Baratheon Born

By _DreamingInsomniac_

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In which Morganna Baratheon brings peace and prosperity to the seven kingdoms. More



4.4K 134 9
By _DreamingInsomniac_

One || The Great, White North

The ride north would take a month. Morganna wished to ride with her father, so her father arranged for Morganna to ride her own horse north instead of in the carriage with her mother and siblings. Her brother, Joffrey, would also ride with them, eager to earn his father's approval.

Morganna had never left King's Landing before their trip north, and she couldn't hide her smile as she took in the sights on the King's Road. She'd learned of the route during her studies, but words on parchment couldn't even compare to the beauty she saw on their way to Winterfell.

Robert didn't let Morganna out of his sight the whole ride, riding beside his daughter instead of ahead of her. On her other side was her guard, Addam Connington, keeping his eye on the princess as they travelled the King's Road.

Addam came from the House Connington, a house from the Stormlands who remained faithful to House Baratheon. He is a third cousin to the current Lord of Griffin's Roost, which put him very far down the line of succession. He didn't want to become a Lord like his cousin, so he requested to join the King's Guard in King's Landing. However, upon arriving in the capital, Robert Baratheon met with him personally.

Robert was relieved when a house loyal to his own had reached out to him around the same time Morganna asked to learn to wield a sword. He agreed to have Addam come to King's Landing to be a member of his guard, and when the boy- who was no older than 15- arrived, Robert entrusted him with the most important task he could think of; protecting Morganna Baratheon.

Addam took his job seriously, knowing how important it was to his king that Morganna be safe and well educated in the art of combat. He planned to be serious whenever he was with Morganna, hoping to come across as intimidating to those who would think to harm the princess. However, he severely underestimated the rumored spell Morganna seemed to put people under. During their very first meeting, under the watchful eye of her doting father, Morganna merely smiled in Addam's direction, and the taller man dropped to a knee and swore to her and her father that he would give his life for hers.

Now, nine years later, Addam and Morganna have formed a friendship that Robert knew they both cherished. Robert could rest easy knowing that should he fail to protect his daughter, Addam would be there to keep her safe. But, that did not stop him from keeping an eye on her anyway.

During the journey north, Joffrey weaseled his way between Morganna and Addam, sparking a conversation with his favorite sister. It irritated both Robert and Addam, but neither voiced their annoyance as Morganna happily obliged her brother. They knew Morganna loved her siblings, but their focus was on Morganna, not anyone else.


As they neared Winterfell, Morganna smiled excitedly. Those who lived in or near Winterfell lined the road, finding themselves absolutely enamored with Morganna Baratheon's smile. They'd heard rumors of her beauty, but word of mouth did not do the princess justice. She may have come from the south, but they knew that by all standards, Morganna Baratheon's beauty was unparalleled.

Proudly, Robert watched the people fawn over his daughter. He knew she deserved every bit of praise she would receive, as she was beautiful both inside and out. As they drew nearer to Winterfell, Morganna's smile widened, and Robert's heart swelled with adoration for his daughter.

Once their bannermen reached the gates of Winterfell, Joffrey rode ahead with his own guard, Sandor Clegane. Morganna stayed between her father and Addam, smiling broadly at the beautiful castle they would be staying in during their visit. Once her father came into view, the courtyard full of people dropped to a knee, bowing to their king as he rode into their home.

Robert dismounted his horse, stomping over to his best friend and his family, gesturing for them all to rise. Ned Stark rose first, meeting the familiar eyes of his best friend.

"Your Grace." Ned greeted formally. A moment of silence passed between the friends before Robert spoke.

"You've got fat." The king commented. Another moment of silence passed, this time slightly more tense. Ned Stark glanced down at Robert's belly before looking back into his best friend's eyes. The pair started laughing before Robert pulled Ned into a hug. He turned away from Ned and headed back to his horse, stunning the courtyard as he offered a hand up to the girl sitting on the horse beside his.

The guard beside her dismounted quickly, standing beside Morganna's horse and holding the reins steady as the princess dismounted gracefully. She gripped onto her father's hand as she felt the heel of her riding boots sink into the moist ground, giving it a squeeze once she was steady.

Robert turned, proudly leading his daughter over to the Stark family, her guard following closely behind. He dropped her hand and pulled the red haired woman beside Ned into a hug.

"Cat!" He greeted cheerfully, patting the youngest boy on the head. He turned his attention back to Ned, standing beside Morganna happily. "Nine years- why haven't I seen you? Where the hell have you been?"

"Guarding the North for you, Your Grace." Ned Stark smiled. "Winterfell is yours."

"Where's the Imp?" The youngest girl asked, prompting Morganna to giggle softly before remembering her manners and covering her mouth.

