Insurgency Rising

By Amoes_Chance

7.6K 127 15

Female Dani Rojas X Male Reader. 6 months after the death of the Castillo family a Mercenary is hired to brin... More

A New Insurgency
The Strength of Yara
Strike 2
Dating in Yara?
Cita Uno
Cita Dos
Moving in together
Attempt 1
Shopping Trip
Yelena PT #1
Yelena PT #2
Loosing someone you love
Extra - Tennis

Insurgency Crushed

314 7 0
By Amoes_Chance

Location Unknown
Time unknown

I wake up tied to a chair in a dimly lit cage. I didn't exactly fall asleep, the stock of a gun being smashed against your skull does the same trick though. Usually I would jump to an obvious conclusion and just say that a couple of soldados have captured me, which I think I would actually prefer at this point. Y:N actually protects me pretty often, if I'm tied to this chair because of the Talia thing though, I don't think this will end well.

"Hello?!" I shout out. A door opens blinding me with light as someone steps in and turns the room light on. "Who the fuck are you?" I ask. "Captain Hando, of the FND army" he tells me as he takes a baton off of his utility belt. "Good to know your part of the FND but could you not hit me with that?" I try quickly asking before he beats me twice with it. One strike hitting me on the forearm and the second hitting me just below my breasts, causing me to scream out in pain.

I look up at him and I can see that he clearly enjoys seeing me in pain. "You aren't even going to ask me questions?" I ask him. He grabs me by my hair and pulls my head back as far as it will go before putting a pair of pliers in my mouth. "Sure, what's my future looking like?" He asks me. I shake me head so he can't grab any of my teeth so he takes the pliers out of my mouth. "I think I remember Y:N saying no damage to me or something so I'd say your future is looking pretty dead if you keep at it.

"What, you going to kill me? When your tied to a chair?" He taunts me before laughing. "Yeah I would if I wasn't tied to the... Wait did you only tie my hands behind my back?" I ask him. He looks at me strangely as I adjust myself and the chair and stand up, bringing my arms over the back of the chair. We both stand still in the moment, both of us realising how absolutely stupid this guy is.

I may not be tied to the chair but my hands are still tied together so I just kick him as hard as I can which causes him to collapse to the ground. He groans in pain as he gets up and I run out of the door and through another door close by, leading me out to the courtyard. I look around and there are soldados everywhere, looking under cars, in crates... Are they looking for me?.

"She's over here!" A soldado yells out as she runs over to me. A bunch more rush over but seem alot nicer towards me. I'm not being yelled at, shoved to the ground, they're not even really aiming at me. We all stand there silently for a couple of seconds until I see Y:N rush towards me. I swear I get happier every time I see him. "Where have you been?" Y:N asks me. "Dude I don't even know where I am right now" I tell him. He stares at me with a serious look on his face and the crazy guy comes running out towards us. "Okay being serious though I woke up and I was tied to a chair and that guy there started torturing me" I tell Y:N as he unties my hands and I step behind him.

Y:N walks up to the guy who seems pretty intimidated. "You will be put on trial for the kidnapping of Dani Rojas, that's happening one way or another, but if I find out that you've hurt Dani, then I'll kill you where you stand" he tells the guy. "No, no, she's lying, there's no proof" he tells Y:N. Y:N walks up to me and starts looking me over. "Did he hurt you Dani?" He asks me. "Yeah he tried to pull out my teeth for starters and then he also beat me with a baton" I tell him. Y:N grabs my face and opens up my mouth, checking my teeth. "You are missing a tooth but there's no recent damage. You have really good teeth though for someone with bad hygiene" he tells me

I give him a strange look and he takes a step back. "Where did he hit you?" He asks. "My arm, and um, my chest area" I tell him. Y:N grabs each of my arms and checks them for wounds but he doesn't find any. Ugh the only real damage wasn't to my arms... "Dani I can't see any recent damage on you, I can however get a female medical officer to check around your chest area for wounds if you would like" Y:N tells me in a very formal matter. "I just want this to be over already, if no one else was around then I'd be comfortable with you checking" I tell him.

