My Love For YOU #JJK. KTH

By Ranishee

277 18 21

Jungkook knew taehyung doesn't think of him in that way,but he still decided to speak his heart out " I love... More

prologue and introduction
1 The journey of love
2 His Pure love
3 Deep love of jungkook
4 The love of jungkook's life
5 Moon love
6 love to be called
7 Blind in love
8. fall in love with the angel
9. A happy love life
Army Day
10.Shining Moon
12. Something Hidden
happy 11th anniversary

11. Coincidence and FATE

6 0 0
By Ranishee

Happiest Birthday to our prince charming , a very handsome man with beautiful smile and charming smile who always make me believe that I can never be unloved by him ,  my first ever bias although now I am OT7 but still he have a special place in my heart 💜

Thank you so much love for everything you deserve happiness and only happiness 🥺





Ignore my mistakes please


Sometimes we can see but can't pin point the exact what we saw in words, sometimes can't reach the limit that we want to tell, we want to name the emotions but we dont know how .

Just like jungkook, its been a week since he and taehyung helped that kids and afterwards the unknown emotions on taehyung's and yoongi's eyes .

The emotions and look they gave each other like they are consoling each other through eyes but why ? Why they are sharing the look like this and it keep ringing in his head .

Its been week and he can't help but to think more about his love for taehyung . he just felt sharp pain in his heart when he saw the vulnerable look in Taehyung's eyes , it worries him.

After that day they didn't met but chat as jin create a chat group 6 of them where they chat so they are now going to taehyung's home for the first time .

To say jungkook is excited will be understatement because who will not, right ? .

They just got to know that Yoongi and hoseok just got shifted to teahyung's home and taehyung suggested to night out at his .

They agreed

And here he is checking out himself in mirror if he is looking good enough or not .

Too lost in his thought he didn't notice Jin entering in his room but come to his sence once he got smack on his head .

"You are looking handsome not more than me though " Jin said

"You sure Old man ? " jungkook said taking his phone from the night stand quickly ran out of room and jin chasing him behind well namjoon just shook his head at his two maknae's and follow them to the car.

And jungkook began to drive to Taehyung's home excitedly not before getting smack on his head from jin for calling him old man.

" Dad told me that you agreed for the collaboration " Namjoon broke the silence looking at jungkook who is driving his car happily but as soon as he heard namjoon he turned into happy child to matured one.

" I don't have choice hyung , You know how my dad is right ? " jungkook asked which namjoon nodded .

" wait what collaboration ? But kook you said you will not accept any project till graduation " Jin asked confuse

" yes hyung but you know J.M right ? When it comes to him dad just forgot everything, his dramatic emotional blackmail is something I can't handle" jungkook said as sighn left from his mouth

" what does J.M has to do with this ?" Jin asked again as he knows how his uncle jeon is ! .

" He does hyung , J.M was going to collaborate with charlie puth but recently due to some health issue charlie hyung cancelled all his current project " jungkook explain while namjoon continue

" yeah and Jeon uncle dosen't like to keep JM on hold so he just want jungkook to be in place on charlie as JM's fan will be crazy if they got to know that JM's comeback will be postponed " jin nod in that

Jungkook wanted his comeback after his graduation as his finals are coming so he wanted to focus on studies too so after euphoria song he decided to take break and he even told his fans

Everyone knows how much JM's Fans loves him they can go any extend and MR.jeon being one of them dosen't help .

Jungkook knows his father loves him so much but the way his father loves JM as his fan is something he can never understand .

" so you agreed for the comeback ?" Jin asked

" yeah and its fine I didn't thought about my comeback yet so it will be great for my fans too as they will get christmas surprise gift so I am happy " Jungkook or I say Jk said which made his hyung happy that their maknae is happy .

" so when will be for the recording start ?" Namjoon asked

" Tommorow or day after tommorow , it will be depend on JM shedule, dad will inform me " jungkook replied.

And soon remaining ride was silent

when they reached at the given adress, they are amused to see it was quite facinating bulding and it was close to their school too.

"On which floor they lives in ? " Namjoon asked

" third floor " replied jungkook as they start to walk to elevator .

On their way they met two old womens in the elevator smiles at them which they bow in return.

"Oo myy you guys are handsome as well as mannered I see " one of old women said chuckling as they just smile in return .

" just like our taehyungie" the second women exclaimed which shocked the trio .

" you know taehyung ?" Which was dumb question because elevator stopped and the two ladies step out of the same floor as taehyung and whom they are kidding they knows how angel taehyung is !.

" yes dear he is our neighbor , are you his friends ?" The old women asked

" yes " the trio replied as they also step out and began to walk to the door of taehyung's door .

" Oo wow our taehyungie first time invite someone other than the seokie and that cat, welcome dear feel like home okay " the second one said but that cat said with huffing cutely and the trio get who the cat mean so they just chuckle

" thank you so much " namjoon said bowing

" no no dear its fine " as they walk with the trio in front of taehyung's apartment door .

" can't believe that grumpy cat is grumpy with these sweet women also" jin exclaimed under his breath with so done face but Still smiling at two ladies and before they can ring the door bell they saw the door is already open ,

They still going ring the bell

" no need to ring the bell just go in , Taehyungie just get home so he might forgot to lock the door " one of the women said

So they just entered and the site infront of them was not what they expected

Well jungkook was surprised to see taehyung seating in the corner of the room pouting cutely while his two hyung standing infront him , they didn't notice their presence yet .

