By Hanonymous13

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Ciara's life changes completely when she participates in a contest held by Baltimore, the infamous king of As... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten

Chapter Six

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By Hanonymous13

With the break of dawn, the contestants were summoned to the grand castle hall, where the fourth round of the contest awaited them. The hall buzzed with anticipation, though the crowd appeared slightly smaller than in the previous three rounds.

Taking his place upon the majestic throne was Baltimore. Seated beside him in an ornate armchair was King Johnwick of Chamelor. Their eyes were fixed on Gaius as he made his way towards the leaders of the three remaining teams: Team Lilimar, Team Borra, and Team Ciara. Clasped in his hands were three carefully sealed scrolls.

The team leaders chose their respective scrolls, their hands trembling with anticipation. Baltimore, rising from his throne, took center stage to unveil the challenges that lay ahead for the contestants and their teams in the fourth round.

"In this pivotal stage of the contest," Baltimore's voice resonated throughout the hall, "the three teams shall embark on a journey to the sacred temples inscribed upon these scrolls. Your task is to retrieve a precious coin from each temple, for it is this token that shall grant you passage into the coveted final round. Time is of the essence, as you have three days to accomplish this feat. The hourglass shall be turned in thirty minutes, marking the commencement of your quest."

The room filled with a mix of excitement and determination as the teams absorbed the weight of their mission, their minds already racing with strategies to conquer the challenges that awaited them.

The teams kept the temple they pick to themselves. Ciara had picked The Hidden temple of Asmorphius.

The Hidden Temple of Asmorphius stood in solitude, concealed amidst the dense foliage of Roothallow Forest. Legends spoke of its enigmatic nature, as one ventured deeper into the forest, whispers of dead, forgotten adventurers could be heard, carried by the gentle breeze that danced through the trees.

The temple itself was a marvel of architectural splendor, its weathered stone walls adorned with intricate carvings depicting mystical symbols. Moss-covered steps led to a grand entrance, guarded by stone statues of the temple guardians, Antlions, frozen in eternal vigilance.

They stood there, their gazes fixed on the majestic temple before them. Since their arrival at Roothallow Forest, an air of unease had settled over them, casting a shadow of uncertainty. Prudy, unable to contain her curiosity, broke the silence with a question, her eyes fixated on the peculiar statues adorning the temple's entrance. "What are those things? I mean the statues, what are they?"

"Antlions," Ciara answered, "Those who have woken them from their frozen slumber have met a tragic fate, leaving no survivors to recount their encounters. Or so it says in the book I read."

As the team prepared themselves for the imminent venture into the temple, Warwick voiced his concerns, his brows furrowing with a mixture of caution and a bit of fear. "Should we be aware of any specific warnings before we enter? Like with Hefza or the Sea of Abalor?" His eyes searched for reassurance from Mordecai.

"We will have to face the dangers how they come. Watch your steps so that you do not trigger any booby traps," Ciara said, "We will probably split up eventually so keep your magi-slate working."

The team exchanged glances. Together, they took a collective breath and crossed the threshold into the temple's hallowed halls.

Inside, the temple exuded an ethereal ambiance, with shafts of sunlight filtering through stained glass windows, casting a kaleidoscope of colors upon the ancient floor. The air was heavy with an otherworldly energy, a palpable sense of anticipation that sent shivers down the spine.

Passageways branched off in all directions, winding deeper into the heart of the temple. Each turn revealed hidden chambers, illuminated by flickering torches that danced with a mystical flame. Runes etched into the walls whispered ancient secrets, teasing those who sought the temple's treasures.

After several minutes of careful navigation and exploration, they finally arrived at the innermost chamber of the temple. In the center stood a pedestal adorned with a suspended coin, radiating an ethereal glow.

"I thought this round was going to be difficult, it is by far the easiest," Sage heaved a sigh of relief, "Just a creepy temple and a creepy forest. I'll take the lead and retrieve the coin for our team."

However, Sage's confidence was misplaced, as her movement triggered a concealed mechanism that swiftly separated her from the rest of the group.

Ciara and Sage tumbled into the chamber, their bickering echoing in the enclosed space. "Good job, Sage," Ciara sarcastically remarked, her annoyance evident.

