Knowledge is love


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Growing up, I always heard people telling my dad why is he teaching me about survival. What's the point? Thos... Еще

Part 1: Unlikely friendship
Part 2: School dra- what's going on?
Part 3: The Stone World
Part 4: A new companion
Part 5: A familiar face
Part 6: New mem- God Damn Old Timer
Part 7: Suflar and confession
Part 9: Let the first rounds begin with a bang
Part 10: Getting hot in the arena
Part 11: New Chief is who?!?!
Part 12: Tales from the past
Part 13: Lost means war
Part 14: Playing dirty
Part 15: Sweet Treat
Part 16: Merry Christmas and surprise
Part 17: Saved by the gem
Part 18: Spelunking adventure
Part 19: Surprise
Part 20: Back to phones
Part 21: Glass, heat, batteries
Part 22: Message from past
Part 23: Prepare
Part 24: Plan to see you hell
Part 25: Enemy territory
Part 26: Captured by an old friend
Part 27: So we finally meet
Part 28: Ally by song
Part 29: Prison break
Part 30: Welcome back and you brought an ally
Part 31: What is he to you?
Part 32: Stone Wars
Part 33: Terms of alliance
Part 34: Backstabber and bloodshed
Part 35: You can't die on me
Part 36: Cold sleep and panic attacks
Part 37: You'll walk again, I promise
Part 38: Finding our new Captain
Part 39: New life with currency and wedding?
Part 40: Let's fly
Part 41: Reunited and map making
Part 42: Bread, Butler and Pictures
Part 43: Oil sailing
Part 44: Lets mine
Part 45: Winter boat troubles and campfire singing
Part 46: Getting closer as a couple~
Part 47: Set sail for adventure
Part 48: Treasure Island
Part 49: Distraction by any means
Part 50: Scars and beauty
Part 51: Infuriate enemy territory
Part 52: The power of a father's will
Part 53: Striking back with old comrades
Part 54: Progress with Medusa
Part 55: Old allies, new threats
Part 56: Drones, guns and planning
Part 57: The beginning of the second Stone Wars
Part 58: Foe turned to ally
Part 59: Flicker of hope turned to doom
Part 60: Science v Medusa
Part 61: Next Steps
Part 62: New project, allies, connections and home
Part 63: Beyond the new world
Bonus: Punches and ramen
Bonus: Movie night
What if: Y/n joined the spy team
What if: Y/n got petrified
Valentine's day Special

Part 8: Grand Bout Begin

2.3K 78 8

Y/n was sitting on the floor, gently petting Neman as Suika paced back and forward while Kohaku stood next to Chalk. They were waiting for the guys to return. Y/n then heard something and stood up. She was so relieved to see the guys come back with the sulfuric acid in hand. Chalk started to happily bark as Suika got excited and y/n laughed a bit when she saw that Senku was struggling carrying his load.

"Need a hand," y/n ask as she takes the jar from him.

"Thanks," Senku said, trying to catch his breath.

"No problem, Onion Boy," y/n joked.

Senku playfully shook his head as y/n was glad he was back home safe. Kohaku was very excited that they could finally make Ruri's life saving medicine. However Chrome reminded her about the crazy road map of steps to make the medicine which kills her mood. But Senku reassures that they are close to completing it since they had most of the components and all they had to do was just to light up the dark stops of the map. This gets them all excited.

They went into the lab and Senku grabbed some test tubes and beakers. He told the others to get excited since it was now time for some Chemistry cooking class. They then went back outside where y/n poured the sulfuric acid to boil with a pinch of salt.

After they had to start the dripping process. They had to collect the gas that was coming out of the sulfuric acid mixture as it dripped. They had to get Old Man Kaseki to make a new piece of equipment for this process. However Old Man Kaseki was a bit upset making it since it was a bit more complicated than the normal beakers but he got excited when he finished. After the whole dripping process, Hydrochloric acid was acquired. Kahuku was a bit concerned and confused by the word 'Hydrochloric'. And Senku stated it was a slightly dangerous chemical which will make you blind if it got in your eyes. This obviously got Suika scared as Kohaku didn't really like the idea of giving her sister a dangerous, blind-causing chemical but she just had to trust the process.

