Baratheon Born

By _DreamingInsomniac_

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In which Morganna Baratheon brings peace and prosperity to the seven kingdoms. More



2K 71 4
By _DreamingInsomniac_

Ten || Truth Revealed

Morganna was pulled away from Robb by her father by law, who requested that she and Addam follow him to the dungeons. On the way, Ned Stark whispered the truth Robert revealed to him prior to his death, something that made Morganna's stomach churn.

"Your mother and the Kingslayer." Ned had sighed. "Your father told me you were his only legitimate child. Cersei's other children are also Jaime Lannister's."

"I always had a feeling." Morganna admitted, pausing beside Ned as he picked up a torch. "I can't wait to see how she will try to get out of this one."

Morganna could hear her mother long before she could see her. The former queen was ranting and raving about how she was the one with the true power, and that everyone who went against her would end up dead by morning.

The guard outside of Cersei's cell peeked up when he saw the Hand, the Queen, and Addam approaching.

"Open it." Morganna commanded softly. As Morganna and her two companions stepped into the cell, Cersei glared harshly at her daughter.

"How dare you come see me after you threw me in here!" Cersei screeched angrily.

"I've only come down here to lay out exactly what it is you're being held accountable for." Morganna stated plainly. "First and foremost, you tried to usurp your own daughter for a throne that was never yours to begin with. That alone is reason enough to keep you in a cell. However, I've uncovered a truth that cannot be hidden again."

"You have nothing, child." Cersei scoffed. "Your grandfather will free me from this unjust prison."

"He won't risk the shame." Morganna shook her head. "Tywin Lannister would disown you and his eldest son before he attempted to save you from this."

"Jaime?" Cersei questioned. "What does Jaime have to do with this?"

"He is the true father of Joffrey, Myrcella, and Tommen." Morganna revealed, watching the color drain from Cersei's face. "You both will be publicly tried for incest, the punishment for which being the public hanging of you, your incestuous brother, and your children."

"You wouldn't kill your siblings." Cersei spat desperately.

"I'm not the one who killed them." Morganna claimed. "You are responsible for the fate of your children."

"You can't do this!" Cersei screamed. Morganna ignored her hysterics and looked to the guard outside the cell.

"When Jaime Lannister is apprehended, put him in a cell far away from Cersei." Morganna commanded, wincing as Cersei started screaming again. "And if she won't shut up, put a muzzle on her."


When Robb learned what his father told Morganna, he sat down with his wife and helped her talk through her feelings. He supported her decision for pursuing justice, and promised to be on her side throughout the future proceedings.

Two days after arresting Cersei, Morganna met with Tyrion to discuss the financial stability of her kingdom. He showed her the bleak numbers, and asked if she had a plan to make even a dent in the debt.

"Write to Tywin." Morganna told Tyrion's squire, Poddick. "Invite him to the castle, sign it from both Tyrion and I. He's likely heard the news of Cersei's arrest, and will be on his way anyway."

Tyrion furrowed his brow at her command, but made no move to question her. He knew that his niece had been silently learning how to play the game of thrones for years, and trusted her and her decisions.

"We will wait for his arrival before we discuss any further." Morganna decided.

Two days after her meeting with Tyrion, Tywin Lannister stepped into the throne room. Morganna was sitting on the Iron Throne, perfect posture making her appear regal as ever. Beside her, in a smaller throne, was Robb Stark holding her hand with a soft smile. Behind them stood Morganna's guard Addam, as well as the northern wards from Winterfell.

Tywin, remembering his manners, approached his granddaughter before bowing lowly. His long Lannister red cloak dragged behind him as he stood up, and Morganna could see the dangerous look in his eyes.

"You requested my presence, your Grace?" Tywin questioned.

"I did. How were your travels, grandfather?" Morganna asked, giving the old lion a perfect poker face.

"The ride was smooth, your Grace." Tywin answered stiffly. Morganna nodded at the guards behind Tywin, prompting them to close all doors leading to the throne room. Ned Stark emerged from the small council chambers, standing to Morganna's right as Tywin shifted his weight.

"I'm sure you've heard of your daughter's attempted coup." Morganna stated. "Have you come because of my invitation, or to discuss terms of release?"

Tywin watched Morganna carefully before opening his mouth to answer the stoic queen.

"You'll understand that Cersei was riddled with grief." Tywin began. "She was merely reacting, no thought given to her actions or how they would impact her."

"Seems to be a trend with her." Morganna mused, stopping Tywin's words abruptly. "I called you here as a courtesy, grandfather. I called you here to inform you that your twin children have been in an incestous relationship at least long enough to have Joffrey, Myrcella, and Tommen."

Tywin absorbed the words Morganna spoke, and his resolve slowly started dissipating.

"She's to be tried for her incest, along with Jaime. When they are found guilty, they will be hanged publicly." Morganna continued. "You will have no part in the trial, and there will be no saving them. You are here to make a choice, grandfather."

Tywin watched as the perfect mixture of Cersei and Robert stared unwaveringly down at him, and couldn't help but feel proud of his eldest grandchild. Despite the accusations threatening his family name, he couldn't help but admire the way Morganna was dealing with her mother.

"I plan to fully pardon my brothers and sister. They will be allowed to remain here under their true name of Lannister, and may do so as the heirs to Casterly Rock in Casterly Rock, or as lords and lady here in court. ." Morganna left no room for discussion. "Should you refuse my offer, I will ensure that house Lannister dies with Cersei and Jaime."

"Your offer is most kind, your Grace. I will gladly take in my grandchildren and give them the lessons to rule Casterly Rock." Tywin bowed his head.

"In exchange for my kind offer, you may forgive the debt owed to you by my late father." Morganna decided. "Should you refuse to do so, I will take Casterly Rock from your clutches and gift it to my beloved. Would you like a southern castle, my wolf?"

"The debt is forgiven, your Grace." Tywin folded beneath Morganna's glare. "May I remain a guest in your castle until the trial?"

"You may." Morganna nodded to the guard beside her grandfather. "Show him to his chambers, and watch him carefully. I will not allow any more Lannister's to take advantage of this crown."

"The trial is tomorrow." Robb reminded his wife, running his calloused thumb across her soft knuckles. "Soon, you will be able to achieve all you wish to, my love."

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