Talk to Me, Princess | Marich...

By hayleyfaithxox

34.2K 818 591

Marinette was always the best at overthinking, and the worst at calming herself down. When things become over... More

Chapter One - The Beginning
Chapter Two - Just a Phone Call, Right?
Chapter Three - We Could Be So Much More
Chapter Four - Spontaneous
Chapter Five - My Feeble Mind
Chapter Six - Croissant, Anyone?
Chapter Seven - Thank you, George A. Romero
Chapter Eight - Times like These
Chapter Nine - You Should Really Learn to Knock
Chapter Ten - The Best Dog Washing Team to Ever Exist
Chapter Eleven - I Don't Want to Hold You Back, I Want to Hold Your Hand
Chapter Twelve - Who Even Likes Twitter Anyways?
Chapter Thirteen - Ladybug's Wrath
Chapter Fourteen - Don't Blame Me
Chapter Fifteen - Face My Fears
Chapter Sixteen - Food is My Love Language
Chapter Seventeen - Stepping Into Dangerous Territory
Chapter Eighteen - Things We Shouldn't Do but We Did Anyways
Chapter Nineteen - Two Halves of the Same Heart
Chapter Twenty - Terms and Conditions
Chapter Twenty One - Difficult Conversations
Chapter Twenty Two - You're So Pretty It Hurts | Chat Noir's POV
Chapter Twenty Three - This Is What Im Living For
Chapter Twenty Four - I Dont Wanna Miss When You Cry
Chapter Twenty Five - All The Pieces Crumbling Apart
Chapter Twenty Six - Nightmares no Longer Wait for Sleep
Chapter Twenty Seven - The Roots of My Heart
Chapter Twenty Eight - To Believe Its All Been Worth The Fight
Chapter Twenty Nine - I've Always Wanted to be a Spy
Chapter Thirty - In The Eye of the Hurricane
Chapter Thirty One - The Most Unlikely of Allies
Chapter Thirty Two - Just Breathe
Chapter Thirty Three - It Just Won't Stop
Chapter Thirty Four - Survival of the Fittest
Chapter Thirty Five - Winner Takes It All: Part One | Viperion's POV
Chapter Thirty Six - Winner Takes It All: Part Two
Chapter Thirty Seven - The Consequences of My Poor Choices
Chapter Thirty Nine - The Reason Why We Still Smile
Chapter Forty - Natures First Green is Gold; Her Hardest Hue to Hold
Chapter Forty One - So Dawn Goes Down To Day
Chapter Forty Two - Nothing Gold Can Stay | The End
Epilogue - Forever a Hero
BONUS CHAPTER - ONE: With Tear Stained Cheeks | POV: Chloe Bourgeois
BONUS CHAPTER - TWO: I Need Her |POV: Felix Fathom
BONUS CHAPTER - THREE: I Wanna Be Yours | POV: Luka Couffaine
BONUS CHAPTER - FOUR: Flowers In Her Hair | POV: Juleka Couffaine
BONUS CHAPTER - FIVE: Changing For The Better | POV: Adrien Agreste
BONUS CHAPTER - SIX: Till Death Do Us Part | POV: Marinette Dupain-Cheng
BONUS CHAPTER - SEVEN: My Forever After | POV: Marinette Dupain-Cheng
Authors Note - Thank You + Spin Off Update <3

Chapter Thirty Eight - The Way I Am Without You Now

459 11 4
By hayleyfaithxox

I completely lied, I'm not ready to take everything head on yet. After getting home from the hospital, it's just been catching up on school work and getting lots of rest. If I didn't have that to focus on, I would really be losing my marbles right now.

I try to shove all the thoughts out of my head, to no avail. Laying in bed as I stare up at my ceiling, I bet it's going to be another sleepless night.

Everything has been eerily calm all week since Gabriel Agreste has been arrested. He's being held on a 1.5 million dollar bond until his court hearing next month.

