Legend (MxM)

By DerreckSanchez

773 119 33

Brayden King isn't looking for love. Having only been in 1 relationship that ended badly. Even years later, t... More

Things You Should Know Before Reading
Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Chapter VI
Chapter VII
Chapter VIII
Chapter IX
Chapter X
Chapter XI
Chapter XII
Chapter XIII
Chapter XIV
Chapter XV
Chapter XVI
Chapter XVII
Chapter XVIII
Chapter XIX
Chapter XX
Chapter XXI
Chapter XXII
Chapter XXIV
Chapter XXV
Chapter XXVI
Chapter XXVII

Chapter XXIII

8 2 0
By DerreckSanchez

Two whole weeks had gone by and I was finally starting to get sexually frustrated. Both Thom and Ryker told me to just give it time. Avery was currently traveling overseas. One of his sisters had just given birth to her 5th child. Avery wasn't the only one out of town. Mason was busy with more mysterious missions. Whatever it was. Which meant Maverick was a little busier than normal.

Maverick and I weren't the only ones on the verge of a fritz. Both Kyra and Lulu were struggling to make time for each other. Kyra rarely had time to leave the city. The school year was coming to an end in a few months. Almost the same could be said about Lulu in the south suburbs. Although her profession was different. I just never got around to ask.

Ryker had to travel out further for jobs. Thom would sometimes bury himself deeper in his work. Which is why I would sometimes slip in the front door and see to it that he was comfortable in bed or the couch. Thom was borderline narcoleptic.

That aside, time with Thom did not change much. As quickly as he could fall asleep, he could just easily wake up. Next thing I knew, we'd order in some pizza and binge watch our favorite shows.

Maverick had stopped by for lunch during my lunch break. Since it got so humid that day, his tie was loose and he carried his blazer over his shoulder. He brought cold cut sandwiches and ice cream.

"My hero." And I started to eat it at the front desk. I also noticed that he wasn't eating. "You didn't eat anything?" Immediately I grabbed the plastic utensils and started the process of splitting my sandwich so he could at least have something.

"My lunch break was an hour ago."

Then I just stared at him.

Maverick drummed his fingers over the front desk, sort of like he didn't know what to say. Before the silence could get too awkward, he finally stopped looking at the floor to look me in the eyes. "Do you wanna go on a date? I mean like an actual date this time."

This stumped me but Maverick was patient. I almost word-vomited all over him because at the moment, my thoughts weren't very coherent. Like why hadn't I thought of that instead of sitting here wondering why he wasn't already trying to bone me. I think I managed a deep breath or two and I could tell Maverick was doing his best to hide that amused smile of his. His eyes gave him away.

"Y-yes." I stammered. "I would very much like that."

Maverick's fingers drummed the surface once more while he cracked a smile. "I've also decided to seek out therapy." The question was the tip of my tongue, but it didn't take long for me to catch out.

"That's good to hear."

"I've got Thom to thank for that. He's the one who suggested it."

"That does not surprise me." I found myself checking him out. I don't know why, but the whole thing with him getting his shit together was kind of a turn on. Did that make me weird? It probably did.

Maverick changed gears though. "Do you wanna know where I plan to take you? Or would you rather it remain a mystery?"

I gave him a knowing look. The kind that said, don't you already know me well enough by now?

"A mystery it is." He said and his smile hardly wavered. I think he was a little nervous. "I'll text you tonight."


"Tonight." He was turning away and headed for the front door. "I've gotta get back to work."

"See you tonight!"


I felt a little under-prepared but I did get what I asked for. Thom had no issue helping figure out what to wear. Apparently, Maverick had already given him a heads up, or Thom was just really good at pretending like he knew what was up. With Thom, it was hard to tell the difference. He set me up with an Armani suit that surprisingly fit me. It was Avery's and with Avery having been a model...

I was also surprised that Thom has not snapped at me yet. I was constantly moving around and fidgeting. Thom was acting like his first born was about to go off to prom. The suit though was slim fit and probably cost a couple of grand. A classic 3 piece suit as Thom called it. It was a dark shade of blue but the lapels were a solid black. I was given a silky sky blue tie to go with. The shoes, I thought about having my own since I did own a pair of Gucci. Thom loved the idea of having the opportunity of playing dress up too much to allow that.

I thought about downsizing. Was Maverick about to take me off to some fancy restaurant? Judging from what I knew about him, and the experiences we've had, that just didn't seem like something he'd go for.

But who knew?

Avery had no problem letting himself in my apartment. If he did not find Thom at theirs, it was likely Thom would be here.

"I thought you were out of town for a while." I said.

Then in strolled Ryker like he owned the place. "Oh you know, we could not miss out on this."

"You've still got poptarts right?" Kyra was right behind him.

"Yeah." But I didn't need to tell her where they were, because she knew where to find them. Which didn't take long because, "You're out of blueberry." Because she took the last one.

Barely a minute later, there was some Ryker and Kyra bickering which led to Thom literally shoving me out the door. I had no problem with this. Kyra and Ryker just had a habit of pushing each other's buttons. Like siblings.