Sage retorted, "At least I took action while you all just stood there gawking at the coin. I did something for the team."

Unbeknownst to them, a voice resonated within the chamber, attempting to interrupt their argument. "Ahem," it called out, yet it went unheard amidst their quarrel.

"Dividing and probably trapping the team, is what you call did something," Ciara snapped.

"Enough, Ci-a-ra. I've had it with your condescension," Sage snapped back.

"Condescension? My condescension? Keep your cool, Ciara. Do not commit murder, Ciara. But if I do, Ill just blame the temple. I mean it has been done before," Ciara muttered under her breath, the frustration building up.

"Ahem!" The voice boomed, finally startling both of them into silence.

With their attention finally captured, the voice introduced itself, and the head of a man in his thirties materialized before them. "Greetings," the head spoke, "I am Asmorphius. You have awakened me from my slumber. And now, you must engage in a game with me."

"What do you mean? And What have you done with my friends, and Buttercup?" Ciara demanded, her voice laced with determination and concern.

"Worry about yourselves, Asmorphius laughed, In this realm of riddles and puzzles, I am the grandmaster, ready to test your intellect and unravel your every move."

Hissing sounds filled the air as snakes slithered out of the holes in the stone walls, their beady eyes fixated on the two intruders. In the center of the chamber, an intricately carved female statue stood, its presence both alluring and mysterious.

Asmorphius' voice echoed through the chamber, taunting them, "Welcome to 'The Serpent's Embrace,' a challenge designed to test your courage and teamwork, good luck with that. Can you escape the clutches of these venomous creatures?"

"As a gesture of fairness, I am supposed to tell you these. I have others to torment, so toodles." Asmorphius declared before vanishing into thin air.

Somewhere in the temple, Prudy and Buttercup found themselves trapped in the same chamber, with Prudy sitting atop Buttercup. It was obvious that, like Ciara and Sage, they too had engaged in an argument that concluded with Prudy sitting on Buttercup.

"Blonde tormenting blonde. Is there some peculiar trend in the outside world where individuals with matching hair colors engage in attempts to eliminate each other? I must admit, I am genuinely intrigued," remarked Asmorphius.

"By Theores hammer, a floating head," exclaimed Prudy. Buttercup chimed in, "Get off of me." Reluctantly, Prudy complied and rose to her feet, still stunned by the sight of the floating head. Together, they stood before Asmorphius.

"I am Asmorphius, the riddling wizard,

Challenging minds, both sharp and blizzard.

To escape this realm, heed my decree,

Solve three riddles, set your spirits free.

In this chamber of secrets, you must delve,

Unravel my riddles, prove yourselves.

Each answer holds the key to your fate,

Think wisely, or forever you'll wait.

The first riddle lies in the ancient past,

A puzzle of history, long cast.

Seek the knowledge that time conceals,

Unlock the truth, and break the seals.

The second riddle tests your perception,

A challenge of sight and deception.

Look beyond what meets the eye,

And the answer shall make you fly.

The final riddle delves into the unknown,

A mystery yet to be shown.

Uncover the secrets of the universe,

And the path to freedom shall immerse.

So, my dear captives, the challenge is set,

Solve these riddles, without regret.

Prove your wit, your cunning, your might,

And escape this realm, into the light." Asmorphius said, and disappeared.

"Did you understand anything he said?" Prudy asked. "I recorded his words," Buttercup answered with a smirk. "I see you have a new magi-slate, I didn't know you were so clever," Prudy cheered.

In another part of the temple, Mordecai and Arc found themselves trapped together. The chamber they were in began to fill with water, urging them to quickly solve the intricate brick puzzle.

The chamber was dimly lit, with water seeping in from hidden crevices in the walls. The air felt heavy with anticipation as they surveyed the large assortment of differently shaped bricks scattered across the chamber walls. Each brick seemed to hold a vital clue to their escape, but unlocking the puzzle's secrets proved to be no easy task.

Mordecai knelt down, examining the bricks with a furrowed brow. He carefully picked up a rectangular brick and studied its pattern, trying to make sense of its significance. Arc, ever the observant companion, scoured the chamber for any hidden mechanisms or clues that could aid them in their endeavor.

