A Man that Summon Monsters (P...

De RWBYKnight4142

71.8K 1.1K 927


Welcome to Beacon
First Day at Beacon
Out on the Town
Poke'mon Eggs and Blake's Dilemma
Dance, Dance Infiltration
Welcome to the World, Little Ones!
Poke'mon Training
Mountain Glenn
No Brakes
No Brakes Pt. 2 & Breach
Round One
Tidal Wave
It's Brawl in the Family
Doubles Round
Rescue/The Battle Begins
The Battle for Beacon
The Turning Point
The Final Battle
In Defense of Kalos
The Crisis of Kalos
Forming A More Perfect Union

Rocking Kalos

796 18 2
De RWBYKnight4142

3rd Person POV

(Y/n), Alain, Ash and Malva are still reeling at Lysandre seemingly falling to his death.

(Y/n): I can't figure out why, for the life of me.

Everyone remains quiet until Ash's phone is heard ringing, he pulls it out and answers it.

Serena: *over phone* Ash?

Ash: Serena, where are you guys now?

Serena: We're at Lysandre Labs. And we just rescued Chespie. Professor Sycamore, Steven, Ruby and Weiss are with us at the lab as well.

(Y/n) walks over and talks into the speaker phone.

(Y/n): Ruby? Weiss? You doing okay?

Ruby: Yup.

Weiss: We're holding our own here.

(Y/n): Good, Blake will hurt me if anything happened to you.

Alain came up next and asked.

Alain: Mairin! Are you there?!

Mairin: I'm here. With Chespie. Are you okay, Alain?

Alain: I'm fine. How are you?

Mairin: I'm okay. Chespie's safe, too!

Ash: *to Alain* That's great news.

Serena: Ash, what's your location?

Ash: We're at the top of Prisim Tower.

Serena: Could I ask you to go to the gym? It's Clemont...

Ash grows a worried expression, but back at Lysandre Labs Ruby and Weiss' group have reached a labratory with a giant rock in the middle that is glowing in many colors. Steven is seen typing on the keyboard on a console.

Serena: What are you doing?

Steven: I'm finding out what kind of research was being conducted here.

Weiss then takes the initiative and starts typing on another console keyboard while Ruby watches.

Weiss: Hmm, that's strange.

Sycamore: What is it?

Before Weiss can answer, the room suddenly shakes and the giant rock turns red. Chespie also turns red but doesn't wake up.

Serena: What's happening?

The glass surrounding the giant rock shatters, and everyone takes cover from the glass. Mairin suddenly feels Chespie being pulled from her arms by an invisible force.

Mairin: No! *strains* Chespie!

Chespie is pulled from Mairin's grip and float towards the rock, it is then absorbed by it. Mairin tries to approach the rock, but Ruby stops her.

Mairin: Chespie!

Ruby: Mairin wait! It's dangerous!

Something starts to form around the giant rock and Ruby tries to pull Mairin away.

Ruby: Mairin please!

Mairin: Chespie! No!

Ruby: We can't do anything for Chespie if we get trapped here! I'm sorry.

Ruby uses her Semblance on everyone and carries them outside the facility. Everyone looks back as the entire Lab collapses and more red vines appear from the rubble as well as a giant figure takes shape obscured by the dust.

Mairin: *saddened* Chespie.

Serena: Professor, what's happening?

Sycamore: I honestly have no idea. Is the giant rock involved?

Weiss: Involved? I believe it's the source. Anything can happen now.

The giant rock starts moving headed across the badlands of Kalos. The scene switches to Anistar City, where Gym Leader Olympia and her two Meowstic are looking at the Sundial, a huge ornate crystal that just started glowing red and radiating intense heat.

Olympia: The Sundial is starting to tremble.

Back in Lumiose City (Y/n), Ash and Alain reach Clemont, Blake and Yang's position in the gym.

Ash: Clemont?!

When they see Clemont on his knees crying, they see Clembot's severely damaged body, (Y/n) looks at Blake, and she only shakes her head in response.

Ash: *saddened* What happened, Clemont?

Blake walks next to (Y/n) and he puts his arm around her shoulder as the boys approach.

Clemont: Clembot did it all.

Ash: Can Clembot be fixed.

Clemont: I'll try my best. I haven't been of much use so far....

Yang: Kid...

Suddenly, (Y/n)'s phone starts beeping, he pulls it out and puts it on speaker.

(Y/n): Ruby? What's up?

Ruby: *over phone* (Y/n)! Emergency!

Weiss: *over phone* The giant rock we found at Lysandre Labs absorbed Chespie. Chespie appeared to be enveloped by the same kind of energy Team Flare was using.

Alain: *shocked* Absorbed Chespie?!

Yang: How?!

Weiss: *over phone* The Giant Rock's on the move somewhere. I'm not sure where. I'm sending you our coordinates.

(Y/n): Okay, we'll find transport and make our way to you.

Sycamore: *over phone* Get here fast and bring Blaziken Mask!

(Y/n): Right. *hangs up* Sorry to cut this short, but can you still go on?

