By weebhead23

11.2K 252 24

Isabella is a normal 13 year old girl who lives in a orphanage with a cruel care taker. Her life has been mi... More

Chapter 1


520 12 2
By weebhead23

Isabella (pov)

"Where were you?" Greg asked me with dark eyes and his body swinging side to side due to alcohol. You can smell it from miles away.

"I w-was playing a b-baseball game. "

"So, you decided to be a whore and played the wholebaseball team with your little cunt ,didn't you?"

I was in 7th grade. I don't even what a whore means. But I know its not good news.

I shook my head.
Then everything happened in a blur. He grabbed my arm and pulled me to his room and locked the door.

His hands came on my shirt and started ripping it.
I grabbed his hand and pleaded for him to stop but in return I got a slap for not obeying him.

He pushed me on the bed and took my bat.
I could hear my heart bursting out. The sounds clouding my ears. Anxiety had made my eyes tear.
The bat raised in the air-

I woke up with my heart beating out of my body. I can hear my heartbeat Cleary. Every beat.

When Greg used to do these things I never dreamt of him. But when now he was faraway from me but He is always there. Watching me. I am being so paranoid for no reason.

My eyes were staring at the ceiling.
I immediately closed my eyes when the door handle juggled.
I can hear a person's heavy foot steps followed by many footsteps. So many people.

"She's sleeping."

"Who even sleeps on their back?"

"Just shut up Marco, you'll wake her up."

"Well, maybe your nagging might wake her up. Shut your ass first." Marco said.

"Don't you dare talk to me like that."

"Shut up Bitch ass."

"You can't talk to me like that I am older than you."
I hear some thrashing and wrestling sounds and opened my eyes and sat up.

"Your 20 minutes older than me Asshole!"

I see Marco and Xander wrestling on the ground, There were not wrestling it was just aggressive hugging.

I sat watching the show. I love fights and other dramas.

"Boys!" A voice boomed and it made me flinch. I looked at the voice and saw 'father'. He pulled Marco and Xander by their collars like little pups.

" Ti ho detto di svegliare tua sorella per cena, stai già causando problemi qui."

i told you to wake your sister up for dinner, your already causing trouble here.

Father smacked the back of their heads then his eyes landed on me. I looked down. I don't know why probably instinct.

His frown changed into a smile "You're up. Come on it's dinner time."

He said and I followed him to the dinning room.

The last time I had a complete stomach full dinner was when Greg left the house for a week and I had made my self some food but it was found by Greg later which resulted in the worst beating ever in my life.

That day always plays infront my eyes. Greg's face filled with pure anger and the belt in his hand dropping with my blood.

The vision was interrupted when we reached the dinning room. My eyes bulged out. It was so big. The 7 feet table was white with soft cushion chairs.

I then saw the people who occupied the seats. My remaining 'brothers'.

Weird. So weird. I wiped my face as if there was something because they were all staring at me like I am an alien with two antennas. I quietly sat on the cushion chair. The chair was tall too. It reached my shoulder when I stood beside it. And when I sit on it you can literally see a ten feet distance from my head to the top of the chair.

The plates we placed infront of us by father. He came close to me when he was placing my plate. I literally gasped loudly causing everyone giving attention on me. I played it off by looking at the ceiling and the marble floor.

"I hope you like pasta." Father said.

Actually I hate pasta. I feel like I am eating plastic when I put it  inside my mouth. I once threw up in the bathroom of the orphanage when I ate it.

I smiled and nodded at him. He placed once serve of pasta. I gulped. I hate it.

He went in for another and placed it. He was about to go for another serve.

"That's enough, Thank you."

Father looks at me puzzled.
"Enough? There's barely anything on your plate. Don't you like pasta?"

I smiled at him. He went in for another serve.

"No no that enough please." I said.

"As you wish bambina."

I see the red and golden pasta infront of me. I hate pasta. Everybody sits down and start digging in.