Despite paying for the best lawyers Paris can offer, it looks like they're going to try to charge him for a slew of things. As it stands, Gabriel might be doing a minimum of 8 years in prison.

Nathalie has been promised a lesser sentence since she fully complied with the police and offered a ton of assistance in capturing Gabriel. We really won't know how things will turn out until her court hearing in a few weeks.

Adrien's bodyguard has been released, having found no evidence that ties him into Gabriel's crimes. Lila, on the other hand, has a court trial scheduled next month as well, and is likely to be tried as an adult. Adrien's lawyers said she probably won't be doing any prison time though, since she could be considered another victim of Gabriel's manipulation. At least, in my opinion, that's how I feel she'll try to spin it.

They did say Lila will likely be on house arrest for a while, and then probation for years to come. So at the very least, she will be served some justice for the crimes she committed.

Since everything happened earlier this week, I've let everyone keep their Miraculous' for now. Adrien has continued to stay here in our spare bedroom while things settle, but neither of us returned back to school.

All of our friends keep swinging by to visit, but the only people we haven't turned away are the ones that fought alongside us throughout these last few weeks. Thankfully, Alya and Nino have been coming by to give us our school work.

Today is Saturday, and come Monday we'll be expected to return back to school. The part that scares me the most is that everyone knows our business.

Adrien is the son of Paris' notorious villain, and will surely receive some comments here and there when people see him. Thankfully, his identity as Chat Noir has been kept a secret.

I wish I could say the same for myself.

Just like Adrien predicted, the news hasn't been reporting on my identity since I'm not 18 years old yet. However, it began to spread on social media. I'm not sure who leaked it, whether it be any of the investigators or officers that worked our case, or someone who overheard.

It could have been Lila, considering she is walking free still. Albeit, she isn't supposed to be out and about. Her access to social media isn't restricted at this time, so I wouldn't put it past her to spread my identity.

Alya asked me if I wanted her to try to do some damage control, but there's no point. Especially when it comes to Gabriel's trial, I'm sure we'll have to show the video we recorded that time we collected evidence. It'll get out eventually that I'm Ladybug.

I refuse to go online ever since everything happened, too scared to see the opinions of all the people who hated Ladybug. Now they all know who I am, and their hate can become even more targeted.

My parents keep saying that through all hours of the day, the bakery is filled with people begging to meet me. Either they want to ask questions or spew hate, but regardless I refuse to go down and speak to anyone.

If I could, I would never leave my room again.

Looking over at the clock, it's just past 1am. All I can think about is how heart broken Adrien has been all week, and how either of us are supposed to handle going back to school in just 2 short days.

My parents have been so kind and lenient, but they made it clear we can't hide out forever. Currently, Adrien's aunt and Felix are staying at the Agreste mansion until further notice. It appears that Adrien doesn't want to go back home anytime soon, and I don't blame him.

They've finally removed Emilie Agreste from the freaky glass enclosure, and have set a funeral for today. We have to be up at 8:00am to get ready for it. I don't know how to help him, or what to do.

Adrien is now having a second funeral for his mother, something that was probably hard enough the first time around. Made even worse that his father won't be there to handle everything.

It all falls on poor Adrien.

His Aunt Amelie has dealt with everything she could, like all of the preparations and arrangements. But Adrien is the one expected to talk with everyone, and give the eulogy.

It's not something I have any experience with, which I would normally be very thankful for, but right now I wish I knew how funerals worked so I could help him better.

After tossing and turning since 10pm, I finally hop off my bed and decide I'm going to take a peek in Adrien's room. Just to make sure he's safe and sound, sleeping peacefully. Then maybe I'll be able to fall asleep too.

The second I open the hatch to my room, I try to stifle my gasp with my hand. Adrien is right there, already making his way up to me.

"Sorry." He smiles up at me in a sweet yet shy way, and I step aside. Once he's in my room, I pull him in for a big hug. Holding him in my arms, I feel the stress of everything melt away.

When he's with me, it feels like the rest of the world doesn't exist.

