Jurassic Remnant

By Zilla2000

878 30 17

Saurians. One of Remnant's most successful people and civilization. Having the best warriors and tech, they a... More

Team 1 bio
Team 2 bio
Prologue:Story of the Saurians

Vol 1. Ch 1:Proposition

110 4 13
By Zilla2000

A/N:Hey guys Happy New Year, glad to finally get this chapter going with this new year. As my new year's resolution I'll be putting more effort into this along with my other stories. That way you guys won't be waiting for long. I'll try my very best to get new chapters out as soon as possible. Well here's the first chapter enjoy.

-Present Day, Vale-

The night was very calm yet bustling as the streets of Vale were filled with life as many places from Restaurants to Entertainment buildings we're filling that life as people came to have dinner, hang out, going out on a date or enjoying time with family. Amongst this crowd a big group of individuals consists of one girl and Seven boys were walking down the street.

"Wow. I never thought Vale would be this busy." One grey haired boy said as he walks around in a fast pace as he looks around the city.

"This place is certainly different from Vacuo." The red haired guy says with a surprisingly Spanish accent.

"Though I do feel bad for the vendors. They do get distracted so easily." He said as he taps one of the vendors in the shoulder as he looks to the left while the boy goes to the opposite side and took a apple without him noticing. The boy was about to eat it but was whacked in the head by the taller grey haired boy as he grabs the apple and throws back in the pile as the vendor jumped from that as he looks around in confusion.

"And We don't steal, you know the oath Edward." The taller grey haired boy said to his comrade.

"Yes yes, "live up to the ancestors expectations."" The boy known as Edward said as he runs his mouth about their oath.


"I get it man. I mean we do that when we're in mistral, we do this every time and they don't notice." Edward tells his friend.

"That's because it's a daily occurrence there. Here stuff like that rarely happens." The guy replies back.

"Oh that makes perfect since why the people here seem more...carefree and joyful." Edward said as he was about pickpocket another pedestrian but was stopped by the taller boy.

"Yes. So please refrain from taking advantage of their generosity." He replies more sternly.

"Ok fine. Jeez."

"Here we are boys. The Emerald hotel." The blonde girl said as she points out to a hotel across the street.

"Please not another Motel. I can't stand spending the night anywhere there." The tall grey haired boy said in disgust.

"Come on man it's just a hotel. There's nothing wrong with it."

"If the staff is made up all humans then I'm sorry I can't." Their friend retorted.

"Oh come on hermano, it's not like they're gonna know who we are. I'm sure you'll be fine." The red haired guy says to him.

"I'd rather sleep outside than be in there."

"Ok Peter listen you need to keep that in check because we're gonna be in a school. Got it?" The dark haired boy explain this time.

"Crystal." The guy known as Peter replied before walking up ahead. The two boys stand back as they continued their conversation.

"You better keep an eye on him Aladar." The boy with black hair says.

"Don't worry Ben I will." The boy known as Aladar answers his friend. Before he saw a store not far from across the street "From Dust Till Dawn"
"Hey you guys go on without me. I'm gonna check this store out."

"Ok. Don't be out too long." Ben tells as he and the rest of their group head to the hotel.

"Yes "Dad"." He said as he waves at them before going across the street.

He reaches the other as he walks up to the store doors. Once he got in, he says hello to the elderly shopkeeper and starts looking around, browsing through what he needed. Just then he bumps into a smaller figure as he saw the figure was a girl as she fell down as she dropped a magazine in their hand.

"Oh I'm sorry about that." He apologizes to the person.

"No no it's fine." The hooded girl said as she puts down her headphones and removes her hood as she reveals her face to him.

"Sorry about that, I-I wasn't watching where I was going." The girl apologizes again. He takes a closer look as he

A young girl with fair skin, neck-length black hair. Wearing black long-sleeved blouse with a high collar and red trim on the sleeves, over which is a black waist cincher with red lacing up the front, and a matching skirt with red lining. She also wears a pair of thick black stockings and black combat boots with red laces, red trims around the top, and red soles. Along with the noticeable red hooded cloak fastened to her shoulders by cross-shaped pins. A rose shape emblem appears as a large silver buckle on her wide black belt, which is slung around her hips on an angle. Attached to her belt are a pocket and a row of bullets. But the one thing that caught his eye the most was her eyes, for they weren't any ordinary eyes.

"Sliver eyes?!" He thought in surprise.

"Oh no it's ok. Just gotta be careful where I'm walking." He tells the young girl.

