Blast: The Teenage Hero

By Redfork2000

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Alex was just an average high school student who stumbled through life with many hardships. He frequently fin... More

1. Rise of Blast - Part 1
2. Rise of Blast - Part 2
3. Fame and Glory
4. The Best Sleepover Ever
5. A Rocky Rivalry
7. Will Work For Jewels
8. Canine Catastrophe
9. The Girl Next Door
10. Hothead Havoc
11. Just Like You
12. Pair Pressure
13. Watt a Party!
14. Dress For Success
15. The Attack of the 50 Foot Teenager
16. Operation Clover

6. Queen Glamour

16 2 0
By Redfork2000

It's another Monday morning at Peachwood High. Many groups of students gather together in their friend groups to chat about their weekend as they get ready for the first period of class. However, Alice just walks down the hallway, until she arrives at her locker. She's never really been the social and outgoing type, she just prefers to focus on what matters to her the most: her studies.

For the most part, she's been pretty content with just being on her own, and not really talking much to her classmates. It's only recently that she started to hang out more with Alex and Tommy, and started warming up to them as friends, ever so slightly. Still, she does spend most of her time on her own, while Alex and Tommy do their own stuff, which she doesn't mind.

She opens her locker and takes out some textbooks and notebooks, distracted in her thoughts about recent events, such as the discovery of there being more superhumans than just Alex, and her plans for making a radar that can detect them.

However, she's quickly snapped out of her thoughts as she hears a voice that's all too familiar to her, and just gives her a feeling of annoyance from hearing it.

"All alone again, aren't you, Anna?" she hears behind her, in a haughty, high-pitched voice. Alice just sighs, and turns her head, only to see exactly who she expected to see. Brittany, the leader of Peachwood High's cheerleader team, along with her two best friends, Vanessa and Helen.

"It's Alice." Alice responds, just internally hoping this interaction ends soon.

"Whatever, that's not important." Brittany responds, rolling her eyes. "Doesn't surprise me honestly. No one wants to hang out with a weirdo." She adds, both Vanessa and Helen laughing at the comment, while Alice just rolls her eyes.

"If so, then why are you even talking to me?" Alice asks her, more annoyed at Brittany's antics than actually intimidated. "Don't you have something better to do?" she adds.

Brittany runs her hand through her wavy blonde hair, with a smug grin. "Now that you mention it, you're right. I was just talking to the girls about the party I'll be hosting this Friday. It's going to be the biggest one yet. Everyone's going to be there." Brittany tells her. "Or well, almost everyone. We don't want any weirdos like you there, Amy." she adds.

"Fine by me, I wasn't interested in going anyway." Alice responds, closing her locker now that she has all the books she needed.

"Of course you're not, you'd rather stay in your dark room reading or doing science stuff so you forget about how lonely you are." Vanessa quips.

Alice just raises an eyebrow, unimpressed. "Is that supposed to offend me?" She asks. By now she's more than used to Brittany, Vanessa and Helen acting like this.

Brittany knocks the books out of Alice's hands, causing them to fall onto the floor. "You're no fun, Aria." Brittany tells her. "That's why no one hangs out with you." she adds, while Alice tries to pick up the fallen books. "On the other hand, everyone loves me. Maybe you could learn a thing or two from me." Brittany tells her.

"Be like you? I'd rather hug a cactus." Alice replies, getting back up with her books in her arms. "Well if you don't have anything better to do, I certainly do. So bye." Alice adds, as she turns around and starts walking away from the trio.

"Did she just say she was going to hug a cactus? Wouldn't that like... hurt?" Helen asks, baffled at the idea of Alice trying to hug a cactus.

Vanessa rolls their eyes at that. "Is that really the only thing you heard?" Vanessa asks Helen, annoyed at her.

"Forget about it, she's not worth the trouble." Brittany tells her two friends. "Let's get going. We're going to invite everyone to the party." The three girls walk down the hallway, only to see a crowd of people up ahead. "What's going on?" Brittany asks, as the three of them come closer to take a look at what's happening.

In the center of the crowd is Alex, talking to everyone as Lily writes stuff down on her notebook. Brittany and her friends push their way to the front of the crowd, curious as to what this is all about. "Hey, what's all this fuss about?" Vanessa asks.

