One year Four boys


148 8 3

Kates a normal teen girl that had turned 18 in January. She went to school like every other kid. She loved he... More

Chapter |1|
Chapter |3|
Chapter |4|
Chapter |5|

Chapter |2|

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                                Kates  P.O.V:

************************************************ I turned to see who it was, and omg I almost fell down. Michael was standing behind me, a little too close to me.

"Kate?" He looked at me.  "Oh...huh...m..m...Michael! What brings you here!?" I stood up and almost tripped over my sundress. Michael took hold of hand and placed me on the a table. "Relax, I'm only here because Alexander told me to."

Alexander told him to come to me ? Why?

"May I ask why?"  "Because he doesn't want you alone."  Why does he care?. I told Michael to just sit on the couch and I told him not to bother me. I never thought I'd be annoyed by him though. I was reading my comic book when the bell on the entrance of the door rang and guess who walked in. Miles. And don't forget his minions.

"Well well look who's here girls." Miles smirked giving me chills down my spine. "It's baby Kate and her boyfriend Michael, oh right he's not her boyfriend." Jessica laugh sounded just like a witch. Oh I was so done with her!

I swear her daddy would have called the cops on me just because I was doing what he should've done 18 years ago!

Michael took my hand me pulled me closer to his chest. I could feel his heartbeat on my own chest, my heart was beating too as if following the rhythm with his. Suddenly he placed his lips on mine and his hand on my lower back. His lips felt soft and tasted like strawberries.It felt so awkward! But I could feel Jessica glaring at us with jealousy. So guess what I did? Yup I kissed him -hard- and waited till Jessica and her minions left. Miles some how looked hurt .

After Miles and his gang had left, Michael looked at me and his ears went red. I laughed and decided to tease him a little. "Geez that was awesome, never knew my neighbour was such a great kisser." With that I licked my lips and looked at his and back to his eyes. I could see Michael stiffen up and that made me feel even more powerful. "Anytime Kate." He said that and left me in the store. I smiled to myself and decided to head home too.

As usual I took the bus home. I was walking down the alley to the bus station when I suddenly felt like I was being watched. I started walking faster to get out of the alleyway but it was too late..."meow " a little cat was brushing its head on my sundress near my ankle. It looked homeless so I immediately took it and named it -Harmony- because it had a very cute spot on the side of her face that looked like a smiley face.

I took the bus home and I couldn't stop admiring Harmony.

Bzzz bzzz bzzz

My phone started vibrating in my purse, I took it out and placed the little cat on my left arm while I answered the call.
"Hey Kate are you home yet?" It was Nate, surprisingly of course.
"No, why?"
"Oh uh nothing just asking, see you tomorrow then!"

He hanged up leaving me confused. What was that about?

I open the door to my house to find mom and dad and  Jonny watching Alexander doing something on the house computer. I approached them slowly and I could finally see what he was doing! He was just gambling! Tsk are you for real people? GAMBLING!

I rolled my eyes and went to my room. I placed the little cat on my bed while I got changed up in my warm pjs. A blueish-white top and some black trousers and my huge comfy home-shoes. I headed to the kitchen to grab a snack for me and the cat but then I overheard Alexander talking on his phone.

"Yes sir. I got everything covered. I'm sure she'll fall for me ."

Well... my curiosity made me ruin my own life at this point because... i nocked mom's vase to the ground, a piece of broken porcelain went flying to the light, the bulb stoped working and the best of them all I'm screwed.

Alexander looked at me then at the broken vase then at the broken bulb ten a t my mom yeh a back at me . My brother went silently to his room and Alexander to mine. Leaving me to confront my mother . She yelled at me and started saying how that vase meant alit to her and how  the kitchen will be in darkness until I buy a new bulb and how I embarrassed her in front of Alexander. She then gave me the broom and said I had to clean up the mess myself and like that she slammed the door to her room.

"Geez all this for a vase?"

I was almost done cleaning the broken pieces but I accidentally cut my finger with one. I open the kitchen's cupboards to find a simple little plaster but nope even that was not available. I went to the bathroom. Surprisingly the light was on and the door was slightly open so I decided to go in. BIG MISTAKE. Once I entered the bathroom I wished i hadn't. Alexander was busy with his shirt and he was only wearing his boxers on -completely shirtless- .

I swallowed hard and reversed. But he grabbed my arm and pulled me in the bathroom. I had a bad feeling about all this since the day he entered this house ! He let go of arm and asked me what I was doing in there . So I said ... "I just wanted a plaster  from the med-box." Then he said " you got hurt?" Then I carried on searching the bathroom for the box totally ignoring him. He took both my hands , searching for the cut and successfully found it. He then placed my finger under the cold water and sanitised it and put some ointments on the finger before wrapping it up with a plaster. He's touch felt so gentle and sweet yet he had cold hands.