"Hehe um yeah. Same here." She replies awkwardly as she fiddles a strand of her hair.

"Oh here this belongs to you." He said as he grabs the magazine on the floor and gives it back to her.

"Thank you. My names Ruby. Ruby Rose." The girl introduces herself.

"Aladar Grant at your service." Aladar replies, giving a playful bow to her. She giggles at that action as he looks at the cover and sees it wasn't the kind common girls don't really see. It was a weapons magazine.

"You're a weapon designer?" He asks her

"Oh no. Not exactly. I just have a thing for weapons." Ruby explains.

"I see. That's a very interesting subject to have it's impressive. You must have a very good

"Really? People tend to think I'm weird that I'm not like the other girls my age. Instead of going for makeup and beauty I prefer these weapons as my kind hobby. I know it's weird, but I like them better." Ruby explains.

"It's not wrong to have a favorite hobby. That's what makes us all unique and interesting. It defines who we are. So no need to feel embarrassed about something so little. And be proud of who you are." He explains his wisdom.

She was surprised by that response.

"Oh, umm. Wow. Thanks." She said as she gave him a small shy smile. He smiles back at her.

"You best head home. Your parents are probably worried." He tells her.

"I'm sure my dad is fine to be out this." Ruby tells him.

"You'd be surprised how fathers can be with their daughters. Especially with girl like you." He said leaning down a little closer as they were face to face. Her cheeks slowly turned as red as her cape but she moves out of the way before anything can go further.

"Oh. Well...thank you for your concern. But I'll be fine. I'm not as frail as you think." She says as he she playfully tried to flex her arm. He gave a small laugh at that gesture and smiles.

"Very well hope you get home safely." He says his farewell as he goes to the other side of the store.

As he goes through aisles once again he heard a commotion up at the desk where the store owner is at. He can see a gang coming, a head honcho with at least six guys, all wearing black suits with a matching hat and shoes, red sunglasses, and a red tie. One of them has facial hair. But their leader was different from his little group.

He sees a tall and lanky coming in with his posse. He has dark-green eyes and bright, long, orange hair, with long bangs covering his right eye. Black eyeliner traced his visible left eye. Wearing a red-lined white suit with long black pants and black shoes. Including a small gray scarf, black gloves with buckled sleeves, and a black bowler hat with a small feather tucked into its red band.

He recognizes the ring leader. It was none other than Roman Torchwick. Aladar has quite a history with the bowler hat wearing criminal.

"Do you have any idea how hard it is to find a Dust shop open this late?" Roman said as the Henchman next to him raises his gun and aims it at the shopkeeper.

"P-please! Just take my Lien and leave!" The old man pleas.

"Shhh, shhh, shhh, shhh, calm down, we're not here for your money." He said to the poker shopkeeper as he looks at one of the henchman.
"Grab the Dust."

Following that order, the henchman began to grab their containers and started filling them up with dust. The shopkeeper brought out Dust Crystals as they put them in special cases. Aladar can see behind the counter as he can see what was going on and who it was.

'Torchwick?! Shit this is bad. What's a third rate criminal doing in a shop like this? Doesn't matter right now. I need to stop him and his lackeys.' He says mentally as he was about back up but he felt someone was behind him. He was hoping it was the Ruby girl but no.

"Hey! Hands in the air!" He heard someone behind him. He looks to the side and see it was one of Roman's Goons behind as he can feel the gun aimed at his head.

He raises his hands up and slowly turns around as he stands face to face with one of the goons accompanying Roman, armed with a sword.

"Listen buddy, you don't want this." He tells him as he lowers himself.
"You don't know what you're going up against."

"I. Said. Hands in the air!" He shouts as he was about to strike him down. But before the blade can touch him, he turned his head and literally bites off the blade as it shatters. The henchman was stunned by this action. No normal human will be able to bite off sharp piece of a sword so easily, especially if they have a semblance to do so. But his body wasn't glowing, so he knows he didn't activate his semblance, meaning he did that with his bare mouth.

"You shouldn't have done that mate." He growled as his eyes had turned yellowish color with a slit as an iris with a hard glare on his face. He also gave out a small growl.

The henchman back off a bit and tried to shoot him, but was punched in the face as he sent across the store. This caught sight of many of the henchman and Roman as they look to see who it is.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't the big bad TopHat ginger. How's it going?" Aladar said as he smiles and he fixed his hair.

"You." Roman replies with a venomous tone.