"Are you okay?" I ask, relishing in the way his hands sneak under the back of my shirt, his palms laying flat against my skin. His touch sends shivers up my spine, and I curse the way my body lights up with goosebumps. How embarrassing.

"Surprisingly, yeah. The funeral might be hard, but it's going to be okay. Really, nothing changes much. My mom is still dead, and my dad is still going to be absent. If anything, it's more like I'm losing Nathalie."

"Will you ever forgive her?" I ask, pulling back to look at his face. The glow of my lamp highlights his beautiful complexion, and his gorgeous green eyes. His lips both plump and soft, I resist the urge to kiss him.

"I already have. It wasn't her fault that she loved my father. In the end, she did everything she could to make up for what she's done. It's not like she meant to hurt you, or me. Throughout the years, she's really the only adult in my life that truly tried to take care of me." I smile at my wise boyfriend, every bit the sweetheart he's always been.

"I'm really proud of you." I lean in to give him a soft kiss, forcing myself to pull away after a few seconds. It's not the time to start making out passionately. Even if it is what's on my mind right now.

"Thanks. How are you feeling?" He asks, the pads of his fingers pressing into my back to draw my body even closer to his.

"A lot better. Especially now that you're here." I giggle, leaning my cheek against his chest. "Are you sure you're okay?"

"I am, I promise. I just wanted to check on you." He guides me back to my bed, helping me up and laying me down. When he goes to tuck me in, I pat the mattress beside me.

"Join me. It's okay, we'll wake up before my parents do." With a hesitant glance at my doorway, he lowers himself down next to me, and pulls me against him.

It's not long before I'm finally able to fall asleep, his presence calming down the turmoil in my mind.

"Marinette! Wake up, it's after 8!" I hear my moms voice yank me out of sleep, making me groan. Snuggling my face into a solid warm body, I'm snapped out of my dazed state.

Adrien is in my bed with me, when we were told the one condition was to sleep in separate rooms.

"Adrien! Get up, you gotta go!" I hiss at him, shaking his shoulders. His eyes slowly open, blinking at me rapidly. His lips pull into a cute smile, turning to get a good look at me.

"Morning, Princess." His husky morning voice does something to my heart, making it skip multiple beats.

"You gotta go-"

"Marinette!" My mom calls again, making Adrien's eyes widen as he jumps out of bed fast.

"Plagg, claws out!" He whispers as he quickly transforms into Chat Noir, darting out onto my balcony right as my mom lifts the hatch to enter my room.

"Marinette? Why didn't you answer me? Hurry and get up, you need to eat and get ready." My mom shakes her head disapprovingly, making her way over to my bed. I hop down, and she surprisingly pulls me into a hug. "Are you feeling okay?"

"For the millionth time, I promise I'm fine now." I laugh, hugging my frail mom. Throughout the years, as I continue to grow taller and stronger, my mom's petite frame feels tinier. She's quite the wisp of a woman.

"Heroes need to follow rules too, okay?" I panic as she says this, wondering if she heard Adrien slip out quickly. "No sleeping in, especially when we have plans. Hurry on downstairs for breakfast." She gives my cheek a quick peck before leaving my room.

"Sorry mom!" I call out, quickly gathering an outfit to wear and rushing downstairs. I'll change after I eat and have a shower.

Knocking on Adrien's door, I open it after a few beats of silence. When I see an empty room, part of me panics that he fell off the building during his grand escape. Rushing to the window, I open it to peer outside.

Thankfully, I don't see a pancacked Chat Noir on the pavement.


I gasp as I jump back, hands fluttering to my mouth to muffle my reaction. Adrien stands there in his pajamma pants and no shirt.

"Oh my-" I cut myself off, heat flooding my cheeks the second the words leave my mouth. He grins, leaning back ever so slightly so I can get a better look. Which I, for one, am certainly not complaining about.

"Do you often barge into other people's rooms?" He teases, making me roll my eyes with a grin.

"You're one to talk."

