Wars Of Love

By Efs2003

228 19 3

In a high-tech Ancient Greek world of destiny and warfare, "Wars of Love" is an epic sci-fi twist on the Ilia... More

Under The Tree
Sweet Mother
Sweet Mother Part 2
The Agora
By Your Side
The Spear
The Spartans Arrived
The End
The First Step
Temple Of Apollo
Healer Of Spirits
A Priestess For A City
Moment Of Respite
Enter Gods
Golden Spear, Golden Armor, Brown Eyes
A Man and a Lion
A Father and a Son
The End is Nigh


12 1 0
By Efs2003

As I slowly regained consciousness, the gentle symphony of crickets filled the air, their melodious chirping acting as a soothing lullaby. My eyes fluttered open, and as I took in my surroundings, I found myself in the infirmary. The room exuded a sense of calm, with its sterile white walls and neatly arranged medical equipment.

As my gaze wandered, I couldn't help but be captivated by the scene outside the window. The night sky stretched out before me, its vast expanse painted in a velvety black hue. Countless stars adorned the celestial canvas, twinkling like tiny diamonds, illuminating the darkness with their ethereal glow.

Suddenly, a familiar voice resonated beside me, causing me to startle. It was King Peleus, standing by my bedside. The unexpected presence of another person in the room initially jolted me, but as I recognized the regal figure before me, a sense of relief washed over me. His warm and caring demeanor immediately put me at ease.

"Patroklos," he spoke with a tender tone, his voice carrying the weight of a concerned father. "How are you feeling, my son?"

"I'm-" A sharp pang of agony shot through my body as I attempted to rise from the softness of my pillow. Gritting my teeth, I fought against the searing pain that radiated from my side. 

"Don't move, Patroklos! You might reopen your wound." King Peleus warned me with concern.

In that moment, a sinking feeling overwhelmed me as I realized that he was the sole presence in the room. My gaze darted around, desperately searching for Achilles, but he was nowhere to be found.

Before I could even voice my question, the King interrupted me abruptly, as if he had anticipated my inquiry. "He's left. Lord Chiron took him away an hour ago."

The words struck me like a blow, and I struggled to form a coherent sentence amidst the chaos of my racing thoughts. "What... No... I must..." My words faltered, unable to convey the urgency and desperation that coursed through me. "I... I must..."

"You must sit and allow yourself to heal," the King's voice commanded with a firm tone. "Your injury is severe, and it is simply not feasible for you to embark on a journey in your current state, Patroklos."

"But I am his loyal companion! I am meant to be by his side, no matter the circumstances!"

Acknowledging my loyalty, the King's expression softened. "Indeed, you are his steadfast companion," he affirmed. "However, it was Achilles himself who ordered that you remain here and focus on your recovery. If you truly wish to honor your bond, you must heed his wishes. Now, rest. I shall instruct the servants to bring you food." 

Although I understood that King Peleus was genuinely concerned for my well-being and felt obliged to ensure I followed Achilles' orders, I knew deep down that I could not simply remain idle and confined within the walls of the palace.

With a determined resolve, I pushed the sheets off me and swung my legs over the side of the bed. The sharp pain that shot through my body caused me to gasp, and I struggled to control my breathing.

Grimacing, I reached for my spear, which lay on the nearby table, and unsheathed it, using it as a makeshift crutch to support my weight as I hobbled towards the door.

Despite the agony that wracked my body, I managed to dress myself hastily, albeit sloppily, and made my way towards the stables, my mind set on finding a way to reach Achilles.

With great effort, I climbed onto my trusty mare, her white coat shining in the moonlight. The simple act of mounting her was a feat in itself, and I winced as my injured side protested at the movement. But I gritted my teeth and urged her forward, my eyes fixed on the distant mountains.

As I galloped towards our destination, I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. Lord Chiron's whereabouts were shrouded in mystery, and despite King Peleus' friendship with him, even he didn't know where he lived. The King had a way to communicate with him if necessary, but that was the extent of his knowledge.