"Glad to see our paths have crossed again Torchwick. You look like you've seen better days." Aladar says as he picks his teeth.

"No thanks to you and your little band of freaks. Thanks to you I lost all business in Mistral!" Roman yells.

"Oooh, "freaks", not a bad comeback. But come on, Your not still mad about that are you."

"Oh hoho, you have no idea. But this is about something else." The top-hat criminal replies as he fixed himself up.

"Like what? Your out of the job that you have to rob small community stores like this?"

"Let's say I need every last piece of dust that this town has to offer. And you're getting in the way of that." Roman threatens him as the henchmen gather around him.

"Alright let's get this over with." He said as he about to take out his blade.

But before they can do anything else, one of the henchman was sent crashing into the wall losing his hat. They all look to see Ruby who was standing there. Roman calmly motions for another henchman to deal with the problem.

"Freeze!" He orders as he raises his pistol at her.

Ruby tackles him, sending him flying across the shop and out through the front window, knocking him out. Aladar, Roman and the remaining henchmen look outside to see Ruby standing up, unfolding Crescent Rose into its scythe form. She smiles at them before twirling her weapon around, striking it into the ground, as she turns off the music from her headphones.

"Whoa." Aladar said in awe. Guess that's why she said her dad is fine with her out late.

"Okayyy..." Roman can only say as he look at the last of his men.
"You boys take care of her! I'll deal with the other brat!"

The henchmen run out to the front of the shop and charge at Ruby, who spins around her scythe and kicks the closest assailant in the face.

Back with Roman and Aladar they were now in a duel of their own. Aladar unsheathes his blade as Roman raises his cane up.

"Time for some payback." Roman tells the boy.

"Try, I don't go down cheap." Aladar replies back, standing in draw pose.
"En garde!"

Roman charges at him, raising his cane to the boy's head as Aladar blocks the attack with his blade with ease. He swings it left and right as brings up to the side only Roman dodging it as he only got a small piece of his hair. Roman tried to return the favor as he aimed his cane at the boy's face but Aladar swats it away with his sword before Roman fired. The ginger growled as he aimed and fired a couple of shots but Aladar deflects the bullets with his sword as the blade slowly became smaller as it transforms into a revolver with a short blade on the barrel as he fired a few shots out as Roman dodges them easily. They clash once as both their weapons came in contact as both of their weapons started sparking.

"I know you don't do this type of work. A heist like this is too small for someone like you. Only a person with power can make you so scared would make you do this. So tell me what does your employer need so much dust for? What made you so afraid of them?" He asks the Ginger man.

"Wouldn't you like to know." He says before head butting him.

Aladar stumbles a bit as fires a couple of shots. Roman took cover behind a wall as he threw a small red dust crystal at the boy and fired at the gem, creating an explosion. Aladar still remained there unharmed. He charges at Roman but dodges in time as the man back's away panting. Aladar does the same as he backs up, panting as well with his sword raised up.

"Come I know you can do better. Why don't you change into your other side, just like you did back at Mistral?" He asks the boy. But Aladar remained silent as he looks over at Ruby who was taking down the last his henchmen down with ease. Roman realized why
"Oh I see. Guess there is some perks in your ways."

Just then they both look and see the girl speeded right next to Aladar as she got her scythe ready.

"Well as much as I want to play around with you and your little girlfriend, I have a ride to catch." Roman tells Aladar as he aimed his cane at Ruby. His eyes widened as he immediately sprinted to as he covered her from the shots using his body. What could've been fatal shots, it however didn't go through his body. Something clicked into his find as he realized he had the girl in his arms.

He lets her go as he fixes a strand of her hair which she stood there as she blushed at the gesture. Aladar turns around a finds that Roman disappeared he looks up to see him climbing up on the rooftop.

"Excuse me. Hey get back here!" Aladar tells the young girl before jumping up as he started climbing up to the rooftops, pursuing the guy.

Roman makes it up to the roof, as soon he reaches the other edge of the building he heard someone talking behind him. He turns to see Aladar, who made it up and starts walking to him.

"Where do you think your going Torchwick?" Aladar said as he drags his blade across the floor making a couple of sparks.
"Leaving the fun already. We just barely got to see each other I wanna catch up."

"I seriously need a restraining order out on you." Roman tells him.

"Hey!" A high pitched voice called out as they both turned around see the young girl following behind them.

"And she's Persistent..." Roman finishes as he stops at the edge.

Ruby readies to fight him, but just then a Bullhead rises up and opens the hatch as Roman jumps inside.