Clemont: *rises to his feet* I'm all right. The battle isn't over just yet.

Yang: That's what I like to hear, Clemont!

(Y/n): Come on, we still have to find Bonnie and Blaziken Mask. Double time it!

The group searches and eventually finds Blaziken Mask, Bonnie and both Squishy and Squishy 2. They then meet Malva at her news helicopter and start flying towards Weiss' cell signal. Weiss had called back so they could exhange information.

Weiss: Okay everyone, here's what we've been able to piece together so far. When we scanned the Giant Rock earlier, we discovered it's a giant mass of energy. A mass of energy that strongly resembles Zygarde's. Furthermore, we've picked up Chespie's vital signs from within the core. When I accessed Chespie's records, it appears that an accident caused Chespie to absorb some of Zygarde's energy. Meaning that the rock absorbed Chespie to obtain said energy. But now, the Giant Rock is in search of it's next energy source. According to Professor Sycamore, it's next target is in Anistar City.

(Y/n): Of course, it must be going after the Sundial.

Blake: The Sundial?

(Y/n): It's a giant crystal the size of a building, that landed here in Kalos thousands of years ago, the best scientists in the world have been trying to figure out it's secrets.

Sycamore: From what I've been able to learn, the energy still contained inside the Sundial is the very same energy that Poke'mon emit when they're experiencing Mega Evolution.

Yang: So, say the Giant Rock is drawn towards that energy, but why that energy?

Weiss: I think I know why. *shows diagram* If the Giant Rock makes contact with the Sundial and then merge as a result....

The diagram shows a massive red energy covering not just the Kalos region, but the entire world.

Serena: *scared* So, that means...

Weiss: It'll be the end of the world. People and Poke'mon will all perish.

Alain angrily slams his fist on the side of the helicopter.

Alain: Lysandre! Recreating the world at any cost!

(Y/n): I will not let the world I grew up in be destroyed.

Ruby: We're with you all the way, (Y/n). Right team?

Weiss/Blake/Yang: Right!

Ash: Professor, we need to rescue Chespie and stop the Giant Rock right away.

(Y/n): My thoughts exactly. We can and we WILL.

In Anistar City, Officer Jenny finished relaying Weiss' findings to Olympia.

Officer Jenny: That's everying Weiss and Professor Sycamore told us.

Olympia: You need to evacuate the people of Anistar at once.

Officer Jenny: Right.

Officer Jenny starts running back towards the city, while Olympia stands near the Sundial, she then uses her psychic powers to send a message.

Olympia: Gather!

Back with Weiss and Ruby's group, Steven opens the side door of the plane they're on and he, Sycamore, Weiss and Ruby stand ready.

Steven: Ready, you three?!

Sycamore: Ready!

Ruby: Always ready for a fight!

Weiss: Ready!

Serena: I wanna help too!

Mairin: Serena...

Serena: If we don't, the world will end! And I can't bear the thought of that happening!

Weiss: She's right!

Ruby: Yeah, we'll need all the bodies we can throw at this!

Steven: Okay then. *tosses Poke'ball* Come out, Metagross!

Sycamore: Garchomp, let's go!

Weiss: Snowflake, to battle!

Ruby: Fenris, come out!

Serena: Let's go, Braxien!

Both Steven and Sycamore Mega Evolve their respective Poke'mon. And while Braxien jumped onto Mega Metagross' back, Weiss used white glyphs for Snowflake and Fenris to run on, Ruby readied her sniper rifle. All Poke'mon charge for the Giant Rock.

Steven: Flash Cannon!

Sycamore: Use Dragon Pulse!

Serena: Use Flamethrower!

Ruby: Use Dark Pulse!

Weiss: Snowflake, use Blizzard!

All moves are blocked by the red vines and then sent to counterattack against the Poke'mon, Weiss has to really concentrate to not let Snowflake and Fenris fall while they dodge so Ruby calls the moves for both Poke'mon. Unfortunately, the vines are too fast and numerous and start to capture and strangle all Poke'mon, when Metagross was captured by the vines though, Braxien fell off towards the ground.

Serena: Braxien!

It was caught though by Alain's Mega Charizard and Ash's Pikachu.

Sycamore: Charizard?

Serena: And Pikachu.

Serena and Mairin look at each other and realize help has arrived. That's when Malva's news helicopter appeared on the other side of the Giant Rock with ample reinforcments.

Ash: Pikachu, use Iron Tail!

Alain: Charizard, Flamethrower!

Pikachu and Charizard manage to free Metagross and Garchomp, while (Y/n)'s Charizard X frees both Snowflake and Fenris and proceeds to carry them on his back.

Clemont: Professor, do you know Chespie's exact position?

Sycamore: Scans show that it's somewhere inside the core.

Ash and Ash-Greninja look at the Giant Rock, Ash-Greninja seems to peer inside the Giant Rock and feel Chespie's presence. Both Ash and Greninja  gasp when they do.

Ash: Greninja, did you see it, too?

