguised ambassadors are either from the Mu's or the Holy Mishilials Empire that are the real identity of the ambassadors, probably they are working together to accomplish something in the conflict. On what it is, it's something his top advisors and generals can't grasp their plan.

So now, he tried to act on believing those proclamations and have to reveal their real purpose for their continent.

"So what was your purpose when you entered our world and establish diplomatic relations with the Principality of Quatoyne and the Kingdom of Quilia."

"Our main mission is to establish trade, be allowed to bring in explorers, scientists, people that can help you out while also benefitting us; businesses, innovation, stuff everyone can benefit, and we could help you out with that, benefitting ourselves in the process through mutually beneficial alliance." The US ambassador stated calmly, suspicion drawing out the king and his advisors.

The King thought for a second as he thought over the man's statement. He was doubting the man's reason for being open to other nations to mutually benefit each other nation.

"I do wonder what you can be offered for my Kingdom."

"We will propose the same offer as the Quatoyne and Quilia nations," Abueva suggested. "As long relations with those nations are friendly, then it's possible for us to help on developing your nation's condition."

The King and his advisors then gathered around and silently discussed their opinions on the offer of aid from the Earth ambassadors.

They then finally agreed on their decision and the king.

The atmosphere seemed to lighten as the king and his advisors looked at each other, smiled and the king calmly answered.

"I have to decline your offer."

"... ."

The Earth Ambassadors were dumbfounded by the king's statement.

"Your majesty, can you give us the reason for not accepting our offer," Abueva asked for the reason.

"Well ambassadors, I don't trust you're 'supposed nations' that came up out of nowhere and making deals of development for compassion." The King stated his rationale for the skepticism toward the ambassadors and their 'countries'.

The ambassador was bewildered by the king's statement. Then again, it's considered absurd that they come from another world and it's not every day that portals pop up on Earth.

"Your Majesty, our foreign development assistance is mutually beneficial for both countries in the growth of your nation. The improvement of your nation's industry and agriculture can aid your countrymen and better relations with your neighboring countries." Abueva justified his offer to see the reason to the King.

The king gave a big sigh at the ambassador's assertion of their country's offer to his own. Then he was still not swayed by the man's words.

"I'm sorry, but your alignment with our adversaries is considered problematic that is one of the reasons that I formally refused your offer."

Some of the nobles are whispering to each other, while some are chuckling at the ambassador's opinion.

"I wouldn't have my people work together with those lowlife subhumans in my plan of unification of this continent. They are a threat as a species in our ascended to our golden age." The King spat at the Earth ambassadors of their hatred toward the other species of their world.

The nobles began to applaud the King's declaration of his discrimination against the elves, dwarves, demi-humans, and beaten which reaffirm his beliefs.

Then Greenfield stepped up to the conversation and asked a question.

"Excuse me, your majesty," Greenfield spoke out. "Can you tell me why your country holds some prejudice to the country?"

This raised an eyebrow to the King and some of the nobles in the throne room.

"So you don't know our history between our people and the other races?" One of the advisors answered his question.

"We haven't a clear understanding of your country's information that we gathered on talks with the Quatoyne and Quilia nations," Abueva responded with his explanation.

"Of course." The King begrudges the statement. "Then let me enlighten you of my ancestor's history of how he created this kingdom of power and fear that once plague this land."

He then looked at his servant and ordered. "Servants! Bring me, my musicians."

The servants went off and came back with assortments of music performers that have vielle, harp, psaltery, flute, shawm, bagpipe, and drums.

The King cleared his throat and the music band then played music that can be related to a Gregorian chant.

"Long time ago, my father, and his father, and long before the kingdom was formed. There was chaos across the land, that is filled with bandits and warlords that want to control power over everyone."  The King attempts to sing the music and lyrics.

But his singing was terrible that some of the nobles tried their best to smile and prevent their ear to bleed from due to their King being tone-deaf.

Greenfield budges at Abueva's shoulder to give notice to him. As Greenfield whispered in Abueva's ear. "Hey, is this a history recapped or a Disney failed musical?"

Abueva tried not to laugh at Greenfield's jokes as it would lead to them insulting their King.

And let's say it would be nasty if that were the case.

The music begins to slow down and produced a depressing tone that makes the mood dark.

"But worse of them is not man or beast, but both. A beastmen with filthy fur and physically strong can kill three men without mercy. They destroy towns and city's that they ransacked and enslaved people."

"We asked help from the elves and dwarves that reside in the forests and mountains for an alliance like the old days."

Then the music started to speed up and in an aggressive tone. As the King sang in a harsh voice.

"They rejected us on our need of help for their greed and left us to die."

The music then began to a festivity melody and the King's voice turned to a prideful tone.

"Till a man, a chieftain from this very spot allied the human villages and towns to form a kingdom."

"The man is Hark Louria the First. He established infrastructure, trade, and security across the land and did what others didn't manage to achieve."

"After forcing does beastmen to that wretched place that is now Quilia and hunting down the remaining elves and dwarves that betrayed our agreement for their treachery."

