The Deaf Mutant

By Raven-_S

222K 4.9K 1.1K

Y/n is a new Avenger, but she has her differences. She is deaf, Completely deaf she uses ASL to communicate... More

Author notes
Loki return
I guess she does have a voice
Overheated I think?
Loki's room
The sickness
Our little secret
Her Snuggle Buddy
Loki's New Beginning
Trust me love
No Promises
Good Night My Child
Scars Are Forever
Does It Look Bad
1k reads
Blue Button
No Ordinary Mortal
It's Cute
Girls Day Out
Secret room
Author's Bestie'sšŸ˜±šŸ˜šŸ˜œ
Come On Prince
Do They Know
Trip Down Memory Lane
Time you know...
I Can Braid It If You Like
Our Little Avenger
Did I Kill Anyone
You can speak
I'm Not Going To Die
See No Evil-Hear No Evil
Possibilities Of Tomorrow
I Should Choke You With This
She Wasn't Alone

I'm not a good person

875 20 17
By Raven-_S

"Tony is going to kill you, how many times did you get shot," she asks as they took a seat on the jet after their mission.

"How many times I was shot at and how many hit me are two different answers," he says while taking his mask off

"From the way it looks I don't think it is."

"You're the one to talk, you're still bleeding. He will kill you before me."

"No way, didn't he just repair your suit?" She says while taking her cloak off.

"It doesn't look that bad right," she questioned while looking down at her stomach which had a slash in it from a knife.

"We are definitely both screwed," leaning their heads back they let out a long sigh as the jet takes them back to the tower.

Quietly walking they make their way into the dimly lit lab. "Oh thank goodness Tony isn't here," Y/n says while letting out a breath of relief

"Hey guys how did the mission go," Bruce asked as they walked towards him

"It went well, but Peter needs to be checked up," she says as they take a seat on the bed

"No Bruce check her first," Peter argues while glancing at her

"I'm fine, he was shot."

"No I'm fine she was stabbed and has a gash the size of Tony's credit card limit"

"Lies," she scoffed

"Tony's credit card limit is way bigger than my cut"
"Okay how about I look at both of you and decide who will go first," Bruce says while breaking up the sibling banter between the two.

"Both of you go change into this and come back here," handing them a pair of sweatpants and a long-sleeve pullover.

Walking back they sat on two separate beds and waited as Bruce began to examine Peter.

"Where does it hurt"

"Here," he says gesturing to his entire torso, Bruce gave him a slightly confused look.

"Okay do mind removing your shirt so I can see," Peter carefully takes off his shirt to reveal dried blood, cuts, and a few gashes from bullets.

"Okay are you feeling light-headed"

"No, I feel fine other than this"

" I don't see anything actively bleeding, I want you to go shower and try and carefully get this blood off without reopening any wounds, You are already healing, but when you're done showering just come back here"

"Now where does it hurt," Bruce says, turning to look at y/n who was lying back staring at the ceiling. Lifting her shirt to relieve the gash Bruce's eyes slightly widen


"Told you," Peter says while grabbing his shirt and walking towards the elevator.

"Shut it, Parker," she says as the elevators door closes

"This is going to need stitches, hurt anywhere else?"

"Nothing I can't handle" Giving her a small glance he moves to grab the items he needs to clean and stitch the wound. Placing everything on the table he places gloves on his hands and carefully cleans the wound.

"I can numb the area before I stitch you up, it's up to you," he says while finishing up.

"I think I should be fine,"

"Are you sure," he says while changing his gloves"

"I'm sure I will be fine," she says, nodding his head. He begins to carefully stitch the wound, she doesn't move, wince, or cry. She stayed there slightly numb to the pain.

"I'm back," Peter says while walking in with slightly wet hair taking a seat on the bed he looks at y/n.

"That doesn't hurt," he says as he watches Bruce stick a needle into her skin

"Nope," she says while looking up at the ceiling.

"I am almost done, Peter,"

"No it's okay" Peter protested after watching him stick her with a sharp object

"Okay all done," he says while covering it up

"Normally I would say keep it dry for 24 hours, but let's be realistic, you're already healing pretty fast and two you probably wouldn't listen to anything I just said." looking at him she smiles knowing he is correct.

"Yes you can shower, just don't scrub the area. And pat it dry around and replace the patch with this if your current one falls off." nodding her head she looks over at Peter who looks like he just saw a ghost.

"Nothing," he says, looking away.

Getting up she walks towards the elevator while Bruce begins to patch Peter up. "See you in the morning," she says while the doors close.

Walking into her room she takes a deep breath and makes her way to the shower.

Putting her hair in a bun she steps out of the shower, wrapping herself in the towel.

"Are you back yet"

"Why do you ask"

"I saw a disoriented spider limping to his room"

"I'm about to get dressed I will find you after"

Stepping out of the bathroom she grabs the patch Bruce gave her so she could change it if it falls off. Walking back into the bathroom, she looks in the mirror and carefully places the patch over her stitches.

Putting her tank top on she walks over to her door and opens it. Stopping, she looks up and shakes her head.

"Loki I said I would come and find you, not you wait at my door," she says with a smile on her face

"Well I didn't mind waiting"

"You waited for over 15 minutes," she says, letting him into her room.

"I would wait hours" Taking a seat on her bed she looks at the clock

"Why are you awake at three in the morning," she says as he takes a seat on the bed

"I wanted to see how the mission went"

"It went well," she says with a smile.

"The spider looks like he got hit by a truck,"

"He almost did,"

After talking to Loki for a while he left, allowing her to attempt to fall asleep. After finally closing her eyes she begins to fall asleep. The feeling of vibrations at the door makes her grunt in frustration. Getting up she goes to open the door. As she opens the door she sees Peter with a blanket and pillow.

"What's wrong," she signs, putting the blanket and pillow down he looks at her

"I can't sleep, did I wake you?"

"No, you didn't come in,"

"What's wrong" stepping aside and she lets him in. Turning on the lights she looks at him.

" nothing I just couldn't sleep" Walking over to her bed she gets comfortable under the cover, looking over at him she watches as he awkwardly stands in the middle of the floor.

" What are you doing just looking around, are you coming or not," she signs, patting the opposite side of the bed. Smiling at her he rushes and jumps on the bed.

"Hey, you kick me I kill you." Lying down Peter laughs at her comment, using her powers she turns off the lights.


"What is it," Tony whispers looking at the two sleeping teenagers he smiles at.

"Nat came to wake her up and found them asleep," Clint says while taking a photo of them.

"They fight like siblings, I think this is the quietest I have ever seen them together," Tony whispers while taking a few photos of them.

