(OLD VERSION) The marked warr...

By Bergo_Jv

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As a young man you were blessed with the power of an ancient god. Now you must battle to bring hope back to t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 1.5 (short chapter)
Chapter 2.5
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 4.5 (short chapter)
Quick question
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 6.5
Chapter 7(short chapter)
Chapter 7.5(Short chapter)
Chapter 8 (Short chapter)
Small chat
We need to talk

Chapter 2

437 3 0
By Bergo_Jv

Y/n pov

Y/n:Where...where am I?

*I open my eyes and see that I am on some kind of battlefield. There are many men being brutally killed.*


*Suddenly I see a man with a giant hammer. I try to run but I can't. I kneel down. I get down on my knees.*


*Suddenly I feel myself saying something*



*I see a red light and I see two creatures holding the blades I use.*

Y/n: W-WHAT?

*The chains of the blades stick to my forearms and begin to burn my forearms - the same pain I felt when I found the blades.*



*I wake up*

Y/n:AHHHHHHH! *pant pant pant pant pant*...oh god...

*I get up slowly and look at the ground where my blades are.*

Y/n:This... is your story..where you came from? What are you... *sigh* shit! I have class.

*I get up. I take a shower, brush my teeth, and eat a simple chocolate bar. I run to class. I see in front of me the blades. They were on fire but not burning my room.*

Y/n:Whata? Ugh *i grab the blades and put them in another place. When i turn around i see the blades in front of me. It scares me and I fall back*

Y/n:WOAH! UGH NOW NO! *I pick up the blades and throw them into the wardrobe. I leave my room and go into the living room when I trip over something and fall to the floor*

Y/n:Ouch! EH?

*I see the blades again.*


*Some students look at me with confused and strange looks.*

Y/n:Uhh...i...fuck it *I take the blades and equip them.* Looks like you're not going to leave me alone anyway. *I walk to class.*

*as I enter the room the students stare at me. I guess that's what happens when you're new.*

Ruby: Y/N!

Y/n:Oh hi ruby.

*Ruby runs towards me. *

Ruby: Looks like we're in the same class *giggles*

Y/n:*Chuckles* Of course.

Ruby: Come on. You can sit with Weiss and me.

Y/n: Oh for real? Thanks.

*I sit between ruby and weiss.*

Weiss: Oh hello Y/n. Good morning.

Y/n: Good morning Weiss.

Ruby:Uhh y/n...you didn't need to bring your blades...it's just theory class.

Y/n:Uhh i uhh...it's just...the blades keep chasing me and not wanting to leave me so it's...kind of part of me? *I chuckle nervously*

Ruby:....*giggles* Good one. I think it's cool that you feel your weapons are part of you. Wait till you see mine.

Y/n(mind):She didn't believe it...ok that's good.

Weiss:Ahem ruby the y/n needs to focus.

Ruby: But class hasn't even started.

Weiss: But you keep bothering him!

Ruby: Oh please! You're the one bothering us.

Y/N: uhhh...this is going to be a long day...


Oobleck:Yes! Yes, before the Faunal Rights Revolution, more popularly known as the Faunal War BLAH BLAH BLAH

Y/n(mind):Oh man...I don't need to know what I already know...my mother taught me all about humans and faunus...hmm.

Oobleck:Have any among you been subjugated or discriminated because of your Faunus heritage?

*I see the girl I defended that day slowly raise her hand.*


Oobleck:Dreadful,simply dreadful! Remember,students,it is precisely this kind of ignorance that breeds violence! *sips drink*

Y/n(mind):Ah I know that very well...and look who's here.

*I see the same guy I almost confronted that day. I think his name is Cardin. I stare at him with a cold stare. Suddenly he seems to notice and looks at me with a look of anger.*

Y/n(mind):Believe me, I really want to break those teeth of yours.

Weiss: Excuse me John...your blades.

Y/n: What?

Weiss: They are glowing...


*I see that the blades are glowing like they're on fire.*

Y/n(mind): Shit! I have to control myself. Go away fire go go go

Weiss: Y/n. *She puts her hand on my hand* Are you okay?

Y/n:*I blush a little* Y-yeah i fine.

*Weiss notices what she's done and blushes a little too*

Oobleck: Young man, is everything all right?


Oobleck:It's not necessary to use weapons in theory classes, especially when you don't have control over them.

Y/n(mind):Shit, did everybody notice?

*I see some looks and whispers about me*

Random student1: Isn't that the guy who almost fought with Cardin?

Random student2: Why did he bring this things here?

Random student3: You two shut up or he will hear.

Oobleck: Young man...