Greninja: *affirmative*

Ash: You know what? I just got an idea. You with me?

Greninja: *agreement*

Ash relays his plan to the group and some are skeptical to say the least.

Sycamore: Ash, are you sure?

Ash: Of course! Just give us a chance.

Team RWBY look to (Y/n) and he gives them a nod, Weiss once again creates white glyphs for Team RWBY's Poke'mon to run on.

Ash: Make sure you've got Greninja's back, Pikachu!

Alain: Charizard, you do the same as well!

(Y/n): Team RWBY, protect Greninja!

RWBY: Right!

Sycamore: Let's help Ash all that we can!

Steven: That includes you Metagross!

All Poke'mon make a defensive perimeter around Greninja. Greninja, meanwhile, concentrates and finds Chespie's exact presence.

Ash: Greninja! Water Shuriken!

Both Ash and Greninja perform the move and the Water Shuriken is thrown and stabs into the core.

Ash: Right there! Chespie is down below the Shuriken! Everyone, head toward the Water Shuriken!

All the Poke'mon charge for the Giant Rock, but it once again uses vines to stonewall their approach, but...

(Y/n): Charizard X, Flamethrower, max power!

Charizard X starts charging up all the firepower he currently has.

Blake: Might want to cover your eyes!

Charizard finishes charging up and...

(Y/n): Do it!

Charizard releases an almost laser beam of flames so powerful, it tears through the vines and smashes a hole into the Giant Rock's core just below the Water Shuriken.

Alain: *astonished* Incredible!

(Y/n): There! Move in!

All Poke'mon in play charge for the Giant Rock, but once again, the vines stonewall their approach.

Steven: It's endless.

Sycamore: At this rate we'll never get close.

Ash: Use Cut!

Greninja cuts through a couple of vines before it is caught, Alain's Charizard and Pikachu try to help but end up getting caught by vines as well. Metagross and Braxien are caught next, followed by Garchomp and Team RWBY's Poke'mon. Even Charizard X couldn't hold back the vines and was eventually caught as well.

Yang: Now what do we do?!

Just when hope seemed to start to fade, a huge bright laser beam appears and hits the Giant Rock dead on, the vines temorarily fall limp and let go of all the Poke'mon, as Weiss couldn't keep up her glyphs anymore, Charizard X caught and carried all of Team RWBY's Poke'mon on his back. The trainers look and see where the laser came from and see an awesome sight.

(Y/n): Well, I was wondering when the gang might show.

Clemont: Look at all the Gym Leaders!

Viola, Grant, Champion Diantha, Korrina, Ramos, Valerie, Olympia and Wulfric, all have shown up to do what they can to help end this crisis once and for all. Even with their combined might, the Giant Rock was still on the move with barely a scratch.

Diantha: We didn't even slow it down.

(Y/n): *growls* Let's fall back and regroup, then come up with a new strategy.

Sycamore: Agreed.

Everyone falls back near to the coast and old friends are reunited, Professor Sycamore approaches (Y/n) and Team RWBY.

Sycamore: I never got to thank you and your new friends for your quick intervention. We may not have made it this far without you.

Ruby: Just doing what we're trained to do, Professor.

(Y/n): It's a little a early to thanks us though. We still got a world to save.

Sycamore: (Y/n), you're Charizard seems a lot more powerful than I remember.

(Y/n): Yeah, well, spending months fighting against actual monsters from another dimension will do that. I'll give you the details on that another time.

Sycamore: Marvelous!

Ash: So, what's the plan from here?

(Y/n): *thinks for a moment* Pretty straight forward. We all attack together, Ash and Alain make their way up to that Water Shuriken, *indicates* while the rest of us clear a path and slow down the vines.

Wulfric: That works for me, young man!

(Y/n): *chuckles* Hey, Wulfric. How you holding up, old man.

Wulfric: Still giving trainers a hard time.

(Y/n) turns to Blake and explains...

(Y/n): Wulfric is the final, and the toughest, Gym Leader in Kalos. I had to retry his gym three times before I finally got a gym badge from him. He turned out to be a great teacher as well.

Sycamore: We couldn't have asked for a stronger group.

The group stand ready for battle, Diantha then gives some last words.

Diantha: Everyone, you're looking at the final line of defense! We cannot let it come into contact with the Sundial! Remember that at all times.

Everyone: Right!

Ash: Serena, take care of Mairin and Bonnie.

Clemont: And thanks for all your help.

Serena: You can count on me!

The strongest team in Kalos stand ready for the final fight for survival of the planet.

(A/N): In order to rescue Chespie, and prevent the Giant Rock from coming into contact with the Sundial, the most powerful team in Kalos has gathered together in a battle for the future of the world! What will be Chespie's fate? What will be the future of Kalos? The final decisive battle to come, as the journey continues...

And CUT! Great work everyone! Lunch is in the mess hall as usual, and finally we're almost done and we'll make our next blockbuster! Keep up the great work! Have a great rest of your day/night and I'll see y'all next time. PEACE OUT!!!

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