"We should probably wake them up"

"Yes, that seems like the best idea" Clint responds to Tony, quickly yanking the pillow from under her head he gets ready to hit her with it. Creating a shield around her and Peter she grabs the Dagger Loki gave her.

"Ouch," Clint says as the pillow hit the force field bouncing back to hit him in the face

"What happened?" Peter says while sitting up in the bed.

"You guys suck" she signs while the force field fades

"Good morning sleepy heads, how was your sleep?" Natasha asks

"It was amazing, until you guys,"  she signed while throwing one of her pillows, hitting Clint in the face. Placing the dagger down on the bedside table she rolls her eyes.

"You were ready to kill huh," Tony says out loud while picking up the dagger, putting on her hearing aids she takes a deep breath as she turns them on  and looks at Tony.

"Kid what are you doing in here anyways," Tony asks while looking at the dagger

"Yea I thought you had a thing for Loki," Clint says with a small smile on his face.

"I asked him to stay in the room with me last night and Clint, shut up," she says while taking her dagger out of Tony's hands and pointing it threateningly at Clint.

"Alright we are leaving, breakfast will be ready in a little bit," Natasha says while dragging the two guys out of the room. Letting out a long sigh she lays back staring at the ceiling.

"Why did you lie," turning over she looks at him

"What do you mean," she asks while sitting up to look at him.

"When Mr. Stark asked why I was in here." Looking at him she gives him a small smile.

"Because he didn't need to know. They didn't need to know." Smiling, he nods his head.

"But we should probably go before Thor eats all the food," Peter's eyes widen in agreement, and quickly they jump out of bed and look at each other.

"Race you," he says in a challenging tone

"Your pancakes if I win"

"Fine deal, but you're still healing from bullet wounds." smirking at her he slightly pulls up his shirt to show almost completely healed wounds

"Highly doubt that but then again I wasn't the one who was stabbed, I bet you're still bleeding" Showing him the patch she smirks

"Somewhat, stitches come out today."

"Fine change of plans, you pop stitch, I get your bacon."

"You lose, I get yours."

"Deal," using her powers to open the door they glance at one another before running out of the door. Opening the door to the staircase they both run up the stairs. Jumping on the wall she watched as Peter skipped the corner and landed on the next set of stairs as he continued to run up the stairs.

"Hey," she yelled as she picked up speed.

"You didn't say we couldn't use our powers," she heard his voice echo off the walls. Stopping she smiles

"Your right," climbing on the side of the railing she used her powers to lift her into the air. Looking down at Peter with her blue eyes she smirked at him as she stopped at the door. Opening the door, she ran down the hall as she heard footsteps behind her.

Stopping, she looks down at her feet.

"Eww is this web fluid," she says as she struggles to move against the agitating texture.

"Yup," he says as he runs past her.

Reaching her hand out she watches as the floor beneath him turns to ice, the sound of him falling on his back gives her time to unstick herself. Quickly running past him as he attempts to get up off the floor. Quickly sprinting to make it to the end of the hall.

Running into the room she tries to slow herself down the feeling of hands stopping her, she smiles.

"Why are you in such a hurry," Loki asks, feeling vibrations she glances back at Peter, and she quickly pushes him out of the way as she lands on the floor.

"I win," she says as she pushes Peter off her.


"Did you have to land on me" Holding her side where her stitches are she takes a deep breath.

"Did you pop a stitch," sitting up he smirks at her.

"No way," she signs back.

"Are you two alright?" Loki asks while looking down at the two on the ground.

"Yea," she says while getting up

"By the way, Web fluid was disgusting"

"No it was smart," he says while walking over to Stark who was looking at a holographic screen.

"What was that all about," Loki asked while she glanced at the team.

"Raced Peter for his bacon,"

"Are you alright you look like you are in pain,"

"Nope I'm fine," she says while walking away sitting at the table.

As everyone settles at the table with their food she watches Peter get up from the table and walk over to y/n placing his bacon on her plate.
"I will win next time,"

"In your dreams," she says while taking a bite of the bacon as he sadly returned to his seat.

"What was that about,"

"Nothing, just a little deal we made," she says with a smirk on her face.

"So Peter I was looking for your suit earlier, I had some upgrades in mind" Peter and y/n both stopped what they were doing and glanced at each other.

"Ahh, it's okay Mr. Stark,"

"What do you mean it's okay,"

"I mean I don't know," he says while picking up his cup and drinking slowly to hopefully stall this conversation.

"Are you telling me you lost a multimillion-dollar suit," y/n snickers at the sight of Peter panicking

"No sir I'm just saying..." glancing over to Y/n he looks at her with pleading eyes.

"It's in my room," y/n says without thinking.

"Why is it in your room," Looking back at Peter as they both stress for answers

"Blood.." Peter blurts out.

"Who's blood," Natasha questions as she looks up from her food,

"Mine" they both blurt out at the same time. Tony gives them both a puzzled look.
"Bad guys," Peter says as he scratches the back of his neck.

Glancing over at Loki she catches the sight of amusement plastered on his face,

"What's so funny,"

"Never know you to be this bad at lying"

"Well, I'm a little rusty,"
"If this is your little rusty tiny assassin, I hate to see you in action" Kicking him she watches as he hissed in pain.

"Just tell me where the suit is kid I won't be mad"

"Tony it's not about where the suit is, it's about how it looks," she says while glancing at him.

"What happened on the mission last night," Steve asked, the room fell silent.

"Oh don't jump to answer all at once," Natasha says while looking at two.

The team's eye slowly turned to Brue who was sitting at the table quietly trying to completely ignore the team's integration.

"Will someone say something," Clint says, breaking the silence.

"You won't be mad,"

"If you tell me what happened now, I won't" Glancing back at y/n she nodes her head.

"The suit has built holes in it."

"You were shot,"

"No, how many times I was shot at and how many actually hit me are two different stories" Tony looked terrified

"I don't think it is kid," Clint says

"It's nothing, he is healed, we are both alive and breathing. Tony, we are fine"

"They will be okay, they came to see me as soon as they got back to the tower," Bruce said with a small smile.

"Well I don't see a problem, these kids seem like fine warriors who can hold their own in battle," Thor says with a proud smile on his face.

"Not helping brother," Loki says while giving him an annoyed look.

"How about we change the subject, according to Fury there has been less Hydra activity," Natasha says.

"Maybe they are backing off," Bruce says

"Love your positivity Bruce, but I highly doubt that." y/n says

"I agree it's weird how they would come full force and then back down,"

"They have to be planning something," y/n says.

"What makes you think that," Steve asks

"With all the time I spent with Hydra, it just doesn't seem like them to stay quiet without some bigger plan. Without something bigger, someone bigger,"

"What do you have in mind,"

"I don't know, but let's just hope all of my theories are wrong," She says.