Lily stops writing for a bit, as she turns her attention to Brittany and her friends. "Oh, this? Everyone's hearing Alex tell the story of how he fought the other superpowered teen the other day." Lily explains. "I wrote all about it in the Peachwood High News, and everyone wants to hear about it from the man himself!" She adds with a giggle.

"That's... all this is about? He fought a guy?" Brittany asks.

Helen scratches her head a bit. "People actually read the school newspaper?" she asks.

Lily pouts at that last comment. "Of course they do! I make sure to publish the most exciting news for everyone to read about!" she exclaims, proud of her work. "In fact, recently people have been reading the news more than ever! The heroics of the superhero Blast are the hot topic in school now!" Lily adds with a proud smile. "And I'm the one the writes all about it."

"Yeah yeah, whatever you say." Brittany says, waving her hand to brush aside the topic of Alex's heroics. "Anyway, I was going to talk to you all about the party I'll be having at my place this Friday. It's going to be the biggest party yet." Brittany tells the crowd.

However, far from being all excited and switching their attention to her like she expected, they're all still focused on Alex, who is floating a few feet above the ground as he continues talking about his experiences. "Ahem, did anyone hear me?" Brittany insists.

Lily looks at her again. "Sorry Brittany. Your parties are super cool and all that, but right now everyone's listening to Alex." She tells Brittany. A frown appears on Brittany's face.

"What a bunch of losers." Vanessa remarks, rolling her eyes.

"What do you mean?" Brittany asks Lily, evidently not taking kindly to her spotlight being taken by someone else. "Don't you write about my parties in the newspaper too?" Brittany asks Lily. "Everyone cares about them, everyone cares about me after all."

Lily shrugs slightly. "I mean yeah... but ever since I started writing about Blast instead, the newspaper has become a lot more popular. Sorry Brittany, but people just really like hearing about his heroics." She explains, with a bit of a nervous giggle as she sees how upset Brittany is over all this.

"That's stupid. I've always been the best, and you know that." Brittany retorts. "I bet you're just jealous of me, and that's why you've been writing so much about this loser. That's low, Lily." Brittany adds, with both of her friends joining in her accusation.

"Yeah, that's really uncool." Helen remarks, shaking her head in disapproval.

Lily shakes her head as well. "Of course not! You're really cool Brittany, I wouldn't do that to you. But the people want to hear more about Blast, so I have to give them what they want." Lily explains.

"What's so special about him anyway?" Brittany asks. "He can fly, so what? I fly on a plane all the time when I go on vacations to Hawaii."

Lily chuckles a bit. "Well, you see, the thing is, he's a superhero, and that's really cool." she explains. "Who wouldn't want to hear about the real superhero we have here in town?"

Brittany pouts, and then angrily walks away, with both of her friends chasing after her.

Alex then comes over to Lily. "Hey, was that Brittany over there?" He asks her, a bit surprised.

"Yeah... she didn't really take very kindly that you're more popular than her now." Lily explains to him.

Alex shrugs, not really knowing what to say. "I mean... it wasn't really my intention." he finally says.

Lily just gives him a smug look. "Oh come on, you do love the attention." she tells him, giggling a bit. "But yeah, everyone likes a good superhero." she adds. "I just hope she'll be alright."

A few hours later, at lunch time, Brittany, Vanessa and Helen are sitting together at the same table. Vanessa notices that Brittany is still upset, and looks at her. "Forget about that loser. He's not the leader of the cheerleading team like you are." Vanessa tells her. "Everyone's going to forget about him in a few days." She adds.

Brittany just looks at her. "Stop it, will you?" She tells her. "Isn't it obvious? As long as Alex keeps playing Superman, everyone's going to follow along with it." Brittany replies. "That loser has no skills or talent, he just got powers for no reason, and everyone loves him for it apparently." She adds, frowning as she's still clearly upset.

Helen finishes eating her sandwich, and then speaks. "Yeah, too bad you can't have powers too, or you'd be able to outshine him." She says, and then takes a sip of her drink.

Brittany looks at her, and suddenly her frown disappears, and is replaced by a grin as an idea has come to her mind. Vanessa still doesn't understand what's going on, and just seems confused. "Helen, you really aren't as dumb as I thought you were." Brittany tells her friend.

Helen giggles a bit, running her hand through her light brown hair. "Aw thanks! Wait, you thought I was dumb?" She asks, but soon Vanessa interrupts.

"What are you talking about? I don't get it." Vanessa asks, still clueless about what Brittany is thinking about.

