Galaxies far from you MHA X B...

By CrestineIvenstine

104K 4.6K 2.4K

Quirkless, a word to describe those not born with power. This was the case for Izuku, being looked down upon... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115
Chapter 116
Chapter 117
Chapter 118
Chapter 119
Chapter 120
Chapter 121
Chapter 122
Chapter 123
Chapter 124
Chapter 125
Chapter 126
Chapter 127
Chapter 128
Chapter 130
Chapter 131
Chapter 132
Chapter 133
Chapter 134
Chapter 135
Chapter 136
Chapter 137
Chapter 138
Chapter 139
Chapter 140
Chapter 141
Chapter 142
Chapter 143
Chapter 144
Chapter 145
Chapter 146
Chapter 147
Chapter 148
Chapter 149
Chapter 150

Chapter 129

299 23 7
By CrestineIvenstine

Izumi: Wait, WHAT? But don't you have a contract with Nezu until we finish U.A.

Flora: That is in the contract but don't you think after this war things would be a little quieter?

Izumi: Huh, but there are plenty of villains out there trying to do bad. It's not like they will disappear overnight.

Shade: The villains aren't the problem, the real problem is what comes after our fight. I'm sure you have seen that sky before leaving Japan, right? 

Izumi: Well, yes. It was mostly very cloudy when I last left and it's not like I can access the news to know what it looks like now.

Flora: It's not like the sky has ever changed after you left. That fight alone was able to change the weather of your planet 90 degrees, without Boboiboy's intervention, the damages would have been a lot worse than it already is.

Shade: If All for one wanted to he could destroy the whole planet and everyone on it leaving him the sole winner. The powers of Endeavor and Dabi alone were able to cause a global winter over the world for the first few days, Boboiboy managed to reduce the damages with his giant glacier but even he can't undo what has been done.

Flora: What V is saying is true, your planet will be too dangerous for anyone to go do anything. It's like a volcanic winter, schools will be closed down, the streets filled with debris and snow piles that can stack as tall as 30 feet. Winning this war is meaningless if you don't prepare for the aftermath, things will not go back to normal, not to mention the food supplies will be at their lowest with crops frozen across the whole globe. We won't be able to help everyone, this planet is too vast.

Shade: Not to mention the neediness of some civilians. At that moment of victory for the heroes, it will mean nothing if all that is on their minds is survival.  

Izumi: Well, he can change it right? He can stop all the damage done to my planet.

Shade: If only it were that simple, our powers can manipulate the elements around us but... we can never do it forever. There is a limit on how long he can stop the cold winters but that's just it, a temporary solution, we can't do it forever and soon we will break and winter will come, we can't stop Mother Nature from running its course, we have to ride the waves and live with the aftermath.

Izumi: So, there is nothing we can do.

Flora: Sorry, we aren't Gods that can just snap our problems away. This war will not be pretty... and it never will.

Izumi: I-I see, can't you warn Principle Nezu at least?

Shade: We could but... I think he already knows the consequences of this war.

Flora: That uncle of yours is pretty clever, for our alien standards. It was pretty smart of him to join forces with another school to create a safe house for all those who need it.

Izumi: Hmm, just a question. What kind of quirks does All for One have exactly?

Shade: Oh, he has a lot of quirks. There is a multiplier quirk, a spear quirk, a hardening quirk a-

Izumi: Does he have something like a manipulation quirk?

Shade: Uhm, well he does-

Izumi: *Gasp* So he can-

Shade: BUT!!! 

Izumi: *Shuts up*

Shade: He needs to touch the person in order for it to work. His quirk can only manipulate the actions of the target, not the way they speak. The first and last time I saw him was at Kamino Ward and I barely fought in that. There is no way he was able to touch me.

Izumi: I-so, you really arent...

Shade: No.

Izumi: I see.

Flora: If he has a mind control quirk then that is bad.

Shade: That is right, he would be able to control our actions if we weren't prepared for it

Flora: Not only that but if he finds the source of our powers then it's all over too, with One for All in the same location as Boboiboy's powers then he might be able to force him to hand it over to him.

Shade: This is why we were trained to fight those with manipulation powers.

Izumi: You have so many countermeasures.

Flora: We have to, this is also the reason we don't show our faces. To prevent others from finding us.

Shade: So far, there have been at least two people who were almost successful in taking our powers but we were able to defeat them.

Flora: It would be a bad day if someone tried to take my powers, the world would be doomed if anyone takes it.

Shade: All our powers are dangerous, Flora, just one of our powers is enough to destroy everything.

Izumi: Is that why you didn't want to tell us your powers?

Flora: Yes, and the amount of people that will be after us will not be pleasant. Especially with our status, we are a secret hidden from the universe.