Next they took the sinters from the sulfuric acid spring that the scientists collected. They boiled 'em and then threw 'em into the hydrochloric acid. After all of that, they now had chlorosulfonic acid. Once again, Kohaku was concerned and confused by the word 'chlorosulfonic'. And Senku stated it was a super bad chemical that if it got on your skin, you'd turn into a skulking zombie. Suika got even more scared as Kohaku once again had to bite her tongue. Y/n put her hand on Suika trying to calm the poor girl down.

Next they got the brothers to spin the gears so they could get some electricity curt going through the wires. Once there was a current, Senku put the wires in a pot full of salt water and the mixture to separate the salt and water with alacrity. This lets them acquire sodium hydroxide. Once again Kohaku was concerned and Suika was terrified. Senku explained that it was an extremely bad chemical that could be used to melt corpses.

"Senku, can you at least try to scare the poor girl," y/n asked as she held the terrified Suika.

"Oh, I get it now," Kohaku stated. This confused y/n and the scientists as they noticed Kohaku, who was standing at the lab entrance with a scary smile. "It makes you blind, turns you into a zombie, and melts your corpse. Is that all?" Her face then went a bit scary which honestly made y/n more uncomfortable than scared but Chrome got scared as Senku was just getting annoyed but nervous. "Senku, you're gonna make Ruri drink that?"

"Relax Kohaku, no one is making anyone drink anything," y/n stated.

"Yeah," Senku agreed. "We're just using it to prepare the drug!"

Senku grabbed a jar and the scientist headed outside. "Plus all the rest of the chemicals are harmless so relax, will ya?"

Y/n stood next to Kohaku as they watched them walk away. Thankfully those words relaxed Kohaku.

"Next up is ammonia," Senku declared.

"Oh no," y/n mumbled as she nervously glanced at Kohaku.

"Let's go," Chrome exclaimed.

"Where do you get that," Kohaku asked.

"You're not gonna like it," y/n stated.

"What do you mean," Kohaku asked.

Y/n simply sighed as she got ready to grab Kohaku incase. Kohaku then looked at Senku and Chrome to see what they were doing. She then sees that they were peeing into the jar. And with that ammonia was acquired but Kohaku obviously was not happy. She was ready to kill the boys however y/n grabbed her so she couldn't move but she still gave them the scary face.

"Do you really think I'm gonna let you force my sister to drink that," Kohaku asked.

Once again this face scared Chrome, Senku was just nervous but annoyed that he had to explain this again.

"She's not drinking it," Senku stated. "We just need it to prepare the drug!"

"Kohaku, just relax and trust the process please," y/n begged as she was honestly getting annoyed from Kohaku jumping to conclusions.

"All right, we're so close to getting there," Senku declared. "We're down to the last three items: Acetic anhydride, Sodium bicarbonate, and Anilin."

"Sounds like you're casting some kind of spell," Suika commented.

"But we need alcohol to make those," Senku stated. "That's the key here. So if we can get our hands on some booze, we'll have the ultimate crue-all. A powerful sulfa drug."

They all gasped with excitement as y/n chuckled a bit. She thought it was a bit funny that something that slowly kills you, is the key to making a cure-all drug.

"So let's make us some alcohol then," Chrome exclaimed as he ran out of the lab.

"It's not easy making alcohol," y/n stated which makes Chrome stop.

"She's right," Senku said. "It's gonna take time and energy. Some more manpower would be great."

"Need booze," Old Man Kaseki asked. "Funny you mention it. Because if you were to be victorious in the Grand Bout tomorrow, the villagers will give you more booze than you could ever hope to finish."