The suffocating darkness of the night enveloped me as I pressed forward, my wounded body aching with every step. The dense canopy of trees overhead blocked out any trace of moonlight, leaving me to navigate blindly through the terrain.

With each jarring gallop of my horse, a searing pain shot through my side, intensifying with every beat of my heart. The warm stickiness that coated my trembling fingers confirmed my fears - blood. My wound had reopened, and I was losing precious life-force with every passing moment.

A sudden crackling noise erupted from behind me, shattering the already tense silence of the forest. Startled, my horse bolted forward, its hooves pounding against the forest floor, desperately trying to outrun the unseen threat.

I clung to the reins with a white-knuckled grip, my heart pounding in my chest, but the wild ride proved too much. In the frenzy, my head collided with a low-hanging tree branch, the impact sending a jolt of pain through my skull. With a sickening thud, I was violently thrown from the mare, my body crashing onto the unforgiving ground.

Agonizing cries tore from my lips as the open wound on my side throbbed with excruciating intensity. The world around me spun, my head swimming with dizziness, while a nauseating sensation churned in the pit of my stomach, threatening to unleash its contents.

Then, amidst the chaos, the crackling of twigs resumed, drawing closer with each passing second before abruptly ceasing. The abrupt silence sent a shiver down my spine, and a paralyzing fear gripped me like never before. The terror of facing this unknown danger in the dark depths of the forest surpassed even the earlier battle against the thugs that had left me wounded.

Summoning every ounce of strength, I forced myself to rise, desperately attempting to flee from the encroaching danger. But my body betrayed me only a few seconds later, giving way beneath the weight of my injuries. I crumpled to the ground, the world around me fading into an abyss of darkness as consciousness slipped away.

As the scent of savory food wafted through the air, mingling with the comforting crackle of the fire, my senses snapped to attention. The sound of the wood popping and hissing sent a jolt of adrenaline coursing through my veins, bringing me to full alertness in an instant.

Grimacing in pain, I clutched my injured side, determined to push through the agony. Slowly, I surveyed my surroundings, my eyes widening as they landed on a figure seated by the flickering flames.

"Who-Who are you?!" I bellowed, my voice trembling with a mix of fear and feeble attempts at intimidation. Deep down, I knew that my words held little power, and I couldn't help but feel like a frightened child in the face of the unknown.

The man, now risen from his seated position, approached the bubbling pot with purpose. His eyes, fixed on me, held a mix of curiosity and something else I couldn't quite decipher. As he stirred the pot slowly, his movements deliberate and controlled, his voice cutting through the silence.

"The man who saved your life," he declared, his words hanging in the air. The weight of his statement hit me like a sudden gust of wind, causing my heart to skip a beat. I couldn't help but wonder how close I had come to meeting, Thanatos.

His gaze remained fixed on me, as if trying to unravel some hidden truth. "I guess your parents never taught you manners?" he mused, his tone tinged with a hint of reproach. "People usually say 'thank you' after someone saves their life."

A mixture of embarrassment and gratitude washed over me, and I stumbled to find the right words to express my appreciation. But before I could respond, my attention was drawn to the cave's contents. Spears, swords, and shields adorned one corner, their gleaming surfaces catching the flickering light. Across from them, a simple bed beckoned, offering a semblance of comfort in this rugged environment.

Returning my gaze to the man, I couldn't help but feel a sense of familiarity. His features were etched with lines of experience, his eyes holding a glimmer of wisdom. Could this be...?

"Most people also believe that staring is considered rude," he commented, breaking the silence. His words snapped me out of my thoughts, and I realized that I had been scrutinizing him intently, searching for answers in his face.

Caught off guard, I stammered, "You... have been staring at me the whole time as well."

A mischievous glint danced in his eyes as he continued to fix his gaze upon me, intensifying my discomfort. The weight of his scrutiny seemed to penetrate my very core, making me squirm under its intensity.

"Well, I'm not most people," he chuckled, breaking the tension. With a practiced hand, he ladled a generous portion of stew into a bowl, the fragrant steam rising in wisps. "Here, eat."

He approached me and although I flinched backwards he still proceeded on giving me the food.