After he was done he and I went to my room and he almost got a heart attack. "!" He jumped behind me pulling my shirt in a way that my boobs was drawn on the shirt and my nipples were actually visible. "Enough! Let go! It's my pet okay!"
"You have a pet ? Out of all pets you chose a cat ?!" He turned me around to face him not even noticing how tight his making my shirt! I swear I was redder than a tomato!

He paused for a minute then realisation hit him that my chest was showing legit ! He then pushed me and I fell on my butt. Oh that jerk !

I ignored him and went to bed , placed my cat purposely on the ground next to him. Then again realisation hits me ! Mom said that he'd have a room by today what was he doing here still then ? I was about to ask when the loudest snore I ever heard played out through the night. It was Alex? Was he that exhausted?

I let him sleep with me for just tonight, I bet he'll move out tomorrow .


My mom shouted my name so loud that the portraits on the wall shook. "Come out that room this instant!" I was still trying to figure out if I was in Jude Bellingham's arms or I was on my bed when my mom stormed in my room with her hair standing up as if she got electrocuted. "I say you got a head there huh you got a head ! How dare you kiss a guy
at your age huh? Why you..!" She grabbed me by the arm and started hitting my head. Thank God dad pulled her away while Alexander pulled me from her. "You you! I'm not done with her let me go !" Mom was moving and shouting like a maniac. So I decided to just head out to school.

I changed my clothes real quick at Michael's house while Alexander waited at the bus stop. When I got the bus stop Alexander looked a bit down . Hurt if I could say. "Hey what's the matter ?" I took his hand and placed my hand on his forehead to check if he had a fever or something. "I'm alright, I'm the one that should be asking that. Are you alright?" I looked at him giving him a genuine smile. "You know I might only know you for three or maybe four days but I can tell when anyone is feeling down." He sighed and looked at me. "You know what ? Let's get some tacos from that stall over there." I can clearly see that he's dodging the question.

After buying the tacos the bus arrived and we were off to school.

As we were passing the security Miles came to us on the other side of the gate. I walk pass him not even giving him one glance. "Trying to avoid me I see." I keep on moving towards the fields leaving Alexander behind. "Just leave her. Are you that desperate for attention that you're even bullying a fellow classmate?" Alexander looked at Miles disgustedly and runs after me. "Wow so he wanna play like that huh?" Miles licked his lips.

I'm putting my books in my locker when Michael comes by. "Sup?" I just know my face is red but I have to keep cool. "Good. Hey say, do you wanna go to the movies this weekend. With Alexander and Nate of course." I know I know that's lame but I at least I asked. He smiled and said that he would be happy to attend. (Yes!) I mean after that kiss I have to do some 'catching up' .

After parting ways with Michael I went to my first class, History. I can assure y'all I don't need to know who sneezed in 1989 at 2 am but here I am .

Jessica and Maya were chatting so loud and obviously about me. "Omg and he kissed her !" Jessica sound worse than a toad chocking . "And that bitch still kissed him back ! Ah" and Maya like pinochio from shrek.

I took a deep breath and just took my books from my desk and started preparing myself mentally for a two period history.

One hour later...

"And that's how America became wealthy. They colonised most African countries and England most countries all over the world." My history and her talks about colonist I really don't know , this is the fifth time she talked about slavery and only one period to go.

I looked at Alexander that sits right next to me , he was sleeping and that's what most of the children in my class do in history periods. Then I look at the back to see what Nate and Michael are doing then I spot Miles staring at me from the left corner. (Oh that idiot!)

I reversed and tried to focus on this 'slavery' topic.

After what seemed like ages the period was finally over and it was recess . I swear even getting food the cafeteria is difficult when you go to a school like mine. Jessica and her minions pushed me and took my spot in the queue. EXCUSE ME?.
I pulled Maya's hair and tripped Jessica making her minions fall too. "Tsk weak." I pushed my hair back and finish getting served up by the kind ladies.

I went my usual spot next to Michael, Nate and Alexander. We were eating and chatting about our upcoming movie night when Miles placed his tray down and sat right next to me. "I think you're at the wrong table."I said coldly. "No I'm sure it's this one ." He replied thinking he's funny that jerk!
I took a deep DEEP BREATH and took a bite of my salad. He smirked and stared mimicking me. Everything I ate he ate, everything I drank he drank. I was this close to ask the cafeteria lady for caviar and see his face after eating that but I figured it will be ungrateful towards them. Argh this jerk !