"Hey," Loki says as she opens the door.

"Hi, what's up," she says while stepping aside to let him in

"Nothing, I was just wondering what happened on that mission." Looking up at him she smiled

"Ambush, it wasn't too bad but Peter was shot a few times and I was left with a small cut," she says while closing the door.

"How small," he asks while looking at her. She just stared back not saying anything
"How small was the cut."

"Bruce already took the stitches out, I'm healing. I'm fine," she says as she shows him. Pulling her shirt down, she looks back at him.

"Does it hurt?" he asks

"Not really,"

"Can I help," he says, not moving from his spot in the middle of the floor.

"How," walking towards her he stops when they are inches apart from one another. Reaching out his hand to touch her side he stops.

"May I," hesitantly she nodded her head as she looked at him, the feeling of his cold hand against her side made her nervous, as she was confused about what he was doing. She felt energy surge through her body, but not her own. Looking down at his hand she watches as it gives off a small glow, looking back up at him with glowing eyes she smiles.

"What are you doing?" slowly removing his hand he takes a small step back


Looking down at her side she stared in awe as she was completely healed.

With no scar.

"How did you do that," she asks

"A magician never tells his secret,"

"It's a good thing you're not a magician," she says while taking a seat on her couch. Taking a seat beside her he smiles.

"My mother taught me how," he says with a smile on his face.

"She sounds very nice,"

"She is, she is one of the kindest beings I have met in all the nine realms," he says with a smile on his face. Getting up she reaches under her bed and grabs a box, taking a seat beside him, she smiles.

"After my dad was put into protective services Fury gave me this from him, I haven't opened it yet."

"Why not"

"I don't know, I guess maybe I'm scared of what I will see." Taking a deep breath she takes the lid off the box. She didn't know what to expect, but she didn't expect photos, of her mother and father and photos of her before Hydra.

"Wow, this-"

"Is you," he says while pointing out a photo of you sleeping in the arms of a white-haired woman.  Looking down at the photo she stared in awe at the photo, at the memory that is frozen in time for her to never forget.

"That's my mom, but I thought she died after having me," she says with a small smile.

"I guess not...You have her hair, " he says while holding a photo in his hand

"And her eyes apparently," she says while pulling out a photo of her mother with her eyes glowing a soft dark blue, a smile plastered on her face, and the same necklaces on her neck that hung on y/ns.

"All of this, and I can't remember," looking at her he examines her.

"I mean I wish I could remember her voice or her face. Of Course, the pictures help, but it's like staring at a faceless person you're supposed to know, a person I resemble and I can't even remember the good parts of our time together. The time I didn't even know we had"

"You remember?"

"Not really, it's more of a fever dream, I don't know if it was really a memory or just a figment of my imagination."

"The mind knows a lot more than we can process, the mind will withhold to protect, the mind remembers even if you don't. She's still there, some time is better than no time at all" Looking up at him she smiles

"We know what we are, not what we may be," he says while handing her a photo of her younger self laughing with both of her parents holding her.

After spending a few hours going through photos and talking aimlessly as time passed. With every second they spent together their connection grew.

Looking down at her phone she smiles.

": what is it," he questioned while looking at her

"Team wants to have a movie night tonight," she says while looking at him.

"Alright, I should probably go find my brother before he finds me," as he said that a knock on the door pulled them away from their conversation

" Too late," she says with a small laugh.

Getting up off the couch he quickly walks over to the door mumbling something under his breath.

"Brother there you are, I was looking for you," Thor says at the door, getting up from the couch y/n making her way over to the door.

"Hello, Lady y/n," Thor says as she steps to the door.

"Hello, Thor,"

"That's a beautiful necklace you have there," Thor says while glancing at his brother.

"Thank you, it was a gift from my mother,"

"I must apologize but me and my brother must get going. But I will see you at the movie night of course." Thor says while Loki steps out of the room.

"Bye boys," she says as she closes her door.


As we walk into the elevator, I wait for the doors to close.

"What do you know," I ask Thor as the elevator moves to his floor.

"What do you mean,"
"The necklace you saw it too,"

"Nothing it just looks familiar,"

"How, how does it look familiar to you,"

"I don't know it reminds me of Asgard in a way," stepping out of the elevator we walked into Thor's room. Taking a seat in the chair in front of Thor we sit in silence.

"Why do care so much about the necklace anyway Loki,"

"I thought I was slightly paranoid when it was me noticing it, the small things, but if you see it maybe it means something."

"I am going to need a little more context brother,"

"The story Mother used to tell us of the lost kingdom of Asgard. It was a fairytale something our parents made up to get us to sleep. I had no reason to believe any of it until...her."

"No one has spoken of that in so long"

"That's because it is forbidden to talk about in Asgard, So either it a fairy tale father got tired of hearing many times over,"

"Or he has something to hide," Thor says while leaning back in his chair

"I'm worried brother, what if she is... what if,"

"Loki, if you're going to say what I think you're saying I would like to advise you to stop."

"Brother think about it,"

"Okay, so do you continue to hang around her for the information."

"No you idiot, I stay with her because I like her," Thor begins to smile

"You like her..." he says leaning forward and resting his elbows on his knees

"Can we focus on the matter at hand?"

"Have you talked to Mother about this," Thor ask

"Yes, a while back, she couldn't tell me anything, almost completely denying it, until I left Asgard. She had to make sure no one was watching."

"Have you asked Lady Y/n herself any questions?"

"I let her talk about whenever she is comfortable, but from Hydra, her memories are all messed up"

"I asked her to come to Asgard with us,"

"What did she say,"

"She said yes, but I don't know when."

"Loki, are you sure that is the best idea, not that I don't want her coming to Asgard? I am more worried about how my father will react if the story is true."

"That is true."

"If Father put so much work into hiding this, what will happen when we bring the princes into the throne room."


Walking out of the room I walk into the elevator and wait as it moves to the cinema room. Walking in I see Nat and some of the other team members setting up the room, walking over to Nat I give her a soft smile.

"Hey, you okay."

"Yea, just confused."

"Oh, what happened,"

"I was looking at some photos that Fury gave me from my dad. But my mom is in the photos with me."

"Is that so bad,"

"No I just, I was told she died after I was born, but there are photos of me when I was at least three and she is still alive. I need a distraction"

"Oh, well that is confusing. Where is Loki"

"He is talking with Thor right now,"

"How are you two," she says giving me a smug look

"No don't give me that look, we are just friends,"

"I think I have heard you say that multiple times and still I just can't seem to believe it,"

"Oh my gosh, is Sam back yet,"

"Yea he is over there," she says while pointing to Sam, walking away in hopes to escape the conversation. I walk over to where Sam is talking with Steve.