I grab the fork and eat the the pasta. Gooey and sticky. Plastic.

I hate pasta.

I eat silenty. After every three spoons I drink water to swallow. The only sounds heard were the scraping of the cutlery on the plate.

"You are in eighth grade, right Isabella?"

I hear a voice ask me. I look up from my plate and turn towards the voice and see Father asking me.

I nod my head.

"You will be going to school with your brothers for next week. I've made the arrangements for you."

I nod my head again.

Today was Wednesday.

I take another spoon of this pasta and jug some water.

My stomach is full of water.

"We expect you to answer us Isabella." Lorenzo my oldest 'brother' said.

I mentally rolled my eyes.
"Yes." I said.

"You boys take care of her in school. I should not hear any complains from you or from anyone." Father gives the Triplets pointed look.

They say yes in unison.

The hell with this pasta man.

Soon the table is filled with other conversations. Marco started describing his basketball game the other night and how the referee had targeted on him.

"What happened to your nose?"

The conversations more like commotion stopped. I looked up to see Alfonzo staring at my nose.

All of them were staring at me.

"I uhh.. got hurt while playing baseball. The b-ball hit my n-nose." I said.

"It looks pretty bad." Xander says. Hurt pretty bad too.

My thoughts were scattered all around the place. One time I wanna leave this place and the other I wanna stay here. The place is extraordinary. It's big and majestic with amazing food. Except the pasta though. Hate it.

Who doesn't want to live in rich. I am one of them.

I completed my dinner by gulping some water. I let out a sigh and looked down at my stomach. Its bloated. One can see the fat roll on the t-shirt.

I wanna go back to the room.

I tap the creme coloured marble table with my fingers. My feet go in the same pattern as my finger do.

I look around me. I am sitting at the corner of the table with father at the head and Matteo on my right. I turn my head towards to see him glancing at me but he quickly averted it away when I caught him.

The place was filled a lot of servants roaming here and there. Are they business men?

They do speak in different language. Spanish? Italian? French? I have no idea.

The plate infront of me was taken by a man in his early late forties.

"If you want you can go to your room now." I hear father say.

"You can call any of us if you need something." He says at last. I nod my head at him and got down from the chair but a cough from Lorenzo stopped me.

I looked at him to see him looking at me. " Yes."

I go upstairs and go to the room.

I sit on the bed and place both of my hands on the bed behind me and rest my head on my right shoulder. Analyzing the surroundings.

Take a bath. Brush your teeth and go to bed.

That's what I did. I took the heavy white blanket and wrapped it around me until one can only see my head and right arm. I turned to my side and tried to sleep. It was difficult task as this is all new to me and there are six men who I've never met.

The lights were turned off. I felt the door handle jiggle quietly. My back was still at the door.

The door opened and closed and I can hear some footsteps.

I turn to see Matteo. I sat up holding the blanket with me.

"Um Welcome back and I wanted to give you a welcome back gift." He said and reached his hands out. In his hand laid the biggest chocolate bar I have ever seen.

I can feel my lips tilting up and forming a big smile. I take it from his hand gratefully. How did he even know I liked chocolates?

"I hope you feel comfortable around us. I've seen you were on edge during dinner."
He says with a quizzical look on his face like trying to get out the truth out of me.

No one can read my poker face. I am the best at it. Once in my previous school the girl who bully's me all the time Cara crossed her limit. The school planned a field and were needed to get a guardian signature. It was horrible.

"Are you go cry to your mommy? Wait.... You don't have one." Hysterical laughs were heard in my ears. Tears on the edge of my eyes ready to sky dive.

But I handled it with my one of a kind poker face and swallowed the tears

"I am fine." Matteo nodded his head at my response.

"I'll go now. Sweet dreams." He says slowly whilst walking towards the door.

I take the chocolate and replace it in my secret zip of my back pack and take out the already half eaten chocolate to devour it.

I am satisfied with this chocolate.


A big one.

Do you like third person or pov. Let me know!


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