๐Ž๐‡ ๐๐€๐๐˜! || stiles stil...

By stilesstupidityy

51.1K 1.5K 162

odette lahey never planned to get pregnant. the thought never even crossed her mind. she already had enough p... More

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3K 101 7
By stilesstupidityy

ODETTE sat on the bleachers alongside malia and kira. malia was focusing on math while kira wreaked of anxiety. it honestly made her sick. "kira, what's up with you?" the lahey girl ask. "me? nothing" the yukimura girl replied quickly.

"you reek of anxiety. it's distracting" the werecoyote next to her commented. "it's nauseating" odette added. "what's going on?" she asked her friend with concern. "scott and i had sort of had this thing happen. but it wasn't much of a thing. and now i'm starting to think it never was anything. at all"


"he kissed me"

"no shot"

"but it was weird. it was like..."

"the type of kiss you give your grandma you see her at a family reunion when you were 5?"


"well, do you want him to kiss you the way a boyfriend does a girlfriend?"

"yeah...i do"

"then let me give you some advice, ki. scott may be an alpha, but that doesn't make him any less of a pussy. you need to be the one to take action cause lord know he doesn't have the brain cells to. if you want him, tell him. we all know you two like each other. there's no way he could say no"

the girl smiled, taking in her friend words. "thanks, odie. is that was you did with stiles?" malia let out a snort when odette choked on her water. kira just looked concerned. "back up. what are you insinuating?"

"you and stiles have something going on, no?"

"absolutely not. who did these false accusations come from?"

"no one! i just figured that with how you were the most determined to save stiles when void happened. i assumed you guys had something going on..."

"isaac says everyone can see it but them. that they're blind" malia commented. "isaac is an idiot, don't listen to what he says. and no one is blind to anything. i've known this dude since we were in 1st grade. he's just a friend"

"yeah, okay"

the lahey girl rolled her eyes, turning her attention back on the field. stiles was up. she watched as the boy threw his shot, throwing the ball in the net. kira, scott, and the twins were the only ones who cheered the boy on. everyone else on the field and sitting down was absolutely baffled. stiles stilinski made a shot?

shot after shot, more and more of the crowd cheered for the boy who suddenly became good. he then made his way to the end of the line. liam was then up. just like him, it was shot after shot. up next, was scott. he tossed the ball, earning laughs from the team as the ball hit the metal post.

stiles and isaac were thriving. scott? not so much. "isn't one of the best on the team supposed to be...good?"

odette observed as the three boys spoke to themselves away from the team. they talked for a bit and odette went into action as she saw scott's eyes glow their ruby red.

right in liam's direction.


as the players took their positions on the field, odette had already made her way onto the sidelines. she didn't know what kind of plan those three had. but she knew that they had one. she watched as stiles and scott did their job, blocking their opponents way to the goal.

each and every one failed. even her twin. then it came to liam. odette took a deep breath. she watched as he successfully made his way past both wolves. he threw the ball, managing to get it in the goal. the crowd cheered for the blond. all but one. "that was luck!" the coyote shouted out.

"oh no, malia. please don't" she whispered to the girl on the bleachers. she knew her friend heard her, just decided to ignore her. "do over!"

"sweetheart, this is tryouts. there are no do overs" coach replied. "10 bucks on scott and stiles" the girl bet. "i'll take that action" coach obliged, blowing his whistle. "hey! get back in there liam!"

"nothing bad better happen to this kid" the girl spoke, hoping the boys were listening. stiles and isaac of course were. but it was a different story for scott. coach blew his whistle and liam ran. the boy had managed to get past stiles, but scott was quick the flip the boy over. everyone let out a groan then went silent as the freshman landed with a grunt. along with a snap.

all the players surrounded the boy. including odette. "DON'T TOUCH HIM" coach ordered, running to his star pupil. "i'm alright" he claimed. the two wolves helped him up to his feet. it wasn't until then where the boy let out a painful scream. "i think it's my leg"

"i think we better take him to the nurse" stiles spoke, walking away with scott as they carried the boy with his arms on either one of their shoulders. the twins followed in quick pursuit, one of their footsteps booming. she was furious. they knew they were in for it now.