"Good to see you finally back from your Hawaii vacation,"

"It was not a vacation whatsoever," Sam says while rolling his eyes

"What have I missed anyway,"

"Not much,"

"I highly doubt that,"

"Nothing than more confusion about my birth parents, life at the tower has been pretty chill,"

"Okay, well good to know I didn't miss anything,"

"So, is your boyfriend,"

"Oh no not you too. He is not my boyfriend."

"Not yet," Sam says with a smug look on his face

"Look Sam, when you can find a nice girl. Then and only then you can make fun of me but until then. Have fun with your single and lonely life," she says while backing away

"Okay come back when you have your first date, I'll help you pick out the outfit"

"Try and find a girlfriend before I die,"

"Shut up," he says with a smile on his face, turning around as I walk towards the elevator, as the doors open I walk in going back to my floor. I love Sam with all my heart but sometimes he can be very annoying as the doors open on my floor. I walk out and go to my room, grabbing my blanket as I look at the time. Walking back out of my room, I make my way to the elevator and wait. Looking down I look at the text from Peter,

Hey what are you doing- spiderling

Nothing, teams having a movie night- y/n

Are we patrolling tonight- spiderling

Always as long as you don't get shot- y/n

As long as you don't get stabbed- Spiderling

As the doors open I smile at the text messages, looking at the two guys I notice they quickly stop talking. They look like they were plotting to try and kill the king. Maybe that's the wrong comparison because they are princes. Walking into the elevator I walk in and pay them no mind.  As the elevator moves no one says anything, what are they hiding, what were they talking about for there to be this much tension in the elevator.

As the doors open I quickly walk out, placing my blanket down in my chosen spot I take a seat.

"Are you getting popcorn," Loki asks while taking a seat right beside me,

"Are you done acting suspicious,"

"What do you mean I am never suspicious," he says while crossing his legs


"So popcorn,"

"No, not hungry, and I might have to leave early for patrol tonight. If I want popcorn later I could always steal some from Sam."

"All right everyone take a seat the movie is starting," Tony says while sitting in the recliner, the lights dim, and wrap my blanket around my arms.


The feeling of her phone buzzing pulls her attention away from the movie, attempting to ignore it she continues to look at the movie. As her phone continues to buzz she rolls her eyes.

"What is it," Loki whispers to her, moving off of Loki's shoulder she pulls her phone out of her pocket and looks at the caller ID.

"Peter," she says while picking up the phone.

"Hello," she whispers into the call.

"Hey, so I may be in a little trouble," Peter says in a hushed tone, the sound of grunts and gunshots, made her heart skip a beat.

"What did you do,"

"I don't know, I was waiting for you and patrol," the sound of him grunting made her stand up. The team looked at her as she walked towards the elevator.

"What's wrong,"

"It's Peter, come with me," she says in the mind link as she pushes the button for the elevator.

"I saw these guys acting weird. I just watched until I saw the drugs, so when I went down there twenty other guys showed up out of nowhere-" The sound of him grunting cut his sentence off.

"Where are you going," Clint asked while the movie was playing. But no one was paying attention.

"I have to go it's Peter,"

"Everything okay," Natasha asks

"Is he alright," Tony asks

"I hope so," she says while both she and Loki step into the elevator. As the elevator moves she waits for Peter to continue talking but she doesn't hear anything.

"Peter you still there," she asks into the phone

"Yea, I just could use some help."

"Okay I'm coming just don't hang up," As the doors open they both rush out, running to her door she quickly runs into her room, making sure the phone is on speaker she runs to her closet and grabs her suit.

"y/n what's going on," Loki asks while standing in her room, quickly throwing her clothes she puts on a pair of shorts and a crop tank top.

"Peter was waiting for me for patrol, and got himself into something bad." Putting on her suit as fast as she can she tries to listen in on the call, grabbing her cape and shoes, she runs out of her closet.

"How bad," Loki questions.

"Webs against bullets bad," she says while throwing her cape on her bed.

"Hey you still with me Parker," she yells

"Yea," he says, the sound of rapid gunfire made her worry about how many people he is up against.

"Hey, how many people do think is there,"

"Like forty, I'm running out of web fluid. I don't know how long I can keep this up." quickly grabbing her boot she struggles to untie her boot, picking up her other shoe Loki unties it with ease handing it to her, switching shoes she quickly puts on the shoe tying it.

"Where are you," she says

"I'm not sure, I'll have Karen send you my location," as she finishes tying her shoe she looks at her phone as it buzzes.

"Got it," Running out of her room she runs into Peters. Swinging the door open she turns on the light, walking over to the desk she grabs four vials off his shelf that contained rows of vails.

"So you have about twenty vails of web fluid and yet you don't carry any with you,"  running out of his room she shoves them in her pockets.

"I never run out," he says in defense, running back into the room Loki tosses her a box, catching it she opens it and switches out her hearing aids.

"You be careful out there and if you need anything don't hesitate to call," he signs, picking up her cape he attaches to the suit and places the hood over her head. Turning on her hearing aids she nods her head, hanging up her phone she goes to the channel on coms. Opening her window she looks down, standing on the ledge she turns to face Loki

"Wait what do I say if the teams come looking for you,"

"I don't know, be my little trickster for tonight," putting on the mask, she falls back closing her eyes, the feeling of the wind under her. Opening her eyes she feels the energy flow through her body as she's lifting into the air. Flying in the air she moves as fast as she can to get to her partner.

Arriving at the warehouse she lands on a window seal, opening the window she waits on one of the pillars and watches the fight below to try and find her partner. Catching a sight of him she watches as he uses his webs to keep them back. Hitting his wrist she notices he's out.

She looked for a way to get to him without them shooting, they surrounded him as they held him at gunpoint, quickly walking over to the pillar that was right above him she looked down.

"I hope you are here"

"Whatever you do, don't open your eyes"

Looking down she watches him lower his head, jumping off the pillar she begins to fall, using her powers to break her fall she sends out a flare of energy from her body, quickly y/n creates a shield around her and Peter as bullets hit the shield. Looking down at her arm she notice a small graze where the bullet barely missed her.

Placing a hand on his shoulder he looks up at her, reaching into her pocket she hands him the vials.


"Are you hurt," she signs as she changes his fluid out, shaking his head no she smiles.

"Good," punching him in the arm as she looks at him from under her hood.

"What part of you thought this was a good idea,"

"Well, I didn't plan this,"

"I can see that" Noticing they stopped shooting  she looked around.