"Hey Lizard breath can you do two things at once." Roman said as he holds a red Dust gem and throws it at Ruby's feet and fires.

Aladar's eyes widened as he turns around and jumps towards Ruby and uses his body to cover her from the attack. The bullet makes contact with the bullet as it ignites the dust creating a massive explosion.

"Whoa-ho-ho-ho!" Roman laughs at the explosion but stops and notices something.

Aladar opens his eyes as he looks up to sees a woman protecting them with debris in a circular form in front of them. The woman has blonde hair tied in a bun. Wearing a white long-sleeved, pleated blouse that has a wide keyhole neckline and gauntlet cuffs that flare in pleats at the wrist. Her lower body is covered by a black high-waisted pencil skirt with bronze buttons and black fading into brown stockings. Along black boots with bronze heels and a cape that is purple inside and black on the outside. The cut of the cape is stylized to end in flames and arrows, with a row of diamond-shaped bronze beads on the back.

During his time and hearing stuff, he recognizes who this woman is. It was none other than Glynda Goodwitch, Beacon's headmaster's right hand man or I should say woman.

Glynda summons several streaks of purple shards and sent them to strike the airship. As the ship is being shaken about, Roman stumbles into the cockpit to inform his associate of the situation.

"We got a huntress." Roman tells the feminine figure as the figure swaps positions with Roman and proceeds to the back, leaving him to control the ship.

Meanwhile outside, Glynda creates a circular stormcloud out of a glyph above the Bullhead.

"The hell...?"

With a flick of her crop, causes ice shards to hail down onto the ship from the cloud. This causes the ship to buckle, and one shard breaks through the windshield, narrowly missing Roman's head as he dodges it.

The mysterious woman arrives at the airship's doorway, creating a flame on her hand and causing the elaborate designs on the arms and chest of her dress to glow. She fires a burst of fire at Glynda, who blocks, but the flame splatters behind her as a liquid and explodes as woman raises her hand. Glynda backflips out of the explosive beam and, through a series of hand gestures, gathers the shards of broken material to create a large arrow made of debris and launches it at the Bullhead.

She disrupts the arrow with several fiery blasts, but it reforms. The Bullhead tips to the side just in time to prevent being hit broadside and the debris makes harmless contact with its top. The arrow then separates into three portions that encircle the jet. However, the assailant notices and creates several glowing rings around herself that release a burst of energy, disintegrating them.

Seeing the aircraft was about to leave Ruby reverts her scythe into its rifle form and fires at the mysterious woman, who simply blocks each shot with a small aura shield projected from her hand. She then creates several circles on the ground around her two opponents.

Glynda uses her crop to sweep both Aladar and a confused Ruby out of the circles, and and forward flips herself out of the way as well just as the ground behind her erupts once more. Aladar recovered quickly as he can the ship was about to leave. He gets back up on his feet and ran towards the ship. The mystery woman sees him coming as she summons a few fire balls at him and chucks it at the boy. He dodges and deflects each attacks she gives him, and few shots were hit it didn't stop his speed as the boy picks up more. With enough power he jumps off the building as he brings his sword down. But before he can strike the blow the side doors closed just in time as the sound of a small thud from his blade was heard.

The woman gave small chuckle at his action ended in failure. But her mocking was responded as the side doors was pierced through by a blade, narrowly missing her face. She steps back as she can see the blade made a small hole in the hull. She can hear an animalistic growl on the other side as she can see who it belongs too.

There he makes eye contact with the assailant behind the metallic door. He can see her glowing amber eyes, the scent of ash and death on her body. As much as he wants to tear her apart he can hold on for long so he'll let her go. He jumps off the ship as he sees it about to take off.

They recovered from the attack as they look up to see the Bullhead flies away.

"You're a Huntress!" Ruby says in awe. The older woman turns around, only come face to face with an fangirling Ruby.
"Can I have your autograph?!"

Aladar can only sigh at the response.


After the encounter with the criminal, both Aladar and Ruby were sent to the police station for questioning by the Huntress. He's been waiting in the interrogation room for the past half hour and was getting a little frustrated.

"Are you guys gonna continue stare at me or are we gonna talk?" He said looking at the glass.
"I have a right to know why I'm being in here. Sure if you're about to ask about the incident at that dust shop, I was trying to stop them from robbing that poor man. He could've lost everything if I wasn't there. Along with the red hooded girl."