He thinks about it for a few seconds before making a decision. He grabs me and we walk over to one of the walls of the fortress. "Everyone needs to turn around for a solid minute!" He shouts out. Everyone turns away and Y:N looks at me seriously. "Are you sure your okay with me checking?" He asks. "Yeah I'm pretty comfortable with you seeing my body" I tell him. I lift my shirt up for him to check for any wounds. Was expecting him to have a longer look though, not just at the wound which I can see is very much there but more at, well, me.

Y:N walks a few steps away from me and pulls out his sidearm before shooting the captain with one fatal shot. Everyone turns around at the sound of the gunshot to see his body fall to the ground. Just like that the whole situation is done and everyone seems to go back to their daily duties. "You okay Dani?" Y:N asks me. "Yeah I'm okay, what was this thing all about anyways?" I ask him. "After the conflict from last night you got taken back here and you were put in a holding cell. Come morning though you were gone, thought you may have run off but it turns out someone took you" Y:N explains to me.

With the first weird event of the day out of the way it gives me some time to think. I hug Y:N tightly out of no where and I can feel him put his arms around me. Wait are we dating now? I don't think we ever sorted that out. I start thinking about the night before and it all just clicks. His soldados tried to kill my friends. They killed Paolo. "You fucking asshole!" I shout at him as I push him away. "What's wrong?" He asks me confused. "You got one of my friends killed!" I shout at him. "Look Dani, I'm really sorry about that" he says to me sincerely. I shake my head and walk away from him. I just need space for now.

A couple of minutes later

I walk into Y:N room and lay down on his bed. Why can't everyone I care about just get along? I walk around the room before looking out the window and over the ocean. Where are you even from? Am I ever going to see a place other than Yara? Your lucky to have seen the world Y:N. I look down at the fortress walls below me and I realise the rush of soldados. I come out of my deep thought and I realise that there's shouting and the sound of gunshots in the distance. What's going on now? I walk downstairs where I see more soldados running around, thankfully everyone just ignores me at this point. Wait have I really been here this many times? This is just normal now?

I walk out into the courtyard to find out that there's a full on attack happening on the fort. Whoa the the fuck. Guerillas burst through the fort doors and start rushing through, there's even guerillas scaling the fort walls from the sides. All around me the soldados are being cut down. Y:N. I have to go find him before they kill him too. I look around to see that any soldados still alive would be at Admiral Benítez old officer quarters, I need to get there an find Y:N before he gets over run by guerillas. I run through the fortress and as the sounds of gunshots come to an end the likely hood of Y:N being killed gets more and more likely.

I rush up the stairs to see that they've grabbed the Castillo and they're putting a noose around his neck. Good to see he's getting what he deserves. Same thing we did to Admiral Benítez now that I think of it. I run up to where they're hanging the high ranking officers that they caught and I see that Y:N is in the group. I push away some guerillas and grab him by the arm pulling him away. "You okay? Your bleeding" I say to him as I check for any wounds. He seems dazed as if he got a hit over the head. Sure enough there's a cut there, nothing a soldado can't handle though.

A few guerillas try grabbing him to pull over to for the executions so I'm forced to get somewhat physical with my own teammates. "Fuck off of him" I say to them as I throw a punch at one, knocking him to the ground and causing the other to back off. "Come on let's get you somewhere safe" I tell Y:N before we start moving through the crowd of screaming guerillas. As we walk along people try grabbing at him to pull him away from me. Never thought everyone would want Y:N dead so badly. I guess he was pretty good at his job while we weren't together.

We get through the main crowd and we walk through the base towards the docks. Around us there's guerillas burning flags and bodies of FND. Since when did we become just as bad as the FND and the regime? "The executions are happening inside the base Dani" a guerilla tells me as we walk past. "I'm fully aware of that" I tell him as we walk past. At this point Y:N is putting more and more of his body weight on me as we walk along. Okay fuck this, your not even walking anymore. I pick up and start carrying him on my shoulders as we get on a boat to leave the fort.

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