Brittany laughs a bit. "The only way people are going to stop paying attention to that loser is if I beat him at his own game. Then everyone will have no doubt that I'm the best." She explains, her grin growing as she toys with the idea.

"How are you supposed to do that?" Vanessa asks, raising an eyebrow. "He has powers, you don't. How do you plan to compete?" She adds.

Brittany just shakes her head. "Oh, there's a way alright." She replies. "I've just got to get my servant on the job." Brittany tells her, and then gets up from the table. Vanessa just watches Brittany head over to another table, wondering what Brittany has in mind.

She heads over to a table far into the corner, where a lone teenager with shaggy hair and glasses is eating a sandwich, when suddenly, he looks up as he sees Brittany arrive. "B-Brittany?" he asks, a bit surprised to see her come. "What is it? I already did the math homework you asked me to, and the science fair is still in a few weeks." he tells her.

Brittany shakes her head. "No, it's not about that, Sherman." She tells him. "Listen up, it's about those... weird machines you make." she explains.

As soon as he hears this, his eyes seem to light up in excitement, and a grin forms on his face. "My inventions, you mean? Heh, I didn't think you of all people would be interested in my fine creations!" he says with a proud grin.

"Shut up and listen!" Brittany demands, making Sherman fall silent. "How long would it take for you to make a super suit?" Brittany asks him.

"A what now?" Sherman asks her, confused by the question.

"You know, a suit that'd give someone special abilities, like strength, flying, stuff like that, you get it?" Brittany asks him.

"Oh, you mean like Blast?" Sherman asks back, to which Brittany groans slightly.

"Yes... like Blast." She says with gritted teeth.

Sherman lets out a chuckle. "Actually, I've been working on a prototype kind of like that for a while." He explains. "I saw the kind of abilities he has, and was curious as to what it'd take to make a suit that could replicate that kind of abilities." He tells her. "It's nowhere near close being like Blast himself in terms of strength and speed, but I'm pretty proud of what I've gotten so far. You should come over to my place after school to see it if you like." Wallace offers.

Brittany seems a bit uneasy about the idea of going to Sherman's house, but decides it might be worth it, if only to be able to outdo her new rival. "Alright... but no one has to know this." She responds.

"Sounds like a deal to me!" Sherman says, as he spits in his hand and extends his hand over to Brittany to offer a handshake to seal the deal.

Brittany just steps back in disgust. "Yuck, I'm not gonna give you my hand, especially after you just did that. No wonder people think you're weird." Brittany tells him.

Sherman just stops offering the handshake and shrugs. "Alright, I'll see you at my place after school then." He tells her.

"This better be worth it." Brittany replies, before walking away.

Later that afternoon, Brittany arrives at Sherman's house, and knocks on the door. A small, rusty robot opens the door for her, revealing the mess the place is in. "Yuck..." she says, disgusted at how messy the place is.

Sherman then shows up, smiling. "Ah yeah, sorry for the mess. My parents haven't found someone to do housekeeping after the last one quit the job." he explains. "Anyway, come over to my workshop." He adds, inviting her in. Brittany follows him, starting to reconsider her decision of coming here in the first place. However, the image in her mind of the crowd ignoring her in favor of "Blast" fuels her rage, and convinces her to continue with the plan.

Sherman opens the door to a big messy workshop full of metallic parts, and dusty contraptions. "Ew, what is this place!?" Brittany exclaims, stepping back a bit.

Sherman just digs through the contraptions in an old chest, tossing them around until he finds exactly what he was looking for. "Eureka! Here it is!" He tells her, pulling out a metallic suit.

Brittany comes a bit closer, to get a better look at it. "Is that... the suit?" She asks him, not seeming very impressed. Not only that, she's still disgusted at the apparent poor hygiene this place has in general.

The inventor nods, chuckling a bit. "Yes, this is the one! It's supposed to emulate Blast's powers, from the ability to fly, to super strength and super speed!" He exclaims. "It's one of my greatest inventions!"

"Does it work though?" Brittany asks him, giving him an incredulous stare with a raised eyebrow. "It looks like you just pulled it out of a garbage can." She adds.

"I'll show you what this baby can do!" Sherman tells her, as he puts the suit on, and then smiles. Now in control of the suit, the jet boosters in the back of the suit turn on, allowing him to fly around. Brittany watches, amazed as the suit seems to work very well. Sherman then flies down and lifts an entire table with just one arm, showcasing the strength part works just as well. He then puts down the table, and lands on the ground.

