My Reincarnation in Classroom...

By lavenmoon

56.8K 2.5K 640

What defines a human? Some people are fortunate to get a happy life while some people are not. When you are n... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1 - Prologue
Chapter 2 - The little boy
Chapter 3 - Inside the bus
Chapter 4 - Class Introduction
Chapter 5 - Hidden Agenda
Chapter 6 - The Cafeteria
Cast - QnA with our MCs 1
Chapter 7 - Give Me Love
Chapter 8 - The Swimming Class
Chapter 9 - Uncertainty
Chapter 11 - Distorted Reality
Chapter 12 - Excited Yuri
Chapter 13 - In the Sunset, You and I
Chapter 14 - The Match
Chapter 15 - Embarassing Moments :')

Chapter 10 - Date?!

3K 149 36
By lavenmoon

It was after school. Today Kiyo and Kikyo are going to do their plan. I was contemplating whether to join the fun or not. Yesterday I didn't receive any message from Kikyo so I guess she did invite another class' students. As for which class even I am not sure since I haven't asked her.

"Guys~ Let's go to Karaoke!"

"Let's go"

"Hirata-kun~ do you want to join?"

The girls decided to go to karaoke inviting Hirata-kun. 

"Sorry everyone, I have an appointment today." Kikyo apologies to everyone.

Compared to going to karaoke and becoming one of Hirata's harem members, the prospect of going to watch Kikyo and Horikita is more promising. It is not like I want to join because Kiyo is there. Yes, it's not~

"I have an appointment too, maybe next time~"


"Let's go Hirata-kun!"

Together they walked away from the classroom, leaving me and Kikyo. In the corner of the class, I can see Kiyo talking to Horikita. Not long after they also leave the class.

I watched as Kikyo slowly packed her bag, knowing full well that she was waiting for me to leave. She wanted some privacy to put her plan into motion. 

"Kikyo-chan~" I called out softly, catching her attention. "Actually I heard what you said to Ayanokouji-kun yesterday." 

She turned towards me, with surprised eyes. "Ahh! So you heard about that." She gave a wry smile.

I nodded "I hope your plan can succeed. Although honestly considering Horikita, she will realize your plan."

Kikyo sighed, her shoulders slumping slightly. "I just want to be friends with her. It is lonely to be alone."

"Can I join? I think it will look more natural if I went with you."

She looked at me with a mix of surprise and gratitude in her eyes "But I don't want to trouble you."

I shook my head giving her a reassuring smile "It is alright. I am curious about Horikita too. It is good if we can be friends with her."

Kikyo's face brightened, and she nodded eagerly. "Okay. Let's go together then!"

With that agreement, we left the classroom together. During the walk to Pallet Kikyo explain her and Kiyo's plan. In the end, Kikyo called some class B students to help her.

Her connection is great, in short time she managed to become friends with class B students even though I only get to make conversation with Ichinose from B class.

After about ten minutes of walking, we finally arrived at Pallet. The cozy cafe was bustling with students, the aromatic blend of coffee and sweet treats wafting through the air. Although I had been here before, the scents stirred my appetite once again.

I can see Kiyo and Horikita sitting together. There are two cups of coffee and a plate of pancakes in front of Kiyo. Kikyo took my left hand and gradually walked to their table.

"Ah, Horikita-san. What a coincidence! Ayanokouji-kun too!"

Kikyo smoothly takes a seat beside Horikita. I also take the last remaining seat. It is right across Kikyo. 


"Did Ayanokouji-kun and Horikita-san come with each other?"

"By chance yea. Did you both come together?"

"Yeah, today we are in the mood to"

While Kikyo tries to make a conversation, Horikita is giving us a very cold look. Although I just give her back with a smile. "I'm going home."

"O-oi, we just got here."

Even though there is a change in the plan, she still gave the same reply "You don't need me because Chitose and Kushida-san's here, right?"

"No, you're not a problem. They both and I are only classmates, after all."

"You and I are also only 'classmates'. In addition..." She slowly looked at Kikyo. "I don't like this. What are you planning?"

Surprisingly she only gave that glare at Kikyo.

"N-no, it's only a"

"I don't understand why you are so upset." I gave her a reply before Kikyo made this situation even tenser.

"You both go out with the girls every day but today you and Kushida-san come to the Pallet 'coincidentally' meet me who 'coincidentally' invited by Ayanokouji-kun. Are you going to say two coincident is only a coincidence?"

I can't give her any reply. In the first place, this whole thing is ridiculous. She continues. "Also the cafe is filled with students when we came, yet many students returned home even though they might've been here maybe 1, 2 minutes at the most. Am I wrong?"