"As soon as this shield goes down it's going to be rapid fire, so go up" Nodding his head she turns her back to him. As the shield goes down they both jump in the air as they begin to shoot. Landing on the ground, she hits the man's wrist grabbing their gun, shielding herself as the people behind her begin to shoot at her. Hitting the man in the nose with the gun he falls over in pain groaning, clicking the safety off she aims pulling the trigger shooting, at the men in front of her.

Once she ran out of rounds she threw the gun away, pulling daggers from her thigh she quickly threw them aiming for their thighs. Elbowing the men behind her she locks her hands behind his neck, jumps, and uses the momentum to flip him forward.

As one of the guys reaches out to touch her he quickly moves his hand away as it burns from his skin turning red, turning around as she looks at the man with glowing eyes. Glancing down at the ring on his finger, she pushes him back with her powers knocking over the people behind him.

Feeling vibrations, she quickly moved to the side. Grabbing her arm her face crunches up in pain, moving her hand the warm crimson-red color lingered on her fingers. Shooting at her three more times the bullets dissolved in the shield in front of her. Running towards him she slid down on her knees, pulling one of her throwing knives she grabbed a hold of his pants, and quickly she sliced the man's tendons, throwing the dagger at one of the men she quickly slammed her hands on the ground sending out a burst of blue energy knocking over the men in front of her.

Getting up she looks for her partner, creating an Ice dagger she threw at the man as it hit him in his back she ran towards Peter.

Looking over Peter she looks for any visual sign of injuries, knowing he is probably bruised under the suit she lets out a deep breath as she doesn't see any blood or bullet wounds.

The feeling of a man pulling her hood made her stubble back, Peter quickly webs the man's feet to the floor, jumping in the air and punching him in the face.

Reaching a hand out to y/n he notices her arm.

"Your hurt,"

"I'm fine," she says while looking at him.

"Is that all of them,"

"I think so," As he said that he quickly grabbed his arm, pulling him back she stood in front of him, looking around to see where the shot came from.

She felt her heart beating rapidly in her chest as her breathing became ragged.

The feeling of three bullets entering her body she lifts her hand as her hand becomes surrounded with blue energy and wisp. Pushing the energy out of her hand she watches as a ball of energy goes towards the pillar the man was hiding behind.

The sight of it crumbling made her smile, turning to Peter as she looked at him as he was on the ground. Kneeling, she looks at his wound.

"Through and through," she says to herself.

"Are you okay," she asked him, looking into her stilling glowing eyes and nodes.

"Think you can stand,"

Reaching an arm under him she helps him stand. Ripping the fabric off one of the men she tightly tied it around his arm.

"We should probably alert the police and let them know so these men can get medical attention and then go to jail."

"Do you think it was Hydra," Picking up one of the man's arms she looks at their wrist?

"It's not Hydra, you interrupted a drug trade between two gangs," she says, dropping the man's arm.

"How do you know that,"

"There are tattoos of a skull, vines, and thorns."

"This is a big gang,"

"It's the kind we shouldn't go messing around without backup, believe it or not, this isn't even half the amount of members" Looking at her he gasps.

"You're bleeding a lot," he says

"Don't worry most of it isn't my blood," she says

"No, it is your shot," he says while pointing out the wounds. She didn't notice how bad they were till now, still high off adrenaline she can't feel anything.

"Police are on their way, let's get back to the tower," going to the roof of the building they got a few books away from the warehouse.

"I have to go back home, I kind of snuck out. I will clean up there, I have a first-aid kit."

"If anything goes wrong call me, so I can help"

"I think you should worry about yourself for once." He gestures to her battered and bruised body.

"Just text me when you get home,"

Coming through her window she takes a deep breath finally feeling the pain.

"Hey, Jarvis where's Bruce,"

"Out on a mission, should I get Tony"

"No thank you"

Limping over to my bathroom I turn on the light brace myself on the sink and look into the mirror.

I have seen this much blood on me since Hydra, she thought

reaching down for the cabinet door, she winced as her hand slipped. Falling on the floor she clenches her jaw.

Grabbing the Med kit from under her sink she struggles to pull the duffle bag out. Holding her side she sighs at the sight of blood all over the bathroom sink and floor.

Unzipping the bag she grabbed gauze and held it to her side.

She looks down at her shaking hand, leaning her head against the cabinet she sighs in defeat.

'It either I pass out from the amount of blood I'm losing or I ask for help' she says to herself. Reaching her arm up she tries to lift herself using the sink, as she attempts to put pressure on it she grunts in pain falling back to the floor.

"Hey Jarvis"

"I sense that you're in distress shall I call for help," Smiling to herself she breathes in a shaky breath.

"No, but can you ask Loki to come here, please?"

Reaching up she takes off her mask throwing it on the ground. Removing the gauze from her side she looks down, placing her hand against her side she closes her eyes to see if she can feel the bullet.

She knows it hasn't hit any vital organs or it would be a lot more painful, knowing she won't heal until it's out she reaches into one of the drawers beside her and grabs a rag. Shoving the rag into her mouth she takes a deep breath, looks down, and watches as blue wisps begin to flow around her fingers and hand.

The feeling of something moving inside made her want to scream.

The feeling of the bullet in her hand she smiled to herself. Looking at her leg, hovering her hand over her leg she repeated the same process. Once the bullet was in her hand she spit the rag out, cleaning the bullet off she took a look at it and rolled her eyes at the engraving.

Putting the bullet down the sound of her door opening pulled her attention away from her wounds.

"Hey, y/n are you alright," Loki says while closing the door behind him. Her room was dark and Loki slowly walked around her room.

"I'm in the bathroom," as he walked into the bathroom his face dropped at the sight of her, her head was down with her cloak still covering her face.

"Oh my," he says while kneeling in front of her. Removing the hood off her head he looks at her face which was littered with small cuts, and dried blood.

"Don't worry it's not as bad as it looks," she tells him, glancing at the blood around in the bathroom he looks back at her.

"Are those bullets," he asked in a concerned tone

"You are bleeding," he says while grabbing the gauze and pressing it to one of her bleeding wounds.

"Don't worry, most of the blood, not mine," she says with a small smirk on her face. Looking at her a small smile tugged on his lips.

"I'm gonna have to get you out of this suit," giving him an odd look as she tilts her head and laughs to herself. Glancing up at her he gives a concerned look.

"Calm down, I'm lethargic," smiling at her he uses his free hand to undo her cape, sitting up she moves the cape to the side, and using her uninjured hand she unclips the top of her pants.

"I'm going to need you to untie me," she says while attempting to sit up

"Whoa, okay just be careful," carefully sitting up Loki unties it, moving her arms forward she carefully slips it off, looking at her sideways he sighs.