"Will you shut up?" The tall girl beside her snapped. Robb Stark would have chastised his sisters had he been paying attention to them instead of the beauty standing before him. His eyes widened at the sound of her soft laugh, and he was forced to focus elsewhere as the king stood before him.

"Who have we here?" Robert asked, eyeing the boy who seemed interested in his daughter. "You must be Robb."

The king shook the boy's hand, giving him a stern look before moving down the line.

"My, you're a pretty one." Robert complimented the red haired girl. "Your name is?"

"Arya." The small girl replied, shifting as Robert nodded. He looked down at the last boy and nodded once more. "Oh, show us your muscles. You'll be a soldier."

Robert returned to Morganna's side, picking up her hand once more before gently pulling her forward.

"This is my daughter, Morganna." Robert proudly showed off his daughter, grinning widely as she smiled excitedly up at Ned Stark.

"Princess." Ned greeted, bowing his head.

"It's a pleasure to finally meet you, Lord Stark." Morganna replied gracefully, taking in the features of her father's best friend. "Thank you for welcoming us into your home."

Ned Stark was stunned at the words that fell from the princess's mouth. It was his duty to open his doors for his king, and he'd never been thanked for it before. Robert smirked at his best friend as Morganna smiled at the Stark children.

"It's no trouble, princess." Ned Stark struggled to find the right words to say, only slightly grateful when Cersei swept across the courtyard and held out her hand. Ned kissed her outstretched hand and bowed his head. "My Queen."

"My Queen." Catelyn Stark bowed as well. Cersei smiled politely at the pair, pulling her hand away from Ned's as Robert leaned down to Morganna.

"Will you be alright if I step away for a moment?" Robert asked, not wanting to leave his daughter alone.

"Of course, father." Morganna grinned happily. Robert smiled fondly down at his daughter before he looked at Ned once again.

"Take me to your crypt." Robert demanded. "I want to pay my respects."

"We've been riding for a month, my love." Cersei intervened, unable to hide her distaste for the woman buried in the crypt. "Surely, the dead can wait."

"Ned." Robert nodded, turning and heading for the crypt. After a moment, Ned followed after Robert, leaving Cersei and Morganna standing before the Stark family.

"Where's the Imp?" Arya asked again, prompting Cersei to turn and request that Jaime find Tyrion. Morganna looked past the Stark family at the castle, enjoying the sight of something new.

"Pardon me," Morganna excused her behavior, smiling apologetically at Catelyn. "This is the first time I've left the capital, and your home is quite beautiful."

Catelyn looked in awe at the princess, unsure of how someone from the capital could find her home beautiful.

"Robb," Catelyn turned and looked at her eldest son. He and Morganna were born in the same year, making them the same age. "Would you show Princess Morganna around the castle?"

Robb agreed swiftly, eager to spend time with the Baratheon beauty before him.

"Oh, I wouldn't want to be a bother." Morganna shook her head. "I'm sure you have much to do aside from giving me a tour of your home."

"It would be an honor to show you around, princess." Robb spoke, stepping out of line. He didn't miss the way the guard at her side tensed as he approached, nor the way Cersei stared at him in slight disgust.

"If you're sure." Morganna grinned, wrapping her arm around his awaiting one. "Come along, Addam."

Robb silently led her out of the courtyard, waiting until they were further inside the castle before he started pointing things out to her and telling her what they were. Morganna hung onto his every word, happily wandering the grounds with Robb.

"What's through there?" Morganna asked, looking toward an archway in the stone wall.

"Through there is the Godswood, princess." Robb told her. "It's where we pray to the Old Gods, and where we have our wedding ceremonies."

"May I see it?" Morganna asked, pausing mid-step to look up at Robb.

"Of course, princess." Robb nodded swiftly, heading into the Godswood. Morganna's arm slid out of his as she looked upon the weirwood tree in awe. Robb watched the princess approach the tree, looking up at it's red leaves.

"It's beautiful." Morganna murmured, looking at the face in the trunk. She knelt before the tree, admiring its beauty as Addam stepped beside Robb. She shivered slightly as her knees sank into the snow, and Addam tore the cloak from his back and rushed forward, wrapping the garment around Morganna's shoulders. "Thank you, Addam."

He gently helped the princess to her feet and followed behind her once again as she wrapped her arm around Robb's.

"Thank you for showing me around, my Lord." Morganna smiled. "I've heard plenty of stories about your home, and I'm pleased to have seen it for myself."

"I'm glad you enjoyed yourself, princess." Robb grinned. He was about to speak again when Morganna's little brother and sister came running from the castle.

"Morganna!" The golden haired girl whined, clutching onto her sister's skirts. "Tommen stole my doll!"

Robb watched as Morganna placed a hand on her younger sister's head, furrowing his brow as she laughed instead of getting annoyed.

"My dear Myrcella," Morganna's voice was soft as she stroked her hair. "Tommen, please return Myrcella's doll."

