BTS 8th member,Indian Y/n

By _calfuray_

145K 4.5K 669

y/n is an Indian girl who wanted to be a k-pop ideal What will happen when an indian will join in kpop indust... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
Chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40
chapter 41
chapter 42
chapter 43
chapter 44
chapter 45
chapter 46
chapter 47
chapter 48
chapter 49
chapter 50
chapter 51
chapter 52
chapter 53
chapter 54
chapter 55
chapter 56
chapter 57
chapter 58
chapter 59
chapter 60
chapter 61
chapter 62
chapter 63
chapter 65
chapter 66
chapter 67
chapter 68
chapter 69
New new new!!!

chapter 64

963 40 8
By _calfuray_

3 operation theatre

And 7 people waiting for doctors to come out from them from past 2 hours

Jin - you all should go and rest in tae room you are already tired

Suga - i will wait here till i see kitten and kook with my eyes

Rm - i will too

Nitika - i will also wait

Jhope - why are they taking so long

Rm - soobin you go and check out hideout security, we know there is nothing dangerous now but still

Soobin - ok hyung

Soobin left the hospital

Jimin - hey see abhi treatment is done

Jimin said pointing towards the left side operation theatre

In seconds doctor came out with two nurse

Boys including Nitika rushed towards him

Rm - how is he doctor

Doctor - he is not soo good , we gave stitches in his stomach as there was a deep cut , someone has hit him hardly in chest because of which his ribs are cracked

Jin - do you need to do operation for it

Doctor - if it doesn't start getting healed in 2 days than i need to do operation, he have a wound in his head but it's not serious it will get healed

Suga - when will he get up

Doctor - he should wake up before 24 hours and if not we will check him again,

Nitika - can we see him

Doctor - i am sorry but his wounds are fresh , you can see him after 2 hour

Nitika - ok thank you doctor

Doctor left from there

Two strecher boy rushed inside, they securely and safely made abhi shift to the stretcher and made there way towards a room

Jin - jimin go check if taehyung is awake

Jimin - ok hyung

Jimin goes to taehyung room and saw him awake staring at ceiling

Jimin - how are you tae

Taehyung - h.. hyung how is bear

Jimin - her operation is still going on

Taehyung - i ...i am sorry

Jimin - why are you sorry tae it's not you fault

Jimin hugged tae patting his back
Taehyung sobbed on his shoulder

Taehyung - i..i am s.. sorry i should have catched her , if i was holding bear , her wound on head might not be worsen

Jimin - tae calm down it's not your fault

Taehyung - i ...i should have shooted those 2 guards why i was s.. standing

Taehyung start breathing heavily make jimin tensed
Jimin quickly call nurse by clicking on green button beside the bed

Nurse came inside with jin and suga

Jimin - he is getting panic attack again

Nurse - it's 2nd time on a day he is getting panic attack, it's not good i need to give him high dose of sleeping pills

Nurse took a injection and injected a liquid in it
She came near taehyung who was struggling to breathe holding his chest

She inject the liquid in his forearm making him unconscious in seconds

After injecting nurse bowed to them and left the room

Jimin - h..he is taking all blame on him for yn condition

Jin - jimin you stay here with tae, don't leave him alone after he wake up, he might think negative

Jimin - ok hyung

Suga and jin left the room
Jimin sat near the window staring at the sky

Jin and Suga informed about taehyung conditions to other

Nitika - jungkook bhaiya treatment is also done see

Nitika said pointing towards the centre operation theatre
In second door opened and doctor came out with two nurse

All the boys rushed towards him

Jin - how is he doctor

Doctor - he is safe but not in a good condition, he was shot in his right arm luckily it doesn't damaged any bone but still he won't be able to use his hand for one week and he was hit multiple time in his legs which made his muscle tight , he might not able to walk like he usually do , and he should totally Avoid dancing for 2 to 3 weeks till his legs didn't get back to normal

Jhope - can we see him doctor

Doctor - yes but avoid touching his wounds, he will get up in 3 to 4 hours , i will take my leave you all take care

Saying that doctor left

2 strecher boys go inside to shift jungkook to a room

They safely and securely made him lay on it and move to the way followed by members

Nitika and Suga and jhope stayed in front of yn's operation theatre

Jin came back from jungkook room and sat beside jhope hugging him tightly

Jin - i...i can't see my younger brother in this condition, h..hobi he might be p.. paining a l..lot (sobbing)

Jhope hugged him and tightly and pat his back saying nothing as he was feeling the same

Suga - why the heck kitten operation is not completed yet, it's nearly 3 hours now

Suga said as he got up from his seat and start walking from left to right

Soon a nurse rushed outside of operation theatre

Suga - how is she

Nurse - sorry but the situation is critical

Saying this nurse rushed inside the lift

Listening to nurse all the four human present there got numb

Jhope quickly rushed towards the gate of operation theatre and try to look inside but nothing visible

After 5 minutes nurse came with two doctors following her

Jhope - wh..what happened to her

Nurse - sir it will take a little time patient got a attack in between the operation making the operation more critical

Nurse and other two doctors rushed inside

Jhope fall on his knee at place he was standing
Suga and jin quickly rushed to him

Jhope - a..attack my shiny a attack , hyung s..she will be fine right

Jin - she will by fine hobi , she is out queen she is fighting and will win her fight

They support him and bring him to chair and made him seat on chair


Doctors came out talking to each other
All 4 human rushed towards them

Jin - how is she

Doctor1 - she is out of danger but

Jhope - but

Doctor1 - she was hit very hardly in her head and i think the thing which she was attacked with contained a chemical

Doctor2 - there are 60 percent chance that she loose her eyesight

Doctor3 - or she can loose her memory

Jhope - e .. eyesight

Doctor2 - yes, she was shoot in her stomach and 2 times in left leg , she will not able to walk for like 2 weeks , but after that also don't let her work so much

Doctor1 - as she got a attack in middle of operation it seems like she was in stress, don't let her take any sort of stress and someone should always accompany her

Suga - when will she wake up

Doctor2 - she should be awake before 24 hours and after she is awake call us immediately

Jin - ok doctor, thank you

Jhope - c..can we see her now

Doctor - now now , after 2 hours you can see her but avoid touching her wounds

Jhope - ok doctor

Doctor left from there

Yn was shifted into a room

Jin - Nitika you should go now , you must be tired

Nitika - bhaiya i ...i will see my yn f..first than only i will go (sobbing)

Suga - you go and rest in abhi room we will Call you once yn is awake

Nitika - o..ok don't forget to me

Nitika left to abhi room from there

Jhope stand at door watching yn from window

Jhope - h..Hyung see peacefully is sleeping(sobbing)

Suga - hmm

Jhope - sh..she will be fine right?


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