Itty bitty imps

Oleh NottaPossum

19.4K 369 581

Classification AU: Blitzø didn't have a great childhood, he had to grow up really fast and take on a lot of r... Lebih Banyak

1. Blitzø's little secret
2. 💙Fizzarolli's Secret Caregiver 💚
3. ❤️Results ❤️
4. 💚Home away from home 💚
5. ❤️Stuck❤️
6.💚Never enough💚
Chapter 7: ❤️❤️🩹Stoles the caregiver Pt 1
Chapter 8: Solutions Pt 1 💚
Chapter 9: Stolas the caregiver Pt 2
Chapter 10: Solutions Pt 2 💙💚💙💚
Chapter 11: I don't love you.
12. My way home is through you 💚💙💚💙
13: Blitzø the brat: 😈❤️💜❤️💜
14. Comfort items and comfort people 🧸💚❤️💜💙
16: Lost again
17. Two Anxious babies
18. I'll be there
19: Fizzarolli the strong and Blitzø the brave! ❤️🦒🐒🐊💚
20: Birdie the Horse 🐴💛
21 Resolutions💚💙❤️💜
22. We all fall down💔 🏥❤️‍🩹

15. A new Friend and a new Foe

630 17 30
Oleh NottaPossum


Set after Exes and oh's.

Moxxie is acting weird,

Blitzø is feeling weird about the events that took place in greed,

And Stolas converses with another caregiver.


TW: mentions sex, fear of love and commitment, cursing, guilt, lmk if I should add.

~~~Blitzø: Months later~~~

Moxxie has been off these last couple of weeks; Ever since they got back from greed, he's been off his game, making amateur mistakes and seeming rather spacey.

Blitzø can sorta understand why.
He couldn't really understand Moxxie's issues regarding his mob boss father specifically, but he did understand having a complicated relationship with the person you were forced to trust while you were just a dumb kid.

Today Moxxie almost hurt himself on a mission, he was really off focus, forgetting to reload, his hands were shaky, (knees weak, arms are heavy.) he wasn't answering when Blitzø and Millie were trying to talk to warn him about oncoming danger.

Sure, it was annoying. But Blitzø had bigger issues and didn't have the energy to be bothered with Moxxie.

Millie however insisted Moxxie take a break from work for a week or two so he can quote 'Decompress from all that trauma.' She even suggested he see a therapist.

"I'm okay." Moxxie swore a million times. "I just need a little time to get back into the swing of things. I promise, this won't happen again."

"Moxxie, it's okay if you need a break." Millie reassures. "No one will look down on you for it."

Moxxie was quietly thinking about it when Loona decided to chime in: "I look down on you all the time, so nothing will change there."

Weirdly enough, that sounded know, for Loona.

Millie didn't see it that way, and glared at the hellhound before turning back to her husband.

Moxxie anxiously loosened his bow tie. "Uhm, I think, you know, I'd rather not talk about this right now. I swear things will go back to normal as long as we don't dwell on what happened." Moxxie says.

Millie sighs. "Moxxie, I don't think that-"

"Please, Millie?" Moxxie asks.

Millie sighs. "Well, if that's what you want..."

"It is." Moxxie smiles, kissing Millie's hand. "Thanks for understanding, I love you."

She smiles back, rather forced. "I love you too."

Blitzø walked into his office, he really didn't care if Moxxie took time off or not. If he needed the time, he and Millie could do this job easily without him...

And that's why- not because he cared about Moxxie's wellbeing. He was definitely not worried about him.

What was Moxxie's problem anyway? Why was he refusing to take some time off? Not wanting to be alone? Worried about what Blitzø would think?

Then he thought...

Was it possible that Moxxie also cheated on the test and lied about it? Not that anyone could blame him; Imagine having to be in the Mafia as a little.

But if he is a little, would he lie to Millie about it? That just didn't seem like him...

At least he hoped so.

If those two can't be honest and work things out, what chance did he have?

He then started to think about Chaz...


He and Stolas are NOT dating!

He should not feel bad about that!

He had a once in a lifetime opportunity, who wouldn't want to fuck the guy who fucked both Moxxie and Millie?!

Not that he enjoyed it, it was a fucking waste of time!

But after they got back, it just felt weird...almost like...he betrayed Stolas in a way.

And he's not feeling this way because he's worried Stolas will hate him for it and then leave him.

Well, he was sorta always worried about that. He expected that.

But, He's mostly worried...that he's worried at all. He has never cared least, not like this!

Were they getting too serious? Did Blitzø actually-

No! He refused to think about it too much, if he thought about it, he's sure to panic and push Stolas away in result. And he really doesn't want to do that right now.

Oh shit...

What was happening to him?

~~~ Stolas ~~~

Stolas finally found some free time to get the other little gear for Blitzø. He had hoped to do this a long time ago but unfortunately he became pretty busy.

He didn't mean to put it off last minute, but since Blitzø was coming over this weekend, he figured it important to do this now before he yet again forgot or was too busy to do it.