Izumi: Wa-wait, this is going too fast. Your a secret hidden from the universe?

Shade: It's because of our relationships with the admiral, aliens all over the galaxy would pay a hefty prize for us.

Flora: Yeah, you remember that auction. There were some aliens that suspected that the current elemental user was the son of the Admiral, he wasn't so lucky to be kept under wraps but the two of us were able to stay hidden for most of it.

Izumi: Ok, wait. I need more of an explanation than that.

Shade: Boboiboy himself is already a well-known figure in the galaxy, with his name already spreading across the galaxy after the defeat of numerous aliens as himself there is no way he can hide his fame but when we were on other missions using our disguises, we are well known as Azrael and Valkyrie but not as ourselves.

Flora: The Admiral is very popular too, and the station is the high bounty that many search for. Not only that but the powers that the Admiral holds are also ones that other aliens want to get their hands on. Our lives are very dangerous that is why we hide ourselves to protect those around us.

Izumi: I see-*Beep*

Shade: *Quickly turn around* It's done. *quickly heads to the screen to check the scans*

Flora: What you got?

Shade: Nothing good, it's a danger level 4.

Flora: It's that bad, huh.

Izumi: Danger level 4.

Flora: Well, long story short it means almost everything on that planet will kill you. Danger level 5 means everything will kill you.

Izumi: *Turns pale*

Shade: From the air to the ground nothing on this planet is safe, and we can't trust the locals will be so kind to us either.

Flora: You are welcome to stay in the ship while we explore this planet-

Izumi: No, I'm going.

Flora: Are you sure?

Izumi: Yes, I know it's dangerous but so is being a hero. If I can't face danger head on then how can I be a hero?

Flora: Hmm, good answer. We head out tomorrow, so get some sleep.

The 2: Right.

The next morning

On the front deck

Flora: *Turns around* Finally awake from your beauty sleep?

Izumi: Hmm, yeah.

Shade: Good, because we might encounter other aliens on this planet, I asked Flora to make you a little something.

Izumi: Oh, what is it?

Flora: Ta-da. *Holds up a fox mask, the mask has a white face with green and red colors to enhance the features of a fox*

Izumi: A kistune fox mask?

Flora: Yup, we can't have people seeing your face.

Izumi: I see, just like my hero costume.

Flora: That is right.

Izumi: *Takes the mask* But what do I call myself?

Flora: Hmm, what do you think?

Izumi: Hmm, Green fox.

Flora: Hmm, no.

Izumi: Huh?

Flora: Too boring, plus it's not very catchy either.

Izumi: Uhm, Foxy?

Flora: Do you really want people to call you that?

Izumi: What else am I supposed to call myself?

Shade: Yuuki.

Izumi: Yuuki?

Shade: It means bravery and courage.

Flora: Ooh, now that sounds great. You always make the best names, V.

Izumi: Yuuki, that... sounds nice...

Shade: Make that name yours, just like how our names represent our drive.

Izumi: Right.

Flora: Well, prepare yourself for an adventure you will never forget.

On planet Malatite

*A portal opened revealing three people walking out the portal*

Valkyrie: Planet Malatite, it's much more beautiful down here than up there.

Azrael: Beautiful yes but- *Looks to his side to the the river filled with green liquid* also very dangerous. *Watches a bubble pop from the river*

Yuuki: Uhm, is this safe?

Valkyrie: So far yes but we must keep moving, we will not be able to find anything if we just stand here.

Yuuki: Right.

*As they walked around Izumi or Yuuki started to look around her. The place was filled with overgrown greenery with pointy green crystals poking out from the ground. As they get further into the jungle the more overgrown the plants are. Suddenly there was a low growl, Azrael quickly covered Yuuki's mouth and watched as a creature came out from the greenery, A dark green creature stood on its four legs, it sniffed the air finding something to eat, the creature was full of fur from the head down and it doesn't seem to have eyes. It opens its mouth and green liquid flows out from it, hitting the ground the ground below starts to melt as the green liquid hits the floor. After a bit of waiting the beast moved on leaving the three alone.*

The 3: *Sigh of relief*

Valkyrie: It's good you have your dark sense, whatever that is, is not friendly.

Azrael: Yeah, it looks like this creature has been corrupted by the land.

Valkyrie: Yeah, looks like whatever battle took place here didn't do well on the environment.

Yuuki: Is this what my planet would look like if you battled on it?

Azrael: No, your planet will not turn into this.

Yuuki: But-

Valkyrie: Whatever battle took place here is a story we don't know about, and we can't be sure if it's really them that fought here before, so hold your judgment until we get enough evidence.

Yuuki: Right.