" tae I am sorry baby please forgive your hobi hyungie please , okay okay I promise yesterday was the last time , it will not happen "this month hobi said looking at taehyung with hopefull eyes .

" really ? You promise ?" Taehyung said extending his pinky which hobi immediately interlock with making taehyung smile bright at him.

" it means you forgive me ?" Hobi asked in which taehyung nod in return making hobi happiest and hug him tight and hoseok happily started to walk to the kitchen ignoring his boyfriend's betrayed face

That's when he saw the trio who is standing at the door step not knowing what is happening , he motioned them to not speak anything or make any move by walking towards them .

He whispered to them

" when did you guys came "

" just two minutes ago " jin whisper replied

" Oo actually tae is mad at us so I was just trying to convince him hehe " hobi said embarrassingly .

" but I must say you came at the right time , just don't ask anything and enjoy my favorite drama " hobi whispered excitedly and motioned towards the other two who is still ' I am mad at you and 'i am gonna convince you role to notice their presence.

" tae - yoongi started but taehyung just look other side making yoongi sigh

" baby - he tried but again got ignorance so he continue

" at least listen to me bub " yoongi plead

And at last taehyung look at him
" no yoon , not this time , am seriously mad at you this time not gonna talk to you " Taehyung huffed at look at the other side but widen his eyes when he saw the other three ignoring hoseok who is also standing with them . he immediately stood up totally ignoring the person who was trying to convince him .

" Ooo he noticed us ? Drama ends guys " hoseok said in very disappointment because its his favourite thing to see yoongi aaked his forgiveness to tae or try to convince him to talk to him.

Well the three was shocked to see the yoongi who pretend to be Rude yet cold is literally asking forgiveness being all softy was something new for them and to say jin was so happy to witnessed this because he definetly gonna use this chance to tease other.

But our jungkook is still in daze of taehyung , its new site for him to watch the mature one being the cute is now his favorite thing to watch , he feel luckiest to say.

" when did you guys came ? Welcome home hyungs and jungkookie " tae said coming towards them smiling cutely which help jungkook to come out his shock state but again lost in smile of the other .

"Feel Home " yoongi greeted them walking to the kitchem as they all settle on the coach and hoseok prepare cold drinks for them.

as much as they wanted to ask what was happening earlier they stoped themselves when they saw how other three behave clearly ignoring earlier incidence so they just go with flow .

"You didn't face any problem to Find the adress right ?" Hoseok asked while giving them drinks

" No hyung we didn't " jungkook replied for the first time coming after the car .

" that's good " hoseok said while seating beside him .

When all of them settle down and talk with each other while yoongi doing something in kitchen
Jungkook take time look around ,in his openion it dosen't look like an college student apartment it is maintained and organized really good and its make him feel happy for unknown reason..

Some steps to walk to the living room but in a way they saw a reading corner which didn't surprise them as taehyung love to read books and aside it is one room they assume and then living room and kitchen and one balcony close to dining table and then in the back of kitchen is one more room .

"Breakfast is ready guys " yoongi announced making all of them to move to the dining table .

" Our college will start from a day after tommorow right ? Taehyung asked namjoon to start conversation at the table .

" yeah and they will give us semester project but the change is now it will partnered with seniors " namjoon replied

" Oo then tae we can be -

" really wow that's great news , we all can partnered in the project " Taehyung replied cutting Yoongi in the middle who look sad for a second but still again tried by saying

" that's good id-

" yeah even kook suggest the same yesterday " jin said making jungkook blush in embarrassement by revealing it and yoongi to glare at jin while hoseok laugh at his boyfriend situation .

Breakfast was good with all of them talking and having fun but the important part was fun to see yoongi trying to make conversation with taehyung who ignored him in whole breakfast table which jin take advantage by taking attention of taehyung making yoongi glare at jin secretly .

It was like jin taking all attention of taehyung engrossing him with his chat while yoongi trying to talk to taehyung in middle while hoseok and namjoon talk with each other

And well our jungkook being jungkook

He silently ate while admiring taehyung and his cuteness of ignoring yoongi .

After breakfastt taehyung and jungkook took the dishes and yoongi give up by walking to the sofa and other three follow him behind .

" We wear same colour clothes today , what a coincidence " taehyung suddenly said making jungkook realise that his love notice it .

And it was hard for taehyung to understand that it was the reflection of jungkook's dress that his face become red or what .

but tae will never the reason of his blush or knows how jungkook is happy with this coincidence .

For Jungkook every thing about taehyung whether its small or big its not coincidence , in his words it never can be

For him its fate , A destiny

Just like today he saw taehyung as an angel in those women's eyes who loves taehyung as their own grandson , then again seeing taehyung pouting in the corner of his room like a baby

Its his destiny and fate to show him more sides of taehyung , his hidden side

That's why he says

this fate every time gives him reason ,
His love for taehyung to increase a little more every each passing day .

And he knows this

That is the why

he just loves his fate so much that having taehyung as

His fate


On your birthday I miss you a little more my baby bear

Come home soon

Your armies are missing you so much
Take care if yourself 🥺


Our last OT7 picture 🥺

Ooo godd I miss them so much ✨
but am proud of them so much I hope they are healthy and taking care of themselves

We will wait

until 2025



May 2024 treat you well

Its time to say goodbye to 2023 , taking a new step ahead but looking back those memories of 2023 let's go to the 2024
new year means new chapter , new opportunities let's promise to stay healthy and happy

Happy new year once again


Ignore my mistakes
Do your precious votes pls
I will be back with nee chapter soon

See ya in 2024

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