"But, Morganna!" The golden haired boy whined. "She started it."

"Tommen." Morganna laughed, reaching forward and tugging the boy into her other side. "It isn't very nice to take things that don't belong to you. Come, we can go prepare for tonight's feast in my chambers. I'll braid your hair, Myrcella, and read to you, Tommen."

"You mean it?" Tommen asked, gripping onto his sister's cloak.

"Of course, my little lion." Morganna reached over and tapped his nose. "Come now, it's quite cold out here."

And with that, the three Baratheon children headed for the castle, followed closely by Morganna's guard, leaving Robb alone once more. He watched in awe as she led her siblings away, laughing with them and sharing her cloak for warmth. It was quite a bit different than when Arya and Sansa interacted, and it made Robb want to learn more about the Baratheon beauty.


The feast was underway, with Robert drinking merrily and Cersei watching in distaste as he kissed women that weren't her. Morganna wasn't accustomed to the noisiness of the northerners, and opted to go for a stroll outside in order to take a break from it. Addam followed dutifully behind the princess, making sure she would be safe outside the dining hall.

Morganna wrapped her cloak tighter around herself as a breeze blew past her. She was ready to turn around and head right back into the dining hall when she heard the sound of a sword hitting a training dummy. She followed the sound, finding a man with dark curly hair taking out his frustrations on the poor straw man. With a small smile, Morganna leaned against a post and spoke.

"I think you've killed him, my Lord." Morganna startled the man, who dropped his sword at the sound of her sweet voice. Jon Snow turned and looked at the Baratheon beauty, eyes wide as he registered the title she called him by.

"I'm no Lord, princess." Jon Snow shook his head.

"No?" Morganna hummed. "What shall I call you then?"

"I'm Jon Snow, princess." He answered, bowing his head.

"Snow?" Morganna furrowed her brow. "That would make you Lord Stark's bastard, right?"

Jon tried not to let her words offend him, but he couldn't help the sneer from passing over his features.

"Forgive me, that was rather blunt of me to say." Morganna apologized. "Why aren't you enjoying the feast, Jon Snow?"

"Seems impolite to seat a bastard with the royal family." Jon huffed. "At least, that's what Lady Stark claims."

"And, what do you think?" Morganna asked.

"Pardon?" Jon Snow was shocked by the question.

"This is your home, Jon Snow." Morganna smiled softly. "It would be impolite for you not to eat in the dining hall with your own family."

Jon blinked in surprise, scanning the face of the Baratheon princess for any signs that she may be messing with him.

"Would you be so kind as to escort me back inside, Jon Snow?" Morganna asked genuinely. "I'm afraid I'm still not accustomed to the northern climate."

"I'm sorry, princess, but I cannot go inside the dining hall." Jon Snow sighed.

"Trust me, Jon." Morganna wrapped her arm around his. "I would be more offended if you stayed out here swinging your sword at this poor training dummy than if you were to sit beside me in the dining hall."

"What will your father say?" Jon Snow fretted, walking with the princess and her guard to the dining hall.

"Let's ask him." Morganna smiled, pulling Jon Snow into the dining hall. The music stopped, and the raucous crowd went silent as the Stark bastard entered the hall with the princess. Catelyn Stark looked absolutely infuriated at the sight of him within the hall, knowing she'd told him to stay far away from the royal family.

"What happened?" Robert questioned, looking around the crowd. "Why have you all gone quiet?"

"The princess is with the bastard." A man muttered to the king. Robert turned and looked at his daughter, who was standing beside the bastard of his best friend.

"Father, may Jon Snow join me for the feast?" Morganna asked boldly, insulting Catelyn slightly at the request. "It's cold outside, and I know he must be hungry."

"Of course he can!" Robert nodded happily. "Anything for you, my darling. Sit and eat, Jon Snow. Enjoy yourself."

Jon Snow looked between the king and the princess, mildly confused by the invitation. He didn't want to go against Lady Stark's wishes, but how could he refuse the king. Robert turned and gestured for the music to begin again, and the conversations that halted were continued.

"Come, Jon Snow." Morganna smiled brightly, leading Jon Snow to the table that seated both the Baratheon and the Stark houses. She took her seat beside Joffrey, gently tugging Jon into the seat beside hers. "Tell me, what is the first thing I should eat? I haven't had anything here before."

Jon Snow couldn't help but watch in awe as Morganna engaged him in conversation as though he were everybody else. No one had treated him as an equal aside from Robb and Arya, and it was certainly unexpected from a member of the royal family. When Robb returned from escorting Arya up to her room, he didn't even bat an eye in Jon's direction. He sat down beside his half brother and engaged both him and the princess in conversation, happy that Jon was able to join in on the festivities, and that he was getting along with the princess.

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