Brittany's eyes widen and sparkle as she sees that this is exactly what she was hoping for. "This is exactly what I need! I want it!" She tells him.

Sherman chuckles a bit as he takes off the suit, and leaves it on a table. "Heh, glad you like it. I don't think I can give it to you just yet, I still have to do a few adjustments." he tells her. "There's still a couple of bugs I've gotta fix first."

Brittany's smile disappears and then she frowns. "What do you mean I can't have it yet? What did you bring me all this way for then?" She protests, crossing her arms.

"D-Don't worry, I can sell it to you as soon as I finish working out those bugs." Sherman tells her. "It should take about a week tops."

Brittany stares at him, burning with rage. "A week!? Do you really think I have that much time!?" she yells at him, causing him to step back a bit.

"W-Whoa! Please, calm down!" He begs, now frightened as he sees Brittany really upset.

Brittany looks away, still arms crossed. "Hmph, fine, have it your way. It's terrible to keep a lady waiting, you know." she tells him, still definitely annoyed at him. However, she then gets an idea, and smirks for a couple of seconds, before turning back to him with a frown. "If you can't give me the suit, at least bring me a glass of water. I'm thirsty." She tells him.

Sherman nods nervously. "Y-Yeah, right away!" He tells her, as he runs out of the room to go get her a glass of water.

As soon as Brittany sees him out of the room, she walks over to where Sherman left the suit, with a malicious grin on her face. "That was too easy. He really isn't all that bright after all." She says to herself, laughing a bit. "With this suit, I'll become the new face of heroism, and everyone will only have eyes for me once again." She adds, as she grabs the suit, and puts it on over her clothes like Sherman did before.

"Alright, now how does this thing work?" She asks, as she tries to start flying. Suddenly the jet boosters turn on, and she rockets straight towards the window uncontrollably. "What the- aah!" She yells as she breaks through the window and flies out of the house, yelling for a bit until she finally starts to manage to gain a bit of control. "W-W-Whoa... I'm gonna have to learn to control this before tomorrow. It'll be worth it though!" She says to herself as she flies around. "There's a new hero in town, and her name is-", and then she crashes straight into a wall, interrupting her sentence. "Ouch..." she says, muffled by having her face against the wall.

Meanwhile, Sherman comes back into the room with the glass of water. "H-Here's your glass of water, Brittany." He says, but then realizes she's not here anymore. "Wait, where'd she go?" He asks to no one in particular. He looks around, and notices the broken window, which makes an alarm go off in his mind. "Uh oh..." he says, and then looks at where he left the suit, which confirms his suspicions. The suit is gone. Brittany must've taken the suit away! Sherman clenches his fist, and starts shaking in fury, so much that the water in the glass he's holding in his other hand starts shaking too. "Brittany!" He yells out, resounding loudly enough that it scares the birds that were in the tree next to his house, and they all fly away.

The next morning, Alex and Tommy are walking to school together, with Tommy talking to Alex about something. "And that's why chocolate should be purple!" Tommy tells Alex.

"I have no idea what you're talking about..." Alex says, confused at Tommy's explanation. However, the conversation is interrupted when Alex hears something in the distance. "Help! Help!" two high-pitched voices cry. This catches Alex's attention, and he stops right away. "Sounds like someone's in danger. I'd better go help them!" Alex tells Tommy, and then he flies off.

Tommy smiles, and runs after him. "Wait, I wanna come too!" He says, but he soon gets left behind, as Alex flies much faster than Tommy can run.

Out near the front of the school, Vanessa and Helen both seem terrified as an old man wearing a mask is in front of them. "Stop crying, give me your purses, and I won't hurt you." The man tells them. Both girls keep trembling in fear.

Alex arrives at the scene, and makes his presence known right away. "Hey! Leave those two alone!" He yells at the man. However, before he can do anything else, Alex hears another voice.

"Don't worry, Queen Glamour is here!" she says, and Alex recognizes that voice immediately.

"B-Brittany!?" He exclaims, just as he sees Brittany swoop into the scene, wearing a bright silver jumpsuit with a lot of glitter. His jaw drops as Brittany apparently can now fly.