"Why am I not surprised by that," y/n mumbled to herself.

"Wait, it's tomorrow," Chrome asked. "No way!"

Senku chuckled as he looked at the battle team training. "The timing couldn't be more perfect."

"Right," Chrome agreed. "If Kinro or Ginro wins, we'll have alcohol, and then practically nothing can stop us from making Ruri's medicine!"

"Yeah," Senku agreed. "Our team is gonna win the Grand Bount, even if it kills us."

"Well I'm not too sure about that," y/n mumbled.

In the lab, y/n and Senku were looking at the weapons that were gonna be used for the Grand Bout. Kohaku and Suika were there when they were told some interesting news.

"You're gonna participate in the Grand Bout too Senku," Kohaku asked.

"And I was the one who signed him up for the big battle," Ginro exclaimed. "Yep! Senku is over 14 and unmarried, isn't he?"

"That's right," Senku stated. "Plus there's no rule that says you have to be a villager to participate."

Senku and Ginro chuckled as the rest of them were just not happy about this.

"This is kinda weird," Suika admitted. "Since when have Senku and Ginro been so close?"

"Well, they're birds of the same devious feather," Kohaku stated. "But are you really okay with this y/n?"

"Well, it's not like what they're doing goes against the rules," y/n said. "Plus, it wouldn't be fair if I judged Senku for pulling a stunt like, if I did the same."

This made everyone but Ginro shocked and confused.

"What are you talking about," Kinro asked.

"Oh right, I also signed up y/n to take my place in the Grand Bout," Ginro admitted.

"Well it was more like I spared with him and he saw I was much stronger so he begged me to take his spot," y/n clarified. "Plus the more fighters we have on our side the better. Because if we happen to go against each other, we can simply throw the match and move on without having to break a sweat."

"You see? This is a great idea," Ginro said.

"You're really gonna rig the Grand Bout," Kinro asked. "How dishonorable. Even for you. Either way, although the goal is worthy, rules are rules. I won't throw my match. I'll still fight fairly and with honor"

"Well obviously you will," y/n stated. "I mean, we've all agreed that you have the best shot of beating this Magma guy in a one-on-one fight. So we need you to make it to the top. Plus, no one is asking you to cheat so don't get your panties in a twist about this."

"You're not convincing me this is the right thing to do," Kinro said as he was getting annoyed.

"Well regardless, that won't stop the plan," y/n stated.

"Hey! What do you think about this," Kinro asked. "Please, Kohaku. Surely you don't agree with this!"

"Eh... Honestly," Kohaku said as she just didn't care anymore. Since all she cared about was saving her sister.

Kinro felt his pride break as he just needed someone to agree with his perspective. "Senku. Surely you don't like the idea of y/n doing this."

"Well to be honest, that was gonna be my plan anyway," Senku admitted. "After all, I'm not planning on winning. I'm only doing this to tire out the other opponents. Plus y/n can handle herself when it comes to fighting. She's a lot stronger than she looks."

"Thank you Senku," y/n said as she hugged him.

Y/n smirked at Kinro as Ginro rubbed it in his face that he was outnumbered. Kinro felt as if he had just been stabbed as he honestly just wanted to cry. How could they be treating the Grand Bout as some childish game.

The next day, the sound of drums echoed. Everyone was watching as y/n and Senku walked to the village. Everyone was a bit on edge as the pair were on the bridge where Girno and Kirno were guarding. They let the pair pass as they finally step foot onto the village.

"This is the first time either one of us has set foot in the village," Senku said.

"Well, we're here," y/n said.

Chrome, Suika and Kohaku approached the pair and they walked to the arena. Of course, being outsiders, the pair were gonna get stares. In the actual arena, people were scattered as Ginro brought the weapons that would be used. Kohaku and Chrome went to help Ginro as y/n and Senku just waited for the Grand Bout to start. They both felt something and turned around to see a girl who looks just like Kohaku standing by the stairs. This obviously had to be Ruri but why was she down at the arena if she was ill. But more importantly, why was she just staring at the pair but more at Senku.