"How many pieces are there to this suit,"

" You don't want to know, but don't worry you're halfway there," she says with a smile.

"How did you change so fast then,"

"Practice," she says smirking to herself

"Wait, so do you need clothes."

"I have a tank top and compression shorts on,"

"You don't get hot in this," he gestures to the suit

"I can't get hot, and Tony made it breathable, just for the fact that I may be able to repel bullets with my shields. I'm not completely indestructible is why I wear a lighter, thinner version of a bulletproof vest." putting the leather sleeveless top with the rest of her clothes she looks down at her pants she sighs. Pulling out her daggers she puts them to the side,

"How many daggers can you carry?"

"Why so many questions," pulling out the dagger Loki gave her she put it in the pile with her throwing knives.

"Not to rush but you're still bleeding and you're moving kind of slow," mimicking him she takes one of her throwing knives into her hand, pulling at the fabric of the pants she begins to cut.

"Do not mock me, I'm trying to help," finally breaking through the fabric she hands the knife to Loki.

"Cut, but don't cut me," she says. She watches as he cuts through the fabric. Revealing the bullet wound on her leg that was slightly bleeding, but not as badly. Grabbing a rag he runs warm water over it and begins to clean off the dried blood so he can see where she is bleeding.

"I'm surprised you haven't passed out," he says, finally breaking the silence.

"I have lost more blood than this, this is nothing." She says while slowly blinking trying not to pass out, Loki continued to clean and dress her small wounds, the gunshot wounds he cleaned and tightly wrapped, planning to use magic to help speed up the process.

"Does Tony know your back yet," he asks while glancing at her, shaking her head no he stops and looks at her.

"Why not,"

"I didn't want to bother him, at first I thought I could handle it. I'm used to cleaning myself up, I thought-" She stops herself

"I thought I had it under control, take some meds and sleep it off." Loki looks at her sympathetically, knowing what she meant when she said she was used to this. 

"If I hadn't told you to call me if you needed help earlier who would have called," Looking at him she sighs,

"No one,"

"Why," placing the bloody rag beside him he looks at her, he watches as she thinks

"I don't want to be a burden. This team...this family is more than what I hoped for... More than I deserve..." Sitting down he looks at her. Taking a deep breath she avoids his gaze.

"I'm not a good person Loki,"

"Yes, you are,"

"No, I'm not, I have done unimaginable things. I have killed people, stolen. What person takes the life of a child, a brother, or a sister? I love this team, I love Natasha... but deep down I know I don't deserve them." Glancing at the blood on her hands, her lips form into a thin line.

"I don't deserve this," she says while looking at him.

"Why not, your past actions were not your fault. I believe you deserve all of it, if I could give you the world I would, if they could they would too. You're not a killer,"

"I killed those hydra agents without remorse, I killed them and I liked it. I killed today. They said it themselves a new suit and name won't change who I truly am."

"No one deserves to struggle alone, when I first got here I watched how Natasha and Clint cared for you. They cared for you as their own, when you told them you were a Hydra agent I saw the way they looked at you. Not with hate but with love, when you hit Tony in the eye with your shoe and gave him a black eye he didn't punish you or stop talking to you, he joked and laughed about it."

"They know who you are, they know the real you. The you that saved a family from being murdered in an alleyway. The you, that goes out almost every night on patrol to save someone despite how tired you are. The you that ran out of a movie when your friend was in danger, I am not going to say I know how you feel because I don't, But I know what burden and hate look like."

"And you my darling are not that,"


"y/n, y/n wake up," Tony says while leaning down at the sleeping girl.

"Oh right she's deaf," he says to himself mentally facepalming. Softly shaking her, he watches her slowly open her eyes.

"Good morning sunshine," he signs as she looks at him sleepy

"Come on get up, we're going shopping,"

"Why, Tony it's so early,"

"Come on the whole team is coming," looking at him she closes her eyes, shaking her he wai till tell she opens her eyes again

"Please for me," sitting up she lets out a long sigh.

"Thank you," he signs, turning to walk out, turning over in the bed, and rolling her body off until she hits the floor. Staring at the floor she lies there hoping Tony wouldn't come back

Going into her closet she looks around at the clothes, opening a drawer she picks out a pair of black cargo pants with lots of pockets, grabbing a black crop top sleeveless shirt she looks around for her leather jacket. Stopping at one of the hoodies hanging up she smiles,

'I should probably give this back,' she thinks to herself while looking at the green hoodie. Grabbing her black leather jacket she leaves to go put on her clothes. Walking out of her closet in her smiley face socks she grabs her hearing aids, slipping them into her pocket.

Grabbing a pair converses she begins to lace them slowly. Walking towards the bathroom she looks around. Glancing at herself in the mirror she carefully unbraided her hair. Looking at her hair which was almost completely white.

Walking out of her room she stands at the elevator and waits for the doors to open, walking into the elevator she presses the floor to Tony's lab and waits.

Taking a seat in one of the spinny chairs she scrolls through her social media aimlessly while spinning herself around in the chair. Feeling vibrations in the room she looks up and notices the team began to come in.

"Tony what is this about," walking out from behind one of the suits he is working on, Tony has a grin plastered on his face. Everyone gave him odd looks, waving her hand at Tony to get his attention as she looked at him.

"That is the ugliest sweater I have ever seen," she signed. Getting up she walks over to go join the group, so she could read their lips.

"Yes I agree with her, Tony what's going on," Steve says trying to get an answer.

"As you know the holiday season is coming up and I found a way to kick-start you little gremlins into a better mood, Today we are going Christmas shopping," Tony says with enthusiasm. The room filled with an uncomfortable silence, everyone gave Tony a slightly annoyed glare.

"Wait so you mean to tell me, you woke me up at," Sam begins looking down at his watch to check the time.

"7:30, not for a mission, and then proceed to rush the rest of us to your lab just to take us Christmas shopping," Sam says, trying to make sure he understands what Tony is saying and that it's not some kind of prank.

"Yes, come on guys lighten up, did none of you not have good Christmas as a child,"

"I grew up as an assassin," Natasha said

"My father was a drunk," Clint adds

"My dad died when I was nine, so no not really," Sam says while glancing at Tony.

"My dad died in the war, then my mother died from tuberculosis, I was also frozen for a few decades,"

"I grew up thinking I was an orphan because my father hated me, we also don't get the privilege to celebrate Christmas in Hydra." Y/n signs to the group.

"I was only adopted into a family for political trade," Loki added, earning glances from some of them.

"What's Christmas again," Thor asks absentmindedly

"Okay not the best question to ask," Tony responds looking slightly horrified at the answer, although his childhood wasn't the best he was slightly caught off guard by their answers.