*The blades stop glowing*

Y/n:Uhh everything is under control...hehe...heh...heh...

Oobleck:Right....Now,which one of you young scholars can tell me blah blah


*i see Oobleck asking some question to Cardin and another dude*

Oobleck:Very funny mr Arc. Cardin! Perhaps you would care to share your thought on the subject!

Cardin:Well,i know it's a lot easier to train an animal than a soldier.

Y/n:*In scout voice* You suck!

Cardin:Hey who said that?

Pyrrha:You're not the most open-minded of individuals,are you, Cardin?

Cardin:What? You got a problem?

Pyrrha:No, i have the answer!

Y/n(mind):man i so...tired...

*i slowy close my eyes and sleep*


Weiss:Wake up...wake up!

Ruby: Y/n? *poke y/n cheeks*

Y/n: Eh?

Weiss:Class is over.

Y/n:Finally! Time for bed! Again... *I get up*

*I start to leave the room.*

Y/n:Bye have a great day.

Weiss: Y/n wait!


Weiss: What was that?

Y/n:What was what?

Ruby: Your blades shining and all...

Y/n:Uhh i uhh...

Ruby: Y/n...when you said your blades were chasing you...you weren't serious, were you?

Y/n:Well uhh...

Ruby:Y/n is everything ok? what's wrong with the blades? Everyone saw that this was not something normal.

Y/n: Look I'm fine. I'm going to sleep now ok? Good night

*No one pov*

*Y/n walks away*

*Yang and blake approach weiss and ruby*

Yang: So...

Ruby:Yeah I know...

Weiss:I don't understand...there's something different about him.

Blake: Indeed.

Yang: Yeah, every day I seem to get more interested.

Ruby: I don't know what he is...but I will find out.

Yang: I think you want more than that~

Ruby: YANG!

Blake: *she smiles a little*

Back to y/n pov

Y/n:Shit shit shit shit! What am I going to tell everybody?

Ozpin:Say what sir Y/n?


Ozpin: Forgive me. I seem to have frightened you. The teacher told me what happened in class...there is no need to bring blades to a class....

Y/n:It wasn't my fault - I mean it was my fault!

Ozpin:Y/n....clarly there seems to be something wrong with you.

Y/n:Mister ozpin I am very well. Really!

Ozpin:...hmm...you know you can tell me your problems right? I'm here to help you.


Ozpin: I can't force you but when you feel more comfortable, talk to me.

Y/n:Right ....what do you know about ancient weapons?

Ozpin:I no expert but I do know a thing or two about ancient arms. What exactly would you like to know about them?

Y/n:well...do you think in the beacon there a place where i can search about ancient weapons?

Ozpin:Well, we have a library on campus that is open to all students, and there you can find quite a few old texts on the subject. If you get a chance, I would also ask Professor Goodwitch. She has a personal collection of grimoires from all over the world, and she should be able to give you some tips on where you can find some more.

Y/n:I see...i should be going. Cya. *walk away*

Ozpin:Bye mister Y/n...


*I was walking through the campus. I decide to sit and watch the night.*

Pyrrha: Thinking too much?


Pyrrha:*chuckles* Sorry. It was rude of me. I just saw you here and decided to keep you company.

Y/n:Oh thanks...I y/n.

Pyrrha: I'm Pyrrha. That thing you did...confronting Cardin...was very brave of you. Finally someone with the courage to stand up to him has come along.

Y/n:Oh uhh thanks...

*There is a brief silence for a moment...I feel the cold wind hit my face.... it's relaxing.*

Pyrrha: You don't have a team, do you?

Y/n:Oh...no. Wait, how do you know?

Pyrrha: Ruby.


Pyrrha: She talked about you with such excitement...you should see it.

Y/n:*blush a little* hmm...

Pyrrha:Heh....I honestly don't know how to start this conversation with you....

*I look at the moon for a moment.*

Y/n:No worries mate.

Pyrrha:*chuckles* ...They beautiful you know...the blades...


Pyrrha: Sorry. I guess you must be tired of so many people commenting on these blades.

Y/n: That's ok, I know how it is.

Pyrrha: They are ancient weapons, aren't they?

Y/n: How do you know?

Pyrhha: The shape and the aesthetics of the weapon. The way it was assembled and clearly normal weapons do not glow or catch fire, as happened today.

Y/n:Heh...you're good, redhead.


Y/n:*get up* Well I think I'll go to sleep...it was nice to meet ya.

Pyrrha:Same. See you later?

Y/n:For sure.

Ok serious talk....probaly the love interesse is ruby. Cause...i dont have another idea so yeah...deal it.

meme time

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