The Prince's Assassin

By Sian2468

283K 8.1K 1.4K

The blade of my hidden knife stops just a few centimetres from the prince's warm skin of his neck. He lays th... More

Authors Note
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Final Authors Note

Chapter Eight

14.2K 466 102
By Sian2468

How does this keep happening?

I think I'm losing my edge or something.

I am once again casually strolling next to the prince in the park. Just like last time.

This is my last day to kill him and I'm here in normal clothes just having a friendly chat!

Good work Raven, how professional!

Did I mention if I don't kill him today or tonight then Snake will kill me?

This couldn't get worse. But oh wait, I think it just did.

".....I would much rather be able to do whatever I wanted and go wherever I wanted, without being chased by paparazzi or shadowed by body guards." The Prince says.

"But you were born into the royal family, aren't you used to it?"

"Used to it, doesn't mean I enjoy it."

"So, what about the Duchess?"

"She loves every bit of it. The fame, the money. Can't get enough." He shrugs.

"Sounds like you two have nothing in common." I suggest.

"We don't. Like I said before, it was arranged, I was forced."

I wipe my hands on my denim jeans and look down at my feet. The birds chirp above us to fill in the silence.

"Raven?" Flynn speaks and stops walking. I stop and turn to face him.

"Yeah?" I frown slightly.

"Would it be wrong if I kissed you?"

I try not to look completely shocked.

"Um, we barely know each other."

"True. But you understand me, and you listen. And you're really beautiful, so I want to kiss you."

What kind of prince is he?!

The attractive kind.

Oh shut up, voice in my head.

He steps closer to me and takes my hand, kissing the top of it softly. He gently uses his grip on it to pull me towards him, bringing his other hand up to my cheek.

What the hell is happening?!

His face is just inches from mine. I look down at his soft lips, then back up into his green eyes, feeling like I could stare at him all day long.

"Prince Alexander!!" A voice calls, not far away from us.

We jump away from each other as the voice calls out again.

"I have to go," Flynn says, sounding disappointed. "Will I see you again?"

I look down at my feet, remembering my mission.

"Sure," I lie, but smile a truthful smile.

He smiles widely before running off to find the guard who is calling him.

I put a hand to my aching head and begin to walk towards my motorbike.

What is wrong with me?! I've never felt like this.

I dip my shoulder as I turn into the ally way and climb onto my motorbike. I sigh and lean my head in my hands.

What am I doing?

I can't kill him.

Not now, and not ever.

I sit up straight and turn on the engine. I slide my helmet over my head and drive out of the ally. I drive slower than usual, keeping to traffic rules and not taking short cuts. I need more time to gather my thoughts before tonight.

I can't go back to Snake if the prince isn't dead. But something deep inside me is stopping me from killing him, I don't know what it is yet and I don't know how to get rid of it.

Damn it, if I'd just done my job properly none of this would have happened and the Prince would be dead by now.

I realize I've travelled in the completely wrong direction to the house, but I keep going anyway. The sun is halfway to the horizon, meaning I have the best of a couple hours before dark.

Right now, I can only think of one thing that I may be able to pull off in order to get out of this mess.


Just leave. Change my name, a new identity, the whole thing. I was too afraid before now, too scared of what Snake might do if he caught me. But I have a real reason to run now, a real reason to leave.

Running is the only way I can save Flynn and myself. Not trying to sound big-headed, but no one else could pull off killing the prince. It's a tough job, one someone of only my skill and training level could handle.

I turn around at a set of traffic lights and head back towards the house, now using shortcuts and disobeying road rules.

I need a bit more time to plan. Then I'm gone.


I shove a few more clothes into my backpack before harshly zipping it shut. I sigh, looking around the attic for the last time.

I've left everything but most of my clothes in it's place. Snake won't think to look for me for at least a few days, buying me enough time to get over the state boarder. And when he see's the prince on the news at the next big event, he will know I've gone without completing the mission.

I sling my bag over my shoulder and pick up my hand gun from the bed, locking it into it's holster on my thigh.

I climb down the attic stairs and fold them back up again, wondering if Snake will use it as a strip club when I'm gone. I shudder at the thought before beginning towards the front door. I hear familiar murmuring from Ajay's room and decide to poke my head in.

Ajay is sitting at the edge of the bed, Abby leaning over to assess his bare shoulder.

"Hey." I say, letting them know I am in the room. I take a few steps closer, shutting the door behind me.

"Hey Raven." Abby smiles. I think to myself it will probably be the last time someone calls me by that name.

"How are you?" She asks as Ajay stays silent, watching me carefully.

"I'm fine. My leg has healed well."

"That's great," Abby says with her back to me, "Did you want to ask me something?"

"Actually, I need to talk to Ajay."

His eyes shoot up at me in confusion, and glance worriedly to Abby.

Abby turns to me and smiles, pulling off her plastic glove. "Sure, I have to grab some bandages from my car anyway."

"Oh, Abby?" I stop her at the door.

"Yeah?" She replies innocently.

"Thank you."

"What for?"

"Just...... everything." I offer a small smile which she returns.

"Anytime, Raven."

She closes the door again and I turn to Ajay who is looking very confused.

"How's the shoulder?" I casually ask, walking over and sitting down on the bed beside him.

Still shocked, he replies, "Yeah, it's fine, thanks."

"Good," I nod. "Can I ask you a favor?"

"Like what?"

"I'm leaving."

"Leaving where?" He asks.

"As far away from here as I can. And I need you to-"

"Why? I don't want......Snake needs you."

"No he doesn't, I'm easily replaceable Ajay."

"Are you kidding me, Raven? There is no one else in the world like you!"

"Just shhhh," I quiet him. "I've made up my mind about this, I'm going."

"Then let me come with you." He stands, pacing the ground in front of me.

"No, you will only slow me down. And you are safe here, you have a good life. I want you to stay put, look after Snake and Abby for me."

He sighs loudly, reminding me I'm on a tight schedule if I want to make good distance tonight.

"Ajay, I need you to do me a favor."

"What is it?" his shoulders fall, realizing I won't ever let him come with me.

"I need you to hold off Snake as long as you can. Stop him from looking for me, anything that will stall him. I need as much time as I can get."

"It'll be hard......"

"Please, Ajay. I can't stay here. I need you to help me on this." I look at him desperately, trying to convince him to do me a solid.

"Fine." he gives in.

I stand happily and lean to peck him on the cheek.

"Thank you." I grin, and step around him to leave.

"Wait!" He says loudly, and I stop to turn to him, waiting for him to talk. "I.....I will always love you, Rave."

I simply smile and nod once, before closing the door behind me.

I burst out the front door and jog to my motorbike in the light of dusk.

One more stop before I'm out of here.


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