"Look with Hydra slowing down and us being at the Tower more I thought it would be a great way to bond," he says while trying not to gag at the bonding part.

"Also It's y/n's first Christmas with us as a team, don't we owe it to her to make this Christmas one for her to remember," he says while walking over to her holding her shoulders, giving him an odd glance the team begins to think.

"You don't think that we will be spotted by the press, and what about y/n,"

"Well she is my intern after all, so she is obligated to come with me," he says proudly.

"Tony I don't think that's how interns work," Bruce says, finally deciding to join the conversation.

"Did I mention I'm paying for everything,"

"Okay let's go," Natasha says while turning on her heels to walk back toward the elevator. The rest of the team followed her while others went to the stairs to grab items from their room before they left.

"What is this Christmas tradition the team is talking about," Loki asked when they got in the car. Turning to look at him she looked shocked. Instead of looking outside the window, she used the time to explain the story of Christmas to Loki while throwing in a few Christmas stories they would have to read together another time.

As they approached the mall y/n pulled out her hearing aids and put them in, turning them on she slowly adjusted to the sound around her, the sound of the car on the road, and the whispers between Nat and Clint.

Opening the door she steps out of the car, closing the door behind her. Walking around she catches the sight of Loki trying to fix his clothes with an uncomfortable face, she smiled as she watched him struggle with human clothes. Walking over to him she takes the zipper out of his hand and zips up the jacket.

"It's truly not that hard," Rolling his eyes he began to grumble something under his breath. She looked at Steve, Nat, and Sam who were wearing zip-up jackets and baseball caps talking together. From the outside, they almost look like they are conspiring something.

"Okay remember people we are doing the buddy system so no one is alone, ever," Steve says as he anxiously goes over the rules

"Last but not least please no stabbing, kicking, punching, killing, flipping, biting, shooting, mean mugging, physical, verbal, or mental degradation of anyone while we are here," Steve says while going over a list in his head while keeping his attention on mainly Loki and y/n. Giving him a smile and a thumbs up he smiles, making their way into the store everyone got into partners. Bruce paired with Tony, Sam with Steve, Nat with Clint Thor with y/n and Loki. Before separating Tony walks over to y/n handing her the shades from off his face.

"Here kid, keep them safe," he says while putting them on her face. Tony didn't need to hide as much, he was publicly known as Iron Man, but with y/n paired with Thor and Loki, it was more likely for someone to notice.

Getting on the escalator with the two boys she looks down at her phone.

Meet back at the cars at 1:30- Old man Rogers

Slipring her phone into her back pocket she steps off the escalator. Taking a few steps forward out of everyone's way she looks at the varieties of stores. Not being used to the idea of giving gifts on Christmas, turning around to the two boys she looks at them through the shades.

"We take this one store at a time, I have the credit card. So let's have fun." Both of them nod at her as they walk into the store.

Looking at a mug she smiles picking it up, showing the mug to the boys they read and Thor gives her a look.

"Tony," he says in questions. Nodding her head they smile walking down other iles she glances at other items but nothing catches her eye. Walking to check out they place their items on the table and the Lady scans them.

"Are you a rewards member," the cashier asks while glancing at the two boys behind her trying not to act out of place. Shaking her head, she taps Tony's card and takes the receipt, giving the lady one last smile before grabbing the items and going to the next store.

After a while of shopping and attempting to hide both Loki and Thor's gifts from them she looks over at Thor's face.

"What's wrong with your face,"

"I'm hungry,"

"How old are you brother," Loki says, agitated, handing the bags to Loki she reaches into her pocket and pulls out a pop tart. Hanging it to him she watches as his eyes light up with joy. Attempting to take the bags back from Loki she failed as he would slightly pull away. Giving up she walks to the next store while Loki keeps up with her pace while Thor follows behind happily eating his pop tart.

"Want to take a break,"

"Yes a break does sound nice" Leading them to a table Loki sets the bags down sliding them out of the way.

"How are you two enjoying shopping,"

"It's very busy," Loki signs

"It's nice seeing people, they all seem happy" Smiling at Thor she takes out her phone and checks the time. Looking at text messages from Peter she quickly responds.

"Oh my gosh," she hears a high-pitched voice says, putting her phone away she glances up at the girl who looks like they are about to pass out.

"You're him aren't you,"

"Who," Thor says, trying to act confused.

"You're an avenger, oh my gosh can I take a photo," she whispers.

"I think you have the wrong person," Thor says with a worried look.

"No, I know you're Thor and your brother. I saw him on the news at Iron Man's party. He's cute." hearing that Loki almost choked, glancing up at her y/n tried to hold back her laugh.

"Look at that you have fans"

"No comment,"

"You can have a photo, if you don't tell anyone else we were here," Thor says while she quickly pulls out her phone taking the photo when she finally notices the rest of the people at the table.

"Oh my gosh,"

"Well, we did make it this far,"

"I was not expecting people to recognize me,"

"Did you not hear her, your hot,"

"Your Loki," she says in amazement with a hint of fear in her eyes, looking at her Loki stares at her saying nothing.

"Are you the new Avenger," the girl says while looking over to y/n who sat there calmly.

"I am honored you would think so, but no I am Stark's assistant, I am babysitting while he does whatever he does," She signs, the girl looks confused, and Thor quickly translates telling the girl what she said.

"Okay, I should go before other people come. Thank you Thor for the picture," she says while quickly walking away with a smile on her face.

"We should probably go," getting up the group began walking away trying to go unnoticed.

"Where are the bags," she signed stopping in her tracks

"In the car," Loki responds

"How when did you," that's when the realization hit her


"See brother you have fans,"

"She looked terrified of me,"

"That was admiration," she signed while smiling

"She was shaking" Loki signs back

"From nerves, she just met heroes,"

"I don't know how she recognized me,"

"Thor you are wearing human clothes, you didn't even bother to wear a hat or shades, like that would make a difference. I'm surprised no one noticed sooner. Your 6'1 person with hair like Goldilocks and an accent."

"Did you have to say were babysitting us," Thor asked

"Only thing that made sense," turning to walk into a store y/n quickly grabs him by his hood pulling him back and walking forward.

"Not that store," she quickly signed as she let him go

"What is a Victoria secret,"

"It's a secret now stop asking questions,"


Walking out of the mall they meet the team back at the cars.
"How was shopping with Thor," Sam asked walking over to them

"It was interesting,"

"Who else are we waiting on," Natasha asked while looking at everyone there

"Stark and Bruce,"

"Anyone notice you guys,"

"Well, I was walking around with two guys over six foot dressed in black, a little bit of concerning looks, found out Loki has fans though,"

"You're joking," Clint signed with a surprised look on his face.