Just then the doors open, revealing a man with grey hair wearing glasses and holding a cane as he was carrying two mugs with him. Next him was Glynda as they were only ones that came. Aladar

"No need to worry Mr. Grant your not in trouble. We'll have you out before you even know it." The speckled man said.

"So the green wizard finally decides to show himself."

"I see you haven't change since I last saw you Mr. Grant. The only thing is you've grown."

"Don't we all." Aladar says, with a hint of Sarcasm. He sees the man brought him a mug as he puts it down in front of him.

"Hot coco." He offers a cup to Aladar. He was hesitant about the offer, but he accepts it as takes a sip of it.

"Now then shall we get to business." The man tells him.

"It's good to finally meet the Headmaster of Beacon Academy. So what is this about Ozpin? Or do you prefer your other name. Your real name..." Aladar says.

"Ozpin is fine." The man now known as Ozpin answers back.

"Suit yourself? What brings you out from the emerald castle you've been hiding in?" Aladar said mockingly.

"Mind your manners boy." Glynda says sternly from his insult.

"With all do respect M'am I can give my respect to anybody. But him however he has to earn mine. So if you don't mind me asking. Why was I summoned?" Aladar asks.

"You are correct there is something I would like to ask you. A proposal." Ozpin simply said as he continues on,
"How you would you like if you were to enroll into Beacon Academy?"

"Hehehe. Seriously?" Aladar laughs it off.
"Knowing how you work, I can just apply back at Shade Academy. Why do you want me here at Beacon Academy?"

"Let's say we pick the best to join up in our gracious school. From what I heard from Lionheart and a certain Mistral Councilman, you and your group are the right people we need in our school. Since you have experience in the field and have unique techniques. It certainly be good use for not just us but the students as well."

"You know sweet talking to me isn't gonna work on me. Knowing your history with us. What's going on really?" He asks, putting down the cup and leans in with a serious look.
"What's got you worried?"

"Everything will be told for another time." The speckled man said.

"You know I don't like being in the dark."

"I understand, knowing our history between our two people. But right now what I need is your assistance in this matter. There's something big going up here and I need every ally I can get to stop this crisis from happening." Ozpin continues.

"Why don't you ask more of your staff for help?" Or call your General up at Atlas?" Aladar asks the headmaster.

"As much as I would but they have their own tasks to handle. As for Ironwood he tends to worry and get a little...overreacting." He explains with uncertainty.
"No, I need someone who wouldn't really draw too much attention. And has experience going through the criminal underworld without anyone noticing. From what I hear the past five years you and your team have been pretty good at it as of late. You managed to nearly clean out all the crime syndicates in Mistral if I remember correctly."

Aladar was certainly not surprised by this given how this man works, he would know what they did for a living and why. But there has to be one thing that must be profitable in this.

"And what will we get in return?" Aladar asking another question.

"A chance. A chance to redeem, to be in the light and redeem your people and your past sins. You can have a normal life for once instead of fighting for your life. And in time you can show the whole world you're still here and not gone." Ozpin explains.

Aladar was surprised by this. He wasn't sure if this was a good idea. But it made him think about the things that happened in his life. His people had been in the dark part of history for too long. He always wondered if there was any hope that will let them be free. Maybe there is and he had to start right here.

"Fine. I accept your proposal." He says to the older man.
"But let me be clear about this agreement. If you want my help, I'm gonna do things my way and no need to require any more assistance unless I request it. And no need for any more last minute arrangements I can handle those from there. Sounds fair?"

"Crystal." Ozpin answers as he gets up extended his hand out to the young boy.
"Aladar Grant. So glad you can join us for this year."

"Pfft, whatever." Aladar replies accepting the handshake.


-The next day-

After getting out of police custody, he was released by the headmaster and heads to the motel where they were resting up at. He explains how the night went on and the proposal the headmaster gave them.

The next day, him and his team were able to get on the Airship with no trouble. They can see many students all boarding up on the Airship as they found a good place in the corner without anyone eavesdropping.

"So that's it?" Edward's asks in shock.
"That's all he told you?"

"Listen. He summoned us here for a reason. And the only way is to sign up here at Beacon." He tells his team.

"But why? Why now?" this times Peter asks.

"I don't know? But we're gonna find out now matter what. For now we keep low on our actions and do this discreetly."

"So we're just gonna keep chasing shadows in circles and bite our tails off before the snake can bite us?" Peter asks again, but in more suspicion.