Now I just realize the students indeed have left the Pallet.

"Sorry Horikita. We arranged this." In the end Kiyo confessed.

"I thought so. The situation made me think something was suspicious."

"Horikita-san. Please be my friend!"

"I've already said it many times, but leave me alone. I have no intention of becoming a bother to the class. Is that not allowed?"

"... Always spending time by yourself will lead to a lonely and sad school life. I want to get along with everyone in the class."

"I'm not trying to deny your wishes. However, it's wrong to involve other people against their will. I don't feel sad from being alone."


"Also, for argument's sake, do you think I would be happy if you forced me to get along with you? Do you think any friendships or trust will come from a forced relationship?"

I know Kikyo's wrong and her intention is impure. But the way Horikita handles things is also something I really dislike. Let's say the one who wants to be friends with her is really someone with an innocent heart. Won't that person's heart get scarred for life?

"Hey, I know you have the right to be angry. And sure, Kikyo's way to plan this all is wrong. But as far as I see, what she has done is to help you. Do you know how much you are hated by the students in the class? She's the only one who defends you whenever the girls talk bad things about you."

"Well, Did I ever tell her to do any of that? It is unnecessary. And, I don't care what people got to say about me because It is not my business."

"If you have the time to at least reply to someone else in a civilized way of talking maybe she didn't need to do any of that. Furthermore, why are you so angry? As I know the only one who will help you if you are in trouble is her. Let's say you got sick and are absent from school, I think she will be the only one who will bring you class notes and homework."

"I can ask Sensei if I want to ask for any assignment. So I don't need anyone's help. That's how I have always been, This is what I do for the whole life I lived. So please don't do any of this anymore." Then she faced Kikyo. "This time, it was my fault for not clearly telling you. So I will not blame you. However, if you try again, I will not forgive you next time."

"I want to get along with Horikita-san by any means. When I first saw you, it didn't feel like it was our first time meeting—I think that Horikita-san felt the same way."

Actually, I've been very curious about this too. Even though I know she's afraid Horikita divulges her secret. But, even if she didn't become friends with Horikita I don't think Horikita will care about that. So did she want to become friends in order to make sure Horikita keep her mouth or did she want to get Horikita's weakness to expel her?

"This is a waste of time. You're making me feel uncomfortable"

We are silent for a while before Kiyo decided to talk.

"It's not like I can't understand Horikita's way of thinking. I've also questioned whether or not friends are necessary on multiple occasions now."

"You're saying that? You've wanted friends ever since the first day of school."

"I'm not denying that. However, I'm the same type of person you are. At least until I graduated middle school. I've never been able to make friends until I entered this school. I've never known anyone's contact address, nor have I played with anyone after school. I was completely alone."

Kikyo looks surprised when Kiyo said those words. Even I have begun to feel uncomfortable. After all, considering what had happened to him will make anyone feel tangled.

"I think that's why I started talking to you a lot."

"That's new. However, even if we have something in common, everything that comes after is different. You didn't make friends even if you wanted friends. I didn't make friends because they're unnecessary. To say we're similar is incorrect. Am I wrong?"

"Hey! I am Ayanokouji-kun's friend. I'm sure Kikyo-chan, Ike, Yamauchi, and Sudo can be counted as friends. Friends didn't need to stick with each other every day." I decided to retort her.

"Even so my argument is still right that we are not similar."

"... Maybe. But telling Kushida that she's uncomfortable is going too far. Are you really ok with that? Saying that you won't get along with anyone now means that you'll be alone for the next 3 years. That's a lot of loneliness in the future."

"I'm fine because it'll be my 9th year in a row. Ah, if you include kindergarten it's even longer." deciding there is not any point to continue this conversation Horikita sighed. "Can I go home now?"

Her eyes locked with Kikyo. "Kushida-san, if you won't be convinced, I won't say anything. Promise me. Since you're not stupid, you know what I'm saying, right?"

Horikita left the store leaving us behind in the busy cafe.

"That was a failure. I tried to help but it was no use. She got too used to being alone." Kiyo talked to Kikyo.

"No, thank you Ayanokouji-kun. I wasn't able to become friends with her, but... I got to learn something important. I'm satisfied with that. Sorry, Horikita-san might hate you because you helped me"

"Don't worry about it. I also wanted Horikita to know about the benefits of having friends."

"Un, Thanks too Yuri-chan, I'm glad to have you as a friend. Although I'm afraid your relationship with Horikita-san will get soured because of this. I'm really sorry."

"You don't need to thank me, I just did what I think is right. But with this you realized that becoming friend with Horikita right now is impossible. But there might be another chance in the future. A relationship is not something you can force."