"Quite remarkable," Asmorphius remarked, his voice resonating through the chamber. Arc scanned their surroundings, perplexed by the disembodied voice. "Asmorphius," Mordecai informed Arc, recognizing the source of the voice.

Suddenly, Asmorphius materialized before them, his presence both daunting and intriguing. He directed his attention towards Mordecai, acknowledging his aptitude. "It seems you require no instruction on the rules of my game, young lad," Asmorphius stated. "Solve the brick puzzle and escape, or drown in your attempts," he added cryptically before disappearing into thin air.

"Mordecai, may I inquire about something?" Arc queried, his curiosity piqued. Mordecai, engrossed in the intricacies of the puzzle, nodded, indicating his willingness to respond.

Curiosity in his voice, Arc posed his question, showing polite interest. "How is it that you possess such extensive knowledge about these places and their peculiarities?" he asked.

Mordecai paused briefly, considering his response while continuing to manipulate the puzzle pieces, "My father used to take Morgana and me on extended camping trips. We usually ventured to forests, valleys, and any place that exuded an ancient and magical allure. Also, I come from a long line of wizards. But its mostly because I am genuinely fascinated by subjects of this nature," He concluded.

"Right, thank you for answering me nicely." Arc said. Mordecai glanced at Arc, his expression hinting at a playful understanding. "Let me guess," Mordecai quipped, "you posed a somewhat similar question to Morgana, and she threatened to kill you if you expose her for using magic?"

Arc's eyes widened in surprise, amazed by Mordecai's accurate deduction. "Exactly! It's mind-blowing how well you understand," Arc affirmed.

"You know what else would be mind-blowing?" Mordecai asked, prompting Arc to look at him expectantly. "If you help me solve this puzzle and we dont succumb to a watery demise," Mordecai added.

"Absolutely, without a doubt," Arc replied, his determination matching Mordecai's. Together, they focused on the puzzle, their minds united in the shared objective of overcoming the challenge and surviving the encroaching water.

Morgana and Warwick had found themselves sprawled at the entrance of a perplexing labyrinth. While Warwick expressed his frustration at their lack of progress, Morgana remained unperturbed, engrossed in her magi-slate.

"Why aren't we attempting to solve this labyrinth?" Warwick questioned, his impatience evident in his voice. Just then, Asmorphius materialized before them, catching their attention. With an air of nonchalance, Morgana responded, slipping her magi-slate into her pouch, "We were waiting for him."

"Oh, my, my, my, what do we have here? A pair of kin to the ones I recently dealt with," Asmorphius remarked, his voice dripping with amusement.

Morgana, undeterred by the floating head's presence, responded with a touch of sarcasm, "Well, well, well, you must be Asmorphius. Based on my readings, I expected you to appear younger, perhaps in your thirties." Her mocking tone laced her words as she openly challenged the cunning entity.

"What a charming pair you are," Asmorphius retorted, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

As the ceiling ominously started to descend, row by row, Morgana urgently urged Warwick to run. Together, they hurriedly entered the labyrinth, leaving Asmorphius to revel in their predicament. His laughter echoed through the air, a twisted delight in their imminent danger.

"Hmm, I wonder how the black-haired twins are faring," he mused aloud, his presence fading into thin air.

In the confined chamber shared by Ciara and Sage, they found themselves pressed against the wall, their options dwindling. "Ciara, do something," Sage pleaded, a note of desperation in her voice.

Ciara's grip on her weapon tightened as she glanced at Sage. "We have to work together," she said, her voice steady but determined. "We need to find a way to activate that statue and unlock the exit."

Sage nodded, her eyes darting around the chamber, searching for any hidden clues. "Let's focus on the statue. There must be something significant about it."

With her sword in hand, Ciara courageously fended off the encroaching snakes, keeping them at bay as they approached the statue, examining its complex details. Symbols and engravings adorned its surface, hinting at a hidden mechanism. Ciara reached out, her fingers tracing the patterns, searching for any movable parts.

"Look, these symbols match the ones on the walls," Ciara whispered, pointing at a series of markings etched near the snake holes. "Maybe we need to align them somehow."