*They start to walk away from their spot and arrive at what looks like a cliff, vines seem to be growing down into the depth below and there is no sight of the bottom of the cliff. There seem to be different plants and flowers that seem to be growing out from the vines and old buildings that seem to be held up by these vines.*

Valkyrie: Looks like we have to be careful where we step.

Azrael: Well if you want to go to space then that is a one-way trip there.

Valkyrie: Did you find anything on the scans yet?

Azrael: *Sigh* Not yet, it might not be able to appear on our scans.

Valkyrie: I see, let's keep going. *They move away from the cliff*

Yuuki: So, your names. What meanings do they have?

Valkyrie: Each of our names represents rebirth or a change in our life. Our names were picked by us, I chose my name while Azrael and Cerberus named each other. My name picking is what started the whole rebirth trend in our name picking but it represents who we are and tells a story from our past selves.

Yuuki: So, what does Valkyrie mean?

Valkyrie: Valkyrie. An angel of war, she symbolized death and vengeance.

Yuuki: Death? Vengeance? Do you hate us that bad?

Valkyrie: Ok, let me explain. Death symbolizes the abandonment of my previous parents who have left me to die, as I was brought into my new family I was essentially reborn as a new person while Vengeance represents my will to become better, stronger, and to prove to those who looked down on me wrong. Vengeance doesn't have to be violent but a point you want to show others of their mistakes.

Yuuki: Woah, so, what does Cerberus mean?

Valkyrie: Ah, Cerberus. The three-headed dog, also the guardian of the gates of hell. Azreal chose Cerberus for him because of his personality. His will to protect those he loves and stop those who will cause harm to them is what gave him his name. No matter how many times you can kill a Cerberus they will always come back faster and stronger. That is what he is like. It fits him well, doesn't it?

Yuuki: Yeah-

Valkyrie: Did you know, Cerberus didn't always think of being a hero.

Yuuki: I-yeah, he told me himself. 

Valkyrie: While I wanted to be just like the Admiral he thought otherwise. He wanted a more simpler life but gaining his powers gave him a new purpose to protect those he cared about. You can say that this is his way of rebirth.

Yuuki: I see, what about... Azrael?

Valkyrie: Azzy, While he gave Cerberus his name, Cerberus in turn gave him his name. The angel of death.

Yuuki: Why did he give him the angel of death?

Valkyrie: Azrael as an angel was never always the angel of death because he caused harm to others but because he was brave, doing what he could for a greater cause. He was an innocent angel, an archangel but has faced the cruelty which were the devils he fought but he came back stronger than before. From that alone, you can understand why he chose this name.

Yuuki: I do. *looks down*

Valkyrie: We chose our names because they mean something to us, it makes us feel connected to each other. A family who knows each other's pain and suffering, a family that we can rely on, a family that will understand our pain. Names mean a lot in this world and choosing the right one holds a story you have yet to open.

Yuuki: You have thought all this through, huh?

Valkyrie: Of course, picking a name is not as simple as a name others will call you. Just like picking your hero names, each name has a story behind it and when others hear your name they will know your story.

Yuuki: That sounds nice... I have just gone with my normal name for my hero name.

Valkyrie: Hmm, why?

Yuuki: I don't think I deserve to have a hero name, after what I did. I didn't think the name I had been coming up with for so long would matter so I just chose my real name.

Valkyrie: Hmm, *Types something on her phone* You know *Stops typing* Your name means Spring or Fountain, do you know what that means?

Yuuki: No...

Valkyrie: It comes after winter when the flowers start to bloom, and bring new life and if you don't get it yet it means change, new beginnings, a new start. Right now you are given a chance to redeem yourself, to start again. Your name holds the story of a past life, one that you can change now.

Yuuki: *Stood frozen*

Valkyrie: Do you get it? When you chose your name to be a hero you chose to be better, to start a new. When you think it doesn't mean anything it just means you don't see any significance with your name, you can't move on. Do you know what my real name is?

Yuuki: No, you have always been calling each other by your nicknames.

Valkyrie: My real name is Rose.

Yuuki: Rose. I guess that is where your nickname Flora comes from.

Valkyrie: Sssh, you can't casually say my real name or my nickname out here.

Yuuki: Right.

Valkyrie: My father gave me my name, it's a very pretty name. He told me that my name means beauty and courage, the petals on the rose represent who I am and the thorns are my past, my failings, my pain. I know it doesn't sound that great but those thorns show that I have grown with those mistakes, learning from them and making things better. I 'blossomed' into a new person.

Yuuki: A flower pun.

Valkyrie: Well, I have always been the light of the party. Still, I am the current oldest right now so I have my responsibilities... Hmm, not that I think about it. I don't know who is older between the two of us.