"Yeah. I learned it the hard way." She gave a wry smile. "Even so, I was surprised. When Ayanokouji-kun said he didn't have friends. Is that true? It didn't seem that way at all. Why were you alone?"

"Hmm? Oh, that's true. Chitose, Sudou, Ike, and co. are the first friends I made. I don't know whether it was my fault or just the environment I grew up in"

"I think I can kind of imagine what Ayanokouji-kun is like during childhood. Is it like a middle-aged soul inside a child's body. Get away you commoner. Hahaha~"

"What is that Yuri-chan that's too funny. I can't imagine that. Are you happy that you made friends Ayanokouji-kun? Is it fun? "

"Yea. It's annoying at times, but it's also really fun."

"Horikita has a thought and purpose to her way of thinking. There's nothing we can do about it."

"Is that so? Is it impossible for her to make friends?"

"Why are you so desperate? Don't you already have a lot of friends? There's no reason to obsess over Horikita."

"I wanted to be friends with everybody... It's not only class D but all the other classes too. However, if I can't get along with one girl in the class, then I've already failed..."

"Just think of Horikita as being special. And then wait for a true coincidence to happen."

Yes. Wait for a true coincidence. If that's really a coincidence at all.


And the weekend I've been waiting for like 9 years after I realize I'm in Classroom of the Elite has come. It is a date with Kiyo <3

Date~ Date~ Date~ 

<3 <3 <3

I am preparing myself in my room. What clothes should I wear today? Casual or dress? Should I use seductive clothes or cute clothes?? It is hard to choose. *sigh*

Looking at the clothes in the wardrobe I am hesitating, All looks good. No! I need to analyze.

What clothes Kiyo will wear today? Yes! I should wear casual cute clothes. Seductive clothes are still too early~

So I decide to wear a white one-piece with flower patterns on the skirt. The  skirt is tinted with pinkish color. I also bring my red bag today. Red is my lucky color.

Perfect!! Will we look like a couple?? Kyaaaa. (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)

I go out of my room, locking my door. When I arrived at the lobby, Kiyo is there waiting at the lobby.

My heart skipped a beat at the sight of him. He is wearing a blue colored t-shirt and black long pants. Even in casual attire, Kiyo looked effortlessly cool.

"Morning Ayanokouji-kun~" I greeted him with a smile

Kiyo's eyes met mine, his gaze taking in my appearance, and I couldn't help but blush under his scrutiny. Please don't stare at me like that I'm shy.

"Morning. You look beautiful."

My cheeks flushed a little. Smooth! smooth! omg, bless me god. I can die happy now. While my inner is flipping with happiness, I replied to him. "Thank you, Ayanokouji-kun looks cool too. Let's go~"

We walked to Keyaki Mall. The mall on Saturday is crowded with people. Not that much crowded regardless I don't think it is hard to spot a familiar face. 

"What food do you like?"

"I'm fine with anything."

"Then Let's eat Sushi. Is that okay?"


So we went to the Sushi restaurant. Fortunately, it is still early around 11a.m so the restaurant is still relatively empty.

"So where do you want to go today Ayanokouji-kun?"

"I bought daily necessities last time at the convenience store so I don't think I need to buy any right now. Maybe I will buy a few pieces of clothes."

"I really want to play at the arcade, maybe I will buy clothes too."

"It is decided then."

It didn't take long before the sushi we ordered arrived, There are also sushi conveyors where many kinds of sushi move around.

"By the way have Ayanokouji-kun met students from another class?"

"This far I haven't."

"Well, there are a few interesting individuals in each class. Maybe that's what makes this school different."

"Interesting individuals?"

"Yeah. Let's say class D has Hirata and Horikita. Class C have Ryuuen, Class B Ichinose, Class A Sakayanagi and Katsuragi."

"I kind of get what you mean. Hirata is like glue for the class with his charm while Horikita is the intelligent type."

"Yes. Soo the few people I just said are the people you should watch out for, especially Ryuen, he can be an extremist. Although Ichinose is kind so it is alright to become friends with her. Sakayanagi and Katsuragi mind their own matters so it is alright too."

"You seem to know a lot. It's just been a week since school entrance ceremony."

"Well, this kind of thing is my specialty. Fu fu fu~" I happily chomped don't the sushi. It is delicious~ "Well the most interesting for me is Ayanokouji-kun."


"Yea... Ayanokouji-kun is the eminence in shadow."

"I don't get it."

"It's alright it's just my inner joke~"

"What do you think about yesterday?"

"Nothing in particular."

"By chance do you know why Kushida is that fixated with Horikita?"

"Well, just as she said she wants to become friends with everyone."

"Your face didn't show you believe that though."