"I need to change." He leans in to give me a kiss, enticing me to stay longer than I should. I was just supposed to come make sure he's up, I don't want my parents getting suspicious.

"Hurry and meet us downstairs for breakfast." I bounce away, slowing to a halt by the door as I realize I'm a lot more preppy for a person about to attend the funeral of her boyfriend's mother. "Adrien. Are you okay?" I turn to ask, watching him smile softly. If asking someone if they're okay was a drinking game, we'd already have alcohol poisoning at the ripe early hour of 8am.

"Yeah, this isn't my first rodeo. Don't worry, I'm fine." I nod at him, choosing to believe the words he speaks. I trust that if he needed extra love and support, he would tell me.

Heading to the kitchen, I see my mom quickly setting up a breakfast. She places four plates around the table, rushing back and forth to add various items of food on the plates. She plops heaping spoonfuls of scrambled eggs, some sausages, toast and fruit on each plate. She then brings over a pot of congee, and starts to fill up four bowls with it. I love congee, my mom makes the best. It's always savoury and warm, and tastes so delicious.

My mom likes to prepare it as a side dish for our breakfasts, but sometimes we just have congee as the entire meal.

"I want everyone to be full on a big breakfast today, this could run a while. Oh, and Marinette? Don't eat the egg salad sandwiches at the funeral." My mom notes as I join her in the kitchen.

"That's oddly specific." I cock my eyebrow, as I watch my frantic mother try to piece everything together for all of us.

"I swear every time there are egg salad sandwiches served at events, someone gets food poisoning." My mom grumbles, making me laugh. Her emetophobia making an appearance for the first time in a while.

I grab the jug of water and fill two glasses for Adrien and I. My mom makes tea for her and my dad, and right when we're finished setting everything up, the other two join us at the table.

Breakfast is comfortably silent, all of us eating the delicious food my mom prepared with such care. It's amazing how even when things are running behind, she has the time and patience to make us a meal.

Sometimes, especially on a day like today, I really feel that my parents go unappreciated for all they do for me. I should try to express my gratitude more often, thank them for taking care of me. Though I never asked to be born, my parents never gave up their commitment to raising me with love.

After seeing kids who aren't so lucky, I feel even more thankful for what I have. There has to be something I can do, even if it's in the future, that can help those kids who aren't so fortunate.

"How are you doing today, Adrien?" My mom finally asks, looking at my boyfriend with such tenderness. He smiles politely, swallowing the food in his mouth.

"Better than I was the first time around. Thank you for all your hospitality, I can't express how much this means to me." Adrien smiles at my parents before turning his attention to me. The moment our eyes connect, it feels like everything else disappears. Tension growing thicker with each passing second, the love he emanates across his gaze makes my heart pound thunderously.

"You're more than welcome to stay here for however long you need." My dad gives him a sad smile, snapping us out of our lovingly staring contest.

My dad wasn't thrilled to know I've been having Chat Noir sneaking around for so long. Not being such a fan of the kissing, which he's made sure to announce multiple times, at least he certainly is a fan of Adrien.

"Thank you, Mr. Dupain." Adrien looks down at his plate shyly, a small but precious smile on his face.

"Oh please, call me Tom. Or even dad, you are with my daughter after all." My mom laughs at that, reaching over to smack my dad on the arm.

"Tom, stop teasing the poor boy, his face will melt if it gets any redder. Marinette would hate it if you ruin his pretty face-"

"Mom!" I choke on my food, looking over at my parents in disbelief. It's the morning of a funeral, they shouldn't be so cheery.

"It's okay." Adrien laughs, and the rest of the breakfast goes by quickly. Getting up to help my mom tidy, I rush off to shower and get changed.

Coming out of the bathroom prepared for the day ahead, I lock eyes with Adrien leaning against the wall waiting for me.

"You look beautiful." He says, his eyes slowly travelling up and down my body. I'm wearing a black godet skirt that ends near mid-calf, paired with a black t-shirt that hugs my frame and has a sweetheart neckline. To go with my outfit I added a little gold necklace, and matching bracelet.