I got down to my car and Maverick had texted me an address. My jaw nearly dropped but at least I knew I was dressed properly for the occasion.

Oriole was a place I had visited only once. That wasn't a very happy memory. Thom's parents had invited him and myself. While everything seemed ok and pleasant on the outside, it was the inside that felt cold. They weren't exactly horrible, it just felt like an unloving marriage. His parents were practically strangers to each other.

But that was a different time and place.

I knew what to expect when I parked and made my way over towards the entrance. You'd start off in an elevator with a cocktail. Then over towards the bar with a very welcoming staff for shellfish drops. With another cocktail. They knew how to booze you up, which meant a loose wallet. It was nice to loosen up there.

Maverick was waiting out front of course and I wondered if he knew what we were in for. Maverick, I think, wore a Dolce and Gabbana suit jacket and pants. It was kind of sparkly otherwise it was solid black. I got a whiff of not cheap cologne. Possibly Armani? Or it was Tom Ford. I couldn't tell. If only Thom were here.

But I did know the name brand of the suit Maverick wore. I had no doubt Mason lent him this. I also remembered going to a fashion show a couple years back when this suit was being showcased. Otherwise, I would not have known.

Maverick also looked a little uncomfortable and out of his element. It wasn't hard to discern he let Mason take too much power over the situation. I figured it would have been shitty of me to tell him that he did not need to wine and dine me this way. So I just smiled and casually approached him.

When I was within arms reach, that was when I was confused about what had to happen next. A kiss or a hug? Maverick made the decision and pulled me in for a hug, which was something I still appreciated. I hugged him back but it was a little awkward because I was afraid of harming his suit somehow. It had to be a couple grand, like mine.

While hugging him, I did notice the red button up he wore beneath the jacket, that wasn't too expensive. I guess he didn't let Mason have full power after all. Which was a fact I planned on keeping to myself.

"Thank you." I said, because it wasn't just polite, I did appreciate him going the extra um, 500 miles for me.

"What else does one do for their first date," he said in what I think was a poor attempt to sound posh. He just released his hold on me, smiled, stepped aside and held out his arm for me. It was silly but still endearing. But also not 100% like him? "Everything ok?"

Something must've shown on my face, which was a thing I had yet to master. Ryker thought it was a hilarious thing about me. I just wished I was good at guarding my thoughts around people as Avery and Thom were.

"Yeah." I said a little quickly. "You do know what you're in for right?"

"Of course." His smile barely wavered. He was trying. I mean really, really trying and I couldn't recall-

"Penny for your thoughts?" I think his smile nearly dropped a wattage or two.

So I said what I was thinking. The truth. "I was just thinking about how no one had ever done this much for me." I took a quick pause to assess his expression. His smile wasn't at its fullest but I could tell he still appreciated my candor. "I can tell Mason had influenced this a lot. Like I am sure you can tell Thom did it for me too. I mean, I guess what I am trying to say here is, our friends must really support us. That's nice isn't it?"

Maverick licked his lips a little while turning his head not quite away and then back at me as he digested what I said. "I guess." But I knew him well enough by now. To most, his answer might not have been very ideal. However, with Maverick, sometimes less was more.

"Come on." I said looping my arm through his. "I've been here only once. I think you'll like it here."

After we went inside, it went exactly as I had remembered. I walked Maverick through what to expect. He was a little wide eyed, I could tell he was completely out of his element. I pretty much was too. Maverick listened to me but he denied the complimentary cocktail in the elevator. We were greeted by a kind woman with short brown hair and we went to the bar. Alex was our bartender. We both had sparkling sake which was non alcoholic.

There were barely too many people around, so it was easier for me to relax. Maverick kept looking around and I let him. They brought us some nibbles, which are really fancy types of sushi. Sushi wasn't totally my thing but I could tell by the excitement in Maverick's eyes, it was gold. I barely understood a thing that was told to us as it was served. It might as well have been a whole other language.

We were later led to a cafe station for another bite. We were right by an open kitchen where we could see all the chefs hard at work. More drinks were served. We were given a Foie Gras. Maverick looked like he had no idea what to do it with. I needed to thank Thom at least 20 more times, for having me exposed to this kind of thing in the past. Our chef's name was Nick. He stuck out from the other chefs because he was tattooed and had gauges in his earlobes.

I showed Maverick that he could eat it with his fingers. He was able to pull that off with confidence.

Finally we were brought to the dining room. Of course we were wine and dined again. By then I could tell by a very minor tick in Maverick's jaw, he was starting to get annoyed. I thanked our waitress and was about to breathe a sigh of relief. Until we were brought a spiny lobster. It came in the weirdest dish I'd ever seen. It was my turn to be confused.

Maverick figured it out first, or least I think he did. Maverick was confident with his spoon and I followed suit. The texture wasn't really my thing but I didn't hate it either. We laughed a little at each other. We were both clearly out of element.

I had to bite back another question though, could he really pay for all this.

Once again, something must have shown on my face. Because Maverick then said, "Do you think we could make that a rule for us?" I looked at him questionably now. "That we don't hold back from each other?"