Can Kiyo read micro-expressions? I don't think I have shown him any indication of that. Maybe I should be more careful.

"Do you really want to know?" I make a mischievous smile

Kiyo nodded, so I glanced around making sure there were no prying eyes or curious onlookers nearby. "Your ear." I gestured my fingers indicating him to get closer.

When Kiyo leaned in, bringing his body closer to mine, I positioned my mouth near his ear with my two hands cupping my cheeks.

"The truth is... I whispered in a teasing tone, my warm breath tickling his earlobe, "Hi—mit—su~"

Not wanting to miss out on the fun, I playfully blew a soft breath into his ear. 

His body froze for a second before he leaned back and stared at me. Of course, he is staring with his normal expression. But maybe there is a storm brewing in his inner mind? Who knows?

"Ha ha ha... Ayanokouji-kun is really easy to tease. Have you ever been teased before?" Tears almost leaked from the corners of my eyes. I am so happy, it is very funny teasing him.

"As far, you are the person who teased me the most in my whole life."

"Well, bear it with me then, we have at least three years to go~"

Yeah, that's the least I can do for him, three years of normal life, in the hope to extinguish his emotionless heart.

After eating we went to clothes store. I help him pick a few clothes too. In the end, he decided to buy few casual clothes and a formal collared shirt. Of course, I also ask him to pick a dress. 

"Which one is better? This one or the one before?"

Right now I am wearing a sleeveless white dress with pink ribbon on the collar part of the dress. The lace accentuated the dress, making the dress looks cuter. Before this, I tried wearing a white T-shirt with blue jeans outer jumpsuit.

"Both are cute But I think the one you wear is nice."

Hnn Since Kiyo like this one I will choose this.

"Okay I will buy this one."

After paying at the counter. We went to the Arcade. There are many students playing.

I take Kiyo to the gun machine. It is a game in which the more zombies you shoot the higher your score. The game can be played by two players.

"Let's play this one. Have you played it before?"

"I never play this before, but I have played another one like this before."


"Chitose, what's the average score of this game?"

My inner self is smiling, the average score is two thousand But— "I think it is around five thousand?"

We are getting ready and taking the gun out of the slot.

"Let's race who gets a higher score."



I take this game really seriously, shooting every zombie that appears at high speed. My score gradually increased to five thousand and I can see Kiyo do the same, not long after Kiyo's character died with 5300 points, while I still continue my game and ended up dead at 5900 points.

"Woahhh— Sugoi—"

"They got like five thousand points."

"Isn't it like the highest score one can get"

Turns out a crowd already formed around us. The students are looking at us while we raced. So I take Kiyo's hand and go out of the arcade before the students strike up a conversation with us."

"Five thousand is not the average." Kiyo looks helpless like regretting his score.

"Sorry, I guess I remembered the wrong game. I will treat you an ice cream as apologies alright." I also gave him puppy eyes.

He gives in. So we went to the rumored Ice cream palace. Fortunately, there is a seat for two people, although it is crowded with people.

I ordered chocolate banana Ice cream deluxe while Kiyo ordered Hokkaido milk ice cream with cream puff and cornflakes toppings. Of course, Kiyo is delightedly eating it. I never got bored seeing him eating ice cream even if his face is still expressionless.

"But Ayanokouji-kun sure is amazing! You can get five thousand points even though it is your first time playing."

"It is not that hard, I played games like this before. But that means you are amazing too. You get an even higher score."

"Yes! The truth is I've tried real guns before in Hawaii with Koenji, so yea."

"No wonder. I hope this didn't become a rumor." He sighed.

Well whether this becomes a rumor or not we will see soon~

Extra scene:

Koenji is drinking at the bar with two beautiful one-san by both sides when he suddenly sneezed.

"What? I am perfect there is no way I can sneeze."

Suddenly his spine feels cold and all the hairs on his body stand.

"I don't know why but I suddenly have a bad feeling."

"No! This feeling..."

He suddenly feel a rush of pity toward someone who he didn't even know who.

One-san at his right side hugged his neck from the side while asking "What happened darling?"

One-san at his left also join, hugging Koenji's arm. "Don't leave me out of the fun."

"No, nothing. Let's enjoy the date today my kittens~"

With that Koenji enjoy his usual carefree day with two beautiful one-san.

A.N: This chapter shows how evil Yuri-chan can be~ Actually she's quite reserved in front of Kiyo than she is in front of Koenji. So we can imagine what kind of shit Koenji has been through. And Koenji gets even more perfect with his awakened sixth sense ;)

Anyway sorry for the late update. This chapter consists of 3485 words making it the longest chapter I ever write. Hope you have a nice day~

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