Stolas walked through the isles; buying for Blitzy was rather simple, anything horse themed or sparkly was sure to peak his interest. He's drawn to shiny things or anything that jingles. (One time he found his older self's keys and they couldn't find them for hours. Blitzø stayed there for four hours trying to find them...they were inside a random vase, it was rather tall too, neither one knew how he got them in there.)

He really was an adorable little gremlin.

He suddenly saw someone in the isle across from him looking through all the car seats. (Legally littles have to use a car seat no matter their headspace or age, most don't follow this law.)

The person kept looking at them, then back at a book they had. Mumbling to themselves in frustration.

Stolas really should stay out of it, but he felt he might be helpful, he knew a thing or two about this, (probably only a thing or two.) So he approached the person. "Do you need a hand?" Stolas offers.

The figure looks at him confused. "Stolas?"

"Oh...Asmodeus, my apologies, I didn't see you there." Stolas says, taken aback a little as his face reddens from embarrassment.

"Think nothing of it, I'm actually relieved to see a familiar face here, at least one I don't despise." Asmodeus mumbles that last part. "I didn't realize you had a little." He says, a smile making its way to his face.

Stolas laughs awkwardly. "I don't- actually. I was just getting some things to donate... but, I don't actually... uh." Stolas rubs the back of his neck, feeling intimidated by the overlord.

The rooster looked at the stuff Stolas grabbed and chuckled. "Stolas, if you're going to keep your little a secret, you should learn to lie better." He says.

Stolas panics. "No! That's not-"

"It's alright." The overlord reassured. "My little was a secret too. In fact, Let me take these for you." He insists. He takes Stolas's items and placed them in his cart.

"Oh, good." Stolas smiles. "Thank you, Asmodeus. You really don't have to-"

"I know, but after the way Fizz and I treated you at Ozzie's, I'd like to make it up to you." Asmodeus explains.

"Oh, you don't have to do that, I found it rather...humorous." Stolas lies.

"Like I said, learn to lie better." Asmodeus chuckles. "I hate to ask it, but I wonder if maybe you might help me, I'm not exactly new at caregiving, but there's still a lot I don't know."

"I'm new at this myself, but I'll help If I can. What do you need?" Stolas asks.

"Well, I need to know what car seat I need to get my little, but these instructions are so confusing." Asmodeus explains.

"Let me see..." Stolas takes the paper from him, the paper recommended a million different unnecessary brand names. Stolas chuckles. "Honestly, Asmodeus. If I may say, you're overthinking this. The car seat brand and type doesn't really matter, you just need one the right size...May I ask what type of demon is your little?"

"He's an imp." Asmodeus says.

Stolas takes a car seat off the shelf and sets it in the cart. "Problem solved."

"Thank you, Stolas." Asmodeus says, rather surprised that Stolas knew literally anything. "How do you know about this stuff?"

"I'm a classified caregiver, I'm not an expert on...anything. But, I do know a few things." Stolas explains.

"Can I ask you something about my little that I've been struggling with?" Asmodeus asks.

"Of course." Stolas says.

"My little doesn't regress as much as he should, usually he puts it off until the last second. I try to get him to take time off, but if I force him to stay home, he just works at home. I don't know how to help him."

"I see... that is troubling." Stolas agrees. "You know, sometimes it helps to baby him even while he's not in headspace; it could help." Stolas explains. "Setting a specific time for regression is also a good idea, it took me a while to get b- my little to agree to it, but once h-they did it was a lot easier for him- uh, them to regress when they actually needed to." Stolas explains.

"And what if he doesn't agree to the schedule idea?" Asmodeus asks.

"Like any other relationship, it takes compromise and patience." Stolas explains. "Did they not give you advice about this at the adoption agency?" Stolas asks.

Asmodeus shrugs, grabbing a book from his pocket. "They did give me this booklet in case I got lost." He says. "But, if anything it confused me more."

Stolas took the small book from him and looked it over. "This is marvelous. Would you mind if I borrow this sometime?" Stolas asks. "I have a guide on caregiving, but that booklet doesn't have nearly as much information on littles as this does."


"Yes, it's more generalized, and it focuses on kids in general, only a small section was specific to littles." Stolas explains.

"Oh. Well, actually," Asmodeus points to a black square behind the book. "You can scan this and get a digital copy of the book if you'd like."

Stolas does just that, scanning it with his phone. "Thank you, I appreciate it."

"No problem, thank you for the advice." Asmodeus says.

"Anytime." Stolas says.

"Perhaps we can meet up sometime and discuss these things further?" Asmodeus asks.

"Really? I would love to converse with another caregiver." Stolas says. "It would be nice to exchange stories and advice...I don't really know a lot about imps." He whispered that last part.

"That I think I can relate to." Asmodeus says. "We'll have to meet up. Do you need anything else?"

"Ah, yes. I need to get a couple pacifiers and chew toys." Stolas says.