As they worked together, turning and rotating the statue, a faint clicking sound echoed through the chamber. Suddenly, a hidden compartment within the statue revealed a small lever.

Sage's eyes gleamed with excitement. "It's a lever!"

Without hesitation, Ciara gripped the lever and pulled it downward. A mechanical whirring filled the chamber, and the snakes retreated back into their holes, vanishing as quickly as they had appeared.

A stone doorway, previously obscured, swung open, revealing a path leading to freedom.

"We did it! And just so you know, I still don't like you," Sage remarked.

As the lingering echoes of Asmorphius' voice reverberated through the chamber, a note of reluctant admiration could be detected. "Impressive indeed. You have displayed remarkable resourcefulness and cooperation. I wonder if the others will fare as well. Well, I highly doubt it," Asmorphius's voice trailed off before dissipating completely.

With a sense of urgency, Sage and Ciara swiftly made their exit from the chamber, eager to continue their escape from the clutches of the cunning floating head.

Prudy and Buttercup found themselves partially submerged in sand, left to ponder the riddles posed by Asmorphius. The cunning floating head appeared before them, a mischievous glint in its eyes.

"Oh, how careless of me! I failed to mention that failure to solve my riddles would result in this sandy predicament. Now, I must inquire, do you possess the answers to my riddles three?" Asmorphius queried, his voice laced with a mix of curiosity and amusement.

"The answer to the first riddle, etched in stone, is Time. It holds the key to the past, unlocking unseen doors forevermore," Prudy confidently responded.

"For the second riddle, wisdom's embrace reveals the answer, gracefully veiled. It is Perception, the realm beyond sight, capable of unveiling illusions in the shining light," Buttercup eloquently provided.

"And the last riddle, the cosmic decree, discloses the answer, setting it free. It is Infinity, the boundless expanse where mysteries unravel in a cosmic dance," they collectively declared, their voices filled with determination.

Asmorphius, unable to conceal his surprise, begrudgingly acknowledged their correct answers.

The cascading sand ceased its descent, gradually receding back into the walls. As the sand that had once submerged them up to their necks drained away, a hidden doorway revealed itself, beckoning them forward. Overwhelmed with relief and triumph, Prudy and Buttercup embraced in a jubilant hug.

"This doesn't make us friends," Prudy interjected, her voice laced with a hint of stubbornness. With that disclaimer, they proceeded to exit the chamber.

In the chamber occupied by Mordecai and Arc, their attempts at deciphering the puzzle had thus far proven fruitless. Time was running out, and their air supply dwindled with each passing moment. Fueled by a growing sense of urgency, Arc hastened to try their fifteenth combination, unknowingly triggering a chain reaction. The water rushing out from the walls surged with heightened intensity, worsening the dangerous situation they found themselves in.

The rising water level threatened to engulf them entirely, leaving no room for error or hesitation. Mordecai locked eyes with Arc, questioning, "Do you feel an unfamiliar energy surging within you, trying to take control of your mind?"

"No," Arc replied, his voice filled with confusion.

Taking a deep breath, Mordecai dove into the water and made his way to the brick puzzle, now submerged beneath the water's surface. With focused determination, he rearranged the bricks into a peculiar pattern, successfully solving the puzzle.

As the water receded and they gasped for much-needed air, Mordecai spoke with a touch of disappointment, "I thought a life-or-death situation like this would unlock your dormant powers. I guess it would take more than that."

Arc gazed at him, a mix of awe and confusion in his eyes. "Did you know the combination from the start?"

Mordecai gestured toward an obscure pattern etched on the chamber wall. "That, is known as the Enigmatic Nexus. It was the very pattern that consumed Asmorphius's obsession in his mortal days."

"I had a hunch the puzzle's solution would align with that very pattern. We lucked out. Come on, lets find the others," Mordecai added.

Arc was left speechless, his gaze fixed on Mordecai, unsure of how to react. He grappled with conflicting thoughts, contemplating whether to label Mordecai as brilliant for his puzzle-solving prowess, slightly unhinged for risking their lives in the process, or cautiously optimistic for his belief in unlocking hidden powers that Arc wasn't even certain he possessed.