"Your name is Senku, is it not," Ruri asked.

"And you're the village priestess, Ruri," Senku stated. "So nice to finally meet you in person."

"Indeed," Ruri confirmed. "I have a very important question to ask you. Tell me, please. Senku, what is your surname?"

This made Senku's eyes widened for just a moment as did y/n's. What did she just say?

"I mean your family name," Ruri clarified. "The one' that's passed-"

"Yeah. We know what a surname means," y/n stated.

But the pair was confused. After all, from what they could tell, there is no tradition of having a surname in this village. So how could she know what that means?

"Could it be that you're..." Ruri started to shake. "Ishi-"

Ruri collapsed to the ground before she could finish her sentence. She started to cough as people went to help her. Senku and y/n tried to help her but were stopped by a woman. Chrome and Kohaku tried to help as well but they didn't let them. They then carried Ruri back up to where she was as they just watched.

"I have about ten billion questions for her as well," Senku admitted.

"Same here," y/n said.

"I think you and I should have a nice long chat with her after this Grand Bout business is over," Senku stated.

They then hear laughing and turn to see a taller, muscular man with blond hair. It was pretty easy to figure out that it was Magma. He stated that it was gonna be easy to get rid of Ruri since she would probably drop dead on their wedding night. Of course, Kohaku got upset by this and was about to go fight Magma but Chrome stopped her.

Y/n looked at him and remembered something. Chrome spent a good amount of time practicing for the Grand Bout since he was now participating. He mainly trained to hit Magma in his weakstop aka his testicular area. Main reason is because Chrome knew he didn't have a good chance at winning but he still wanted to try and get some hits on Magma. All this meant the order of the matches was crucial.

The contestants then drew straws for the order of the matches. Ginro started to chant about rigging the match in their favor. Well it wasn't the worst thing. After all, their whole strategy was to get the Grand Bout in their favor. They wanted an unscratched Kinro to go up against a tired Magma in the final match. This meant Kinro could not be up against Magma first or the whole plan is doomed. It would also be in their favor if Kohaku went up against Magma in the first round and beat him.

However when they drew the brackets, it was revealed that Kinro and Magma would be the first every first round. This of course screwed with the plan and the Kingdom of Science didn't like that.

There was time before the fights actually started so the group went back to the lab. Ginro and Suika started to panic since this wasn't good at all. Chrome also didn't like this as Senku and y/n just accept it since life just be like that. Senku then pulled out a bottle that he deemed the Kingdom of Science's special power-up drink.

Everyone but Ginro was impressed by it but didn't really like it since it looked a bit sus. Senku reassured that it was completely safe and listed the ingredients he used so they would know it was safe to drink. However in the middle of him explaining it, Ginro chugged the whole bottle and ate the extra herbs. Kinro then hits Ginro on the head three times, giving him some noticeable bumps.

"Did you really just drink all of it," Kinro asked, clearly upset.

"I got nervous and I didn't know that was the whole supply," Ginro said, trying to defend himself.

"Of course he's a stress eater," y/n sighed. "Plus you're not even participating in the Grand Bout Ginro."

"I'm sorry," Ginro said as he actually, genuinely felt bad as he finished eating the herb.

"He even ate the raw ingredients," Chrome said.

"Wow yeah. There goes our whole supply of sweet flags," Senku said.

"That's the grass, right," Chrome asked. "The kind that grows down by the river?"

"I'll go pick some more for us," Suika volunteered. "I may not be competing in the Grand Bout, but I can still make myself useful."

Suika then hopped out of the lab in her melon-helmet and went to the river to get some more of the sweet flags. Neither y/n or Kohaku liked that but there was nothing they could do as the herbs could really help them and Suika was already gone .

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