⭒ ⭒ ⭒ ⭒ ⭒

"hi mom" the three teens greeted the woman standing in front of the five teens. a wheelchair was brought out for the boy. before they could help liam, odette stood in front of them. "you two have done enough. melissa and i got it from here." the two boys knew better than to not listen to an angry odette. they knew how she got. so they passed liam off to the two, who then helped him get in the chair.

"don't worry, liam. we'll take good care of you" melissa told him as she wheeled him away. "uhm, i should get going. i told malia i'd help her study" isaac told the three. odette tossed her brother her car keys, giving him a quick hug and let him know she loved him. the boy responded, hesitant to leave the building.

he gently grabbed his twin, moving her to the side. "you know you can tell me anything, right?" the girl furrowed her brows, "of course i know that, 'sac. i just...i have a lot on my mind. and kate didn't help with any of it" the boy looked down at her sister. he'd never say it out loud, but he knew she was milking this whole kate argent thing.

scott and stiles may know her like the back of their hand. but issac knew her inside and out. there was something deeper going on that she didn't want anyone to know. she looked to stiles, giving him a confirming nod. something was up with her. he gave her one more hug, saying a quick 'love you' and making his way out the building.

"what the hell what you two thinking?" she asked, now staring up at the taller boys in front of her. they looked at her in guilt. "he's a kid. so what he's good at lacrosse? that doesn't make him supernatural and that doesn't make him a threat! we're the ones with power to help people, guys. not hurt them because they hurt your ego." the girl didn't let either of them reply as she stormed off into the halls.

"i don't need to say this wasn't your fault, right?" stiles immediately told scott. "...i don't know."

"scott, if we had used any wolf power, that kid wouldn't be limping, he'd be crawling. back to the other half of his body"

"if i hadn't been so worried about being captain he wouldn't be hurt, either"

"don't do that. it's okay to want something for yourself once in a while. team captain, alpha werwolf, you're still human. something is just going on with her, you know it. she wouldn't just say that to you over some kid. don't let her words get to you. i'll figure out what's wrong with her" the boy nodded, looking towards the direction his sister went. "go after her. we both know she needs it"


odette sat in a waiting chair in some random hallway. she stared off into the void, her hand subconsciously on her stomach. it was getting harder to keep this a secret. this pregnancy had far more symptoms than a regular one would. it was like all the symptoms were on crack or something.

but what scared her the most was having to go through it alone. she was scared stiles and her brother wouldn't want anything to do with her. she was scared isaac would hurt stiles. she was scared scott would think little of her. she was scared of the girls judging her.

she caught stiles' scent a while ago. she was too out of it acknowledge it. she kept her eyes on the wall, feeling him sit in the waiting chair next to her. she had long moved her hand off her baby and now had them laying on her lap. stiles slid his hand into hers, rubbing it with the pad of his thumb. "what's going on in that head if yours?"

he was so gentle. he spoke with so much care. so much concern. touched her with so much love. it made her feel that much worse. it made her feel all more scared of telling him. she couldn't hold it in anymore. stiles' heart broke the second her sobs made way to his ears. he threw himself off the chair and kneeled down to her level immediately. "hey, hey, hey" he gently spoke. "odie, what's wrong? talk to me, o"

the girl shook her head, taking her hands out of his and covering her face. this was it. she had to tell him. whether that meant him hating her and wanting nothing to do with the baby. she had to tell him. he deserved to know. he frowned at the smell of guilt and anxiety coming off her her. he hated that he could've been the possible reason why. she calmed herself down after a bit, managing to take her hands off her face.

her voice caught in her throat as she looked into those beautiful chocolate eyes that had concern swimming all in them. "stiles...stiles i-" before she could get it out. a horrifying scream was caught by their ears. the girl's eyes flashed their golden amber at the sound. "melissa."


"MELISSA" odette yelled the second she exited the staircase. "MELISSA" she yelled again, running through the halls with stiles. "odette!" the two turned around, their eyes widening at the nurse who had blood all over her. the girl visibly started heaving and she made her way to her mother. "it's not my blood!" she reassured the girl, cupping her daughters face.

"what happened?"