As Morgana and Warwick pressed forward in the labyrinth, their hearts raced with urgency to locate the exit and break free from the encroaching danger. The relentless descent of the ceiling, falling row by row, heightened their sense of impending doom.

With each passing moment, the walls closed in, leaving them with limited time to find a way out. Their breaths grew shallow, matching the quickening rhythm of their footsteps.

"This wont do," Morgana yelled. She closed her eyes and mumbled a spell.

With a powerful surge of energy, Morgana directed her fists toward the walls of the labyrinth that blocked their way. Vibrant tendrils of magic shot forth from her fists, blasting through the solid stone. The walls shattered, creating a series of holes that revealed glimpses of the way out.

With unwavering determination, Morgana surged forward, her agile form weaving through the newly created openings in the labyrinth walls. Her swift steps reverberated through the twisting corridors as she raced towards the elusive exit. Warwick, though struggling to keep up, pushed himself to his limits to stay in pace with her.

They narrowly escaped the crumbling chamber, just as the final remnants of the ceiling collapsed behind them. Gasping for breath, they continued their sprint down the passageway, their hearts pounding in unison. Their adrenaline fueling their desperate pursuit of safety.

Greeted by the warm glow of familiarity, they found back themselves in the heart of the temple, arriving simultaneously with the rest of the team.

Relief washed over the team as they realized that everyone had made it out unscathed. Prudy instinctively wrapped Ciara in a tight embrace, a mixture of gratitude and relief in their eyes. Ciara and Prudy, too, shared an embrace, their tense expressions melting away into smiles of triumph.

As the team stood in the heart of the temple, relishing their triumphant escape, a resonating voice filled the chamber. It was Asmorphius, ever the cunning and sardonic presence.

"Well, well, well," he exclaimed, his tone laced with amusement. "You all have managed to cheat death. Impressive, I must say, for a group of mortals stumbling through my domain."

"But don't get too comfortable," he continued, his voice dripping with mischief. You haven't yet danced with my guardians."

In an instant, they found themselves surrounded by living Antlions, no longer mere statues. Morgana swiftly snatched the coin as the creatures lunged at them.

Their exoskeletons proved impenetrable, their swords useless against the formidable foes. Only Prudy, with her hammer, found advantage, smashing through the Antlions' defenses. She cleared a path for the team, and they fled the temple, each sustaining minor injuries, with the relentless guardians in pursuit.

At last, they managed to shake off the pursuing Antlions and regrouped where they had left their horses, only to discover scattered remains in their place.

Their hearts sank as they surveyed the scene, realizing their means of escape had been reduced to shattered remnants. The loss of their horses added to their exhaustion and frustration, but they knew they couldn't dwell on it for long.

"We need to keep moving." Ciara urged. Arc nodded in agreement, his eyes scanning the surrounding forest with caution. "Ciara is right. We don't want to encounter whatever did this. Let's keep moving."

They trekked for hours, navigating the dense tangle of trees and undergrowth within Roothallow Forest. Time lost its meaning amidst the shadowed canopy, and the distinction between day and night blurred into an indistinguishable darkness.

Eventually, they found themselves back in Askia, worn and weary. Hunger gnawed at their stomachs, dirt clung to their skin, and exhaustion weighed heavily upon their bones. they wasted no time in seeking refuge within the Hampton's home.

Gaius let them inside the quaint two-storey cottage. Hunith, still awake and ever the nurturing soul, prepared a simple meal to appease their hunger.

Sage and Buttercup, despite their noble upbringing, showed no disdain for the humble commoner's food. They were too exhausted to fuss over such matters. Ciara and Prudy kindly offered them a change of clothes, and without hesitation, they embraced the chance to find comfort and rest.

Arcwick and Warwick found themselves outfitted in Mordecai's spare garments, makeshift replacements for their own tattered attire. With limited space, they settled for spending the night in the cozy confines of the living room, seeking a semblance of comfort amidst the unfamiliar surroundings. Mordecai retired to his own room.

In Morgana's room, Ciara, Prudy, Morgana herself, Sage, and Buttercup huddled together, sharing the space and the weariness of their travels. The night embraced them, sleep took hold, wrapping each of them in its gentle embrace.

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