The Elemental Chain Saga Book...

By DragonDog1

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The kingdom of Alerdreamia is in desperate need of heroes. Gregory Smith has gone missing when he is needed m... More

Chapter Two: Archibald's Big Entrance!
Chapter Three: The Black Beast
Chapter Four: Eyes
Chapter Five: Hope's Fury
Chapter Six: Gunshots at Dawn
Chapter Seven: Ro'lepr
Chapter Eight: Traveling Onward
Chapter Nine: Manta Fuego
Chapter Ten: Truth
Chapter Eleven: Fate
Chapter Twelve: Basket Case
Chapter Thirteen: The Other
Chapter Fourteen: Greg's Return
Chapter Fifteen: Mother's Embrace
Chapter Sixteen: Sorrow
Chapter Seventeen: Pain
Chapter Eighteen: Tortured Soul
Chapter Nineteen: Tortured Body
Chapter Twenty: A Gift
Chapter Twenty-One: Leyetta's Lament
Chapter Twenty-Two: Aurandale
Chapter Twenty-Three: Sage's Words
Chapter Twenty-Four: Forgotten Blade
Chapter Twenty-Five: Philla
Chapter Twenty-Six: Darkness Descends
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Hello Darkness, my Old Friend
Epilouge: Bodies to Bury

Chapter One: Darkness

202 10 8
By DragonDog1

The sky collapsed in on itself, exploding to a dreary night sky, trailing wisps of gray-violet swirling in infinite cycles. A thunder clap tore through the countryside a second after a bolt of lightning tore to the ground in a jagged path, illuminating the earth with its electric brightness, casting it in a shiny blue sheen.

As it descended, a shadow wrapped around it, swallowing the light in ethereal darkness, and as it seared the ground, a figure dashed into it, his red cloak billowing behind him-gone.

Mathias watched it from his nightmare, rooted to the ground as the wind roared in a howling gale around him. He shivered, not able to tear his eyes off where the man had been.

Awaken, little one. Your life is in grave peril.

Mathias recognized the divine voice from one of those among his head, it didn't register at first. All he could do was watch as the ground cracked and split before him, leaves pulling from the earth and bursting upwards still, just visible in the semi-darkness of the night. A tree grew before him, the leafy top spewing from the earth followed by the ancient trunk. Towering over his small figure, the gnarled white bark vibrating with the intense wind, branches lashing over his head.

Lightning flashed behind it. The wind was at gale force now, slamming Mathias to his knees, his hands grasping the rough bark, scrambling to dig his hands into the fresh earth, feeling at the gritty ground for safety when none was afforded to him. As Mathias watched fearfully, a bolt of lightning flashed across the sky and a beam of shadows exploded down from the heavens with it, bending the lightning around its column.

And the world around him crumbled to darkness, the ground to swirling black dust, whisking away on the intense gale, all slowly closing in on the trunk of the tree, it's white brilliance fatefully shining against the surroundings, awaiting its demise proudly and without fear. Mathias stumbled to the base of the trunk, wrapping an arm around it, he couldn't muster the courage this being had. He screamed as the darkness neared, tightening his grip, liquid warmth running from his fingers as they ripped at the bark, staining it red.

Little one, awaken!

His eyes flickered open. The tent was dark, a crackling fire the only source of light. He grabbed his knife sheathe from besides himself, rubbing his eyes of their sleep. He refused to think about what he had just experienced, the most vivid and horrible of his nightmares thus far, he refused to believe it was true.

He crawled out from the tent and his eyes darted towards where a rumbling sound was coming from. He peered into the darkness as the sound approached and figures came into focus moving along the trees. He managed to dash to Philla and Sybil's tent, opening it and pocking his head in, his heart pounding like a drum in his ears.

Philla was already awake, her bow in hand. Sybil clutched onto something in her cloak pocket. Philla looked into Mathias's eyes "It's alright, I'll protect you." She didn't know the true reason of his fear, the nightmare he had just experienced.

Philla stood in front of the tent and Sybil and Mathias followed her out of it as the Andanobians rode into their camp ground.

Their black horses padded the ground, crunching the hard, frost covered earth with their hooves, the brown muzzles sniffing the night air. Their riders rode with their amber hoods raised, concealing their faces, casting them into shadow. One rider dismounted, stepping forward "Surrender the children of royalty or die." Philla shook her head, her red locks shaking "I'd rather die. But honestly, I much prefer you dying." She brought her bow in a crescent motion, arrow already fitted. She brought her arm back smoothly, her bare arms drawing back the arrow, firing.

The Andanobii twisted, the arrow striking his horse to the ground. The other eight attacked, raising their arms.

Mathias swore, pulling a knife from his sheathe and raising it overhand, his mind settling as he felt the knife in his hand, reminding him of years of practice, spinning the blade as his eyes zoned in on the biggest part of his target: the chest. His father had always wanted him to master the sword but he had a sort of connection to these, promising his father he'd hone his blade skills later. And as the blade buried hilt-deep into his chest, slumping him forward on his steed, Mathias knew his years of training on foot and on horseback were worth it.

He watched as the Andanobii charged forward, the air filling with their darkness, filling the air with their dark power.

Philla dropped her bow, raising her arms and splaying them forward.

Pillars of yellow energy erupted before the enemy as her yellow aura bloomed around her, casting her light against their darkness.

Mathias flung another knife, taking another Andanobii down as the others tried to reign in their steeds to avoid the columns of crackling energy, silently thanking Philla for stopping the man's motion, giving him an easier shot. From the corner of his eye, he saw Sybil ready a small dagger in her hands. He was proud that she was willing to fight, she had changed so much over the course of these months.

The Andanobii who had first approached was away from the others, charging at them on foot, a shadow covered blade in his hand. Mathias spun two knives at him. One was deflected off his blade the other dodged all together.

He heard as the twang of the bow went off and quickly turned to see as the last of the mounted enemy dropped. He hastily tugged on Philla's arm. She was already turning, raising her bow at the last Andanobii.

A bolt of shadows slammed into her chest, punching her backwards and smacking her longbow from her hand. She gasped as another bolt slammed into her stomach, punching her off her feet. Sybil yelled.

Mathias's feet were planted to the ground, the shadow wielding warrior upon him. The sword was swung at his legs and he scampered backwards, the sword ripping through his pants, tearing them, drawing blood. A lunge struck forward like a snake and Mathias raised his knife, his arm screaming in pain as his weapon met his opponent's. He ground his teeth, feeling the man's breath on him. He held the knife with two hands, his opponent sword only held with one but still pushing towards him. The other hand raised, the silver ring sucking in the small light of the dark night.

"Hiruuugh!!!" Steel flashing down. Blood.

Mathias looked into the dimming eyes of his opponent, stumbling backwards away from his bleeding body. The man fell forward, landing at his feet.

And behind him, Sybil stood, her chest heaving slightly, her silk shirt stained red. A bloody dagger was held in her left hand. Her azure eyes looking at Mathias, giving him a weary smile "It was about time I repaid my debt."

DragonDog1: Here it is, book three of the Elemental Chain Saga. I hope you enjoyed the first chapter and will leave a comment or vote. Thank you!

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