Brittany laughs, and then grabs the man by his shirt, and lifts him off the ground. "As for you, your days of crime are over." She tells him, as she flies away with him, finally tossing him away behind some bushes, and then flies back, seeing that a crowd of students has now gathered to watch what is happening, all in awe. "Don't worry girls, you're both safe now." She tells Vanessa and Helen.

Both girls smile and cheer. "Thanks Brittany, you're the best!" they both say.

However, Brittany shakes her head. "No no, I'm Queen Glamour, the most glamorous hero of them all!" she says, striking an elegant pose with an eye wink in mid-air, prompting the entire crowd to cheer for her.

Alex just watches, still trying to process what just happened. Within the crowd, Lily soon pops up with her notebook, amazed by what just happened. "That was amazing! I didn't know you have powers too!" Lily exclaims. "Queen Glamour, was it? You're fabulous!" she adds, writing down in her notebook.

"Of course I'm fabulous." Brittany tells her, smiling wide. "I'm the definition of fabulous. If you look up fabulous in the dictionary, there should be a picture of me!" she adds. She then looks over at Alex, who is still confused. "Surprised, loser?" she asks him.

"Uh... kinda." he admits. "How did you even do that? I didn't know you got powers." He tells her.

"Not knowing stuff is kind of on brand for you." Brittany tells him, laughing at her joke, with both Vanessa and Helen laughing along as well, as well as many students from the crowd. "Looks like your moment of glory is over. There's a new heroine in town, and her name is Queen Glamour!" She exclaims, cheered on by the crowd. "Which I may add, is miles better than your stupid hero name. What kind of name is Blast anyway?" she comments, laughing at him again.

Alex just lowers his head a bit, seeing as the crowd is laughing along with Brittany's comments. "H-Hey... it's not that bad of a name..." he says, less confidently. "It's alright... it's not like a hero's goal is to be famous... right?" Alex says, laughing nervously.

Brittany rolls her eyes. "Yeah yeah, you're just saying that because you're embarrassed I'm a better hero than you are." Brittany tells him. "No need to hide your shame, loser, everyone knows it now. So if you excuse me, I've got an interview from Lily to answer." she tells him with a smug grin, before flying off.

Alex just looks at Lily, who shrugs. "Yeah... that's right. Sorry Alex." she tells him, as she walks away to interview Brittany.

The crowd walks away to follow Brittany, while Alex just stands alone, trying to understand what just happened. "I guess fame goes away just as easy as it comes..." Alex says, thinking about it.

Tommy finally arrives, sweating and panting as he stops next to Alex. "I-I'm here." Tommy says, stopping for a moment to catch his breath. "What happened?"

Alex looks at Tommy for a bit. "Brittany is a superhero too now." He tells him. "I didn't even know she had powers!" Alex exclaims.

"She has powers too!?" Tommy yells in surprise. "Why didn't she ever use them before?" He asks.

Alex shrugs. "I don't know..." he replies.

"But... isn't this a good thing?" Tommy asks him. "Two superheroes are better than one, right? Maybe she can even help us stop Dr. Zack next time!" Tommy adds, trying to find the bright side of the situation.

Alex shakes his head. "I don't think Brittany would want to work with us. She just wants to be the center of attention." he replies.

"That wouldn't be the first time I've seen someone use their powers to be the center of attention." Alex and Tommy both hear as Alice comes walking towards them, with a serious expression on her face.

"Alice? Where did you come from?" Alex asks her, surprised to suddenly see her.

Alice points at a corner around the school's wall. "I watched it all from there. I don't like crowds, so sometimes I just stay there for a bit to be alone." Alice tells Alex.

"That's kind of sad." Alex remarks, looking at her.

Alice frowns a bit, not really appreciating that comment. "No it isn't!" She replies, crossing her arms. "I like to be alone, I enjoy my own company." she explains. "Besides, that's beyond the point."

Alex shrugs silently, and then speaks. "I don't know... what is the point?" Alex asks her.

"It's kind of suspicious that she went all this time without showing off her powers, knowing how much of a show off she is." Alice tells Alex and Tommy. "But more importantly, if she actually does have powers, then she could be a target. You know Dr. Zack is looking for more superhumans that he can control." Alice adds.

"Oh my... I hadn't thought of that." Alex admits, scratching the back of his head. "I should probably warn her about that." he adds, sighing a bit. "I don't really like the idea of going up to talk to her again, but she could be in danger if I don't."

Alex is about to leave to talk to Brittany, but Alice puts her hand on his shoulder, prompting him to stop. "Don't go. I'll talk to her." Alice tells him with a serious expression.