"Mav, I swear you are the only person I feel like an open book with. Maybe because you just make me that comfortable." Then in typical fashion, I overthought what I said and added, "Not that it's a bad thing. I don't always feel this comfortable with most people. So you'd better take that as a compliment."

"Noted, but?"

He was not going to let it go. I could see it in his probing expression. Now I was slightly uncomfortable but I guess that's all part of personal growth. "Did Mason pay for all this?" I took another spoonful of my lobster for something to do. I also didn't want to leave a drop behind if I could help it.

I knew what I was saying could very easily be offensive but judging from the look on Mavericks face, it wasn't. "Partially." I figured that was the best answer I was going to get. His lips were a little tight, but he wasn't offended.

I just had to ask, "Please don't take any offense. I mean you're not right? I need to know or this is literally going to drive me insane."

He shook his head. "No, you may already know this, but I do value honesty. Highly so."

"I figured, but for me it's communication. Which is pretty close to the same thing?"

"I'd say so." He had already finished his portion. I had to hurry up on mine because our next course was brought to our table.

I was familiar with the Lions Mane which was black truffle and tarragon. I had it once with Thom and his parents. It left a very positive impression with my taste buds, which were practically singing as it was left at our table. Of course after some light conversation with Maverick about Honesty and Communication, another damned drink with more talk from another waiter. Maverick was hiding his annoyance well but from the tip tap tip tap tip tap of his shoe against the floor under the table, that was his only giveaway.

Another dish was brought, we were both clueless but again, I followed Maverick's lead. And yes that meant more drinks and more having to listen politely. After another dish was brought to the table and we took advantage of this before we could be interrupted again.

"I'm not really the jealous type." He said and then a look he gave me sideways, his dark eyes were sensual. He leaned a little closer as if he were going to whisper. "Despite what you might've heard about my zodiac."

Fucking Kyra. She must've given him the wrong idea. She meant well and I think she was just out to cause harmless chaos for me.

"I'm not a firm believer in that kind of thing." Then I mirrored his look. "Despite what you might have heard." I just made sure to let him know that I was only teasing.

We devoured our food a little quicker this time. I felt like we had a lot of conversational ground to cover. Especially since we never actually established what we wanted out of a relationship, despite how we kind of dove right into this instead of talking about ground rules.

I sort of talked to my plate. I don't know why I felt so embarrassed about this. Maybe because I had seen parts of him that could not be unseen. So with my spoon and empty plate, I seemed to be moving invisible things around.



Now a blush had crept up my neck and started to blossom over my face. I had to remember to breathe between each word. "I said that I am monogamous."

Then I looked away, unable to mask my embarrassment. This could backfire.

Maverick was silent and about as still as a statue. "I really am sorry that you had to find things out like that."

This time, we were both grateful for the next interruption.

When it was done, I said, "I'm sorry I wasn't mature enough to handle it. I said some catty things and struck out. You didn't deserve any of that."

In the almost dim light, Maverick just looked at me. His sometimes beetle black eyes, I could see something similar to shimmer in them. Not like he was about to cry. It was more like gratitude. He was also the most beautiful human I'd ever seen. The way he was slightly leaning forward, his posture, his hair, face and did I mention his eyes?

He remained in that posture even when our drink sampler came. I think the waiter took his cue earlier than normal to leave us be. Before I knew it, our chairs ended up a little closer. Maverick wanted to show me more gruesome scenes from some of his other favorite horror movies of the 80's. It was totally disgusting but it was also Maverick. I would watch these movies with him.

"You know, we ought to do what we already did back when we were friends." He said. "Don't get me wrong, this was nice."

"But kind of a terrible idea for a first date."

We were like two students in the back of class, snickering with our heads slightly bowed and hiding our laughs.

"I really admire your zest for adventure," I told him when we were brought more courses to sample from. "But at the same time, you're chill. How does anyone manage that?"

Oh yeah, we were totally caught up in a bubble now.

"Next time McDonalds?"

"Oh you know, I don't give a shit about that. I just want you." I almost flinched at my raw honesty. Had things been different, which it was not too long ago, I would have regretted it. But then Maverick had that look in his eye again.

He almost turned completely serious when I did. "Can I be honest with you one more time?"

I pushed the dread to somewhere in the corner of my mind. He regarded me before saying, "Ok."

"Don't change."

After what felt like forever. "Noted."


The end of our date was truly a memorable one. It wasn't entirely comfortable but it was going to be a memory I'd carry to the grave. Since it was a full moon and Maverick just happened to know a good spot, we parked our cars, but I got on the roof of his car too. That was where we cuddled as we gazed at the moon together. His arm hung around me as mine hung around him. I loved being this close to him. Where not only we could hold each other but become enveloped in each other's scents. I would do my best to memorize whatever cologne he wore.

The moon gazed back at us. I could swear, if the moon could wink, it would have.

When I felt Maverick shift his head as if to look at me, I looked at him. I don't entirely know who led who, but we were drifting off the roof of his car and in the backseat. What followed was his warm arms wrapping around me as my legs wrapped around his waist. What followed was something only he and I would know.

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