"sean wilcott. he...he ate the deputy"


"scott. scott went after him" the two teens heads perked up as they heard a groan that couldn't have been more than two levels higher. "liam" the two spoke out. odette turned to her mother, looking her in the eyes. "you need to go"

"absolutely not"

"melissa. please. i promise you i will be okay. but you need to go." melissa looked at her daughter in the eye. there was a look, a specific look in her eyes that only a mother knew of. "odette, please" she begged. it was like somehow, they were communicating with their eyes. the girl gave her a nod and turned back to stiles. "go help scott"

"what? odie-"

"STILES, GO." she yelled, shinning her amber eyes. "go help scott." he had no choice but to listen. hesitantly, he left the two, making his way to the staircase. odette turned back around to her mother. "let's get the hell out of here." they both ran like hell out the building, running to the girl's car. "why'd you want me to go with you" the girl asked, making her way to a certain location.

"i don't know" the woman answered honestly. "i felt like i needed to, i guess" the girl let out a sigh. she had noticed how much closer she felt with everyone. how she was able to communicate with anyone in her life in a specific way. and she felt the baby had something to do with it. "melissa. i have to tell you something. and you might be mad. furious, even. but i need to tell you"

the girl parked in the lot of the animal clinic. she looked to the woman who looked worried for the girl. "you felt the instinct to get me out of there, right?" the woman nodded. "it was your motherly one" the woman nodded again. odette had a hesitant look on her face as her she opened her mouth to speak. but she had trouble getting the words out. "melissa, i'm....i...i'm- i'm pregnant"

melissa's face softly fell. there was no anger, no frustration. she couldn't smell any negative emotion on her. "what?"

"i'm pregnant...i'm sorry if you're mad. i'm so sorry" she softly spoke. "oh honey...i'm not mad. i promise. but when did this happen?"

"the night we saved stiles. i was too scared to leave him alone again. i was afraid something would take him again. we spent the night together cause we were scared. and then...and then it happened somewhere along the night" she gently explained, hoping she didn't become mad somewhere along the way. "stiles?" the woman breathed out. the girl nodded. "he's the father"

there was a moment of silence in between them. then melissa spoke up. "are you...keeping it?" there was no judgment, no anger. just a mother asking her daughter if she was keeping her baby. the softly nodded her head. "i understand if you don't want me at the house anymore-"

"no. i'm not kicking you out. absolutely not. this is your decision, odette. as your mother, all i can do is support and help you. if you want it. i'm not angry. i was a little older than you when i found out i was having scott. i had no one. i refuse to let you go through the same thing."

⭒ ⭒ ⭒ ⭒ ⭒

"both odette and the baby seem to be doing just fine" the emissary spoke to both odette and malissa. they now were in the back of the clinic, getting a checkup on the girl and her baby. "as for seeing how the baby's growing, that will have to be done at the hospital. i unfortunately do not have such tools" he explained.

"no worries deaton, everything else i can handle" melissa assured him. "hey deaton" the girl spoke out. "derek told me these pregnancies develop faster than regular ones. how long do you think i have before i either blow up or actually give birth to it?"

"that is true. i had never had to opportunity to witness such a phenomenon, so i unfortunately cannot pinpoint your timeline. but i wouldn't go past more than 7 months" he answered. 7 month minimum. that gave her about 3 to figure out how the hell she was going to tell her brothers and stiles. the girl nodded, hopping off the examination table.

the two made their way back to hospital. odette had to drop melissa back off at the hospital to get questioned by the sheriff and return back to work. as she watched her mother enter the building, the girls phone ran. "stiles? did you find sean? or liam?"

both of the boys' faced scrunched at the sound of liam's name. they looked down at the boy, who was sat in scott's tub, tied up in duck tape. liam's scott's eyes widened the second he recognized the girl's voice and stiles was quick to put a finger over his mouth, telling the younger boy to be quiet. "yeah. we uhm, we did find sean. and-and liam. someone else got to sean first though"

"what do you mean?"

"he was killed"

"holy shit. and what about liam? is he okay?" the lack of reply worried the girl. "stiles, what happened to liam." another beat of silence.

"we think you should come back home."

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