"You don't have to. I can do it." Alex replies, but Alice shakes her head.

"Just listen to me for once." she tells him, seeming a bit annoyed. "I'd like to have a word with her after all. It is still suspicious that she suddenly has powers as soon as she needs them." Alice explains. "Besides... I saw how she treated you." she adds, her voice sounding a bit softer as she says that last part, almost as if she felt hurt by it.

Alex blushes a bit in embarrassment, and just laughs. "Hey, it wasn't that bad!" he says, but Alice shakes her head. "I'm alright, really!"

"Don't take this the wrong way. I'm not doing it for your sake." Alice tells him, looking away for a bit. "If you talk to her, you'll just crumble to her insults. You won't be able to get the message across." Alice explains to him. "I've dealt with her antics for years, I can handle her."

Alex sighs a bit, not feeling comfortable with the whole situation. "Well, if you insist, then sure, you can do it." Alex tells her. Alice nods, and then walks away from the two boys, ready to confront Brittany. She's suspicious of Brittany's suddenly newfound powers, but she's also upset about the way Brittany talked to Alex. Alice has already become accustomed to dealing with her nonsense, but the way she mocked Alex, it really angered her.

Brittany is walking away after finishing the interview, when Alice walks up to her, with a frown on her face. "Alright Brittany, what game are you playing?" Alice asks her, staring at her, with her arms crossed.

Brittany laughs at Alice's question. "Oh boy, feeling inquisitive today, aren't we?" Brittany replies, not taking her seriously. "Listen Amanda, the interview is over, I don't have to answer any of your silly questions." she tells her.

"Fine, don't answer them then." Alice responds. "I don't know if your powers are true or not, but I should warn you, you're getting into pretty dangerous territory. Being a superhero is more than just looking good and being cheered by the crowd." Alice tells her.

Brittany frowns back at her. "Now, don't you start acting like a know-it-all, you know much people hate that." she responds. "Heh, maybe that's the other reason people don't like you."

Alice uncrosses her arms, and sighs, trying to ignore Brittany's comment. "Listen, I don't know if you've heard, but there's this guy called Dr. Zack who is after people with superpowers. If you're out here playing superhero, he's going to be coming after you." Alice tells her. "It's not a game you know, it's not about who is the better hero." She tells him.

Brittany laughs a bit, and then smirks. "Oh, so that's what it's all about." She says with a smug grin.

"What are you talking about?" Alice questions her, a bit confused.

"You saw what happened earlier, and you came to defend Alex, didn't you?" Brittany tells her.

Alice's eyes widen, and then she quickly frowns. "What!? That's not what this is about at all!" Alice exclaims, now actually starting to lose her calmness.

Brittany just laughs at her again. "Looks like I hit something, didn't I?" She tells her. "I mean, I get it. You're such a lonely loser, it'd make sense that when someone finally cares about you, you'd start to warm up to him." Brittany adds, staring at Alice as she sees that Alice is starting to blush a bit. "So is he special to you? So much you finally drop the 'I don't care' act? How pathetic." She tells her. "You want to tell me what to do? Ha, first get your act together, Amelia." Brittany remarks, and then walks away, turning her head and hitting Alice in the face with her hair.

Alice is left pretty much speechless. She's just debating it all in her thoughts. "That's stupid... Alex is lazy and annoying, Brittany is just trying to get into my head, that's all this is." She thinks to herself. But then another side of herself counters that with another argument. "But if so, why am I so upset that she treated Alex that way? She does worse to me all the time! Why does this upset me?" She asks herself. She then shakes her head. "No, this is exactly what Brittany wants, to get into my head." Alice finally tells herself. "It's stupid, it doesn't make any sense. She's making up things." she convinces herself. "There's no reason to take her or anything she says seriously."

The whole school day, Brittany is getting all the attention from the other students, getting asked for autographs and posing for pictures, and Lily follows her around the whole time. Everytime Alex passes by, Brittany just gives him a smug grin, as if silently mocking him for the fact that she's now outshined him.

Once the school day ends, Alex is walking down the hall with Tommy, though Alex doesn't seem very happy. Tommy notices this, and tries to cheer him up. "Come on Alex, don't be sad. You're still the best superhero to me." Tommy tells him, giving him a hug.