I am taking my next class's book which is Literature. I closing my locker just to find Jessica standing like satan in front me. "Girl what do you want ?" She pushes me and my back hits the locker. "You how dare you humiliate me and my bestie in front of the whole school !" Agh please for that ? "Well I thought you needed a lesson for pushing me and taking my spot in the queue." I pushed her back too and walk away. Surprisingly she or her minions doesn't follow and I can finally breath. Those chickens!

"As I said writing a poem isn't easy like most of you may claim but writing a poem takes time and lots of effort. So that's why I give you guys two weeks to write a poem with a topic of your own and perform it in the schools auditorium. Everyone understood?" Mrs Peach was just done speaking when the bell rang for the next period. "Kate why do you look so down?" Nate ask with genuine concern in his eyes. "I'm tired I wanna go home already!" I acted like I was having a heart attack but Nate just laughed and called me crazy. Excuse you I wanna go home !

"Pss Kate, is Alexander single?" Someone whispered from behind me. I turned to see Maya. Oh please. "Why don't you ask him yourself ?" "You know I'm a princess and princesses are chased by princes not the other way around!" Omg even Jonny was more mature than this two year old.

After school I was walking to the bus station with Nate , Michael and Alexander. We took different buses and said our goodbyes. "Kate did you kiss Michael?" I chocked on air as Alexander drops this bomb on me. "What ?, I... I mean yeah yeah he did kiss me , but it was only so that Miles and Jessica could leave me alone." I really don't know why I'm scared or even stuttering like this. Dang it!
"So you just kissed him for fun okay." I was about to respond when he pushed against a wall that seemed to magically appear out of nowhere and kissed me very softly. I pushed him and ask him what he was doing. "What so I can't kiss you  but he can ? You know what just forget it" he stormed off leaving me in more than a shock .what's his problem?

As I walked in the house I could smell the wonderful smell of curry and nicely spiced chicken and lovely rice. I went to put my bag down in my room and asked my mom if food was ready. She nodded and I went to serve myself.  As I was eating the chicken it tasted a little funny not like actual chicken though. "Ma what meat is this?" I ask as I take another bite of the bizarre chicken. "Oh it's cat limped there was a lovely looking cat in your room this morning so I decided to cook it for us all. It's is good right?"

I remained silence staring at my plate. (I ATE HARMONY!) I placed the meat back in the pot and just ate the rice with the curry. Can't believe she actually killed my poor cat ! Oh this Latino mother of mine!

Alexander smiled at my shock because he's the only one who knew about Harmony. Jonny ate that cat like it was the end of Wi-Fi tomorrow. Argh !

Ding dong!!

"Coming!" I run to get the door and to my surprise Miles is standing in front of my house ? "Hey Cani come in ?" He looked down at me. "Umm sure...why not." I moved to the side to let him in. "Good afternoon. I'm Miles , Kates future boyfriend!" My mom looked at him and rolled her eyes. "Well you don't believe me?" He said looking from my mom to my dad to Jonathan. "Okay then I'll have to show my love for her then if I must !" Suddenly he walks to me and pulls me from the dining table and into the launch where my parents are sitting and knocks his lips against mine and holds my head. My mom's jaw dropped and she instantly smacked him on his head. "So you're the boy she kissed the other day! Oh you ill make sure to knock some sense into you." She smacks him from his face to his head to his belly to his crouch, poor guy no more babies for him.

After my dad, Johnathan, Alexander and me tried to ease her up she finally let Miles go. He run out my house like a headless chicken! Now that was hilarious! Mom sat down and glared at me hoping for some sort of explanation that I don't even have!

Dad took her out to McDonald's and i know some good old McFlurry always eases her down. Jonathan and Alexander were playing on the PlayStation and I was writing my poem. I tried searching for topics and ideas, brainstormed every thing I had in mind but still can't up with a good idea. "Guess Mrs Peach was right about poetry, it's a headache." I throw the 12th paper ball I've made .

I decided to clear my mind a little so I went outside. The air was so warm and humid outside and so many flowers had bloomed in father's garden. Suddenly I spot Nate coming from up the street and I call out to him. "Hey Nate!" He heard his named being called and turned to me waving is arm and jogging down to meet me. "Hey Kate !" He looked lively like everyday .He gave a small kiss on the cheek and that caught me off guard. "What's that for ?"  I said . "For being a great friend since kindergarten.

After my talk with Nate I went back inside and Alexander was again on his phone . I walked closer to hear what he was saying...



Read the next chapter to find out what Alexander is talking about———>^^

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