"When you're finished, come find me outside," he instructed, his voice filled with an air of mystery. With those words, he turned and left, leaving me alone in the dimly lit cave, my thoughts swirling like the shadows dancing on the walls.

One glance at the steaming stew was all it took for my stomach to growl in anticipation. The hunger pangs intensified, reminding me that I hadn't eaten anything since the morning prior. With a mix of trepidation and need, I began gobbling down the food, the warmth and nourishment flooding my senses. A sharp pain shot through my stomach, a reminder of its emptiness and my body's weakened state. 

As I savored the last spoonful of stew, a wave of longing washed over me, begging for more. The flavors lingered on my tongue, tempting me to indulge further. However, a sense of restraint prevailed within me. The man before me, whom I desperately hoped was Lord Chiron, had not only saved my life but also provided nourishment when I needed it most. I couldn't risk angering him or appearing ungrateful for his benevolence.

Emerging from the dimly lit cave, I was momentarily blinded by the intensity of the sun's rays. Shielding my eyes with a hand, I surveyed my surroundings, hoping to catch sight of the enigmatic man who had saved me. But all I could see was an endless expanse of towering trees, their branches reaching towards the heavens like silent sentinels.

Confusion gnawed at my mind as I tried to make sense of the smaller red trees mixed among the green ones. I was certain those were ambrosia trees, indicating that I was still in Myrmidon. The city I called home was the only place on this world that could grow ambrosia trees but never had I seen so many in one place. Our land was the sole fertile place capable of nurturing these trees, and even then, it was an arduous task to cultivate just one. Fortunately, through immense effort and unwavering dedication, we had succeeded in growing numerous ambrosia trees, and we thrived as a result.

Just as my thoughts began to spiral, a voice broke through the silence, causing me to startle. "There you are," The man had appeared behind me, his presence both reassuring and mysterious. In his outstretched hand, he held my silver spear, its surface gleaming in the sunlight. I reached out to take it, feeling the familiar weight in my grasp. "You forgot this."

Using the spear as a makeshift support, I steadied myself, mindful of the wound that still throbbed with pain. Though the ache had dulled since the man's healing touch, I knew better than to push my limits. The events of the previous day still lingered in my memory, a reminder of my vulnerability and the need for caution.

Seeking answers, I turned to the enigmatic man and posed the question that burned within me. "Where are we?" I inquired, my voice laced with a mixture of curiosity and apprehension.

His response came without hesitation, yet it offered little solace. "The forest," he replied, his tone devoid of emotion.

Frustration welled within me as I pressed for further clarification. "I know that, but... where exactly?" I implored, hoping to elicit a more specific response.

"A mountain, in the forest," he replied once again, his words dripping with a dryness that matched his unyielding demeanor.

I let out a sigh, realizing that he wasn't going to divulge any further details. "You're not going to tell me, are you?" I asked, my voice tinged with exasperation.

"No," he said simply, his gaze meeting mine with an intensity that made me uneasy.

His voice took on a more serious tone as he continued, revealing a glimpse of the purpose behind my presence. "I was asked to train the sons of Peleus, but only one was ready. The other was not. Yet, despite your condition—half-dead and bearing a foolish bruise on your head—you still showed up."

My fingers instinctively grazed the tender spot on my head, a reminder of the sharp impact from the wayward tree branch that had struck me.

"So tell me then boy. Who are you?" He inquired, his voice carrying a weight of authority and intrigue.

"Patro-" I began, but before I could utter my full name, a sharp smack landed on the back of my head, causing me to wince in pain. Confusion and irritation mingled within me as I instinctively rubbed the affected area. "Ow! What was that for?" I protested, my voice laced with a mixture of surprise and indignation.

His gaze remained unyielding, undeterred by my reaction. "I already know your name," he retorted, his tone firm. "I'm asking, who are you?" 

My mind raced as I grappled with the weighty question, attempting to find the words that would satisfy his inquiry. However, before I could formulate a response, the sting of another blow landed forcefully on the back of my head, jolting me from my thoughts.