Alex just sighs. "Thanks for trying to cheer me up..." Alex replies, though his mood doesn't seem to have improved. "I guess at the end of the day it doesn't really matter... I'll still do what I can to help with my powers, even if no one cares anymore..." Alex adds, still definitely feeling sad.

Meanwhile, Brittany exits the school confidently, accompanied by her two friends. "Great acting girls, they all bought it." Brittany tells them.

Vanessa just rolls her eyes. "How much did you have to pay your butler to act like a criminal anyway?" she asks Brittany.

"Oh, you don't worry about that." Brittany says, grinning. "What matters is that things are back to normal, and I'm the star of the school again." she tells them. "It's such hard work to be the best, but someone's gotta do it."

Helen giggles a bit. "You really are the best!" she tells Brittany. "But what now?"

Brittany just shrugs. "Maybe we stage a couple more heroic acts every now and then so they always remember who's the true star here." Brittany replies, but suddenly, as the three girls walk, a large cage falls on them, trapping them all. The three girls yell, startled by the cage.

"What is going on!?" Helen asks, worried.

"I-I don't know!" Brittany responds, starting to get scared. "Don't worry, I've still got the suit on, I can get us out of here!" she replies, trying to pry open the cage, but to no avail.

"I wouldn't waste my time on that, young lady." an old male voice says, making the three girls worry even more.

"Who was that!?" Vanessa asks, clearly starting to panic. Suddenly, the three of them see an old man with light grey hair and a lab coat come up to them in a flying saucer shaped machine.

"Dr. Zachary Robinson, pleased to make your acquaintance." Dr. Zack introduces himself. "Now don't fear, I'll just inject your friend with this, and you two can go free." Dr. Zack tells them.

"What!?" Brittany exclaims, stepping away from the front of the cage. "No way! Let me out of here you creep!" she yells at him, hiding behind both of her friends.

"Ugh... don't make this harder than it needs to be." Dr. Zack tells her. "It's only going to hurt for a second." He assures her, but this only prompts Brittany to let out an ear-splitting scream.

Alex and Tommy both hear the yell, and stop on the spot. "Someone's in trouble!" Alex tells Tommy, and he immediately flies off, prompting Tommy to once again chase after him.

Meanwhile Alice, who is walking on her own, arms crossed as she's convinced herself that Brittany was just making up stuff to annoy her, hears the scream too, and runs over to where the scream came from.

The trio meets outside, where they see Brittany and her two friends trapped in a cage, and Dr. Zack covering his ears, clearly annoyed at the girls' screaming. "I warned her about this." Alice says, clearly annoyed.

"Well, we've got to stop Dr. Zack!" Alex says, as he flies into the scene to help.

"Wait, we need a plan- and he's gone..." Alice says, with an annoyed glance.

"Let's follow him!" Tommy says as he runs after Alex, prompting Alice to follow as well.

Meanwhile inside the cage, Vanessa looks at Brittany. "Hey, can't you just lift the cage or something?" Vanessa asks Brittany. Brittany nods, and tries doing that, flying up to the cage's ceiling, and lifting it that way. It works, and she lifts the cage off of them!

Dr. Zack groans in frustration, and presses a button. "Oh, that's not all." he says, as suddenly several drones come out of the Z-Saucer, and fly towards the three girls. This scares Brittany, as she tosses the cage aside, and tries to fly away.

However, as she does, suddenly the jet boosters turn off. "Uh oh..." Brittany says, as she falls and faceplants into the ground.

"Are you alright!?" Helen screams as Brittany gets herself up, only to try and fly again, but the jet boosters aren't working anymore.

"What's wrong with this piece of trash!?" Brittany yells, as she then remembers what Sherman told her. Was this one of those bugs he talked about? She then sees the drones coming at her, and screams again at the top of her lungs as she runs to hide. Her two friends follow suit, running away as well.

Alex flies towards them, seeing the drones coming, and flies towards them, punching one of them with his fist, smashing it into pieces. "Knock it off, doctor!" Alex says, looking at Dr. Zack, who is now even more annoyed to see that he is here.

"Ugh... why do you always have to get involved? Don't you have anything better to do than annoy me?" Dr. Zack protests, shaking his fist at him. "Fine, have it your way. There's plenty more drones this time, more than even you can handle." he says, as the drones start going after Alex now. Alex flies away, occasionally punching one down, but they're too many.