"Oh, your little is young." Asmodeus says surprised. They walk into the isle Stolas needed. "Mine regresses from 5-8. He's on the older side of the little spectrum but he's absolutely adorable." Asmodeus brags.

Stolas smiles. "Yes, mine is a lot younger. He gets very anxious and I fear may suffer from separation anxiety...we're working on it though." Stolas explains, he picks out two pacifiers and three different types of chew toys. Hopefully this will help the biting issue.

"Sounds adorable." Asmodeus says."My little absolutely hates being alone, I feel like he should interact with other littles but he refuses to join any support or play groups." Asmodeus explains.

"Yes, unfortunately it's rather difficult to make friends as a little." Stolas agrees. "Especially if you don't want others to know about it."

They waited in line to check out.

"Say, maybe we can meet up for a little play date sometime?" Asmodeus suggests. "We can exchange notes and the littles can play together."

Stolas hesitates. "Oh, well. I don't know. If your little is who I think he is, I'm not sure mine will be very keen on the idea."

"Next please." The cashier says.

Asmodeus checked out and he gave Stolas the items for Blitzø.

Once they were outside and no one seemed to be around.

"If your little is who I think he is, you're probably right. But, I believe they have a lot to discuss." Asmodeus says.

Stolas looked at him confused. "Oh? Why is that?" Stolas asks.

"When in headspace, Fizzarolli talks a lot about Blitzo and how much he misses him."

"Seriously?" Stolas asks, surprised to hear that.

"I dont see why that would be such a surprise, they did grow up together." Asmodeus says.

"I didn't know that." Stolas says.

"If we can get them to talk through whatever happened, I think it could benefit them a lot." Asmodeus says. "Fizzarolli and Blitzo could be friends in headspace. Littles need friends after all. Even secret ones, right?"

"It's Blitzø now." Stolas corrects, "Blitzø hates when people pronounce the 'O' in his name."

"Blitzø then." Asmodeus corrects.

The owl took a moment to think about it. "Perhaps, I could ask him."
Stolas started to pull out some money to pay Asmodeus back for the little gear, but the rooster refused to let him pay. "Come now, Asmodeus. I can't allow you to do me a favor without paying you back in someway." Stolas insisted.

"Talk to Blitzø, that's all I request." Asmodeus insisted back.

~~Blitzø and Stolas: The next day~~~

"No." Blitzø answers quickly.

Stolas sighs. He had just told Blitzø about his interaction with Asmodeus, he didn't even have time to ask the question before Blitzø answered. "Don't just say no, Blitzy. Think about it." Stolas requests.

"Okay..." Blitzø sighs, pauses for a moment and rubs his chin, he hums and looks at the ceiling sarcastically. "Still no."

" least you thought about it." Stolas mocks, rolling his eyes.

"Fizzarolli and me have nothing to discuss." Blitzø insisted.

"It's Fizzarolli and I." Stolas corrects.

"You and Fizzarolli?" Blitzø asks.

"No." Stolas sighs, starting again. "Asmodeus says Fizzarolli misses you; we only ask that you two talk it out so that we may move forward."

"Asmodeus said that?" Blitzø asks.


"He also said Stella was smoking hot, should we just believe everything he says?" Blitzø asks.

Stolas sighs. "Please? I really do think it could be beneficial for us."

"Why is it that these few months has just been about you trying to convince me to do stuff?" Blitzø asks.

"I'm trying to help you, Blitzy." Stolas insists. "Wouldn't it be nice to have a little friend?"

"I have little friends, they're called my employees." Blitzø says jokingly.


"Would it change your mind if I mention that Fizz is actually my ex boyfriend?" Blitzø asks.



"Please, Blitzø. I'm only asking you to meet up with him and try to talk things through. If he won't make an effort, or it becomes too much for you, we can just leave." Stolas says.

Blitzø thinks about it... he felt like he kinda owes Stolas for all he has done, and since they're definitely not dating, he kinda did actually. "This would make you happy?" Blitzø asks.

"It would." Stolas confirms.

"Okay, fine. I'll talk to Fizzarolli."

"Really?" Stolas asks, smiling brightly.

"But, can it wait till next week? I already have enough going on this week with Moxxie freaking out and loosing a whole two days of work." Blitzø explains.

"Of course, darling." Stolas says.

"And..." Blitzø awkwardly fidgets with his hands. "Can you just do that thing where you act all caregiver-y until I regress? I really need it this week." He asks, looking away from Stolas, embarrassed that he was even asking.

Stolas smiles and kisses Blitzø's head to hopefully calm his nerves. "Of course, Blitzy. Anything for you."


Hopefully you enjoyed this!

Originally I was going to change Blitzø's storyline in Exes and Oh's where he didn't actually sleep with Chaz...but then I realized it may be more interesting this way.

Hopefully you all agree. Next chapter is going to be...uhm interesting heheh.

Have a good week!

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