The Earth ambassador tensed up from the King's speech. It was thought the King's song was like Hitler having his musical to justify his reason for the Holocaust.

"So his son, and his son before him, over to me. I will lead my kingdom as my great ancestor did before me."

After the King finished his song, the musicians then returned to their posts.

"How was my performance?" The King asked his advisors for their remarks on his musical.

"It was excellent"

"There is no such person that can do much better than yourself."

"Your voice touched the hearts of the people"

The advisors pampered the King song as they want to gain prestige for their status.

"Kissass," Greenfield muttered in his voice.

"And most suffering heart attacks are people within a ten-mile radius," Abueva added as they both giggled at the joke.

"Well ambassadors, how was my performance?" The King asked in a curious tone.

They both have some questionable comments on the song. But of them don't to be thrown over to a dungeon. They tried their best to please the king.

"The speech is very informative on the topic that we could understand. Well, most part." Abueva commented as the last part was quieted down to not anger the king.

"Yeah like he said," Greenfield added.

"Then do understand why my nation hated those who are considered human, they are a filth that must be cleansed."

Abueva scratched his head trying to think of a way of a peaceful conclusion.

"I could see why your people have grudges toward the other species." Abueva conversed. "But that was like a few centuries ago and things have passed. The hate will be turned into a liability for your nation's future that will limit its status on the world stage."

The explanation for making peace with the demi-humans makes the King and the nobles that present in the throne room to be angered by the Filipino ambassador's words.

"Alright!" The King soared at the Earth ambassadors. "What are you trying to do? And what are you, the Parpaldians, the Mu's, or maybe the Holy Mishilials Empire."

The Earth ambassador was confused by the King's words. As he suspected the ambassadors to be from a different country from their world.

"Your majesty, we are really from anoth -." Greenfield tried to reason with the King but was cut off by him.

"Lies! Lies!" The King exclaimed at the ambassadors. "Your lies aren't working towards me or my people. You could have asked that you be part of a superpower that gained independence than a story that is considered unbelievable."

Your proposition won't stop our mission for the unification of the continent and the eradication of the demi-humans. Do you understand what I'm saying?

Yes, but there must be another way for a peaceful solution.

I wouldn't spoil my ancestor's duty from a nation that hides its true identity without a fight.

The Earth ambassador went silent from the King's words. Then the King spoke out again.

This is going nowhere, the path of unification is still followed up. The King uttered. No outside force will divert my country's goals.

He then glared toward the Earth ambassadors with dominance. "So what your 'country' will do next?"

Greenfield spoke up to the man's words. "Our government will decide on what's the best decision after hearing on this."

"I hope they chose wisely." The King replied.

Abueva stepped forward and asked. "Can there be a peaceful option on all of this?"

The King leaned toward his throne and replied. "I stand by firmly on what I declared by my ancestors that placed upon me."

"So peace was never an option," Abueva muttered out of his mouth as the war was much near than he expected.

"There never was," Greenfield replied on his comment.

"Then returned to where you came from and tell look your superiors that they failed to manipulate me or my kingdom from their grasp. And they will not interfere with the coming war that will bring glory to my domain." The King declared out toward to Earth ambassadors as the nobles cheered loudly for their king's defiance.

The Earth ambassador then calmly leave the throne as they bear bad news for their government that may bring down all of the progress and investment they establish in the New World.

"So what now?" Greenfield asked Abueva about their next move on the circumstances.

"Well, we will inform our government that the peace deal was rejected and a possible war at the Quatoye Principality and Kingdom of Quilia is inevitable," Abueva answered back in a stern voice.

"Well, there's one good news that we came out over there." Greenfield happily asked.

"And what is it" Abueva appealed to the inquiry.

"They didn't kill the messenger like in 300." Greenfield jokingly replied.

After Greenfield joked about the affair they went through. He only received a quick elbow jab on the stomach for making a bad joke about their situation.

The news that they bear, will bring a dilemma to the Earth's governments as they will choose what they enact that changed the history of not only the New World but also Earth itself.

Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering, suffering leads to desperation. And desperation leads to war.

War is inevitable

Author's Notes:

Hello guys, it's been a long time after having a huge break from writing this story. I already placed the plot for the future chapter so get ready for a fast writing of the next chapter. The military scene is brewing up as both countries are picking whether they will send troops to another world or watch helplessly as the people are genocide from the Lourian conquest. The difference between this story from the others is that international nations are supervising the situation happening to condemn their actions and meet international sanctions. It's Gate and Summoning Japan combined but I put my bias from my political view of my nation aside and be realistic of the possible outcome.

Everything is not sunshine and rainbows, not I could send a million men against a threat from medieval era to the late World War 2 era. Theirs barriers from this story being political then military and I wouldn't  weaken the modern military but I could put blunders and wrong moves that could make the story more tension then rolling the battlefield.

The military scenes is next and I already place OC characters that can be used like the Recon 3 from Gate for a first-person perspective and character to the story on deeper depth of lives of the world.

Till Next Time!

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