"Hey Brittany, you have powers, don't you? Help me out here!" Alex says, as he turns around a tree, causing a couple of drones to crash into the tree and fall, breaking as they hit the ground.

Brittany is hiding behind another tree with her friends, her heart beating like it's going to jump out of her chest. "I... can't..." she says, frightened.

"What do you mean you can't?" Alex exclaims, to which Brittany lowers her head.

"I said I can't!" Brittany repeats herself. "The stupid suit won't work!"

"The what!?" Alex exclaims, perplexed at the turn of events. "You mean this whole time you never had powers!?" he asks.

"I didn't! I got Sherman to give me a suit!" Brittany yells back. "But the idiot didn't fix the bugs, so this is all his fault!" she declares, to which Alex just facepalms.

"I knew something was suspicious!" Alice says as she and Tommy arrive, only to see Alex being chased by drones.

Dr. Zack turns his head to find the two of them here now, and just sighs. "Of course you two would be here too... why not?" Dr. Zack says, just accepting this new situation. "Well, if she doesn't have powers, at least I'll get Alex this time!" he declares.

Alice gasps, and tries to act fast. She opens her backpack and takes a book out of it, and throws it at the drones, striking one down with the book. "Tommy, help!" she says, as Tommy follows suit, opening his backpack and pulling out a pineapple. Alice looks at him, baffled by the pineapple. "You carry a pineapple in your backpack?" she asks him.

"You don't?" Tommy replies, and then tosses it at a drone, striking it down. Alex smiles, and flies around near Tommy and Alice, so they can strike down the drones by throwing more objects at them. Alex then makes a U-turn, and kicks the last drone, leaving nothing but a bunch of broken metal parts on the ground.

Dr. Zack just sees that all the drones are destroyed, and groans again. "Why do you always have to get in my way?" Dr. Zack protests again, and starts to fly away in his Z-Saucer. "You haven't seen the last of me!" he exclaims, before flying away.

Alex lands on the ground, next to Alice and Tommy. "Nice thinking Alice." He tells her, to which Alice gets slightly flushed.

"Well, I couldn't just stand around doing nothing, right?" Alice replies, to which Tommy chuckles a bit.

"We did it!" Tommy celebrates, jumping repeatedly as he cheers.

Meanwhile, Alex walks over to the three girls, and looks especially at Brittany. "So, you were lying this whole time just to get attention?" Alex asks her.

Brittany, now that the danger is over, is no longer afraid, and returns to her regular self. "So what if I was? No one will ever know." Brittany declares, but her confidence in that declaration is quite short-lived, as a not so subtle "ahem?" can be heard behind her. She turns around only to see Lily, frowning, arms crossed, and tapping her foot. "When did you get here!?" Brittany exclaims, surprised.

"You underestimate how quick I am to get to where the exciting stuff is happening to write about it." Lily tells her. "I can't believe you lied! Do you know how horrible that is!?" Lily yells at her. "As a journalist, I'm very professional, and want to give the masses the truth, only the truth, and nothing more than the truth!" she scolds.

Brittany sees that Alex, Alice and Tommy are all staring at her, while on the other side Lily is staring at her as well, clearly with the intention of writing all about what just happened. She grits her teeth, and knocks the notepad out of Lily's hands. "Superheroes are lame anyway!" Brittany says with a scowl. "Come on girls, let's go." she says, as she walks away, Vanessa and Helen following her.

Alice just shakes her head. "Forget about her. It's not worth it." she says, crossing her arms.

Lily picks up her notepad, and pouts. "I can't believe she did something like that." She comments, as she starts writing. "And where'd she get that super suit anyway?" she asks.

Alex just shrugs. "I don't know."

Suddenly, Sherman runs up to them, panting as he tries to catch his breath. "H-Hey... have you seen... Brittany?" He asks, gasping for air.

"You just missed her." Alice tells him, glancing at him. "Why?"

"That girl stole my super suit!" Sherman told them. "Do you know if she still has it?"

"She probably does." Alex replies.

"Oh, she'll see!" Sherman exclaims, as he runs off to find her.

Alice sighs a bit. "I kind of feel sorry for the guy, getting all roped up in Brittany's antics like that." She admits.

"Well... what now?" Alex asks. Tommy then pulls out a cantaloupe out of his backpack and smiles.

"Want some fruit?" Tommy asks with a smile. Alex just looks in confusion for a bit, as there is a brief, awkward silence.

"Sure." he replies.

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