Flaming Heart: A Brothel Thie...

Par LeonovaLubov

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Is it hard to be a detective? When Theo starts his first year of work, he faces all the 'beauty' of the crimi... Plus

Chapter 1. Sandra
Chapter 2. Duty First
Chapter 3. The Madam
Chapter 4. Awoken Passion
Chapter 5. A Touch of Sunrise
Chapter 6. Hiding From the Heat
Chapter 7. Imprinted in Memory
Chapter 8. Candice
Chapter 9. Ignition
Chapter 10. Interrogation
Chapter 11. Perfectly Framed
Chapter 12. New Lead
Chapter 13. In a Heartbeat
Chapter 14. Collecting the Pieces
Chapter 15. Between the Sheets
Chapter 17. The Debt
Chapter 18. An Agony
Chapter 19. Bloody Conflict
Chapter 20. Burnt Bridges
Chapter 21. From the Clear Page
What to read next?

Chapter 16. A Thin Line

524 20 24
Par LeonovaLubov

The door to the captain's office was crafted from intricately carved wood and gleamed with a polished finish. Like all the buildings in the area, it carried a distinct aroma, reminiscent of a time when quality and core values held greater importance. Unfortunately, those times had faded, along with most of the honest guardians who once protected them.

Theo rapped on the door before entering without waiting for an invitation. Captain Braun sat behind his desk, engrossed in his paperwork. Without lifting his gaze, he gestured for Theo to take a seat, indicating that he was close to completing his report.

Theo sank into the visitor chair, his hands gripping the wooden armrests tightly. The weight of everything he had discovered threatened to burst forth in a torrent of anger since he had arrived at work that day. To his disbelief, it was Captain Braun who had set Blake free, the very criminal responsible for flooding the town with drugs. After all the effort Theo had put into capturing him, it felt like a harsh slap to the face.

Theo took a deep breath, determined to keep his anger in check. While the idea of setting the room ablaze was tempting, he knew there were better ways to handle the situation. After all, he had come here seeking answers.

In an attempt to distract himself, Theo glanced around the room. The wall opposite the window was adorned with bookshelves, filled to the brim with books, journals, and countless case folders. At the top of one shelf, he noticed a bottle containing a peculiar yellowish potion. He had always been curious about its purpose but had never mustered the courage to ask. Now, he had nothing to lose.

"Why do you keep that potion there, Captain?" Theo inquired, gesturing towards the shelf.

The captain finished his writing and closed the case folder, his gaze shifting to the shelf in question. "Ah, a Sleeping potion," he replied, a hint of nostalgia in his voice. "It serves as a reminder of the line a guardian should never cross."

You're freaking kidding me. Theo seethed with anger, but he managed to express his concerns in a more composed manner. "So, this line you speak of... does it include setting criminals free?"

The captain regarded him with a focused gaze. "So you've heard about Blake."

Theo clenched his jaw, feeling the fiery rage within him threaten to consume the very chair he sat on.

The captain carefully placed his pen in the inkwell and folded his hands on the desk. "Theo, I've been observing you closely since your first day here. I've been aware of your every move. Just to be clear, it was I who instructed Jeffrey Spence to approach you after your interrogation of Candice. His role was to gain your trust and ascertain your intentions."

Theo gasped. "So, you were aware of my plan to arrest Blake?"

"Not really. I learned about it this morning, right after I arrived at work. I was informed that we had a new suspect in custody. I immediately summoned Spence, and he filled me in on your actions." He grinned. "I must admit, I didn't see that coming. You've certainly earned yourself a favor. I think you no longer deserve the title of a rookie."

"Then what am I to you? A mere pawn?"

The captain chuckled. "I would prefer to think of you as a true guardian."

"Unlike you," Theo spat. "How could you release Blake, knowing the harm he will cause?"

The captain rose from his seat and walked over to the window. He opened the frames, allowing the warm air and sunlight to fill the room. The sunshine enveloped his silhouette, obscuring his facial features. "Our job is far from simple, Theo."

"That still doesn't explain why you released Blake."

"I'm getting to that." The captain raised his hand, signaling for Theo to be patient. "I've known about Blake's criminal activities for some time now, and I wanted nothing more than to see him behind bars. However, my hands were tied by orders from higher authorities."

Theo took a moment to absorb this new information. Apparently, this case was far more complex than he had initially thought. "What kind of orders?"