"The poor girl looked terrified I don't think she liked me," Loki signed with a slightly confused look

"She said you were hot," Thor signs

"People can say a lot of things and not mean it,"

"You know what your right, you're not that hot," y/n signs with a sarcastic look on her face

"Or when I told Steve he was cool," Sam signs

"You don't think I'm cool,"

"Don't worry Steve, I think you're cool... and extremely old," smiling at Steve he gives her a slightly disapproved look

"That was uncalled for,"

"I don't know y/n maybe you should listen to your elders," Natasha says while laughing

"Not you too," Steve signs in defeat

"What did I miss," Tony says while walking up to the group with bags in his hands, walking to one of the cars he places the bags in the trunk.

"Nothing, but you're late," Natasha says while walking toward her car.

"Not that late," Tony argued

"Back to the tower,"

"Yep," Sam says while everyone walks toward their designated car

Riding in the car, y/n watches the scenery, looking at all the Christmas decorations and different Santa's outside ringing a bell as they raise money. The sight of huge candy canes and lights that hung on buildings seemed foreign to her.

"You okay back there," Natasha asked while attempting to keep her eyes on the road.

"Yea, it just seems weird you know,"

"What does," Clint asked while turning back to look at her

"Christmas, I'm not used to it, to me in Hydra it was like any other day of the year. But now it feels different."

"Well let's make sure this is the best Christmas ever," Clint says with a smile.

"All the cliché movie traditions," Natasha adds with a smile.

Getting out of the car, she and Loki grab their bags and make their way to the elevator with the other teammates. As the door opened on their floor, Loki, Y/n, Natasha, and Clint walked off going to their rooms.

Placing the bags on her floor she walks to the closet hiding Loki's gifts in there closing the door behind her.

"Thanks Loki," she says while slumping on her couch.

"No problem," he says. Getting an Idea she quickly gets up and grabs her remote sitting on her bed. Patting the bed beside her she gestures for him to join her. Sitting on the bed beside her he gives her a questioning look.

"What are you doing," he questions,

"We are going to watch the polar express,"

"What's that,"

"A Christmas movie, a classic," she says while pressing play. As the movie began she got comfortable and watched the movie she had seen many times before.

"So he can hear the bell because he believes, but his parents can't," Loki asked as the movie was coming to an end. Nodding her head at him she smiles at him.

"But why would they get on a train in the middle of the night in the first place," Loki asked again.

"To see Santa," she answers in an unsure tone.

"So did you like it," she asked as the credits began to play.

"It was nice,"

"Now you can choose between the Nightmare Before Christmas or Frosty The Snowman,"

"Nightmare Before Christmas sounds interesting,"

"I figured you would say that," she says while pulling up the movie.

As they spent the rest of the day watching Christmas movies together she enjoyed the time with him. Changing into a pair of leggings and a green sweater she sits back on the bed leaning against Loki. As the day turned to night y/n and Loki stayed together watching movies. As her phone vibrated in her pocket she lazily reached for it.

"What is it?" he asked while keeping his eyes on the movie, dropping her phone back on the bed as she looked at the TV screen.

"The team wants us to come to them," pausing the movie he glances down at her as she stays snuggled against him.

"I don't want to move," she says quietly.

"I could always teleport us," glancing up at him she gave him a queasy look.

"I would rather not puke," she says while sitting up. Walking to the elevator they wait for the doors to reopen, walking into the room she takes a big whiff of the air.

"What's that smell," she said as she walked into the room that had Christmas music playing softly in the background.

"Cookies," Steve says

"Oh wow, it looks like an elf threw up in here," she says with a smile on her face. Walking over to the couch she watches Tony, Bruce and Thor struggle to put lights on the tree.

"We told you, all the cliches," Natasha says while handing both y/n and Loki a mug of brown liquid that had marshmallows and a candy cane sticking out the side of the mug.

"It's Hot chocolate, I promise it won't kill you," she says to Loki as he skeptically takes a sip of it, walking away she goes to join Steve, Clint, and Sam in the kitchen with her mug.

Using her powers she carefully blows on it making it slightly cooler for her to drink, drinking it with a smile she watches Loki blow on the hot liquid and occasionally burn his tongue on it. Blowing on his cup she cools it down for him,

"I can't feel my tongue," he says sadly

"You burnt your tongue,' she says, failing to hold back her laugh.

"Tony you won't be able to reach it,"

"Yes I can Point break," Tony says while holding the lights and standing on his tiptoes.

"Don't call me point break, and just let me help," Ignoring him Tony continues to struggle. Using her powers she carefully wraps the rest of the tree in the lights from Tony's hands. Turning back to look at her he smiles.

"I said I had it," taking a sip of her drink she looks around attempting to look clueless although her eyes that still glowing gave her away.

"Come place the first ornament on the tree," taking her drink she stands up grabbing a snowflake ornament out of Tony's hand. Placing it on the tree she smiles.

"Cookies are ready," Steve says while pulling them out of the oven, turning around and jumping over the couch running towards the kitchen.

"Stop jumping on my couch," Tony says while putting ornaments on the tree.

"Why do they look like people,"

"Gingerbread cookies,"

"You psychopath," he says while watching her bite off the head of the little man


"You bite off its tiny head," holding the cookie in his hand he looks at her.

"I thought Loki would be the one to eat the head first," Sam says while holding his cup

"Look if you bite off the head first it will be less painful, like ripping the bandaid off," she says while grabbing another cookie.

"Is she biting all the heads off the cookies," Tony says while grabbing a cookie

"You've done this before," Sam asked

"She likes to bite off the heads of her animal crackers then eat the body's." Clint says while snatching a cookie from the tray.

"How does the way I eat my food matter, and how do you know that," she asked

"Look at least she has the humanity to not let the cookie animals suffer," Loki says, everyone says as he bites half of it.

"Me personally I would eat it whole," Loki says

"Smart, so it's painless altogether," Y/n agrees

"Alright my little beans movies ready," Natasha says to them

"Cool what movie, Sam says while walking over to the couch

"Did you just refer to me as a bean," Y/n says slightly confused while sitting back down in her seat.

"Did you call me little," Loki says while sitting beside her

"We will be watching Home alone," Tony says while pulling up the movie.

As the lights dimmed and everyone took a seat either on the floor wrapped in a blanket or sitting on the couch. Y/n watched the screen as the movie played, she remembered around this time last year she was being experimented on still. She is more than grateful for Shield rescuing her and for Fury who made sure she found a family, despite it begging a family of misfits known as the Avengers.

Word count: 11,557

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