"We're gonna have to. But I'll make him talk if he keeps this up. If there's one thing the old man can't lose, it's Allies. So let's work with him and see what it leads us. Agreed?" He tells them all.

"Agreed." They all said at the same time. He nods as sits back and relaxes as he looks out at the side of the window.

Just then he sees a blond haired girl hugging a smaller figure across the ship.

"Oh, I can't believe my baby sister is going to Beacon with me! This is the best day ever!" The blonde haired girl tells her sister as she hugs the smaller figure of a sister.

"Please stop." He faintly hears a familiar voice as the person was gasping for breath.

He looks back at the duo as she lets go of her sister and recognizes instantly. It was none other than Ruby Rose, the girl he met at the Dust shop while he was in town. How did she get here, if he remembered correctly she looked fairly young, not old enough to be transferred to Beacon.

"Hey boss what are you lookin at?" Ben asks his friend.

"Huh? Oh nothing." Aladar replies. Ben knows he  saw something that caught his as he looks to see where Aldar was looking as he sees the the girl in the red hood.

"Oh I see what you're looking at. Female caught your eye." Ben said teasingly.

"No..." Aladar replies with a blush on his face.
"I ran into her yesterday."

"The girl with the red hood?" Edward asks.


"Hmmm, if you say so. I have to say you found a good Chica Hermano." Red head says with a hint of teasing.

"It's not like that." He tells his friends.

"Suit yourself." Ben said looking away with small smile on his face as his friends snickered quietly. Aladar rolled his eyes as his response to his friends. Just then the tv screen came up as it shows a mugshot of Roman on the screen.

"The robbery was led by nefarious criminal Roman Torchwick, who continues to evade authorities. If you have any information on his whereabouts, please contact the Vale Police Department. Back to you, Lisa."

"Thank you, Cyril. In other news, this Saturday's Faunus Civil Rights protest turned dark when members of the White Fang disrupted the ceremony-"

"Poor Faunus. I feel bad for them." Tanya says in concern.

"Well at least humans can tolerate them. Just wish they can say the same for us." Peter comments with no sound of remorse.

Sometimes he can't help but worry about Peter. Let's just say that he isn't very fond of Humans or Faunus alike. Before the news kept going it was interrupted by a holographic Glynda Goodwitch.

"Hello, and welcome to Beacon! My name is Glynda Goodwitch. You are among a privileged few who have received the honor of being selected to attend this prestigious academy! Our world is experiencing an incredible time of peace, and as future Huntsmen and Huntresses, it is your duty to uphold it. You have demonstrated the courage needed for such a task, and now it is our turn to provide you with the knowledge and the training to protect our world." Glynda says her speech as the hologram turns off.

"Does the professor know we're coming?" The blonde hair girl asks.

"Yes. I told him our identities and he'll get the rest from Professor Lionheart." He replies, looking out at the window.

"Then you do kno-"

"Yes I know Tanya. Buts let's not ruin the fun. I wanna see their faces when they put the teams in order." He says, with a slight smile on his face.

"Ok if you say so."

Just then they heard one of the passengers groaning in pain as they look to see a blonde haired guy hunched over nearby, who has his hands on his mouth, running to the back of the ship.

"Not everyone likes the view."

"He'll be fine. He probably just had too many Tamales and pozoles." Their red headed friend said making their group laugh at that. He loons to see both Ruby and her sister

"Oh, Yang, gross! You have puke on your shoe!" Ruby says in disgusts.

"Gross, gross, gross, gross, gross, gross, gross, gross!" The blonde hair girl known as Yang kept repeating as she tries to get the sludge off her boots.

"Get-Get away! Get away from me! Get away from me! Get away from me! Get away from me!" Ruby tells at her sister.

He slightly chuckles at the two girls antics. He looks out again as he can see the Academy coming into view.

"So our journey begins." He mutters as he pulls out an orange brownish color out of coat as he looks at in fascination. It was amber that has a Mosquito inside of it. It was a family heirloom.

"I'll make you all proud. Ma. Pa. Roberta. Junior."

And with that their journey begins.

A/N:Hope you guys like because the next one will be in a few weeks. Stay tuned for more.

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╰┈➤ *⋆❝ 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐢'𝐝 𝐩𝐚𝐬𝐬 𝐮𝐩 𝐚 𝐟𝐫𝐞𝐞 𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐩 𝐭𝐨 𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐲? 𝐢 𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐤𝐞𝐞𝐩 𝐦𝐲 𝐩𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐢𝐧 𝐦𝐲 �...