The captain sighed, his gaze fixed on the distant horizon. "This man, Blake, he did something at Middle Lake. But he managed to evade punishment by striking a deal with someone in a position of power. He became immune to our jurisdiction. None of our team members had the authority to search his home, his club, or even issue such orders."

Theo groaned. A deal. He knew exactly what the captain was referring to – the loophole in the justice system where criminals could strike deals to evade or reduce their punishment. It was a frustrating game, where sometimes they had to release the smaller fish to catch the bigger ones.

"But you arrested him without any orders from our guardian team." The captain chuckled. "I bet no one in their right mind expected you to go to such lengths. So, when you apprehended him, I had no choice but to take over the interrogation. Luckily, he proved to be cooperative and provided me with information about his supplier. By the way, your move with the witness advocate was quite clever."

"Thanks," Theo replied, not interested in the captain's flattery. "So, what happens now?"

"Now, we wait. Once your practice in Triville ends, you'll return to Middle Lake and continue what we started here." The captain explained. "The question is, will you be able to uncover the drug supplier among the guardians?"

"You mean..." Theo paused, connecting the dots. "The supplier is one of us? A fellow guardian?"

"I'm afraid so," the captain confirmed. "Unfortunately, Blake doesn't know the specific names, but he was sent here by someone within the management team who is familiar with the supplier. From what he gathered, it's someone high up in the ranks."

"In the heart of the Kingdom," Theo muttered. "Damn."

"Exactly," the captain agreed. "That's why you need to be cautious. You can't share this information with anyone, not even your closest friends. It's the only way we can ensure we catch them."

"Understood." Theo nodded. "But what about Blake? Are we just going to let him continue his illegal activities?"

"Not exactly like that. Blake will continue to receive his weekly packages, but we will intercept and confiscate them to prevent further crimes. In the meantime, I will reach out to a trustworthy contact in Middle Lake who will continue investigating this case."

Theo stood up, unable to bear sitting in the overheated leather chair any longer. His mind was racing, trying to process everything. "What about the financial aspect? Will it be a problem for Blake now that he can't sell the drugs anymore?"

"He is the owner of the business," the captain replied with a shrug. "It's his problem to handle. I know he has more money than he declares on his official tax reports. Besides, his hands are tied now. He signed a document this morning stating that he cannot leave the town."

Theo wiped the sweat from his forehead. This was why Blake had shown up at Sandra's doorstep earlier. He must have been desperate to retrieve his money, as it was likely the only way he could pay his drug suppliers.

"But you're right," the captain acknowledged, diverting Theo's attention from his immediate concerns. "It's crucial that we resolve this situation as soon as possible. If anyone in Middle Lake suspects that Blake has made another deal with the guardians, they would rather eliminate him than take the risk."

"How do you plan to catch them?"

"I won't sugarcoat it – it won't be easy. But we can start by tracking the source of the drugs. Currently, we know they have a lab in Santos. That's where we'll begin our investigation."

The mention of Santos, a foggy port city, brought a smile to Theo's face. "I have a friend, Elisa, who is doing her cadet practice there."

"I know her," the captain replied with sadness in his smile. "She used to live here in Triville. It's impressive how far she's come."

"And she can be of great help. She's reliable," Theo added.

"Excellent," the captain nodded. "I'll make the necessary arrangements for an undercover mission then."


The captain smiled and patted Theo's shoulder. "Alright, you can head home now. I still have some paperwork to finish up."

The mention of going home made Theo's stomach rumble. It was nearly the end of his shift, and he had been too preoccupied to think about eating until now. He longed for a delicious dinner with Sandra, his woman. The thought of her brought a smile to his face. He couldn't wait to see her again.

"Oh, I almost forgot." The captain moved to his desk and retrieved a small cotton bag. He tossed it to Theo.

Theo caught the bag and opened it, revealing a handful of coins. It was twice the amount he was supposed to earn for his first month. "What's this for?"

"A special bonus for your hard work," the captain replied with a wink. "Use it to buy something nice for yourself or your girlfriend."

"I definitely will." Theo beamed with gratitude. "Thank you, captain!"

~ • ~ ☆ ~ • ~ ☆ ~ • ~ ☆ ~ • ~

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P.S. Okay, the Guardian Captain is not the villain in this story. But who is? 🤔

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