At first, I worried that I would look like I was treating the funeral as a fashion show. But then I realized that everyone dresses nicely for a funeral, with the general dress code being black. So I shouldn't feel so bad getting myself all dolled up.

"Thank you. You do too." He's wearing nice black dress pants with a black button up that is tucked into his waistline. A drastic change from the sweatpants and t-shirt he tossed on for breakfast. I can't help but appreciate the way the shirt clings nicely to his body.

"That's it? No, 'oh Adrien, you're the most beautiful person I've ever laid my eyes on'?" His voice raises multiple octaves to try to mimick my own. I laugh, leaning in to give him a kiss.

"Oh Adrien, you're the most beautiful person I've ever laid my eyes on." I smile, touching foreheads with him. Giving me a gentle butterfly kiss, he pulls back to grin at me. I love that his Chat Noir side is showing more openly these days.

"Much better." He chuckles as I link our arms to go join my parents in the living room.

It's not going to be easy, but I'll stand by Adrien. I don't know if that's enough, but it'll have to do.

My heart was full the moment we walked inside the funeral home and saw the room filled with all of our friends. Every single one of them, with their parents too.

The room was packed with people that love and care for Adrien, and that didn't go unnoticed. He began to tear up seeing everyone, squeezing my hand hard enough to make me concerned if my blood stopped flowing to my finger tips.

Now sitting down in the pews, I watch Adrien walk up to the podium, nervously holding the cards to help prompt his eulogy along. When he eyes the room, I notice the way his shaky hand reaches up to rub the back of his neck.

"Thank you all for coming today. I know that most of the people in this room never met my mom. But you still showed up to give me your support, and for that I'll be forever grateful." Adrien takes a soft sigh, looking at his cards before he places them down and clasps his hands to rest on the podium.

"I had a speech planned, but I think it's better I just speak from my heart. Many years ago, about 5 actually, I was told my mom had passed away. We had a small funeral for her at that time. I never knew my father had her in a glass case below the house, keeping her body alive while she was in a coma. Seeing her, I thought maybe it would be possible to bring her back with modern medicine. The doctors told me she was brain dead."

"That sucked." He sighs, continuing on his speech as he looks throughout the crowd. His eyes land on me. "But it didn't change anything. For a slight moment, I thought I could have my mom back. But that's not how life works. So today, we're properly burying my mom, the way she should have been years ago so that she may rest in peace. I don't know what exists after this life, but I have hope that I'll be with my mom again one day."

"Instead of calling this a funeral, I want to call this a celebration of life. A way to commemorate my mom, for all that she was. My mom, Emilie Agreste, was the most loving and kind hearted person. And I wish she were still around, so I could introduce my amazing girlfriend to her, and all the friends I have now. So please, let me speak to my mom for a moment." I can't help the tears that well up in my eyes, spilling out onto my cheeks. My mom's small hand reaches towards me, patting my forearm.

"Mom, thank you for taking care of me. Please know that that I'm doing okay. I know you wanted better for us, but I'll make the most out of it. I have so many friends now, that even though you're no longer here, I'm not alone. The way I am without you now, is a lot different than when I was 13 years old. There are a ton of people who showed up today to give their love and support. I'll be okay, I promise. And I'll live each day in your memory, carrying on your legacy. I love you, mom. Rest in peace." The tears that fall down Adrien's face breaks my heart, but the smile he shares with me proves that he'll be okay.

I'm so proud of him.

The rest of the service goes by beautifully, and I spend the whole time holding Adrien's hand as he speaks with everyone.

"Thank you, Princess." He leans in to whisper into my ear as we prepare to leave for the day. I squeeze his hand, having not let go of him all day with the exception of his eulogy.

"You have nothing to thank me for."

"Because of you, I wasn't alone today."

"You'll never be alone again." I tell him truthfully, watching the way his gaze softens even more.

"Neither will you."

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