The man's voice took on a more menacing tone, laced with a hint of impatience. "Who are you, boy? What brings you to this place?" His words reverberated through the air, carrying an undertone of threat that sent a shiver down my spine.

Stumbling slightly, I instinctively took a step back, my eyes locked on his imposing figure. The fear within me mingled with a growing sense of defiance. "I... I am Achilles' chosen companion," I managed to utter, my voice quivering with a mixture of determination and uncertainty.

Attempting to create distance between us, I cautiously continued to retreat. However, to my dismay, I underestimated the man's reach. From under his arm, he revealed a slender stick, hidden until now, and with swift precision, he struck me once again, this time from a distance. The sharp impact reverberated through my head.

"Great title, but I didn't ask for it. Why are you here boy?" The man's voice remained steady, yet an unsettling shift occurred in his presence, intensifying the air of menace that surrounded him.

Struggling to find my voice amidst the growing unease, I stammered, "I... I am bound to be at his side, no matter the circumstances." The conviction in my words wavered, overshadowed by the uncertainty that lingered within me.

Without striking me this time, he continued his probing. "So, it is loyalty that drives you? Or perhaps it is a lack of purpose in your own life, leading you to seek solace in living beneath another man's shadow?"

I tried to respond, to defend my choices, but my words dissolved into thin air as another blow landed upon me. Though the strikes did not inflict any physical harm, they stung, disrupting my train of thought with each impact. Frustration welled within me as I struggled to maintain focus, the blows becoming a relentless hindrance to my ability to articulate my thoughts.

Each strike landed with a resounding thud, the force of each blow reverberating through my body, jolting me with a mix of pain and frustration. The relentless assault had taken its toll, pushing me to the brink of endurance.

But then, something within me snapped. The pent-up anger and confusion surged forth, fueling my voice as I unleashed a primal scream. "I DON'T KNOW!" I bellowed, my words echoing in the air, a raw expression of my inner turmoil. The grip on my spear tightened to the point of pain, my knuckles turning white as I clung to the weapon for support.

In a surge of adrenaline-fueled anger, I swung my spear towards him, immediately regretting it. In an instant, a vicious strike met my face, sending me sprawling backward, my body crashing onto the unforgiving ground.

As I lay there, dazed and disoriented, my vision blurred, and the world around me faded into a blinding white. Time seemed to stand still, each passing moment stretching into an eternity as I struggled to regain my senses.

A mocking laughter pierced through the haze, cutting through the silence. "Well, well," he taunted, his voice laced with a mix of surprise and amusement. "There is fire in you after all." His words hung in the air, a testament to the unexpected strength I had displayed. "Who would have thought? Not even Achilles had the guts to attack me when I subjected him to the same treatment."

Confusion etched itself into every line of my face as I regarded him with a puzzled expression. "What was the point of that?" I asked, my voice laced with a mix of curiosity and frustration.

"To see if you're worth being taught what I'm going to teach you," he replied, his tone matter-of-fact. "Achilles was just like everyone else in this world. Strong, ambitious, and full of youthful ego. But you... you're different."

I shook my head, my scepticism growing by the second. "You don't know anything about me. You just met me."

"But I do," he countered, his voice low and steady. "You just don't know you yet. Right now, you follow your Lord blindly. You act like you have a purpose to serve him, but deep inside, there's something else. Your true purpose for existing, and I will help you realise it."

He extended his arm, offering me a hand, and pulled me back up to my feet. "You'll call me Lord Chiron from now on, and you will obey my orders. Is that clear, boy?"

I regarded him with a strange mix of apprehension and curiosity, unsure of what to make of this enigmatic figure who had suddenly appeared in my life. He didn't fit the meld of what I had imagined him to be, based on all the stories I had heard of him. But perhaps that was the mark of a true legend - someone who was unafraid to think outside the box and challenge convention.

Despite my reservations, I found myself inexplicably drawn to him, a sense of trust growing within me. He saw something in me that no one else had, and for that, I was willing to follow him wherever he led me.

"Yes, sir," I replied, my voice barely above a whisper, but brimming with unwavering resolve.

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