Yuuki: Older?

Valkyrie: You know, the eldest child but I guess you wouldn't know. Maybe one day we will know.

Yuuki: Maybe we can ask.

Valkyrie: Hmm, maybe but I can't really trust his word. Especially when he left me to die alone.

Yuuki: I-I'm sorry-

Valkyrie: You were just the same age as me, there is nothing for you to apologize for. Only to the ones you hurt. Just like someone who has yet to give me an apology.

Yuuki: So, is he... really-was your dad?

Valkyrie: I know it, from the moment I saw them I knew it was them. The same people that have left me behind to die.

Yuuki: E-even if they left you, do you think you can forgive-

Valkyrie: Sorry but no. Not when I know what they did to my brother and my parents, they were hurting for far too long and I can't allow their sins to continue any longer. If I wasn't left behind then, Shade's fate would have been mine... either way, no matter what you look at it. I would still be hurt the only difference is that... there won't be someone there for me.

Yuuki: . . . I still don't understand what they did.

Valkyrie: You will learn soon, since you will be with us for a while you will learn from the best. Maybe we can teach you how to detect lies.

Yuuki: Like detective Tsukauchi?

Valkyrie: That is right but our methods are much far better than his quirk.

Yuuki: Will this work on you too?

Valkyrie: Well not really, it's because we are also trained to lie just as well but we don't usually lie to each other because we trust each other and we can read each other very well.

Yuuki: Hmm.

Valkyrie: Well, if there is anything else you want us to teach you, you are free to ask.

Yuuki: really?

Valkyrie: Positive, we have to do our best out here if we want to defeat All for One and his goons.

Yuuki: Yeah.

Azrael: Guys, it's turning dark.

Yuuki: Already?

Valkyrie: It must be the gaping hole in the planet. It must be affecting the time of day in this place.

Azrael: Well this planet is already very small and we explored half of the planet's surface.

Yuuki: So, what do we do?

Azrael: I want to keep looking-

Valkyrie: *Places a hand on his shoulder* But, it's almost lunchtime.

Azrael: *Sigh* Fine, we can take a break and come back.

Valkyrie: Perfect, we should call Aar in the meantime. He must be dying of boredom.

Azrael: Heh, fine.

At the ship

Shade: *Looking at his watch*

Izumi: *Watches him stare at his watch*

Flora: Still nothing V? *Places down a tray of food*

Shade: No, he must be busy. *Closes his watch*

Flora: Maybe he is talking with the others. Gathering information on All for One, just because he can't be here doesn't mean he is slacking off.

Shade: Right, maybe he is giving orders to the available elements.

Izumi: Ooh, that is cool.

Shade: Hmm, I think it's about time we head out again.

Flora: *Sigh* Well, we can't go back out either, not when it's night.

Shade: I can scout out the planet, you two can hang out here.

Izumi: Is that really ok?

Flora: It's alright, go ahead and don't do anything reckless.

Shade: Heh, since when. *Enters a portal and disappears*

Flora: So, since we have some free time. Wanna have another training session?

Izumi: Yes, please.

With Boboiboy

Nezu: Sorry to call you so unexpectedly.

Boboiboy: No, it's alright. *His eyes were red* 

Boboiboy(Hali): This is important right?

Nezu: Indeed, we have found some suspicious activities around the city

Boboiboy(Hali): Isn't everything in the city filled with suspicious activity right now? 

Mic: Yeah, but listen to this, little listener. There is a large group of villains that always appear in a particular area.

Boboiboy(Hali): That sounds normal to me.

Midnight: But what's not normal is that All Might and Levius are always there, right at the center of it.

Boboiboy(Hali): . . . *raises his eyebrow while crosses his arms*

Aizawa: I know, it sounds normal.

Boboiboy(Hali): If he wants to get his fame back then let him, without his quirk they are likely to be on the run.

Mic: And that is our point, he has his quirk.

Boboiboy(Hali): *Freezes* What? *Slowly turns to Mic*

Hawks: He is right, I saw it with my own eyes as well.

Boboiboy(Hali): But how, I didn't give him anything for him to gain his quirk back.

Endeavor: That is why we called you to confirm our suspicions. Is there anything that you might have given him that might have given him his quirk back?

Boboiboy(Hali): *Thinking pose* No, I have denied everything he asked. There is nothing I can think of that might have given him a quirk.

Nezu: Hmm, well maybe not you but someone else.

Boboiboy(Hali): Someone else-*His eyes widen*

Hawks: You got something?

Boboiboy(Hali): Tch, I think I have an idea of who gave him his quirk back.

Midnight: All for one?

Boboiboy(Hali): No, someone close by.

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